Home is where the heart is...and our Home is to be in Heaven with the Lord Christ...
What you thought was home, was just a depot on the journey of life. Blessings.
thanks,i just want to make a statement that good seeds planted don't get destroyed,like that young nun sharing christ,it was just very dissapointing to get finally to a place in my life that i wanted answers and ended up getting hoodwinked by THE WAY INTERNATIONAL. it is hell coming out of sra abuse and then ,wanting to know truth and finding it counterfiet.
I am not looking to join ANYTHING ,I am just saying that catholic nun planted that seed of hope in my heart . ,,AND I AM THANKFUL.
I heard a soft voice pierce thru the numbness of my soul. She was singing a song about Jesus.
The sound of the guitar seemed to reach down and embrace my heart with a warm tenderness to a cold body.
Her eyes sparkling with joy like candles dancing in the darkness of a beautiful home where one felt security and assurance and safety of heart.
Once I felt this peace i knew it was something no one would or could EVER take away from me. It was a seed that was planted in my life, a ray of HOPE that would continue to grow as my life journey continued into a rainbow pf hope to encourage and strengthen me and build my faith with cords of spiritual fiber to network my inner soul.(in a true God) FATHER,SON AND HOLY SPIRIT.
I was 7 yrs old life had not been good,i was a victim a satanic ritual abuse,and in this moment and time this young nun had made the greatest impact on my life!
I wanted what she had,that peace..........the joy . i was seven and noone knew about the babysitters husband,who abused me,who buried me and drugged me, ofcourse i felt dissconnected and no where to turn,but i wanted God in my life and through the years i often thought about that day at school and how to get HOW TO REALLY REALLY get into the FAMILY of GOD!
Years passed and i got older and shoved all that bad stuff inside and got into drugs like a lot of kids did in the 70s,but i liked them a little too much!
It scared me,what i was doing to myself and my best friend had died and I was so angry and I WANTED ANSWERS.
I wrote a letter to GOD because i had NO idea how to get a hold of this higher power and in it were my funeral arrangements and a suicide plan if I didn't get any answers by the time we moved to Tinker Air Force Base in OKLAHOMA.
I was 17 yrs old then and wanted to start my life over,I was in college studying criminal justice,and started to party again like most college kids do,
Coming home from school one day I picked up a hitch hiker and she invited me to a twig,she seemed nice and she told me it was a christian fellowship,a bible study........................and i said thats nice where is your apartment and i went home.
Friday night came and I went to the bar as usual,my friend had to work late and i ended up walking inot a twig.buzzed with 28 wows watching a film called changed. I wanted that..that is what I wanted..i dove in head first and didn't look back..i thought i was HOME.
i wrote this for catholic s only because i didn't want to offend anyone elses way of believing,i thought they might understand,but i guess it could be for anyone too.
......that first part was hard to write but i got an email asking just what am i trying to say here? so..i will go on.
How beautiful are those who serve the wine and the bread to a world Jesus Christ died for,this nun would teach us the signifigance of holy communion with a song called take our bread,she taught me how to play guitar and in mass you'd have all these little kids playing instruments ,it was presious.
Take our bread is a traditional cathlolic song and the words are as follows.
Take our bread..we ask you take our hearts we love you take our lives ..oh Father we are yours. We are yours,
Yours as we stand at the table you set...yours as we eat this bread our hearts can't forget...we are the sign of your life with us yet ...we are yours
we are yours.
Your holy people standing washed in your blood,spirit filled yet hungry we await your food...we are poor but we brought ourselves the best that we could
we are yours..we are yours.
She taught us that this was the SOURCE WE ALL NEEDED TO LIVE ,to survive through thick and thin and evn though we were very young and filled with childlike dreams of toys and fairytales she knew....
She knew tjos would be the pivoting factor in our lives,that would be the substance to help us in lifes storms that would await us,as life goes.
Recieving this teaching done with love and compassion from a young women who had given her life to serve God was to me like recieving the GIFT OF BLOOD IN ONE OF NEED OF LIFE!
In the mass i would watch the priest and during the time with i wa told to believe was the most holy time was when those three bells would ring.
and everyman with hand held fist would bow their head with fist closed and touch their heart.
Even though through the years i would as everyone memorize the mass and actions of it,this part always seemed new...the priest would read from the HOLY Word of God saying:
Father in heaven it is right that we should give you thanks and praise,You are the one God,living and true.
Through all eternity you live in unappraochable light. SOURCE OF LIFE and goodness,you have created all things,to fill your creation with every
blessing and lead all men to the joyful vision of your light.
Countless host of angels stand before you to do your will,they look upon your splendor and praise you night and day united with them and in the name of every creature under heaven we too praise your glory and sing.
our seven year old minds to not realize the transition from phantom to image faith BUT we knew this that God was in our hearts and we were children of the Lord....and believing this would symbolically give us that blood transfusion to every network of our fiber to build spiritual muscle in the life to come ahead of us.
You see a phantom is NOT an image with no substance. appearing or forming in the mind,unreal,illusive and i feel it important to share what faith is and what it is not.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen. Substance abuse is empty,if your were told of a substance that had NO blood(john l and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and through His shed blood we have activated NEW LIFE .
That which has access to bring by root the essential material into our lives(the SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS UNSEEN)
This is not something man can fabricate into existance(with a pfal class or whatever the phantom image was),,this is the real existance of the shed
blood of the LIVING GOD.
For this is the SOURCE of mans life,this is what we were designed to draw strength from,OUR BREAD OF LIFE...OUR DAILY BREAD AND THIS IS THE HEALING IMAGE.
There are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ in all walks of life (nuns among them) - so glad that the Christ in her could reach out and touch your troubled soul.
We never know who we will reach or what seeds we plant as we speak with the tenderness and compassion of God our Father and his son the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of those seeds take a long time to germinate and to start to come to fruition. She planted, another watered.
That is a LOVELY account of the Mass. It is a pity when people lose that faith and only see the motions.
Even setting aside the large problem of Father Molester for the moment I don't think it is the lack of faith that is the problem here Mark.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that once an ordained priest blesses the bread of the Lord's Supper, it is transformed into the actual flesh of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of bread); and when he blesses the wine, it is transformed into the actual blood of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of wine).
I don't see cannibalism and vampirism as any lovely family values. Eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood is by far worse and sicker than anything the Way came up with. A teaching on fear seems to pale in light of this sick twisted doctrine. Speaking of the mass let me share my lovely experience of the mass as shared to us at the tender age of 8 or 9, third graders. We were told the story of saint (? someone who's name escapes me) who during mass was interrupted by German soldiers who promptly executed the church clergy in the aisles. After ripping them to pieces with their machine guns they threw the communion hosts down the aisle. But when all looked bleak saint Tommy Gun here rose to the occasion despite being ripped to pieces by machine gun fire, he managed to crawl up the aisle undetected eating each of the defaced hosts. Just as there was one more host left a guard noticed what was transpiring and let out another blast from his machine gun but saint Tommy Gun in a feat of great strength managed to claw his way to the last host and swallow it before succumbing to the hail of bullets. Of course like Christ he declared It is Finished, and prayed for his killers to be forgiven in true priestly fashion, before he expired as well.
Now this lovely little story caused me for the rest of the year to make sure I always sat on the end of the aisle where I had a straight shot to the confessional booths to hide just in case some crazed Russian or German decided to invade our church and mow us all down. I figured it was the best plan for survival because I was not about to eat any father ,son, or moldy toast if there were machine guns involved. I was not a big fan of the stale bread to begin with, (I mean they could have at least used wonder bread ,so it would build our bodies stronger 12 ways. And I sure had no plan to be fool enough to crawl up some aisle like saint Tommy Gun and get myself ripped to shreds in slow motion. I'll probably need years of therapy to get this vision of loveliness out of my brain. Yes what a delightful thing mass was ......
Tune in next week for another story from school days where we'll see poor Joe get his knuckles split open by sister crazy and her ruler for committing the crime of making a pencil mark in a test booklet. Can you say cult?
Can't have a Catholic thread (even one that is started by an ex catholic) without you having to put your two cents in.
(BTW, glad to see you finally admit to rejecting Sacred Scripture. It took long enough. I'm sure Geo and Garth will be glad to welcome you into thier caucus)
Even setting aside the large problem of Father Molester for the moment I don't think it is the lack of faith that is the problem here Mark.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that once an ordained priest blesses the bread of the Lord's Supper, it is transformed into the actual flesh of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of bread); and when he blesses the wine, it is transformed into the actual blood of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of wine).
I don't see cannibalism and vampirism as any lovely family values. Eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood is by far worse and sicker than anything the Way came up with. A teaching on fear seems to pale in light of this sick twisted doctrine. Speaking of the mass let me share my lovely experience of the mass as shared to us at the tender age of 8 or 9, third graders. We were told the story of saint (? someone who's name escapes me) who during mass was interrupted by German soldiers who promptly executed the church clergy in the aisles. After ripping them to pieces with their machine guns they threw the communion hosts down the aisle. But when all looked bleak saint Tommy Gun here rose to the occasion despite being ripped to pieces by machine gun fire, he managed to crawl up the aisle undetected eating each of the defaced hosts. Just as there was one more host left a guard noticed what was transpiring and let out another blast from his machine gun but saint Tommy Gun in a feat of great strength managed to claw his way to the last host and swallow it before succumbing to the hail of bullets. Of course like Christ he declared It is Finished, and prayed for his killers to be forgiven in true priestly fashion, before he expired as well.
Now this lovely little story caused me for the rest of the year to make sure I always sat on the end of the aisle where I had a straight shot to the confessional booths to hide just in case some crazed Russian or German decided to invade our church and mow us all down. I figured it was the best plan for survival because I was not about to eat any father ,son, or moldy toast if there were machine guns involved. I was not a big fan of the stale bread to begin with, (I mean they could have at least used wonder bread ,so it would build our bodies stronger 12 ways. And I sure had no plan to be fool enough to crawl up some aisle like saint Tommy Gun and get myself ripped to shreds in slow motion. I'll probably need years of therapy to get this vision of loveliness out of my brain. Yes what a delightful thing mass was ......
Tune in next week for another story from school days where we'll see poor Joe get his knuckles split open by sister crazy and her ruler for committing the crime of making a pencil mark in a test booklet. Can you say cult?
to my knowledge and keep in mind i am not a practicing catholic, a lot of the old school stuff the new generation isn't buying that,i love the symbolism of the mass but i personally don't believe in the flesh and blood(for real) stuff like that and i know hundreds of people in the city i come from that don't either.
I suppose thier are some really differant types of catholics just like their are many differant types of christian,baptist and pentecostal but we are all the family of God and the body of Christ.(I knew this would probably offend some of you guys that is why i warned you it was for catholics only,we don't all think the same exact doctrine.
to my knowledge and keep in mind i am not a practicing catholic, a lot of the old school stuff the new generation isn't buying that,i love the symbolism of the mass but i personally don't believe in the flesh and blood(for real) stuff like that and i know hundreds of people in the city i come from that don't either.
I suppose thier are some really differant types of catholics just like their are many differant types of christian,baptist and pentecostal but we are all the family of God and the body of Christ.(I knew this would probably offend some of you guys that is why i warned you it was for catholics only,we don't all think the same exact doctrine.
One thing about White Dove that you have to understand is that he is one of the few on this site who are Jack Chick-like in his hatred of the Catholic Church and anything Catholic at all. (click on the link and you'll see why in this case).
It's sort of funny. Whenever I bring up anything overtly pro-Catholic on this thread, he immediately pounces (I think his mission is to warn mere mortals like yourself about the evils of the Catholic Church)
If there is a pedophile priest thread and I say something to condemn the practice, he jumps on and criticizes me because I am either not critical enough or that I don't realize "the real reason they're pedophiles is because they're Catholic..." (note the quotes there)
If I attempt to correct a mis-statement, well, I am not qualified to do so because he graduated from a Catholic High School and thus knows more about the Church than the Pope (which is really funny, considering Ratzinger's background as a theologian).
The message content such as that posted by White Dove, and the open hatred expressed therein, is the reason why there are some who post on this board (as I mentioned to you in that other thread) who are afraid to admit that they have either a) converted or b) gone back.
(Corrected to add this one comment) But, don't get me wrong. Other than this one subject, he's a pretty nice guy. There's just that one chink in his armor...
i don't really like the catholic church. is that hatred ?
i do believe god works in the catholic church just like he did in the wayfer world
that's giving credit to god
not all the other nonsense
Actually, excath, I would never put you in the same league -- I don't recall seeing you go out of your way -- and, if anybody in the world would have a reason to go out of your way, you would.
I am just putting this out there,because it is my story,this is the pattern of my life from SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE to being so afraid that God would never love me or accept me that i was bad on the inside,and a person who happened to be a nun in san antonio texas,reallly loved her work and touched the lives of children.
I went to catholic school also,because my parents sent me there not because i choose too,my point i want to discuss in this thread is that when i found THE WAY INTERNATIONAL I THOUGHT I WAS THERE!!!!
WHAT EVENTS LEAD PEOPLE TO JOIN A CULT(well..for me the beginning had a lot to do with,and i believe what i wrote could possibly HELP others that were in a similar situation)...that Nun was the first person to help me(even before my family)
One thing about White Dove that you have to understand is that he is one of the few on this site who are Jack Chick-like in his hatred of the Catholic Church and anything Catholic at all. (click on the link and you'll see why in this case).
Now Mark I did not even know who Jack was until you brought him up awhile back actually I thought he might be a new action star like Bruce Lee. I was expecting a movie Jack Chick in Battle for China town.....
It's sort of funny. Whenever I bring up anything overtly pro-Catholic on this thread, he immediately pounces (I think his mission is to warn mere mortals like yourself about the evils of the Catholic Church)
Well it is a cult site so I thought I'd share my experience in one.
If there is a pedophile priest thread and I say something to condemn the practice, he jumps on and criticizes me because I am either not critical enough or that I don't realize "the real reason they're pedophiles is because they're Catholic..." (note the quotes there)
Come on Mark I took the father molester off the discussion table for you ,just wanted to make sure you did not forget him. I never said the reason they're pedophiles is because they're Catholic. But I do believe that if they had a normal sexual life available to them rather than hanging around men and little boys perhaps there would be less of a problem. I think there is a growing opinion in the church to support that as well these days. It would be foolish to not consider that perhaps church policies are are creating an environment that is enabling to this kind of behavior.
If I attempt to correct a mis-statement, well, I am not qualified to do so because he graduated from a Catholic High School and thus knows more about the Church than the Pope (which is really funny, considering Ratzinger's background as a theologian).
Mark you misrepresent me here, I never claimed to know everything about the church, only what I was taught which may at this point be outdated. You know how those popes are one is God breathed at least until the next one comes along and decides different. I never said you were not qualified I'm sure you are well indoctrinated in church beliefs. Again I can only share what I was taught.
The message content such as that posted by White Dove, and the open hatred expressed therein, is the reason why there are some who post on this board (as I mentioned to you in that other thread) who are afraid to admit that they have either a) converted or b) gone back.
I'd say the same is true towards Exway beliefs as well here wouldn't you? I wonder why one would hide the fact anyway why not stand up for what you believe does someone's opinion really bother you that much? People voice their disagreement with things we were taught in the way that I may hold to . So what? I'm not afraid to speak up . I don't dislike Catholics as people only the doctrine for it's unscriptural practices. I know lots of nice Catholics including my Aunts who were Sisters of Charity, nice people can be wrong as well as the next person. I'm sure Sister had a good intent for telling us that story I'm sure she probably thought it would inspire a respect for the Eucharist in us but in a cold war era when we were already ducking under desks with our letter cards over our heads to protect us from certain nuclear death I think given the age group it was a poor decision. By the way I liked that nun she was one of my all time favorite teachers she had a brother who played baseball for the Pittsburgh Pirates they were in the world series that year and we listened to the games while we did class work.
So did I get the transubstantiation wrong? I checked it again from Catholic answers Here
Third, you must believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation. "For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself" (1 Cor. 11:29). Transubstantiation means more than the Real Presence. According to transubstantiation, the bread and wine are actually transformed into the actual body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, with only the appearances of bread and wine remaining.
I did not make the doctrine here just pointing them out. It looks to me like if you eat the flesh and blood which are no longer bread and wine that pretty much qualifies as cannibalism and vampirism.
(Corrected to add this one comment) But, don't get me wrong. Other than this one subject, he's a pretty nice guy. There's just that one chink in his armor...
Mark I bet your a nice guy as well ......It's just that your in a cult thing............
There are some here that would disagree with your point of view there, some think that VPW was useless to God .
Now Me personally, I'm not interested in a God or anyone else for that matter that uses me. I think someone said things are to be used people are not. "Lord use me" That sounds like something Saint Francis would say, it makes a nice song to wave your hands to, but no thanks no church with you.
There are some here that would disagree with your point of view there, some think that VPW was useless to God .
Now Me personally, I'm not interested in a God or anyone else for that matter that uses me. I think someone said things are to be used people are not. "Lord use me" That sounds like something Saint Francis would say, it makes a nice song to wave your hands to, but no thanks no church with you.
OH! try not breathing AIR for 7 minuetes,now i just feel sorry for you you seem to have been a very sheltered child growing up and i don't know your story but..why don't you try to just let me tell mine and I WARNED PEOPLE THIS WAS NOT FOR CATHOLICS.
OH! try not breathing AIR for 7 minuetes,now i just feel sorry for you you seem to have been a very sheltered child growing up and i don't know your story but..why don't you try to just let me tell mine and I WARNED PEOPLE THIS WAS NOT FOR CATHOLICS.
Tell on........ I don't think anyone was stoping you from speaking. But just a question which is it? the title says for Catholics ,above you say you warned us it is not for Catholics. Which do you mean? Do you know ? Are you confused?
Tell on........ I don't think anyone was stoping you from speaking. But just a question which is it? the title says for Catholics ,above you say you warned us it is not for Catholics. Which do you mean? Do you know ? Are you confused?
for catholics only(yes i wrote that wrong)please forgve me sir.
for catholics only(yes i wrote that wrong)please forgve me sir.
Ok then , no problem everyone has typo's. Now that we cleared that up I'm sorry that you think it is insulting that I questioned the practice of eating flesh and drinking people's blood. Insulting would not be the word I woould use for people who do such things.
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Home is where the heart is...and our Home is to be in Heaven with the Lord Christ...
What you thought was home, was just a depot on the journey of life. Blessings.
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thanks,i just want to make a statement that good seeds planted don't get destroyed,like that young nun sharing christ,it was just very dissapointing to get finally to a place in my life that i wanted answers and ended up getting hoodwinked by THE WAY INTERNATIONAL. it is hell coming out of sra abuse and then ,wanting to know truth and finding it counterfiet.
I am not looking to join ANYTHING ,I am just saying that catholic nun planted that seed of hope in my heart . ,,AND I AM THANKFUL.
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i wrote this for catholic s only because i didn't want to offend anyone elses way of believing,i thought they might understand,but i guess it could be for anyone too.
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......that first part was hard to write but i got an email asking just what am i trying to say here? so..i will go on.
How beautiful are those who serve the wine and the bread to a world Jesus Christ died for,this nun would teach us the signifigance of holy communion with a song called take our bread,she taught me how to play guitar and in mass you'd have all these little kids playing instruments ,it was presious.
Take our bread is a traditional cathlolic song and the words are as follows.
Take our bread..we ask you take our hearts we love you take our lives ..oh Father we are yours. We are yours,
Yours as we stand at the table you set...yours as we eat this bread our hearts can't forget...we are the sign of your life with us yet ...we are yours
we are yours.
Your holy people standing washed in your blood,spirit filled yet hungry we await your food...we are poor but we brought ourselves the best that we could
we are yours..we are yours.
She taught us that this was the SOURCE WE ALL NEEDED TO LIVE ,to survive through thick and thin and evn though we were very young and filled with childlike dreams of toys and fairytales she knew....
She knew tjos would be the pivoting factor in our lives,that would be the substance to help us in lifes storms that would await us,as life goes.
Recieving this teaching done with love and compassion from a young women who had given her life to serve God was to me like recieving the GIFT OF BLOOD IN ONE OF NEED OF LIFE!
In the mass i would watch the priest and during the time with i wa told to believe was the most holy time was when those three bells would ring.
and everyman with hand held fist would bow their head with fist closed and touch their heart.
Even though through the years i would as everyone memorize the mass and actions of it,this part always seemed new...the priest would read from the HOLY Word of God saying:
Father in heaven it is right that we should give you thanks and praise,You are the one God,living and true.
Through all eternity you live in unappraochable light. SOURCE OF LIFE and goodness,you have created all things,to fill your creation with every
blessing and lead all men to the joyful vision of your light.
Countless host of angels stand before you to do your will,they look upon your splendor and praise you night and day united with them and in the name of every creature under heaven we too praise your glory and sing.
our seven year old minds to not realize the transition from phantom to image faith BUT we knew this that God was in our hearts and we were children of the Lord....and believing this would symbolically give us that blood transfusion to every network of our fiber to build spiritual muscle in the life to come ahead of us.
You see a phantom is NOT an image with no substance. appearing or forming in the mind,unreal,illusive and i feel it important to share what faith is and what it is not.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen. Substance abuse is empty,if your were told of a substance that had NO blood(john l and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and through His shed blood we have activated NEW LIFE .
That which has access to bring by root the essential material into our lives(the SUBSTANCE OF THINGS HOPED FOR THE EVIDENCE OF THINGS UNSEEN)
This is not something man can fabricate into existance(with a pfal class or whatever the phantom image was),,this is the real existance of the shed
blood of the LIVING GOD.
For this is the SOURCE of mans life,this is what we were designed to draw strength from,OUR BREAD OF LIFE...OUR DAILY BREAD AND THIS IS THE HEALING IMAGE.
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That is a LOVELY account of the Mass. It is a pity when people lose that faith and only see the motions.
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There are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ in all walks of life (nuns among them) - so glad that the Christ in her could reach out and touch your troubled soul.
We never know who we will reach or what seeds we plant as we speak with the tenderness and compassion of God our Father and his son the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of those seeds take a long time to germinate and to start to come to fruition. She planted, another watered.
You are getting there, that's what matters.
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Even setting aside the large problem of Father Molester for the moment I don't think it is the lack of faith that is the problem here Mark.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that once an ordained priest blesses the bread of the Lord's Supper, it is transformed into the actual flesh of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of bread); and when he blesses the wine, it is transformed into the actual blood of Christ (though it retains the appearance, odor, and taste of wine).
I don't see cannibalism and vampirism as any lovely family values. Eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood is by far worse and sicker than anything the Way came up with. A teaching on fear seems to pale in light of this sick twisted doctrine. Speaking of the mass let me share my lovely experience of the mass as shared to us at the tender age of 8 or 9, third graders. We were told the story of saint (? someone who's name escapes me) who during mass was interrupted by German soldiers who promptly executed the church clergy in the aisles. After ripping them to pieces with their machine guns they threw the communion hosts down the aisle. But when all looked bleak saint Tommy Gun here rose to the occasion despite being ripped to pieces by machine gun fire, he managed to crawl up the aisle undetected eating each of the defaced hosts. Just as there was one more host left a guard noticed what was transpiring and let out another blast from his machine gun but saint Tommy Gun in a feat of great strength managed to claw his way to the last host and swallow it before succumbing to the hail of bullets. Of course like Christ he declared It is Finished, and prayed for his killers to be forgiven in true priestly fashion, before he expired as well.
Now this lovely little story caused me for the rest of the year to make sure I always sat on the end of the aisle where I had a straight shot to the confessional booths to hide just in case some crazed Russian or German decided to invade our church and mow us all down. I figured it was the best plan for survival because I was not about to eat any father ,son, or moldy toast if there were machine guns involved. I was not a big fan of the stale bread to begin with, (I mean they could have at least used wonder bread ,so it would build our bodies stronger 12 ways. And I sure had no plan to be fool enough to crawl up some aisle like saint Tommy Gun and get myself ripped to shreds in slow motion. I'll probably need years of therapy to get this vision of loveliness out of my brain. Yes what a delightful thing mass was ......
Tune in next week for another story from school days where we'll see poor Joe get his knuckles split open by sister crazy and her ruler for committing the crime of making a pencil mark in a test booklet. Can you say cult?

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White Dove,
I was wondering when you were going to show up!
Can't have a Catholic thread (even one that is started by an ex catholic) without you having to put your two cents in.
(BTW, glad to see you finally admit to rejecting Sacred Scripture. It took long enough. I'm sure Geo and Garth will be glad to welcome you into thier caucus)
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to my knowledge and keep in mind i am not a practicing catholic, a lot of the old school stuff the new generation isn't buying that,i love the symbolism of the mass but i personally don't believe in the flesh and blood(for real) stuff like that and i know hundreds of people in the city i come from that don't either.
I suppose thier are some really differant types of catholics just like their are many differant types of christian,baptist and pentecostal but we are all the family of God and the body of Christ.(I knew this would probably offend some of you guys that is why i warned you it was for catholics only,we don't all think the same exact doctrine.
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One thing about White Dove that you have to understand is that he is one of the few on this site who are Jack Chick-like in his hatred of the Catholic Church and anything Catholic at all. (click on the link and you'll see why in this case).
It's sort of funny. Whenever I bring up anything overtly pro-Catholic on this thread, he immediately pounces (I think his mission is to warn mere mortals like yourself about the evils of the Catholic Church)
If there is a pedophile priest thread and I say something to condemn the practice, he jumps on and criticizes me because I am either not critical enough or that I don't realize "the real reason they're pedophiles is because they're Catholic..." (note the quotes there)
If I attempt to correct a mis-statement, well, I am not qualified to do so because he graduated from a Catholic High School and thus knows more about the Church than the Pope (which is really funny, considering Ratzinger's background as a theologian).
The message content such as that posted by White Dove, and the open hatred expressed therein, is the reason why there are some who post on this board (as I mentioned to you in that other thread) who are afraid to admit that they have either a) converted or b) gone back.
(Corrected to add this one comment) But, don't get me wrong. Other than this one subject, he's a pretty nice guy. There's just that one chink in his armor...
Edited by markomalleyLink to comment
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i don't really like the catholic church. is that hatred ?
i do believe god works in the catholic church just like he did in the wayfer world
that's giving credit to god
not all the other nonsense
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Actually, excath, I would never put you in the same league -- I don't recall seeing you go out of your way -- and, if anybody in the world would have a reason to go out of your way, you would.
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oh thank you mark
sometimes i do get extremely emotional about things in life
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I am just putting this out there,because it is my story,this is the pattern of my life from SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE to being so afraid that God would never love me or accept me that i was bad on the inside,and a person who happened to be a nun in san antonio texas,reallly loved her work and touched the lives of children.
I went to catholic school also,because my parents sent me there not because i choose too,my point i want to discuss in this thread is that when i found THE WAY INTERNATIONAL I THOUGHT I WAS THERE!!!!
WHAT EVENTS LEAD PEOPLE TO JOIN A CULT(well..for me the beginning had a lot to do with,and i believe what i wrote could possibly HELP others that were in a similar situation)...that Nun was the first person to help me(even before my family)
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I, for one, say we give White Dove a break.
After all, he's not really saying those things are "facts", just ALLEGED "facts"!
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there are good nuns and there are bad nuns (my aunts come to mind)
there are good priest and there are bad priests (my uncles and parish priests come to mind)
there are good cultists and bad cultists (oh not in the mood to get into that)
life is interesting eh ?
take care
i'm tired
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One thing about White Dove that you have to understand is that he is one of the few on this site who are Jack Chick-like in his hatred of the Catholic Church and anything Catholic at all. (click on the link and you'll see why in this case).
Now Mark I did not even know who Jack was until you brought him up awhile back actually I thought he might be a new action star like Bruce Lee. I was expecting a movie Jack Chick in Battle for China town.....
It's sort of funny. Whenever I bring up anything overtly pro-Catholic on this thread, he immediately pounces (I think his mission is to warn mere mortals like yourself about the evils of the Catholic Church)
Well it is a cult site so I thought I'd share my experience in one.
If there is a pedophile priest thread and I say something to condemn the practice, he jumps on and criticizes me because I am either not critical enough or that I don't realize "the real reason they're pedophiles is because they're Catholic..." (note the quotes there)
Come on Mark I took the father molester off the discussion table for you ,just wanted to make sure you did not forget him. I never said the reason they're pedophiles is because they're Catholic. But I do believe that if they had a normal sexual life available to them rather than hanging around men and little boys perhaps there would be less of a problem. I think there is a growing opinion in the church to support that as well these days. It would be foolish to not consider that perhaps church policies are are creating an environment that is enabling to this kind of behavior.
If I attempt to correct a mis-statement, well, I am not qualified to do so because he graduated from a Catholic High School and thus knows more about the Church than the Pope (which is really funny, considering Ratzinger's background as a theologian).
Mark you misrepresent me here, I never claimed to know everything about the church, only what I was taught which may at this point be outdated. You know how those popes are one is God breathed at least until the next one comes along and decides different. I never said you were not qualified I'm sure you are well indoctrinated in church beliefs. Again I can only share what I was taught.
The message content such as that posted by White Dove, and the open hatred expressed therein, is the reason why there are some who post on this board (as I mentioned to you in that other thread) who are afraid to admit that they have either a) converted or b) gone back.
I'd say the same is true towards Exway beliefs as well here wouldn't you? I wonder why one would hide the fact anyway why not stand up for what you believe does someone's opinion really bother you that much? People voice their disagreement with things we were taught in the way that I may hold to . So what? I'm not afraid to speak up . I don't dislike Catholics as people only the doctrine for it's unscriptural practices. I know lots of nice Catholics including my Aunts who were Sisters of Charity, nice people can be wrong as well as the next person. I'm sure Sister had a good intent for telling us that story I'm sure she probably thought it would inspire a respect for the Eucharist in us but in a cold war era when we were already ducking under desks with our letter cards over our heads to protect us from certain nuclear death I think given the age group it was a poor decision. By the way I liked that nun she was one of my all time favorite teachers she had a brother who played baseball for the Pittsburgh Pirates they were in the world series that year and we listened to the games while we did class work.
So did I get the transubstantiation wrong? I checked it again from Catholic answers Here
Third, you must believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation. "For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment upon himself" (1 Cor. 11:29). Transubstantiation means more than the Real Presence. According to transubstantiation, the bread and wine are actually transformed into the actual body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, with only the appearances of bread and wine remaining.
I did not make the doctrine here just pointing them out. It looks to me like if you eat the flesh and blood which are no longer bread and wine that pretty much qualifies as cannibalism and vampirism.
(Corrected to add this one comment) But, don't get me wrong. Other than this one subject, he's a pretty nice guy. There's just that one chink in his armor...
Mark I bet your a nice guy as well ......It's just that your in a cult thing............
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white dove..........you really need to RELAX!
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There are some here that would disagree with your point of view there, some think that VPW was useless to God .
Now Me personally, I'm not interested in a God or anyone else for that matter that uses me. I think someone said things are to be used people are not. "Lord use me" That sounds like something Saint Francis would say, it makes a nice song to wave your hands to, but no thanks no church with you.
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Tell on........ I don't think anyone was stoping you from speaking. But just a question which is it? the title says for Catholics ,above you say you warned us it is not for Catholics. Which do you mean? Do you know ? Are you confused?
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here is a good book by phillip yancey and dr. paul brand,for those of you that believe we actually NEED AIR,WATER,BLOOD and can be used
for more than insulting people .(white dove)
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for catholics only(yes i wrote that wrong)please forgve me sir.
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Ok then , no problem everyone has typo's. Now that we cleared that up I'm sorry that you think it is insulting that I questioned the practice of eating flesh and drinking people's blood. Insulting would not be the word I woould use for people who do such things.
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