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Psychologial hoax


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  Jonny Lingo said:
You too Oak... :beer:

The heads up on the "epiluo word" was good for me. But now, I am going to have to look it up for myself, for, I just can't take your word on it (like I did VP) "jus cuz you said so" ya know? Hah! I'm sure you respect that. Anyhow, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on it. BUT, I will look it up...



Look it up, by all means!

I recommend How to Enjoy the Bible by Bulinger. He cites his sources and demonstrates from scripture, making his point very well.

One thing that I realized after leaving TWI was that there were several instances where Wierwille clearly misunderstood Bullinger (not to say that Bullinger was always right either), sometimes quoting him to back up a point that the quote really didn't back up. :confused:

Another example was "The Lord's Brethren". Bullinger believed that the "royal" geneology was through Joseph, Wierwille believed that it was through Mary. Both had their own reasons. Bullinger used his belief that the kingship came through Joseph to back up his assertion that Jesus' brothers could not have been older half brothers from an earlier marriage of Joeseph. Bullinger claimed that older half brothers "would have invalidated Jesus' claim to the throne".

[Frankly, I don't agree with Bullinger's belief that Joseph's was the royal geneology (in Matthew) and think that Wierwille made more sense. ]

Wierwille, making his case that the Lord's brothers were not half brothers from a previous marriage, writes that it "would have invalidated Jesus' claim to the throne". Now if Wierwille thought that the claim to the Davidic throne was through Mary, what difference would any of Joseph's children from a previous marriage have made?

Off-topic ramblings done for now :offtopic:

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  waysider said:
As I tried to visualize him, I saw this image of him, wearing one of those scarf ties that I later discovered he liked to wear.

He looked straight at me, smirked and flipped me the bird!!

It was not a dream, I wasn't asleep.

It was not a hallucination because I knew it was not real.

(and I wasn't stoned.)

I don't know how else to describe it but it was very vivid and intense.

It never happened to me again.

Love it, waysider. I totally believe you. Perfect!

Interesting part is sometimes we don't know what those visions/dreams (depending on whether we're awake or asleep) mean until years later. Last night I had a dream and wonder if there was a deeper meaning or if it was just a nightmare (probably the latter, but who knows; maybe, on second thought, i'll ask).

You know, sometimes I KNOW the answer and other times I figure it out years later. On the way home from work today, I remembered a car accident I'd had when someone in front of me slammed on her brakes at an intersection years ago. Because of the series of events leading up to the accident, it's perfectly possible had she not done that, I could have been killed or seriously injured in the intersection. Today it came to me as clear as a bell what could have and probably would have happened had she not slammed on her brakes and caused me to plow into her from behind...keeping me out of the intersection. Interesting what a little time and letting go does for the psyche.

Sorry for the musings and ramblings and this part is a little off topic, but in the same general category of things that happen to protect us that we don't understand that way at the time.

Thanks for sharing that, waysider. I really enjoyed it.

I think **He's, She's** telling us things more when we aren't noticing.

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I was at a "Weekend in da verd".. in what was it.. 1977? Her mogster got on stage.. and I'd swear.. I saw him dress himself with a suit made out of light. For a couple of years, I wondered what in the h*ll it meant..

now I think I know.

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Hi Oklahoma City WOW,

During my wow year every time I looked at the way rag and saw the head shot of LCM I saw a pen1$ in his mouth. It used to freak me out, this is the first time I every shared that, but the memory came (no pun intended) to me when I was reading your post.

Welcome to GSC,


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  Seth R. said:
Hi Oklahoma City WOW,

During my wow year every time I looked at the way rag and saw the head shot of LCM I saw a pen1$ in his mouth. It used to freak me out, this is the first time I every shared that, but the memory came (no pun intended) to me when I was reading your post.

Welcome to GSC,



Kinda weird how the essence of that isn't too different from the experience that I had.

Life is wacky, ain't it?

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I went to a Renewed Mind LIVE Class with Walter Cummings, this was a huge affair in a very large Hotel with thousands of people, ok so i go out in the lobby to look for Rev. Cummings and what do I see a teddy bear, a fluffy teddy bear , i went back in and sat down in this huge room full of people and began giggling, I was not frightened but it was real.

Im glad you shared. geez im not the only one.

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  Seth R. said:
Hi Oklahoma City WOW,

During my wow year every time I looked at the way rag and saw the head shot of LCM I saw a pen1$ in his mouth. It used to freak me out, this is the first time I every shared that, but the memory came (no pun intended) to me when I was reading your post.

Welcome to GSC,


seth, talk about revelation huh,that is probably how he got the job! I met lcm once in okc our branch all bought osu shirts so we would match for some picnic or something and we gave him one and he didn't want it...i never did like the looks of him or the "vibes" just a creepy person who never made it in pro football so he had that athletes foot of the spirit..what a clown!!!!!! p.s. thank YOU FOR SERVING OUR COUNTRY DUDE.

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Sometimes I think it is how we subliminally perceive things. Not subliminal as in "subliminal advertising". I think somebody tried something like that in Canada.. put some hidden message in the movie.. "come to the front counter for you million bucks" or something like that..


nobody came..

I've had a few experiences in the past, of the future..

They were a rather.. traumatic situation..

at least three of them, it was weird. When the "hour of reckoning" came.. it was kinda like.. I just watched happen what I'd seen before.. and it played out, down to the decor.. wasn't just an ordinary deja vu or anything.

there's only one left.. that I can remember..

I'm in a room of glass.. everybody is dressed in white.. the glass walls are something like twenty or more feet high.. the building is hexaganal, or has more walls than six.

no idea what it means..

until I get there.

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OK.. JL.. you here?


wake up brother..

what's really really weird.. I can hear the cries of the poor bastards thirty years from now that went through so and so's "training"..

they've closed the door to any kind of real assessment or confrontatiion..

so what would YOU personally DO?

Well.. all I can say..my conscience, but perhaps not reputation, is clear


*Paging Mr Lingo.. Paging Mr. Lingo..*


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Honestly.. they need somebody like me on the board..

I don't think they could handle it..


honestly.. I don't care who it is..

friggin circle of yes men.. each palm greases the other.. friggin idjits..

I'd join as long as I could keep both eyes open..

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Have semi-scrolled through most of the posts here.

This is the red flag for me here..

"Program to be administered on an honor basis. Any volunteer may be dismissed at any time and/or program may be cancelled at the sole discretion of those charged with oversight."

YOU ARE AT THEIR BECKON CALL...NOT KNOWING FROM ONE DAY TO THE NEXT IF YOU"RE OUTTA" THERE!!! WHAT are the rules? no one is told.. they hold the rule book and it's written in pencil.

Too much control for one 'wood pilling' program....I think!!


(Actually that pit looks like something you'd bury someone in ... maybe someone asking too many questions about the rusty truck?)

Why aren't these young handsome lads building a future for their lives??? Families, futures, careers???? I don't get it?

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  A la prochaine said:
Why aren't these young handsome lads building a future for their lives??? Families, futures, careers???? I don't get it?


Every now and then I'm overcome by the lunacy of it all. Just what was it we were trying to do in WayWorld anyway? What the hell were we trying to accomplish? What was so important that we had to drop everything and run off to tend to that instead of our own lives? I really don't know.

Instead of getting a REAL education, or building a career, a family life, a connection to friends, family and community we spent our time basically amongst strangers and doing NOTHING of any significance. Yet we thought it was so important, so overarching, so crucial. And in reality we were just memorizing an arcane, often bizarre mythology and promoting the product and success of an amoral conman.

"Yeah, rube, come to Mississippi and stack my firewood for me, you subserviant worm. And I'll teach you the tremendous truths that only I can impart."

To which I can only say "F#$% you, junior"

(Sorry, I thought I'd worked out most of my leftover bile from WayWorld, but now and then another little bit still boils to the surface)

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Instead of getting a REAL education, or building a career, a family life, a connection to friends, family and community we spent our time basically amongst strangers and doing NOTHING of any significance. Yet we thought it was so important, so overarching, so crucial. And in reality we were just memorizing an arcane, often bizarre mythology and promoting the product and success of an amoral conman.

And they probably wonder.. why is an "elder of the church" going back to school, at fifty years old..

spent our life among strangers.. yeah.. people would turn their backs on friends and family at the slightest hint of debil possession. The NICEST thing I ever heard about somebody who was gone for one reason or another "don't call or initiate contact with him. If he calls you, refer him to me. He's just working out a few problems.."

It was almost like they didn't even really know them. Or me. When I left, I didn't hear ANYTHING from those still in. Nothing.. even to this day. I was in the coffee shop one morning here.. and one innie came in with a group.. she sat in a chair on the other side of the room, and turned so as (presumably) either I would not see and recognize her, or that she wouldn't have to look at me.

And I'm (or at least used to be) a nice guy.

So what happened to the "community" we were supposedly building. There was no real cement.

And this new outfit.. wonders why I would raise a few questions and objections.

gawd.. I could practically hear the phone calls and practically see the emails going behind the scene.

"Whadda we do about ham.."

It's not MY future they are determining. It's theirs..

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Maybe they just don't see it.

It makes sense for the marines. Send them to boot camp, get them lined up in a row, disciplined, and all in agreement with the commander in chief, at least as far a action is concerned..

but a church? Yep.. send them to boot camp, give them some kinda hierarchy to fit into.. a sacrosanct agenda to promote..

more "accountability"..

sounds like something I've heard before. Gotta put some teeth into da love of gawd..

and some people call this "moving da word".

What really troubles me though.. Shroyer is hardly cold, and we see this little development..

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Gandi had an interesting point.. why throw out the British if you're just gonna BE British..

Why annex a significant portion of waydom merely to BE waydom..

lessee.. run their classes.. well, close facimiles. Adhere to the doctrine like it's gawd in the flesh..

now.. run an "honors" "be all you can be" program? Where are they going to "send" these "leaders and workers"? Only place I can think.. into the ORGANIZATION, to get RESULTS. Results.. for whom?

Some that got sent to my area here, I'd rather they just stayed home..

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  George Aar said:

Every now and then I'm overcome by the lunacy of it all. Just what was it we were trying to do in WayWorld anyway? What the hell were we trying to accomplish? What was so important that we had to drop everything and run off to tend to that instead of our own lives? I really don't know.

Instead of getting a REAL education, or building a career, a family life, a connection to friends, family and community we spent our time basically amongst strangers and doing NOTHING of any significance. Yet we thought it was so important, so overarching, so crucial. And in reality we were just memorizing an arcane, often bizarre mythology and promoting the product and success of an amoral conman.

"Yeah, rube, come to Mississippi and stack my firewood for me, you subserviant worm. And I'll teach you the tremendous truths that only I can impart."

To which I can only say "F#$% you, junior"

(Sorry, I thought I'd worked out most of my leftover bile from WayWorld, but now and then another little bit still boils to the surface)

Well put George.

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  A la prochaine said:
I would have to agree with HH!!!

Well done Geo! :eusa_clap:

NEVER underestimate the power of the resident curmudgeon. :D

DITTO THAT! VPW spoke on the psychological hoax that night and he was speaking of himself! I think my flashback was right on and according to

the rise and fall of TWI,it was a tree with roots fried ,feeding us dead false "doctrine" false hope,false EVERYTHING.

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  markomalley said:
You might want to take a look at some of these old threads in the Greasespot Archives:

<ul><li><a href="http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=8171&st=0">Wierwille, Jonestown, & totalitarian "cults", exploitative manipulation, TWI-style</a>

<li><a href="http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=4677&b=1&st=&p=entry">The Thirteenth Tribe</a>

<li><a href="http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=3471&b=1&st=&p=entry">1978 - The Current Psychological Hoax</a>

<li><a href="http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=1912&b=1&st=&p=entry">1976 Corps Meetings</a>

<li><a href="http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.php?showtopic=4326&b=1&st=&p=entry">VPW - A Patton Wannabe</a>


thank you mark,it was really bad hearing this LIVE at EMPORIA after i had just finished the pfal class,25 years later my subconcious showed me the truth!

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QUOTE( Microbe @ Jun 30 2002, 08:37 PM) *

.....I recently saw "A Beautiful Mind" and wonder if that was not where our MOG was? (Not that he had a "beautful" mind, the delusions I mean.) I remember him telling the Corps about the times he would sit in a chair in his "room" for hours and hours, under such incredible stress that all he could do was hang on until it was clear that Michael had won that particular battle. It required his total concentration and nothing helped. People (his wife etc) had to just leave him alone in the dark for extended periods of time. He described it as something like mental torture. He stood in the GAP! He never mentioned Jesus Christ as far as I remember. At the time it sounded to me (not a doctor - ok) like the man was suffering anxiety attacks. He also said he had trouble sleeping and was seeking medical attention. His MD, a believer, of course dismissed this and calmed his concerns about mental stress. Of course he was sound minded-he just had to save the world!


Thanks for bringing up those threads.... I looked at a couple of them and had to stop to pick my jaw up after reading what Microbe wrote here about VPW in the Psychological Hoax 1978 thread . :blink:

And these lads want to carry on this man's legacy??????????????????????????????? :unsure:

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  A la prochaine said:
QUOTE( Microbe @ Jun 30 2002, 08:37 PM) *

.....I recently saw "A Beautiful Mind" and wonder if that was not where our MOG was? (Not that he had a "beautful" mind, the delusions I mean.) I remember him telling the Corps about the times he would sit in a chair in his "room" for hours and hours, under such incredible stress that all he could do was hang on until it was clear that Michael had won that particular battle. It required his total concentration and nothing helped. People (his wife etc) had to just leave him alone in the dark for extended periods of time. He described it as something like mental torture. He stood in the GAP! He never mentioned Jesus Christ as far as I remember. At the time it sounded to me (not a doctor - ok) like the man was suffering anxiety attacks. He also said he had trouble sleeping and was seeking medical attention. His MD, a believer, of course dismissed this and calmed his concerns about mental stress. Of course he was sound minded-he just had to save the world!


Thanks for bringing up those threads.... I looked at a couple of them and had to stop to pick my jaw up after reading what Microbe wrote here about VPW in the Psychological Hoax 1978 thread . :blink:

And these lads want to carry on this man's legacy??????????????????????????????? :unsure:


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dear a la

Thanks for bringing up those threads.... I looked at a couple of them and had to stop to pick my jaw up after reading what Mcrobe wrote here about VPW in the Psychological Hoax 1978 thread .

i couldn't find what you're talking about ? thanks

can you point in the right direction

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