Nice if you can write the cat lit off against tax.
I've tried various catlit types. Some say compostable. However, these two poo such a lot and I think that takes a while to decompose. So I just put it all in the usual rubbish bag and it gets taken away.
Tuxy is getting FAT. Now that they are on Go-Cat real stuff not supermarket generic - she never stops eating. She was a lean and bony critter before. She got to be looking a little plump so I managed to catch her to fondle tonight and boy has she got a taut belly. She simply cannot cram any more in there.
Crypto meanwhile is hardly eating. She was the runt of the litter and is quite small and dainty. She tends to pick at her food. I like to leave it down so that she has the opportunity to eat as much as she needs. She also is looking rather plumper (no possibility of having a feel) but from today they are going on a diet. Food down for say half an hour while I also eat and wash up. Then I will remove their food till next meal time.
Interestingly, Crypto is using her newly-found voice to miaow at me - for food. I got the message yesterday and put food down - Crypto walked off without even looking, and Tuxedo pigged in. Was she asking on Tuxy's behalf, or did Crypto just want a little attention?
They have a new bed, very nice and soft. I dribbled a little liquid catnip on it. Heh, heh, it was fun watching them rolling around.
... one of those automatic, connected to the water system, all in one, boxes that clean everything and you do nothing for a year and then replace the pellets,
Nice if you can write the cat lit off against tax.
I've tried various catlit types. Some say compostable. However, these two poo such a lot and I think that takes a while to decompose. So I just put it all in the usual rubbish bag and it gets taken away.
Tuxy is getting FAT. Now that they are on Go-Cat real stuff not supermarket generic - she never stops eating. She was a lean and bony critter before. She got to be looking a little plump so I managed to catch her to fondle tonight and boy has she got a taut belly. She simply cannot cram any more in there.
Crypto meanwhile is hardly eating. She was the runt of the litter and is quite small and dainty. She tends to pick at her food. I like to leave it down so that she has the opportunity to eat as much as she needs. She also is looking rather plumper (no possibility of having a feel) but from today they are going on a diet. Food down for say half an hour while I also eat and wash up. Then I will remove their food till next meal time.
Interestingly, Crypto is using her newly-found voice to miaow at me - for food. I got the message yesterday and put food down - Crypto walked off without even looking, and Tuxedo pigged in. Was she asking on Tuxy's behalf, or did Crypto just want a little attention?
They have a new bed, very nice and soft. I dribbled a little liquid catnip on it. Heh, heh, it was fun watching them rolling around.
A catlit box? :blink:
Sounds like you got a family there. The clay stuff just doesn't work in gardens, corn based, wood based, that stuff composts, clay just makes the ground harder and er, like more clay like, and I have used it, many the brands really clump up and have a fresh smell additive, but I prefer the others feline pine, and so on, that is to say I have to travel 45 miles to get it, so its back and forth on brands..
My oldest cat is like your Tuxy and it does get to be a chore on feeding. the vet told me that if I halved the food for my oldest, she would lose weight, but to do that it means separating cats from cats with food. Once cats know there is food, they all come running.
And then there is the once I get the fat cat separated, she spends more time letting me know she wants more food. Its like cats have their own little minds..
With mine, I go both ways on food, wet and dry, with the wet, I have few failures on them being picky, if its a cheaper grocery brand, I go with the brand that looks like it has the most gravy in it, with the petsmart brand they seem to like avoderm and natural balance.
With one rescue cat, that I got, which was around 4 to 6 days old, I bottle fed her, every 3 -4 hours for seemingly weeks on end, graduating to gruel, and then I got really fancy by making my own ground food using raw tuna, vegetables, grains, and so on...and she really liked it, but very, very time consuming...
I have never found a real recipe for just making gravy, that cats would like, there is one "vitamin gravy" out there and have tried that, its what it is, but someday I would like to find or figure out how to take like chicken and some other things, maybe use arrow root as a thickener and make a gravy that I could add in, not that worried about vitamins, I guess to cats is all about smell..
I dont know what Crypto is telling you, cats do a pretty good job of talking to us humans, but its like that tee - shirt "what don't you understand about meow".. one of my cats, the hunter of the bunch, makes a lot of noise when he senses a mouse in the basement, its me--owww, me--owww over and over again, one cat seems to meow when he wants to play or is not happy about being handled, but cats do have things to say when they start talking to you...
They do like to stick their heads and paws down the toilet. And to watch me (fascinating). So far the flushing noise is too scary...
Yes, they are entertaining in some unusual ways. The one kitten that I was writing about, bottle fed, just like most cats/kittens follow you everywhere, once while I was using the toilet, standing up, she jumped right into the bowl..ya..they do weird stuff, and it was right into the shower with you, troublemaker... cats and painting doesn't work real well either, you know, they are always there to help or investigate, and a few weeks ago, my youngest cat, ignored me trying to brush her out of the way and it was a jump right into a 5 gallon bucket of paint and then run away with a messy latex paint paw trail..lets see, 5 minutes of painting and 15 minutes of unpainting the floor....cats fasination with water is pretty entertaining, they do like a dripping faucet, around here I always have two cats waiting on the other side of the shower curtain, or a worst pawing away at the shower curtain to see what going on...and of course I taunt them by making distressed cat sounds....they just cant help themselves...gotta be there, gotta be involved..
Michael, I have two doors that need painting. I worry about how to paint without also painting the cats.
Here are some pix of them in their new bed. You'll see it's a sort of enclosed thing with removable cushion. Once both parts have their own scents, I will put them together as one unit.
Tuxy is Queen of the house in the "bed" (note how possessively she has her paw on the enclosure and her legs sprawled out to maximize the space she needs) and Crypto has the cushion in their box. They really love this cardboard box, which doesn't usually have anything but a cat in it. In true Crypto style, she is licking the fabric trying to suck the catnip spray off.
Michael, I have two doors that need painting. I worry about how to paint without also painting the cats.
Here are some pix of them in their new bed. You'll see it's a sort of enclosed thing with removable cushion. Once both parts have their own scents, I will put them together as one unit.
Tuxy is Queen of the house in the "bed" (note how possessively she has her paw on the enclosure and her legs sprawled out to maximize the space she needs) and Crypto has the cushion in their box. They really love this cardboard box, which doesn't usually have anything but a cat in it. In true Crypto style, she is licking the fabric trying to suck the catnip spray off.
Tuxy doesn't look too, too overweight. Great setup you got, they both look snuggled in..
Here is a picture of a fat cat..this is my oldest. The story with her is that while I lived in West Hollywood, my ex-wife and I were looking for a kitten, well talking about looking for a kitten. And we dropped by Petsmart and in the corner of this big cage was this kitten laying down length-wise but looking real sad. And we got her out and there was a big gash that was healing up on her neck and the volunteer said someone just dropped her off a few minutes ago and that she was the only survivor of a litter, where the male father cat killed all the we looked her over, put her back in the cage...and then the wierd thing happened, this actress walks up with a photographer, it just happened to be one of the actresses of my ex-wifes "favorite" tv dramas, which was Providence, the actress was the young assistant (the cute one) to the Vet in the program, of prior MASH fame (name on the tip of my tongue), so she is playing with the kitten and doing the "oh how cute, I want to take you home" and the photographer is snapping away, but then, a miracle, she puts the kitten back in the cage and begins to oogle the dog in the next, we take the kitten back out of the cage and tell the volunteer that we wanted to adopt her...true story..yep, Maddie the cat who could have lived in west hollywood forever, now all fat and sassy living on a farm..
the cat on the right prefers to consider himself as 'beefy" and if i had not had the vet take to his boys this may have never happened so he would like to meet your girl with the sexy body .
this is his im to sexy pose .
he lives with his mom me and his sister who is not over weight . we do not understand why he is so big .
the cat on the right prefers to consider himself as 'beefy" and if i had not had the vet take to his boys this may have never happened so he would like to meet your girl with the sexy body .
this is his im to sexy pose .
he lives with his mom me and his sister who is not over weight . we do not understand why he is so big .
but he is so sweet when i get sad he feels it , he will come to me and kiss away my tears gently.
and then meow and turn his head . we have been through a life of hard times together , both of us has seen much heart break and pain , we are still here. I seriously cant imagine life without him and his sister.
i hold him like a teddy bear at night he puts his arms around my arms and i hold him , he purrs , and we fall asleep. he moves his own self into position every time i lay down.
I have not slept without the cat since my youngest left home. he is a empty nest cat.
"special" if you will.
I had the surgery on him when he was 4 weeks old . i think he thinks he is a person or in the very least not really sure , he is very manly and he is part wild cat, a bob the vet thinks. he roars which typical domestic cats can not do . yes like the lion with the mane. he roars. he saved my life once and nearly lost his in the process . I wont tell that sotry but it has been since that i cherish him even more.
he is an outstanding rare cat when folks meet him .. they freak.. his size his voice and his colors are ectra ordinary .
that being said i will tell you there is a vast difference between male and female personalities just by virtue of their sex.
In nature the girl kitties are the hunters for the family and the moms and they are the ones who watch over the group.
A happy cat with humans will fill this role in a family naturaly.
they are often much more vocal .. much more curious, and less hands on beasts.
my girl loves me she sits and stares at me 24 /7 when the kids began to leave it used to make me angry at her.
she sits one cat length away from me and will often put her paw on my arm , but she is always prepared to leap out of the way if i get up or others comes in the room.
she doesnt care about that being picked up business either she goes stiff as a board and stares at the wall till it is over.
girls are different . i got her fixed at a young age as well this makes a difference in the personality of a cat .. the hormones released as they age "changes" their behaviour and interactions alot.
I have had many cats all of my life lived on a farm and watched the barn cats the girl cats always have an agenda on ay given day they have things to do places to go .. they like people but the girls work more than the males do.
male cats are often much more affectionate and needy than a female .
and two girls in a home means they may be competing some with one another.
Another dynamic in this house is the male female thing .
He will kill her rip her to shreds if she doesnt know her place in the cat order here.
they used to fight so bad fur clumps would be all over the house and he would have fur sticking out of his teeth.
now they get along all he has to do is walk near her and she obeys . He is the dominate cat , he doesnt have a need to fight her NOW. she runsthe house as long as he is the boss.
she loves him so much , if he isnt happy she is the one who screams till I do something not him.
The natural order to animals and even tho they live in a human world they for the most part will stick to what is their manner, and two females esp if they are without their hormones may be "confused" on what role they play in the jungle.
Hmm, Pond, yes, the females are the hunters and catch the prey, etc.
Tuxy is definitely the dominant one. What she wants, she gets - food, place to sleep, toy to play with, attention. Crypto is quiet and submissive. But as I posted earlier, seems to yell for food even if she never touches it.
Crypto is scared and will run off if anything is unusual, a loud noise, a sudden movement. She seeks approval, in a hesitant sort of way. But she is shocking if she sees a fly or spider, a real terror. When I let them out I think she will be the better hunter. Not that Tuxedo will be any slouch.
I understood them to be 15 months old when I got them. They were the last of the litter of 6 and the mother to be rehomed. All the other kittens and the mother have made nice cats and have settled well into their new homes, apparently. Just my two, unhandled till I got them, are difficult. They had just been spayed and their skin was shaved and the stitches still present when they arrived.
IF the cat was in heat when she was spayed.. and a careless vet or a humane society will indeed go ahead and perform the surgery while a female is in heat, the personality will because weird and unpredictable because you messed with their "stuff" and their stuff dictates their behaviour.
this is a controversal issue some will tell you it makes no difference it does the hormones are what tells them what to do as far as behaviour.
everyone has seen a cat in heat HELLO a little crazy or what?
if the surgery was timed while they had an active heat it is a physical state that is very uncomfortable for them , and their age 15 months certainly suggest it could be possible they had heat then they are stuck with immature hormones wrecking havoc on their personalities.
A good vet will not consider it if a dog or cat is in heat.
many will do it just to do it.
I had mine done at 4 weks before any chance of the turtore of desire entered their brain system.
it is the same with a cat that sprays .. then you get them fixed ... they still spray why? learned behaviours and messed up hormones.
to me they do not make for lovey "pets". they are fixed animals I can tell the difference.
it just may take some more time.
A more noticable personality change is in the females , this is why some suggest to allow a female to litter before spaying.
if not a baby then for a nice pet one needs to do the deed before a heat arrives.. a heat can lst 9 months or more ! often not leaving until oct or nov and back in the spring this is also why some vets do not want to wait.. it is to possible more babies will arrive and a female in heat is not nice for the most part.
Any animal picked up as a stray in NY is not released until it has been castrated or spayed.
end of discussion .
even if you claim your pet as lost you must first give a really really fine reason as to why this animal is not "fixed". before you pay alot of fee's to get them out of jail . and they do fix them within 24 hours of arrival and say to bad for you if you find them in jail to late.
the resources are limited and the humane society recieves govt money to operate, the goal is to stop the madness of unwanted animals roaming around breeding with one another.
they offer a reduced or free service to all animals.
they do NOT give them a pregnancy test beofre they are snipped and tied, many are already pregnate when surgery is performed and the litter is taked away as part of the operation rountinly.
they do not have the resource to keep a pregnate cat or dog or the time to wait for the babies to be weaned THEY abort all pregnancys.
this is more often the case than not with a animal that has been in the wild for even a short period they come in pregnate and that is why they do the surgery nearly immediately and do not allow any animal to be adopted unless fixed.
My sister adopted a wonderful full bred black lab, she had to be fixed and was given an abortion during the surgery.
My sister other dog had puppies and the lab became very very depressed when the puppies arived, you cannot tell me it didnt change who she was she didnt want the puppies any puppy any where near her.
sad but this is very true and rountinly done I understand the why due to resources and the population issues with strays.
many of theses "shelters" that claim to be a '"No kill " zone use the resource of the humane society to fix the animals they want adopted so it is across the board done to most animals that need homes.
The odds are your cats were indeed if not in full heat then Pregnate when they got the surgery, a cat doesnt go a year without becoming pregnate and can have three litter in a year. or more.
this will make them insane if they had an abortion and a everything precious to who they are removed at the same time I and many other believe it makes for a nuerotic animal that will never be a pet worth what they could have been in many ways.
yes they need homes, but the risks of getting a animal that had mental problems increases with the adoption from a shelter or even a private organization that must use the resource of the humane society.
I think the fact the shelter often have their animals returned due to issues speaks aloud. they do try to find them homes and hope it works out but do not be so foolish to think those animals do not often have serious issues because of their history and the manner they are regulated .
it has to be done to try to stop the over population, understand .
but the animals are often not as healthy as one wants to sell them as.
We all know the story of the adopted stray and how great they worked out!!! my sister loves her black lab very much, but they do come with issues and CATS with behaviour or mental health issues are either traded in or just allowed to be crazy and unhappy and written off as not nice etc... much easier than a dog.
i want it said I do support the adoption from the shelter, but I would not take the risk knowing the reality even if they do get a home. more often than not theses animals are returned to the shelter because it didnt work out , the human never was able to bond with the cat enough to fullfill the life long commintment it takes to own a pet.
this is a sad note and i did hesitate to write the reality of the animals in America .
but you may want to consider the fact they did have abortions and they may never have the correct composition to be enjoyable pets .
Hi Pond. I don't think pregnancy's an issue with the girlies. They weren't strays. Their mother (a pet) was brought in pregnant with the litter - the kits were born just a few days after the mother was brought in. When the Cats Protection League carer realised how heavily pregnant the mother was, she decided to let her have the litter, not have it taken away. The mother was terribly wild and would not allow human contact and defended her kits violently. They could not be handled during the crucial first 6 weeks which accustoms them to human contact, and cats after that period often have very great difficulty in accepting human contact though they can turn into nice cats to have around (I didn't know that till later!).
The CPL lady managed to extract the first pair of kittens, then the second pair, but then she really defended very violently the remaining two (mine). She left big bite and deep scratch marks on the CPL carer. My first sight of Tuxy was a terrified cat rushing round a wire cage at head height, and clinging to the wire trying to escape.
Both of them like to be near me but they do not like to be touched.
So the learned behavior of my kittens (now adults) is that humans are to be fought off. They are not violent cats, just terrified, but getting much better. There are minute signs of progress every day, very minute, but generally going forward and not back.
I liken it to perhaps myself being fondled by a huge gorilla. No matter how benevolent the gorilla might be, it's still vastly larger and more powerful, and I still wouldn't trust it not to attack me and would always be on my guard.
I very much agree with spaying stray animals. There are too many unwanted animals and not enough homes for other animals.
Animals definitely do have emotions about their offspring. I believe they do suffer grief at the loss of their young; also pride and delight in their young. Another little cat we had had a litter of three; one died very young, another was given away, and the third stayed with us. The mother, who had been so very proud of her litter and urged us to handle them right from birth (!) took against the kitten who had stayed with us and made its life a misery: we think she thought the kitten had killed the siblings. The kitten grew to be an adult cat but died at only about 9 years of age, cowed, miserable, and almost broken hearted. The mother cat was always hitting her though our other animals treated her nicely.
I should say, my girlies got no opportunity to become pregnant before being spayed. Though they may well have come into season at least once, if I got their age right.
Twinky I still say hang in there and have patience. They may never be the sit in your lap cuddlers you are hopping for but with time they will warm up more and more to you and one day be much less afraid of you. I still stand by what my neighbor did with theirs and he is quit the lover.
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Hello, Michael, welcome to Cat Whispering.
Nice if you can write the cat lit off against tax.
I've tried various catlit types. Some say compostable. However, these two poo such a lot and I think that takes a while to decompose. So I just put it all in the usual rubbish bag and it gets taken away.
Tuxy is getting FAT. Now that they are on Go-Cat real stuff not supermarket generic - she never stops eating. She was a lean and bony critter before. She got to be looking a little plump so I managed to catch her to fondle tonight and boy has she got a taut belly. She simply cannot cram any more in there.
Crypto meanwhile is hardly eating. She was the runt of the litter and is quite small and dainty. She tends to pick at her food. I like to leave it down so that she has the opportunity to eat as much as she needs. She also is looking rather plumper (no possibility of having a feel) but from today they are going on a diet. Food down for say half an hour while I also eat and wash up. Then I will remove their food till next meal time.
Interestingly, Crypto is using her newly-found voice to miaow at me - for food. I got the message yesterday and put food down - Crypto walked off without even looking, and Tuxedo pigged in. Was she asking on Tuxy's behalf, or did Crypto just want a little attention?
They have a new bed, very nice and soft. I dribbled a little liquid catnip on it. Heh, heh, it was fun watching them rolling around.
A catlit box? :blink:
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HE means the Cat Genie
Cat Genie
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Sounds like you got a family there. The clay stuff just doesn't work in gardens, corn based, wood based, that stuff composts, clay just makes the ground harder and er, like more clay like, and I have used it, many the brands really clump up and have a fresh smell additive, but I prefer the others feline pine, and so on, that is to say I have to travel 45 miles to get it, so its back and forth on brands..
My oldest cat is like your Tuxy and it does get to be a chore on feeding. the vet told me that if I halved the food for my oldest, she would lose weight, but to do that it means separating cats from cats with food. Once cats know there is food, they all come running.
And then there is the once I get the fat cat separated, she spends more time letting me know she wants more food. Its like cats have their own little minds..
With mine, I go both ways on food, wet and dry, with the wet, I have few failures on them being picky, if its a cheaper grocery brand, I go with the brand that looks like it has the most gravy in it, with the petsmart brand they seem to like avoderm and natural balance.
With one rescue cat, that I got, which was around 4 to 6 days old, I bottle fed her, every 3 -4 hours for seemingly weeks on end, graduating to gruel, and then I got really fancy by making my own ground food using raw tuna, vegetables, grains, and so on...and she really liked it, but very, very time consuming...
I have never found a real recipe for just making gravy, that cats would like, there is one "vitamin gravy" out there and have tried that, its what it is, but someday I would like to find or figure out how to take like chicken and some other things, maybe use arrow root as a thickener and make a gravy that I could add in, not that worried about vitamins, I guess to cats is all about smell..
I dont know what Crypto is telling you, cats do a pretty good job of talking to us humans, but its like that tee - shirt "what don't you understand about meow".. one of my cats, the hunter of the bunch, makes a lot of noise when he senses a mouse in the basement, its me--owww, me--owww over and over again, one cat seems to meow when he wants to play or is not happy about being handled, but cats do have things to say when they start talking to you...
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Oh, if only...!
They do like to stick their heads and paws down the toilet. And to watch me (fascinating). So far the flushing noise is too scary...
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Yes, they are entertaining in some unusual ways. The one kitten that I was writing about, bottle fed, just like most cats/kittens follow you everywhere, once while I was using the toilet, standing up, she jumped right into the bowl..ya..they do weird stuff, and it was right into the shower with you, troublemaker... cats and painting doesn't work real well either, you know, they are always there to help or investigate, and a few weeks ago, my youngest cat, ignored me trying to brush her out of the way and it was a jump right into a 5 gallon bucket of paint and then run away with a messy latex paint paw trail..lets see, 5 minutes of painting and 15 minutes of unpainting the floor....cats fasination with water is pretty entertaining, they do like a dripping faucet, around here I always have two cats waiting on the other side of the shower curtain, or a worst pawing away at the shower curtain to see what going on...and of course I taunt them by making distressed cat sounds....they just cant help themselves...gotta be there, gotta be involved..
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Michael, I have two doors that need painting. I worry about how to paint without also painting the cats.
Here are some pix of them in their new bed. You'll see it's a sort of enclosed thing with removable cushion. Once both parts have their own scents, I will put them together as one unit.
Tuxy is Queen of the house in the "bed" (note how possessively she has her paw on the enclosure and her legs sprawled out to maximize the space she needs) and Crypto has the cushion in their box. They really love this cardboard box, which doesn't usually have anything but a cat in it. In true Crypto style, she is licking the fabric trying to suck the catnip spray off.
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Tuxy doesn't look too, too overweight. Great setup you got, they both look snuggled in..
Here is a picture of a fat cat..this is my oldest. The story with her is that while I lived in West Hollywood, my ex-wife and I were looking for a kitten, well talking about looking for a kitten. And we dropped by Petsmart and in the corner of this big cage was this kitten laying down length-wise but looking real sad. And we got her out and there was a big gash that was healing up on her neck and the volunteer said someone just dropped her off a few minutes ago and that she was the only survivor of a litter, where the male father cat killed all the we looked her over, put her back in the cage...and then the wierd thing happened, this actress walks up with a photographer, it just happened to be one of the actresses of my ex-wifes "favorite" tv dramas, which was Providence, the actress was the young assistant (the cute one) to the Vet in the program, of prior MASH fame (name on the tip of my tongue), so she is playing with the kitten and doing the "oh how cute, I want to take you home" and the photographer is snapping away, but then, a miracle, she puts the kitten back in the cage and begins to oogle the dog in the next, we take the kitten back out of the cage and tell the volunteer that we wanted to adopt her...true story..yep, Maddie the cat who could have lived in west hollywood forever, now all fat and sassy living on a farm..

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Maddie is beautiful
and twinky your babys are cute too.
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the cat on the right prefers to consider himself as 'beefy" and if i had not had the vet take to his boys this may have never happened so he would like to meet your girl with the sexy body .
this is his im to sexy pose .
he lives with his mom me and his sister who is not over weight . we do not understand why he is so big .
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Whoops, where be the pic? Lets see it !
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my pic under my name is the oh too sexy pose .
he is a lovy cat very affectionate , he will put his arms around my arm when im sleeping and squeeze for a hug to me then lay down.
i really think he is a love of my life .
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I got it. I see he has his tail out, so he must be relaxed, content, and kicking back. Is he a face licker or a hand licker?
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i shouldnt gush about him so..
but he is so sweet when i get sad he feels it , he will come to me and kiss away my tears gently.
and then meow and turn his head . we have been through a life of hard times together , both of us has seen much heart break and pain , we are still here. I seriously cant imagine life without him and his sister.
i hold him like a teddy bear at night he puts his arms around my arms and i hold him , he purrs , and we fall asleep. he moves his own self into position every time i lay down.
we need one another.
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Can I borrow him for a while, see if he can teach The Girlies a thing or two?
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I have not slept without the cat since my youngest left home. he is a empty nest cat.
"special" if you will.
I had the surgery on him when he was 4 weeks old . i think he thinks he is a person or in the very least not really sure , he is very manly and he is part wild cat, a bob the vet thinks. he roars which typical domestic cats can not do . yes like the lion with the mane. he roars. he saved my life once and nearly lost his in the process . I wont tell that sotry but it has been since that i cherish him even more.
he is an outstanding rare cat when folks meet him .. they freak.. his size his voice and his colors are ectra ordinary .
that being said i will tell you there is a vast difference between male and female personalities just by virtue of their sex.
In nature the girl kitties are the hunters for the family and the moms and they are the ones who watch over the group.
A happy cat with humans will fill this role in a family naturaly.
they are often much more vocal .. much more curious, and less hands on beasts.
my girl loves me she sits and stares at me 24 /7 when the kids began to leave it used to make me angry at her.
she sits one cat length away from me and will often put her paw on my arm , but she is always prepared to leap out of the way if i get up or others comes in the room.
she doesnt care about that being picked up business either she goes stiff as a board and stares at the wall till it is over.
girls are different . i got her fixed at a young age as well this makes a difference in the personality of a cat .. the hormones released as they age "changes" their behaviour and interactions alot.
I have had many cats all of my life lived on a farm and watched the barn cats the girl cats always have an agenda on ay given day they have things to do places to go .. they like people but the girls work more than the males do.
male cats are often much more affectionate and needy than a female .
and two girls in a home means they may be competing some with one another.
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Another dynamic in this house is the male female thing .
He will kill her rip her to shreds if she doesnt know her place in the cat order here.
they used to fight so bad fur clumps would be all over the house and he would have fur sticking out of his teeth.
now they get along all he has to do is walk near her and she obeys . He is the dominate cat , he doesnt have a need to fight her NOW. she runsthe house as long as he is the boss.
she loves him so much , if he isnt happy she is the one who screams till I do something not him.
The natural order to animals and even tho they live in a human world they for the most part will stick to what is their manner, and two females esp if they are without their hormones may be "confused" on what role they play in the jungle.
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Hmm, Pond, yes, the females are the hunters and catch the prey, etc.
Tuxy is definitely the dominant one. What she wants, she gets - food, place to sleep, toy to play with, attention. Crypto is quiet and submissive. But as I posted earlier, seems to yell for food even if she never touches it.
Crypto is scared and will run off if anything is unusual, a loud noise, a sudden movement. She seeks approval, in a hesitant sort of way. But she is shocking if she sees a fly or spider, a real terror. When I let them out I think she will be the better hunter. Not that Tuxedo will be any slouch.
I understood them to be 15 months old when I got them. They were the last of the litter of 6 and the mother to be rehomed. All the other kittens and the mother have made nice cats and have settled well into their new homes, apparently. Just my two, unhandled till I got them, are difficult. They had just been spayed and their skin was shaved and the stitches still present when they arrived.
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it may be the issue ...
IF the cat was in heat when she was spayed.. and a careless vet or a humane society will indeed go ahead and perform the surgery while a female is in heat, the personality will because weird and unpredictable because you messed with their "stuff" and their stuff dictates their behaviour.
this is a controversal issue some will tell you it makes no difference it does the hormones are what tells them what to do as far as behaviour.
everyone has seen a cat in heat HELLO a little crazy or what?
if the surgery was timed while they had an active heat it is a physical state that is very uncomfortable for them , and their age 15 months certainly suggest it could be possible they had heat then they are stuck with immature hormones wrecking havoc on their personalities.
A good vet will not consider it if a dog or cat is in heat.
many will do it just to do it.
I had mine done at 4 weks before any chance of the turtore of desire entered their brain system.
it is the same with a cat that sprays .. then you get them fixed ... they still spray why? learned behaviours and messed up hormones.
to me they do not make for lovey "pets". they are fixed animals I can tell the difference.
it just may take some more time.
A more noticable personality change is in the females , this is why some suggest to allow a female to litter before spaying.
if not a baby then for a nice pet one needs to do the deed before a heat arrives.. a heat can lst 9 months or more ! often not leaving until oct or nov and back in the spring this is also why some vets do not want to wait.. it is to possible more babies will arrive and a female in heat is not nice for the most part.
I think that may be some of your issue .
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one more note
Any animal picked up as a stray in NY is not released until it has been castrated or spayed.
end of discussion .
even if you claim your pet as lost you must first give a really really fine reason as to why this animal is not "fixed". before you pay alot of fee's to get them out of jail . and they do fix them within 24 hours of arrival and say to bad for you if you find them in jail to late.
the resources are limited and the humane society recieves govt money to operate, the goal is to stop the madness of unwanted animals roaming around breeding with one another.
they offer a reduced or free service to all animals.
they do NOT give them a pregnancy test beofre they are snipped and tied, many are already pregnate when surgery is performed and the litter is taked away as part of the operation rountinly.
they do not have the resource to keep a pregnate cat or dog or the time to wait for the babies to be weaned THEY abort all pregnancys.
this is more often the case than not with a animal that has been in the wild for even a short period they come in pregnate and that is why they do the surgery nearly immediately and do not allow any animal to be adopted unless fixed.
My sister adopted a wonderful full bred black lab, she had to be fixed and was given an abortion during the surgery.
My sister other dog had puppies and the lab became very very depressed when the puppies arived, you cannot tell me it didnt change who she was she didnt want the puppies any puppy any where near her.
sad but this is very true and rountinly done I understand the why due to resources and the population issues with strays.
many of theses "shelters" that claim to be a '"No kill " zone use the resource of the humane society to fix the animals they want adopted so it is across the board done to most animals that need homes.
The odds are your cats were indeed if not in full heat then Pregnate when they got the surgery, a cat doesnt go a year without becoming pregnate and can have three litter in a year. or more.
this will make them insane if they had an abortion and a everything precious to who they are removed at the same time I and many other believe it makes for a nuerotic animal that will never be a pet worth what they could have been in many ways.
yes they need homes, but the risks of getting a animal that had mental problems increases with the adoption from a shelter or even a private organization that must use the resource of the humane society.
I think the fact the shelter often have their animals returned due to issues speaks aloud. they do try to find them homes and hope it works out but do not be so foolish to think those animals do not often have serious issues because of their history and the manner they are regulated .
it has to be done to try to stop the over population, understand .
but the animals are often not as healthy as one wants to sell them as.
We all know the story of the adopted stray and how great they worked out!!! my sister loves her black lab very much, but they do come with issues and CATS with behaviour or mental health issues are either traded in or just allowed to be crazy and unhappy and written off as not nice etc... much easier than a dog.
i want it said I do support the adoption from the shelter, but I would not take the risk knowing the reality even if they do get a home. more often than not theses animals are returned to the shelter because it didnt work out , the human never was able to bond with the cat enough to fullfill the life long commintment it takes to own a pet.
this is a sad note and i did hesitate to write the reality of the animals in America .
but you may want to consider the fact they did have abortions and they may never have the correct composition to be enjoyable pets .
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Hi Pond. I don't think pregnancy's an issue with the girlies. They weren't strays. Their mother (a pet) was brought in pregnant with the litter - the kits were born just a few days after the mother was brought in. When the Cats Protection League carer realised how heavily pregnant the mother was, she decided to let her have the litter, not have it taken away. The mother was terribly wild and would not allow human contact and defended her kits violently. They could not be handled during the crucial first 6 weeks which accustoms them to human contact, and cats after that period often have very great difficulty in accepting human contact though they can turn into nice cats to have around (I didn't know that till later!).
The CPL lady managed to extract the first pair of kittens, then the second pair, but then she really defended very violently the remaining two (mine). She left big bite and deep scratch marks on the CPL carer. My first sight of Tuxy was a terrified cat rushing round a wire cage at head height, and clinging to the wire trying to escape.
Both of them like to be near me but they do not like to be touched.
So the learned behavior of my kittens (now adults) is that humans are to be fought off. They are not violent cats, just terrified, but getting much better. There are minute signs of progress every day, very minute, but generally going forward and not back.
I liken it to perhaps myself being fondled by a huge gorilla. No matter how benevolent the gorilla might be, it's still vastly larger and more powerful, and I still wouldn't trust it not to attack me and would always be on my guard.
I very much agree with spaying stray animals. There are too many unwanted animals and not enough homes for other animals.
Animals definitely do have emotions about their offspring. I believe they do suffer grief at the loss of their young; also pride and delight in their young. Another little cat we had had a litter of three; one died very young, another was given away, and the third stayed with us. The mother, who had been so very proud of her litter and urged us to handle them right from birth (!) took against the kitten who had stayed with us and made its life a misery: we think she thought the kitten had killed the siblings. The kitten grew to be an adult cat but died at only about 9 years of age, cowed, miserable, and almost broken hearted. The mother cat was always hitting her though our other animals treated her nicely.
I should say, my girlies got no opportunity to become pregnant before being spayed. Though they may well have come into season at least once, if I got their age right.
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Twinky I still say hang in there and have patience. They may never be the sit in your lap cuddlers you are hopping for but with time they will warm up more and more to you and one day be much less afraid of you. I still stand by what my neighbor did with theirs and he is quit the lover.
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I felt cat whispering might enjoy this, two articles I have submitted for my local rescue shelter, for their newsletter...
Jacks Corner
"Whats goin on with Jack"
My name is Jack and I am a HEART Connection.
My human lives on a small farm outside of Eldora. I fill the day
being an indoors cat which includes playing, catching small
intruders, and generally keeping the household running smoothly.
My coloring is jet black. Although I lost one eye as a kitten,
nothing seems to get by me. Visitors describe me as lean, smart,
nurturing, but a bit on the shy side. This article is my story.
A couple years ago, I was introduced to my human at the HEART
shelter. My whole family was there. The night I was adopted,
my brothers and sisters were all playing together when Amy and
a visitor dropped by. Although I was trying to keep a low
profile, peering around the couch with my good eye,
the visitor picked me up and started petting me and
talking to me.
My first night at my new home was a bit scary, rather than
explore my surroundings, I felt it best to curl up and go
to sleep. The next day, though, I decided it was my
house and there were things to do.
The household has grown over the last couple of years,
Missy and Sylvester came to live here. We are all good
Mice do sneak into the house from time to time and it
seems like my hunting skills are better than the other
cats. Although I do enjoy playing with live mice, sooner
or later my human takes them away from me. Its always
clear that I am on the prowl because I let everyone know
it by mer-ow-ing over and over. Its my early warning system.
After the days activities, there is nothing better than jumping
on my humans lap while the television is on. Ya, its a good
life. Jack
Jack's Corner
"Jack is back and dealing with his inner kitten"
Due to popular demand, Jack is back. Since HEART's first newsletter, the calls have been
coming in, Oprah, Dr. Phil, even Geraldo. And the letters, oh my, the letters. Folks
from all over want to know my favorite brand of litter, what catnip I prefer, is gravy
better than dry food. I just can't keep up with it.
Missy has been my best friend in all of this, she comes over while I am laying down, licks
my ears and head and all the stress just seems to flow out of me, puts me in a better place.
Lately, I have been getting some benefits from exercise, may even do a video, I like helping
other cats. My regiment, is called "jump on anything higher than my shoulders", be it a desk,
a chair, the dining room table, the big screen television, its all good. My human seems
to be with me on this, using a loud voice when I start to exercise. He must be urging me on,
he seems enthusiastic enough. I jump, he takes me down, that is what I call teamwork.
Last week it was me verses the mouse. The hunt went on for hours. Sitting in silence, I
waited for the right moment to pounce. Showing my prize to the rest of the gang was not the
best idea, up in the living room Sylvester wanted my mouse and that is just not my style.
The situation got even more out of hand when I flipped the mouse up in the air with my neck
and he ran back down the stairs. Setbacks, always the setbacks.
My human has the nail trimming down to a science. The moment comes by surprise, He lures
me into a false sense of security with the petting and stroking my paws lightly, him telling
me what a good kitty I am. The next thing I know, my favorite furniture doesn't feel the same.
Humans, they are so, so sneaky. Another thing I have learned from dealing with humans is
they seem to re-arrange things often. I keep having to learn where everything is, one day
the couch is there, the next its over there, its subtle, but my play area is never boring.
My biggest annoyance is bugs. Whether its a bug with wings or a bug with legs, I really
lose it when there is bug around. I step on them, I swat them, I grab them off the wall,
because the best bug is a bug in my mouth. Its a lifestyle choice. Well, I need to get
a drink of water, maybe get a bite to eat, I hear Access Hollywood is doing a piece on
Morris, you know, of nine lives fame, til later...jack
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LOL Michael These are very good.
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