Me too. That maybe why I had such fear after leaving TWI. Kinda like I walked away from God's plan for my life.
My deliverance in PFAL was tied into that bondage... It was so Ying and Yang - like a bi-polar ministry or something. I could not reconcile how all this good and all this bad was under the same big top tent!
How could PFAL help me SO much and be taught by such an evil man.... It must be my perception.
When I arrived at Grease spot and The Evan and others (Raf, Zix and others)began to share where PFAL came from I could then begin to unravel the tight twine of PFAL and VPW. And as the threads unfurled I could then see one as evil and one as having been good for me.
Then the headache I would get each time I tried to figure out HOW I got so delivered in the ministry of a creep.... Began to dissipate.
I was delivered by God's love. And placed in bondage by a lying sex pervert who saw imaginary snowstorms and made up special promises he heard via God. It just ALL happened to be at the one stop-shopping place called TWI.
I bet that confusion is what leads a lot of those people into breakdowns and suicide/thoughts of suicide.
Just so that you all know that today was the first day that I have had peace with the understanding I have now of what happened in my life. It all fell into place for me.
Thankyou....... :)-->
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Privately, one poor little corps girl was thrown out because when she got back from LEAD she went to her room and got $10.00 and handed it in.
(For non-corps, you were given $10.00 and sent out to go LEAD. You had to find transportation, believe for food and find away back and return the $10.00)
I never heard anyone say we had to work for or believe for the $10.00 to magically appear. She was thrown out because they told her to get the money from her room was dishonest!
She almost lost it after being black balled.
Meanwhile, my 10th corps friend went to the airport and flew down to Tinne New Mexico, went LEAD and flew back because he was loaded with bucks AND LEADERSHIP KNEW AND THOUGHT IT WAS FINE. The SAME leaders that removed her!
All these years she struggled....
Then, because of THIS thread she was able to realize she had been targeted by VPW. Approached by a female Rev. inner-circle groupie, did not take the bait and was thrown out shortly after....
NOW, it all makes sense.... Her poor head was tortured by this stuff. Now, she knows that she knows that she knows, it was NOT her or anything she did wrong. And the humiliation she suffered was because she was moral. She did the right thing.
What a wonderful discovery after 20 years.
All of us talking is doing amazing things Ex10, just like you and Early are saying.
.... Vickles--we all 3 knew things were going south in da way around those were just further proof. We were rebelling against it with our crazyness and refusal to toe the "company line". I know we may have seemed a bit wacky and maybe rubbed people wrong at times but we were desperately, I now believe, trying to keep it real. And I remember talking with you after you had been back over a year and I felt like you kind of saw what our insanity was all about...
in any case, it had it's moments of greatness cuz we just didn't care--if only we had built on that a bit more, maybe we would have had the balls to really shake it up!! --- not that it would have made a difference; it was rotten in the roots and NO amount of pruning or fertilizer could change that. I thank God for what I did get out of it and leave the rest in the dumpster where it belongs. I also thank God that you have left all that .... behind you, as well.
I know what a struggle it was to keep it real and fight being the company man.
I am thankful for you and those like you I had in my life. It was a heck of a battle wasn't it?
As the Vickles stated you and your two friends probably are the reason she lived through it all. I am sure you touched many others because of your light heart and ability to make people laugh and be comfortable with God!
No way did I expect this thread to go where it has, but I'm glad it did.
Thanks to those who ripped the scabs off of the old wounds in order that the truth might be better or more widely known.
I started it because there seems to be people out there who think that Martindale screwed up a good thing, that he messed up what the godly and venerable founder, our "father in the Word" started.
As far as the moral foundation of The Way, it was a stinking swamp when Martindale got in, he didn't make it that way, but he did choose to perpetuate the stench.
To think that Wierwille was running a clean operation is to ignore the testimonies of those who were abused.
This thread isn't about the doctrine, but any of you who still run the old PFAL classes, how can you stand to hear his voice or look at his face?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
and Dot, one of the 3 is your sis's larry from her WOW year--I think we talked about him a couple a years back--or am I thinking of someone else's sis?? Marion, OH, in 76-77, right?????
I know this thread isn't about doctrine as well. But NOBODY, can be as much of a skunk in their "personal" life, as VPW was, and not have the stench infect their "public" life.
Religious establishments like the Way, and all governments of men for that matter are a scourge on the backs of Gods people. One day God willing we will finally see them all come to a well deserved end.
Then we can walk free and upright face to face with God like we were meant to. Anyone who holds even a hair of longing for the seducing whores or religion and it's pimps I pray God leaves them with their vice.
If I were dying from hunger I would cut off my arm and eat my own flesh before I would take the scarps offered by religion again.
Tell your stories...Let it be a witness. I'm gonna stand in the hall of honor and receive good words of praise before the great assembly. A token will be placed in my care and with one voice the congregation will shout amen.
But for those among us who longed for this present time all shall be wrenched from their hands, cast upon an heap and set afire. Atop their heads shall pass the staff of God and their eyes will be opened. Their legs will surrender to the weight of beholding their loss and a great cry even a howling shall burst forth from them as the thunder erupting in a violent storm.
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Dot Matrix
Me too. That maybe why I had such fear after leaving TWI. Kinda like I walked away from God's plan for my life.
My deliverance in PFAL was tied into that bondage... It was so Ying and Yang - like a bi-polar ministry or something. I could not reconcile how all this good and all this bad was under the same big top tent!
How could PFAL help me SO much and be taught by such an evil man.... It must be my perception.
When I arrived at Grease spot and The Evan and others (Raf, Zix and others)began to share where PFAL came from I could then begin to unravel the tight twine of PFAL and VPW. And as the threads unfurled I could then see one as evil and one as having been good for me.
Then the headache I would get each time I tried to figure out HOW I got so delivered in the ministry of a creep.... Began to dissipate.
I was delivered by God's love. And placed in bondage by a lying sex pervert who saw imaginary snowstorms and made up special promises he heard via God. It just ALL happened to be at the one stop-shopping place called TWI.
I bet that confusion is what leads a lot of those people into breakdowns and suicide/thoughts of suicide.
Thank God for Waydale and Grease Spot!
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Ditto, Dot.
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Dot Matrix
Group hug!
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((((((oh i love those)))))) where's simon ?
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Just so that you all know that today was the first day that I have had peace with the understanding I have now of what happened in my life. It all fell into place for me.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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oh mini me, miss pickles, i love you so
i hope 2004 is your best year ever !!!!!
(same to y'all's)
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Dot Matrix
Privately, one poor little corps girl was thrown out because when she got back from LEAD she went to her room and got $10.00 and handed it in.
(For non-corps, you were given $10.00 and sent out to go LEAD. You had to find transportation, believe for food and find away back and return the $10.00)
I never heard anyone say we had to work for or believe for the $10.00 to magically appear. She was thrown out because they told her to get the money from her room was dishonest!
She almost lost it after being black balled.
Meanwhile, my 10th corps friend went to the airport and flew down to Tinne New Mexico, went LEAD and flew back because he was loaded with bucks AND LEADERSHIP KNEW AND THOUGHT IT WAS FINE. The SAME leaders that removed her!
All these years she struggled....
Then, because of THIS thread she was able to realize she had been targeted by VPW. Approached by a female Rev. inner-circle groupie, did not take the bait and was thrown out shortly after....
NOW, it all makes sense.... Her poor head was tortured by this stuff. Now, she knows that she knows that she knows, it was NOT her or anything she did wrong. And the humiliation she suffered was because she was moral. She did the right thing.
What a wonderful discovery after 20 years.
All of us talking is doing amazing things Ex10, just like you and Early are saying.
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Dot Matrix
check your e-mail
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miz vick-- PT, so we don't derail anymore...
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Dot Matrix
Cats out of the bag...
This is derailed but in a God way.
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ok--maybe I should post what i just PTed vickless....
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Sheesh, I'm dying to know who in my corps flew to LEAD. Cripes! I think I want to beat him up.
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Dot Matrix
give me a minute
We are waiting!
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ok--nothing extremely personal...
time frame here is 1981, 82...
"--da 3 stooges--
.... Vickles--we all 3 knew things were going south in da way around those were just further proof. We were rebelling against it with our crazyness and refusal to toe the "company line". I know we may have seemed a bit wacky and maybe rubbed people wrong at times but we were desperately, I now believe, trying to keep it real. And I remember talking with you after you had been back over a year and I felt like you kind of saw what our insanity was all about...
in any case, it had it's moments of greatness cuz we just didn't care--if only we had built on that a bit more, maybe we would have had the balls to really shake it up!! --- not that it would have made a difference; it was rotten in the roots and NO amount of pruning or fertilizer could change that. I thank God for what I did get out of it and leave the rest in the dumpster where it belongs. I also thank God that you have left all that .... behind you, as well.
love, alfakat...."
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Dot Matrix
I know what a struggle it was to keep it real and fight being the company man.
I am thankful for you and those like you I had in my life. It was a heck of a battle wasn't it?
As the Vickles stated you and your two friends probably are the reason she lived through it all. I am sure you touched many others because of your light heart and ability to make people laugh and be comfortable with God!
Thank God for you!
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Hiya folks:
No way did I expect this thread to go where it has, but I'm glad it did.
Thanks to those who ripped the scabs off of the old wounds in order that the truth might be better or more widely known.
I started it because there seems to be people out there who think that Martindale screwed up a good thing, that he messed up what the godly and venerable founder, our "father in the Word" started.
As far as the moral foundation of The Way, it was a stinking swamp when Martindale got in, he didn't make it that way, but he did choose to perpetuate the stench.
To think that Wierwille was running a clean operation is to ignore the testimonies of those who were abused.
This thread isn't about the doctrine, but any of you who still run the old PFAL classes, how can you stand to hear his voice or look at his face?
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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ralph g. and joe f. did the same thing for me
thank you god and them
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Dot Matrix
Ex 10 - Pt
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Dot Matrix
"No way did I expect this thread to go where it has, but I'm glad it did."
Amen Oak!
I am glad they helped you heal and kept you alive as well, EX!
Ex 10 - Pt
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and Dot, one of the 3 is your sis's larry from her WOW year--I think we talked about him a couple a years back--or am I thinking of someone else's sis?? Marion, OH, in 76-77, right?????
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I know this thread isn't about doctrine as well. But NOBODY, can be as much of a skunk in their "personal" life, as VPW was, and not have the stench infect their "public" life.
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Religious establishments like the Way, and all governments of men for that matter are a scourge on the backs of Gods people. One day God willing we will finally see them all come to a well deserved end.
Then we can walk free and upright face to face with God like we were meant to. Anyone who holds even a hair of longing for the seducing whores or religion and it's pimps I pray God leaves them with their vice.
If I were dying from hunger I would cut off my arm and eat my own flesh before I would take the scarps offered by religion again.
Continued on next post....
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Continued from last post....
Tell your stories...Let it be a witness. I'm gonna stand in the hall of honor and receive good words of praise before the great assembly. A token will be placed in my care and with one voice the congregation will shout amen.
But for those among us who longed for this present time all shall be wrenched from their hands, cast upon an heap and set afire. Atop their heads shall pass the staff of God and their eyes will be opened. Their legs will surrender to the weight of beholding their loss and a great cry even a howling shall burst forth from them as the thunder erupting in a violent storm.
Continued on next post....
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Dot Matrix
Oh my God! She LOVED you! You are a GREAT guy!!!!
Yes, feel free to PT and catch up!
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