Gary Theisen is married to Karen, and father to Tina, Toph, Caitlyn, Andrew and Grace. Gary is an anesthesiologist. He enjoys traveling to Honduras as part of an annual medical mission trip.
I can respect the guy for this.. more than anything he's done for "da ministry"..
at least SOME of them are putting their money where their mouth is..
The Board of STFI is responsible for the current exit from the organization. They want to blame John Lynn. Several people tried to help them and they would not change. Many people are angry with them and have stopped giving money. Some of the decisions they make contribute to the losing of support. My friend said they think they are right and everyone else is wrong. Their relationship with others and superior attitude is one of the central focus problems. They have unfavorable opinions of others when they disagree. They say they are a corporation and not a church.
The Board of STFI is responsible for the current exit from the organization. They want to blame John Lynn. Several people tried to help them and they would not change.
Many people are angry with them and have stopped giving money. Some of the decisions they make contribute to the losing of support.
My friend said they think they are right and everyone else is wrong. Their relationship with others and superior attitude is one of the central focus problems.
They have unfavorable opinions of others when they disagree. They say they are a corporation and not a church.
Thanks for that Factfinder. I kinda got the same impression (again) just last week when I was in Bloomington, Indiana for an extended stay there.
While driving through town, a Jeep passed me ( a NICE Jeep with oversized tires/ chrome wheels/ body lift/ etc., etc.).
As the Jeep went by, I saw one of these bumper stickers on the rear bumper:
Not having anything better to do at the time, I followed it all the way through town so as to talk to the driver and see
if they could tell me anything about what the heck was going on (these days) with "da ministry".
Long story short - - - The Jeep pulled into a Quiznos sandwich shop on the far end of town, and the driver got out.
I pulled up and parked next to it, and as the driver walked away oblivious of me (even though I had been following it for 4 or 5 miles),
I had to say "HEY!!!! Hang on there!" She (it was a she), turned and looked surprised at being talked to.
I mentioned I had seen the bumper sticker on her Jeep, and was wondering is she was a member of STFI?? With a detached voice she said:
"Oh yeah. My Dad is Dan Gal!agher." She said her name was *a**ie (or something like that, I don't remember now). Nuff said for me.
So, I asked her about the "departure" of JAL and what was up with all that? I got a blank stare. I realized I was going to have to do the talking.
So I asked if John left because of personal issues, or if it was a doctrinal split between him an the "rest of the crew" there.
I got the same vacant stare, and then she said, "Oh yea. I think it was a doctrinal thing between them all".
After giving a one sentence answer to direct questions and offering nothing else, I figured she was more in the mood for a sandwich and not questions.
Realizing I was getting nowhere fast, I bid her good day after telling her I used to be a CES/STFI partner once a while back.
She smiled, didn't seem to recognize my name (that's O.K. with me) and headed to her sandwich shop, and I wondered if I'd been "had".
Either - - - she was being deliberately vague with me, or she was REALLY and totally clueless about what was happening with "da ministry".
I couldn't imagine DG's own daughter (if she really was involved) not knowing what was going on. Perhaps she bought into the "smoke screen" facade.
Either way - - - It was a scary proposition to try and figure out, especially if I was actually gonna have to choose between the two options.
Factfinder - - - for what it's worth back in 2007, I was a partner with CES/STFI and the sh!!t was hitting the fan internally there then and they were saying NOTHING
about anything that was going on. Guess it's hard to teach "old dog's new tricks, eh? I see them as "close-mouthed today, as they were back then.
I was supremely p!$ed off that I (and all other "partners") were kept in the dark about what was happening as if we didn't matter at all.
Which - - - - in essence is the truth, unless you count the money that was funneled into the "Org". I'm sure you're familiar with the old "mushroom" definition, eh?
Even though I had been a "partner" with CES, I didn't get a damn clue about what was going on there, until I read it here at GSC.
I fired off some emails to Graeser/ Lynn/ Shoenheit/ and Gallagher and actually got responses from all of them - - - but only since I was asking.
I'm NOT going to post those emails I received from them here, but suffice it to say - - - each one of the laid the blame at another's doorstep rather than their own.
I don't remember who said it (if I recollect it was a twi luminary), but the saying is as true now as it was spoken then:
I read Mr. Maffits letter and I have some of the same experiences with them.
Mr. Maffit said many people who tell them something is wrong are pushed out of the way, not listened to, or told they are wrong or are thinking evil, argued with, or verbally assulted. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said The Board is arrogant, and they act as if they can do no wrong. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said Many of the things I mentioned in the first paragraph were happening then, such as what happened to the Stones and Carlsons, who were pushed out of the way with no explanation given to people. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said Why do we only have four Board members (two of whom are married) when back in 2001 the plan was to have a larger Board? I agree.
Mr. Maffit said For many years I (and many others) have seen the Board become an ever more arrogant clique. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said Dan's January teaching of the month seemed like an assault on John Lynn-my personal opinion.
I agree.
Mr. Maffit said We need a board that is accountable to someone, with some sort of checks and balances. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said We also need much more financial accounting to our supporters. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said We came to an impasse when JWS (John Schoenheit) told me Sue(Carlson/John's sister)had left staff and the ministry of her own free will, which totally floored me, as all I have ever heard was she was fired. He said JAL, Sue, and others wanted "a Board over a Board" of the corporation. I said no, they just wanted accountability. He insisted Sue had quit, so after the call I called Sue and she told me she has the letter of termination. She and Dave stopped their involvement in the ministry after that because they knew they were not wanted.
I agree and know that what Mr. Maffit has said here is true.
Mr. Maffit said He told me to call the council of elders.
Who are the council of elders? I have never heard of them? Does anyone know who they are?
Mr. Maffit said We feel your pushing John Lynn out the door is causing division. I agree.
Mr Maffit said That is not the only thing we would like to say, but because of my experience with you shows me that it will fall on deaf ears, we will forego any more comments. I agree.
There were 2 groups of people at one time. I don't know if there still is. One group was the ordained group. The other group was the prophetic council. I believe there was some overlap.
They have not talked about the many mistakes they made with the prophetic. Many people have been hurt including the Lynns marriage. They ignore responsibility for their part in the crumbling of John Lynns marriage due to prophetic and false prophecy. What about errors in the book on prophecy? For a long time KG was so influential in prophecy and dreams it was scary.
Well, I hope you're proud of yourself, but she does not know the dirty little secrets hiding in the STF closet -
And do you know what's almost worse? The fact that NO ONE else (including Paw) thought that there was anything wrong with this scenario. Should this girl have to pay for the fact that you are ....ed off at her dad??? Think of how you would feel if someone did the same thing to YOUR son or daughter. Shame on all of you - you can take all of the shots you want at DG, JWS, the Theisens, JAL - they have consciously put themselves in the spotlight (and cross hairs, for some of you), but leave their families ALONE.
Why are you involved with a so-called Christian organization that has dirty little secrets hiding in the closet? Don't you know better? Shame on you. I am assuming you are a grown-up.
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bump #2 hello fellow greasespotters!...........i don't know about you, but i, for one, am consistently disappointed by the "fly-by" posts that seem to be the pattern of the ces/stfi members and apolo
Thanks for that Factfinder. I kinda got the same impression (again) just last week when I was in Bloomington, Indiana for an extended stay there. While driving through town, a Jeep passed me ( a NIC
bump..... hi all you fellow greasespotters!'s been awhile since i've posted here in the ces forum..............but, this topic caught my attention, since i spent a good deal of time tr
here's to the new stiffies
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Four members - what a concept. I didn't realize there were 6 before. It is customary to have an uneven number.
MG had to resign unless the bylaws were amended. He knew TR would be gone.
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Hmmm...I wonder why John S. didn't include in his bio that he is a graduate of the 6th corps and sat at the feet of doctor dirty?
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I can respect the guy for this.. more than anything he's done for "da ministry"..
at least SOME of them are putting their money where their mouth is..
or at least so it seems..
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Yup, it looks like john schoenheit and dan gallagher are in charge.
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The Board of STFI is responsible for the current exit from the organization. They want to blame John Lynn. Several people tried to help them and they would not change. Many people are angry with them and have stopped giving money. Some of the decisions they make contribute to the losing of support. My friend said they think they are right and everyone else is wrong. Their relationship with others and superior attitude is one of the central focus problems. They have unfavorable opinions of others when they disagree. They say they are a corporation and not a church.
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Thanks Excie, for the Laugh of the Day!
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Thanks for that Factfinder. I kinda got the same impression (again) just last week when I was in Bloomington, Indiana for an extended stay there.
While driving through town, a Jeep passed me ( a NICE Jeep with oversized tires/ chrome wheels/ body lift/ etc., etc.).
As the Jeep went by, I saw one of these bumper stickers on the rear bumper:
Not having anything better to do at the time, I followed it all the way through town so as to talk to the driver and see
if they could tell me anything about what the heck was going on (these days) with "da ministry".
Long story short - - - The Jeep pulled into a Quiznos sandwich shop on the far end of town, and the driver got out.
I pulled up and parked next to it, and as the driver walked away oblivious of me (even though I had been following it for 4 or 5 miles),
I had to say "HEY!!!! Hang on there!" She (it was a she), turned and looked surprised at being talked to.
I mentioned I had seen the bumper sticker on her Jeep, and was wondering is she was a member of STFI?? With a detached voice she said:
"Oh yeah. My Dad is Dan Gal!agher." She said her name was *a**ie (or something like that, I don't remember now). Nuff said for me.
So, I asked her about the "departure" of JAL and what was up with all that? I got a blank stare. I realized I was going to have to do the talking.
So I asked if John left because of personal issues, or if it was a doctrinal split between him an the "rest of the crew" there.
I got the same vacant stare, and then she said, "Oh yea. I think it was a doctrinal thing between them all".
After giving a one sentence answer to direct questions and offering nothing else, I figured she was more in the mood for a sandwich and not questions.
Realizing I was getting nowhere fast, I bid her good day after telling her I used to be a CES/STFI partner once a while back.
She smiled, didn't seem to recognize my name (that's O.K. with me) and headed to her sandwich shop, and I wondered if I'd been "had".
Either - - - she was being deliberately vague with me, or she was REALLY and totally clueless about what was happening with "da ministry".
I couldn't imagine DG's own daughter (if she really was involved) not knowing what was going on. Perhaps she bought into the "smoke screen" facade.
Either way - - - It was a scary proposition to try and figure out, especially if I was actually gonna have to choose between the two options.
Factfinder - - - for what it's worth back in 2007, I was a partner with CES/STFI and the sh!!t was hitting the fan internally there then and they were saying NOTHING
about anything that was going on. Guess it's hard to teach "old dog's new tricks, eh? I see them as "close-mouthed today, as they were back then.
I was supremely p!$ed off that I (and all other "partners") were kept in the dark about what was happening as if we didn't matter at all.
Which - - - - in essence is the truth, unless you count the money that was funneled into the "Org". I'm sure you're familiar with the old "mushroom" definition, eh?
Even though I had been a "partner" with CES, I didn't get a damn clue about what was going on there, until I read it here at GSC.
I fired off some emails to Graeser/ Lynn/ Shoenheit/ and Gallagher and actually got responses from all of them - - - but only since I was asking.
I'm NOT going to post those emails I received from them here, but suffice it to say - - - each one of the laid the blame at another's doorstep rather than their own.
I don't remember who said it (if I recollect it was a twi luminary), but the saying is as true now as it was spoken then:
(edited for spelling)
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Ironic choice for a bumpersticker.
Truth seems to be the thing that they are the most afraid of...
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Not unless you plate it with gold..
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So where's one for the Libertarian candidate?
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Didn't mean to turn this thread into a political pizzing match.
I posted the pic. for the "Turd Polish" label not the political statement.
Here's a more neutral one.

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LOL...both funny...both true enough.
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I read Mr. Maffits letter and I have some of the same experiences with them.
Mr. Maffit said many people who tell them something is wrong are pushed out of the way, not listened to, or told they are wrong or are thinking evil, argued with, or verbally assulted. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said The Board is arrogant, and they act as if they can do no wrong. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said Many of the things I mentioned in the first paragraph were happening then, such as what happened to the Stones and Carlsons, who were pushed out of the way with no explanation given to people. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said Why do we only have four Board members (two of whom are married) when back in 2001 the plan was to have a larger Board? I agree.
Mr. Maffit said For many years I (and many others) have seen the Board become an ever more arrogant clique. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said Dan's January teaching of the month seemed like an assault on John Lynn-my personal opinion.
I agree.
Mr. Maffit said We need a board that is accountable to someone, with some sort of checks and balances. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said We also need much more financial accounting to our supporters. I agree.
Mr. Maffit said We came to an impasse when JWS (John Schoenheit) told me Sue(Carlson/John's sister)had left staff and the ministry of her own free will, which totally floored me, as all I have ever heard was she was fired. He said JAL, Sue, and others wanted "a Board over a Board" of the corporation. I said no, they just wanted accountability. He insisted Sue had quit, so after the call I called Sue and she told me she has the letter of termination. She and Dave stopped their involvement in the ministry after that because they knew they were not wanted.
I agree and know that what Mr. Maffit has said here is true.
Mr. Maffit said He told me to call the council of elders.
Who are the council of elders? I have never heard of them? Does anyone know who they are?
Mr. Maffit said We feel your pushing John Lynn out the door is causing division. I agree.
Mr Maffit said That is not the only thing we would like to say, but because of my experience with you shows me that it will fall on deaf ears, we will forego any more comments. I agree.
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From one of the youth. Why can't they all get along? The words that come to mind are
.carnally minded.
.not spiritually minded.
.not walking in love.
.not being meek.
.not being honest.
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There were 2 groups of people at one time. I don't know if there still is. One group was the ordained group. The other group was the prophetic council. I believe there was some overlap.
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The prophetic council is just plain weird. It was more witchcraft than anything Biblical. The Jedi council with Yoda was better.
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They have not talked about the many mistakes they made with the prophetic. Many people have been hurt including the Lynns marriage. They ignore responsibility for their part in the crumbling of John Lynns marriage due to prophetic and false prophecy. What about errors in the book on prophecy? For a long time KG was so influential in prophecy and dreams it was scary.
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I would tend to agree. Of course this council was not widely publicized.
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Billy D
Edited by pawtucketAttacking another poster AND posting a name of someone not involved
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OK----This is off topic but we all need a good laugh now and then, no?
You know those bumper stickers that say " My other car is a Mercedes" (or Harley or Lexis or whatever)?
I was in Cleveland a few years ago and pulled up behind an old rusted out Chevy.
The bumper sticker said, "My other car is a piece of crap, too."
We now return you to your regular programming.
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Why are you involved with a so-called Christian organization that has dirty little secrets hiding in the closet? Don't you know better? Shame on you. I am assuming you are a grown-up.
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