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Super Bowl XLII


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Great game :) Half time show was a treat, the commercials were a riot...the kids n I LOVED the napolean guy...mainly because our little white pony could have doubled for his horse :) Of course we loved the corny clydesdale commercials ..

We are not even foot ball fans, but were biting our nails right up to the end.

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hissyfit may be too strong a term for it, but he left the field before the game was over . Granted it was confusing at the end, but if his team had to go back out and run one more play, seems to me his job is to stay til the end. Others are making a bigger deal of it than I am.

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MStar, you're a good sport!

Hiway29 said:

The hissy fit by Bellicheck (sic) at the end of the game was pretty revealing, and not in a good way.

He's a pouter. When he was coaching the Browns we called him "Bill Bellyache."

I'm thrilled the Giants won, and they won me $45 in the football pool...well, they had the Pats' help on that, but I'll credit the team I was rooting for. :)

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  GeorgeStGeorge said:
I noticed that the camera cut to Peyton Manning every time his brother threw a touchdown or long pass.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think PM looks an awful lot like LCM? :o


May not be just you, but I sure didn't think in those terms.

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One has to salute the Pats as the greatest team to not win a championship---which of course is little consolation...18-1 is a great season, unless the "1" is your last game...People usually forget the Superbowl loser rather quickly, but in the Patriots case,they'll be talked about for a long time...

I have a question for anybody who understands how reviewing calls via instant replay works...When the Pats punted in the third quarter on 4th and 2, Belichek threw in the red flag, challenging, and winning that their were 12 Giants on the field...He was correct, of course, but how can you reverse a non-call?...Lots of infractions happen in the course of a game that are not called by the refs---holding, pass interference, face masks etal...If the ref misses a 'grabbing the facemask' penalty, the coach can't ask for a replay and get the refs to call the penalty after the replay....So, how can the ref be allowed to call 'too many men', when he missed it the first time, but caught it in the replay booth?....

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Leave it to Simon to come up with a really good question....

i havent got the answer to that--other than guessing that 12 men is an indisputable penalty (there either are 12 men or there isnt) and not a matter of interpretation as interference, holding etc often are....----hopefully someone who knows the rules clearer will come along and give a real answer--but thats my guess

Good to see you btw

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Thanks, Mstar...I live right down the street here from the New England Pats fan club headquarters,here in Phoenix...A place called The Vine, where Rocky and I have had lunch quite a few times... The place was really a' rockin' and a rollin' all weekend...I passed it by last night, about a half hour after the game was over and it, of course, was emptier than a Mogen-David bottle outside a soup kitchen...It's really disheartening to be right there on the cusp of destiny---in fact, all time greatness--only to have it shattered in one quarter of football...I couldn't help but feel bad for all those fans, who were no longer there---on their way home and wishing football had never been invented...Not to rub it in, but this has got to be one of the toughest team losses, disappointments, that sports has seen for sometime...Thank God for baseball...

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i was born and raised in nyc and have been a ny giants fan since the days of charlie connerly, sam huff, rosey grier, frank gifford, y. a. tittle, etc.......however, having lived in massachusetts for 20 years, i have become a loyal patriots fan as well.............i am sad that their perfect season is over..;.......imperfectly..........but, at least it was the G-MEN who were the ones who ended the dream!......that makes it bearable...............the giants defense beat the crap out of the pats offense.......they knocked brady off his feet 18 times!........almost half of all his dropbacks!..........it was ole time giants smashmouth football!.....and, i'm happy for eli!......i said from day one he'd be the giants' franchise qb sooner or later........guess it's sooner!.........with my 2 favorite teams in it, it was a great super bowl!..........most watched super bowl ever!!!.......but, the outcome has got to be a huge disappointment for the franchise!............it'll be interesting to see what happens next season!......i say the pats will win the superbowl next year, without going undefeated.........but, until then it'll be, GO CELTICS!!!

regarding the 12 men on-the-field review............that is a procedural penalty, like a false start or offsides, or delay-of-game.......not a play foul or personal foul.......a procedural penalty is automatic, in that it must be called and charged...........it automatically negates any play following the infraction without loss of down.......the reason belichek was allowed the review is that the review established indeed, that the giants 12th player did not make it off the field of play before the snap, thus causing the procedural penalty which was overlooked by the officials.........it's automatic and negated the preceding play without loss of down, and once determined, it had to be called.............that's my story and i'm stickin' to it!

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Apparently, Eli was supposed to be on Letterman tonight... but he couldn't get a flight out. Bad weather today, here and probably lots of other places in the US delayed a lot of flights out of Phoenix.

But Eli will, apparently, be there on Wednesday.

Heck, at my house, I think we've gotten more rain in the last two months than we did in the entire 12 months before that. Including at least a half inch today.

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you can't ask for a review on false starts or offsides etc. can you?

However, the number of men on the field at the snap is one of the infractions that are specifically listed as subject to review. I have never seen it requested until that game, but that is beside the point.

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It's really disheartening to be right there on the cusp of destiny---in fact, all time greatness--only to have it shattered in one quarter of football

34 seconds

They were 18-0 and ahead in the 19th game until the final 34 seconds.

34 seconds

Im not complaining. The Giants totally outplayed them and earned it but yes it is dissappointing to get that incredibly close to something, in this case alltime football immortality and to see it not happen..

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Belichek got the Ravens with the same review/penalty in their game during the season during that last drive that the Pats went ahead and scored on... one of the quirky things on that drive that ultimately cost the Ravens the game... (just thought I'd throw that in)

It was a very good game and I didn't want to root for the Giants but found myself doing so anyway... Eli 'coming of age' is a bad thing for us (Cowboy fans) our only hope is that the Giants will keep Shockey since he seems to intimidate Eli into submision causing him to panic...

It will be interesting to see what comes of the newest spygate episode... evidently the NFL never questioned the head video guy from the past that is now in Hawaii who has signed a confidentiality statement... word is that he wants congress to look deeper and call him to testify so's he can get it off of his chest... the Pats evidently taped the final Rams walk through before that first super bowl... a game also decided by three points... and that's illegal.

Belichek makes it easy to root against the Pats although most of their players are 'stand up' guys who play at an exceptional level...

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You know i dont follow football like I follow baseball. i suppose I can see why others dont like Belichick. To me he is the guy who hardly says anything ( and to me the understatements have an element of humor in them ) and does his job brilliantly. If there is such a thing as a coaching genuis he falls right in the category--but I do see how he rubs others the wrong way..

I really dont get the Arlen Spector thing, afaik no actual laws were broken, like in the steroid case where illegal drug trafficking was involved. Will every runner who ever reached second and stole a pitch sign get a Senate subpoena as well? Will Bobby Thompsons HR be rescinded because the sign was stolen in CF and relayed from the bullpen?

I dont know what Spector's angle is, but I do know that Belichick and the Patriots are the popular team to hate these days. It wouldn't surprise me if he was out to capitalize on that for his own advantage.

Edited by mstar1
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well starman... of course you are a Pats fan! ...the deal about Belichek is that yes, he's been very successful and developed the reputation of 'coaching genius'... BUT... if he's done that while breaking a lot of rules of the game, giving him and his team an unfair advantage... then that's wrong.

I don't know what Spector's angle is other than one of the Pats super bowl victories was over the Iggles...

There's a big difference between stealing signs and what they're accused of doing... but you know that...

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Bill Belichick should be fined for walking off the game, even with one second left. He acted like a little kid and hardly was the sportsman in losing. Great coach, but poor behavior. He just left everybody, including his players, alone on the field.

Pretty sad. Pretty bad.

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