Well the scary thing is, Dot, that some of them STILL hold "leadership positions" in TWI. Others are running offshoot "ministries," and are still revered as great MOGs.
John Lynn also publicly confessed his part in the whole thing and asked for forgiveness from those he hurt. A brave thing to do, I think.
I am glad to hear JAL fessed up. I think I heard Vince did as well...
But some of them they believe in the doctrines of devils promoted secretly by the VP machine...
Still doing it, still endorsing, still covering... I bet if Jesus came down and reprooved them personally they would not stop. They are committed to it.
I might have dodged the bullet and now I am glad I was tossed. But alfakat can vouch for me in this. Life was h e l l in twi after that. In fact a couple of years after this I found out that my bc who was also running a group home that I lived in was boinking a sweet young thing that also lived in the house. She was devestated. He told her that he was the mog and she was there to meet his needs. She finally shared it with me what was going on. I went to the lc about this. They moved her out and had her move in with the lc. I never saw her again. This bc became a lc in another state the next year. I was not able to do anything with twi again. IN fact I found a roomate that we got along great. She was in twi. The bc of that time told her that I was possessed and not to live with me. I was blacklisted totally from all this.
So even though I wasn't molested or anything sexual happen to me I was treated as one that couldn't keep the lock box. This is something I felt very strong about. I knew that it was a bunch of hogwash that we single gals had to meet the needs of the mog. But if you didn't comply or you spoke up you were full of devil spirits.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
That was similar to the crap that happened to me when I went onto the black list....
It is he ll until you find out it REALLY was/is a cult and they REALLY are/were nuts and you REALLY are okay.
I am sorry for the head and heart aches that caused. I bet you felt like your head was in a vice. And the embarrassment of everyone looking at you trying to see demons is just over whelming, isn't it?
What could have happened in LCM's childhood to make him a lunatic today?
Or what happened to VP even to make him into a meglamaniac.
I wonder, I do not excuse them either. If they apologize, however, it would be accepted immediately.
But you are a great example of having a hard life and growing up with no desire to hurt a fly. Yet, another with less hardships may be a victim at first, then become a perpetrador.
Why is that? It is in the heart I think... I mean I know people with worse childhoods than Dahlmer's and they did not grow up and eat people. What is the turning point that makes a victim a perp? And why?
dot, you get enough people telling you you are full of devil spirits you begin to start believing it. Especially, when you believe that twi teaches the truth.
I had to take a psychiatry test one time to adopt my son. I thought for sure they would find that I was totally possessed or that I had some deep problems. Boy, was I shocked when I read the results. LOL I was NORMAL!!!!
That was when I started to heal.
Sorry guys for sidetracking. I guess this thread is opening a lot of stuff for me. Which is good. Its like layers of stuff that I go through in order to be healed. I thought I was over it. Guess not.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
Craig won't ever apologize because he doesn't believe he did anything wrong!!!
I believe a lot of these people are sociopaths. Its not what happened in their lives that made them the way they are. Its something in them. Its not abuse or parenting or anything bad happening in their lives.
If any of you are interested there are a lot of information on sociopaths on the internet. I encourage anyone that is interested to look it up. You might be surprised.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I am sure Oak is glad this turned into a healing thread.
I do know what you mean. That WOMAN told me what I saw was not really there and not to trust my thoughts. She left me in such a state I would put on a yellow shirt and wonder if it was really yellow. I was afraid of my mind because of what she did to me.
Actually, JAL was the one who really helped me there. He talked to me forever one day and assured me that THAT woman was "not right" and I was fine. Of course, that was before they got to him. Glad to hear he is recovering back to being normal.
That is what is confusing because people blame environment and I know people with horrific childhoods who are wonderful members of society where others with a relatively normal life becomes a killer.
It is in the heart. They must accept darkness or something.
The book "People of the LIE" goes into this stuff a bit.
Miss vick--I was kind of ashamed of the corps when I got to know you back in WA and saw how phocked up it was that they threw you out and told you you were dirt, essentially. So glad to have run into you and see how far away from it you are and how perceptive you are... I loved some of the stuff you posted when you first got here on vic's narcissistic problem...
excie, I will see it this weekend and let you know how hard I laughed... :D-->
edited four somm reely bad speeling airrers
[This message was edited by alfakat on December 31, 2003 at 21:23.]
Johniam - I remember your story. It is a terrible thing what happened to you.
I think you said something key when you said "I trusted the wrong people."
I think that's also what happened to the other wonderful women on here. We were so trusting. It is no one's fault the person they trusted was a predator. Our innocence and trust was used and abused. It really is wicked when you think about it. Haven't we been seeing the same thing recently with the Catholic priests? These kindly, wonderful, spiritual servants of the believer communities doing their evil on the side. To me, there is no difference between them and VPW. LCM was VP's protege who carried on this evil in his generation.
Vickles, yes, obviously VP was interested in you and this woman, who became your friend (probably sent to you by VP) was feeling you out. Gee, I wonder why she dropped you and you were later thrown out? Now you know why. Tell me, did she just become your friend, kind of out of the blue? All of a sudden befriended you?
I do want to reiterate though, that there were early corps men and women who were not involved and truly did not know what was going on. They were decent, fine, people. I think they were probably a minority.
Brady, great to see you again! I knew Brady my interim year in the corps - he was such a hunk. Still lifting weights?
sunesis, Yes, she did come out of the blue as a matter of fact. She was not one of my roomates or in our twig. She is the one that initiated the friendship. This might not mean anything but she was also a reverand. Always wondered how she came of it.
Alfie, I know I'm going off topic again but I hope this means something to you. You, paul and larry really were healing to me. I needed you guys at the time I spent with you all. I don't know if I would be alive today if it wasn't for you three and your antics and your wildness. It made me start to feel again. Thanks for your life!!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I am trying like heck to figure out of whom you speak -- e-mail me.
Oh yes, she was a recruiter if she came out of the blue and started to test the waters. VPW must have had his eye on you. Praise God you were horrified so they backed off. I am so sorry they threw you out, however, the stigma of dropped corps was A LOT to deal with.
And yet, in being tossed it took you out of a GREATER harm's way! Boy, what a bunch of crap we all lived through.
It is amazing we aren't all in the nut house!
PS the same way Alphacat and friends saved you, I am tellin' you Ex called me. She was in her first year in rez. -- ya know how broke everyone always was, I have no idea why she called or where she got the money, but I do think I would have done it if not for that call... So, I know how far they pushed you.
A number of mind-manipulating cult leaders may exhibit many of the behavioral characteristics of a sociopath--an outstanding ability to charm and seduce followers. Since they appear apparently normal, they are not easily recognizable as deviant or disturbed. Although only a trained professional can make a diagnosis, it is important to be able to recognize the personality type in order to avoid further abuse. These traits also apply to a one-on-one cultic relationship.
Sunesis, you are too kind on the hunk thing, but I?m glad you though so. Thanks for saying it. I haven?t lifted for a very long time. Nowadays, I lift quite a bit of textbooks and perhaps, some day (wishful thinking) when I?m done with my studies, I can return to a strict regimen.
Brady Brockway, M.S.
Computer Science-Programming and Business Technology Education Instructor
Computer Science Club Sponsor/Coordinator at FVSH
The Academy of Business and Information Technology
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Well the scary thing is, Dot, that some of them STILL hold "leadership positions" in TWI. Others are running offshoot "ministries," and are still revered as great MOGs.
John Lynn also publicly confessed his part in the whole thing and asked for forgiveness from those he hurt. A brave thing to do, I think.
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Dot Matrix
WOW Vickles!
I betcha it had some input into why you were thrown out. She was testing the waters to see if you would want to be invovled.
Thank God they tossed you -- you dodged a bullet.
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The World Wide Web
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Dot Matrix
I am glad to hear JAL fessed up. I think I heard Vince did as well...
But some of them they believe in the doctrines of devils promoted secretly by the VP machine...
Still doing it, still endorsing, still covering... I bet if Jesus came down and reprooved them personally they would not stop. They are committed to it.
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oh god i'm so glad i'm not god
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Dot Matrix
far out
that is a good consideration to the actual topic question.
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Dot Matrix
Well at the bema I can hear Jesus
"Will all those that were in TWI step forward.... let's sort this all out..."
We will be there for days!
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I might have dodged the bullet and now I am glad I was tossed. But alfakat can vouch for me in this. Life was h e l l in twi after that. In fact a couple of years after this I found out that my bc who was also running a group home that I lived in was boinking a sweet young thing that also lived in the house. She was devestated. He told her that he was the mog and she was there to meet his needs. She finally shared it with me what was going on. I went to the lc about this. They moved her out and had her move in with the lc. I never saw her again. This bc became a lc in another state the next year. I was not able to do anything with twi again. IN fact I found a roomate that we got along great. She was in twi. The bc of that time told her that I was possessed and not to live with me. I was blacklisted totally from all this.
So even though I wasn't molested or anything sexual happen to me I was treated as one that couldn't keep the lock box. This is something I felt very strong about. I knew that it was a bunch of hogwash that we single gals had to meet the needs of the mog. But if you didn't comply or you spoke up you were full of devil spirits.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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vickles i love you
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alfie you gotta see the movie now right ?
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Dot Matrix
That was similar to the crap that happened to me when I went onto the black list....
It is he ll until you find out it REALLY was/is a cult and they REALLY are/were nuts and you REALLY are okay.
I am sorry for the head and heart aches that caused. I bet you felt like your head was in a vice. And the embarrassment of everyone looking at you trying to see demons is just over whelming, isn't it?
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i have much to say but i don't feel i'm ready
i have been molested by the best of them meaning people i loved and adored
i do not excuse them in any way shape or form
but i am not against wondering why they became what they did
so crucify me
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Dot Matrix
I wonder as well-
What could have happened in LCM's childhood to make him a lunatic today?
Or what happened to VP even to make him into a meglamaniac.
I wonder, I do not excuse them either. If they apologize, however, it would be accepted immediately.
But you are a great example of having a hard life and growing up with no desire to hurt a fly. Yet, another with less hardships may be a victim at first, then become a perpetrador.
Why is that? It is in the heart I think... I mean I know people with worse childhoods than Dahlmer's and they did not grow up and eat people. What is the turning point that makes a victim a perp? And why?
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dot, you get enough people telling you you are full of devil spirits you begin to start believing it. Especially, when you believe that twi teaches the truth.
I had to take a psychiatry test one time to adopt my son. I thought for sure they would find that I was totally possessed or that I had some deep problems. Boy, was I shocked when I read the results. LOL I was NORMAL!!!!
That was when I started to heal.
Sorry guys for sidetracking. I guess this thread is opening a lot of stuff for me. Which is good. Its like layers of stuff that I go through in order to be healed. I thought I was over it. Guess not.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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But dot,
Craig won't ever apologize because he doesn't believe he did anything wrong!!!
I believe a lot of these people are sociopaths. Its not what happened in their lives that made them the way they are. Its something in them. Its not abuse or parenting or anything bad happening in their lives.
If any of you are interested there are a lot of information on sociopaths on the internet. I encourage anyone that is interested to look it up. You might be surprised.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Dot Matrix
I am sure Oak is glad this turned into a healing thread.
I do know what you mean. That WOMAN told me what I saw was not really there and not to trust my thoughts. She left me in such a state I would put on a yellow shirt and wonder if it was really yellow. I was afraid of my mind because of what she did to me.
Actually, JAL was the one who really helped me there. He talked to me forever one day and assured me that THAT woman was "not right" and I was fine. Of course, that was before they got to him. Glad to hear he is recovering back to being normal.
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Dot Matrix
That is what is confusing because people blame environment and I know people with horrific childhoods who are wonderful members of society where others with a relatively normal life becomes a killer.
It is in the heart. They must accept darkness or something.
The book "People of the LIE" goes into this stuff a bit.
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Dot Matrix
But some of the corps really did seem to be sociapaths and a lot of them were the ones who excelled and became recruiters.
People with heart and values were chastized by the sociapaths in leadership corps positions.
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Dot--I think there is much to what you just said
Miss vick--I was kind of ashamed of the corps when I got to know you back in WA and saw how phocked up it was that they threw you out and told you you were dirt, essentially. So glad to have run into you and see how far away from it you are and how perceptive you are... I loved some of the stuff you posted when you first got here on vic's narcissistic problem...
excie, I will see it this weekend and let you know how hard I laughed...
edited four somm reely bad speeling airrers
[This message was edited by alfakat on December 31, 2003 at 21:23.]
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Johniam - I remember your story. It is a terrible thing what happened to you.
I think you said something key when you said "I trusted the wrong people."
I think that's also what happened to the other wonderful women on here. We were so trusting. It is no one's fault the person they trusted was a predator. Our innocence and trust was used and abused. It really is wicked when you think about it. Haven't we been seeing the same thing recently with the Catholic priests? These kindly, wonderful, spiritual servants of the believer communities doing their evil on the side. To me, there is no difference between them and VPW. LCM was VP's protege who carried on this evil in his generation.
Vickles, yes, obviously VP was interested in you and this woman, who became your friend (probably sent to you by VP) was feeling you out. Gee, I wonder why she dropped you and you were later thrown out? Now you know why. Tell me, did she just become your friend, kind of out of the blue? All of a sudden befriended you?
I do want to reiterate though, that there were early corps men and women who were not involved and truly did not know what was going on. They were decent, fine, people. I think they were probably a minority.
Brady, great to see you again! I knew Brady my interim year in the corps - he was such a hunk. Still lifting weights?
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sunesis, Yes, she did come out of the blue as a matter of fact. She was not one of my roomates or in our twig. She is the one that initiated the friendship. This might not mean anything but she was also a reverand. Always wondered how she came of it.
Alfie, I know I'm going off topic again but I hope this means something to you. You, paul and larry really were healing to me. I needed you guys at the time I spent with you all. I don't know if I would be alive today if it wasn't for you three and your antics and your wildness. It made me start to feel again. Thanks for your life!!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Dot Matrix
I am trying like heck to figure out of whom you speak -- e-mail me.
Oh yes, she was a recruiter if she came out of the blue and started to test the waters. VPW must have had his eye on you. Praise God you were horrified so they backed off. I am so sorry they threw you out, however, the stigma of dropped corps was A LOT to deal with.
And yet, in being tossed it took you out of a GREATER harm's way! Boy, what a bunch of crap we all lived through.
It is amazing we aren't all in the nut house!
PS the same way Alphacat and friends saved you, I am tellin' you Ex called me. She was in her first year in rez. -- ya know how broke everyone always was, I have no idea why she called or where she got the money, but I do think I would have done it if not for that call... So, I know how far they pushed you.
They were breaking your mind.
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Dot Matrix
Profile of a Sociopath
A number of mind-manipulating cult leaders may exhibit many of the behavioral characteristics of a sociopath--an outstanding ability to charm and seduce followers. Since they appear apparently normal, they are not easily recognizable as deviant or disturbed. Although only a trained professional can make a diagnosis, it is important to be able to recognize the personality type in order to avoid further abuse. These traits also apply to a one-on-one cultic relationship.
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Sunesis, you are too kind on the hunk thing, but I?m glad you though so. Thanks for saying it. I haven?t lifted for a very long time. Nowadays, I lift quite a bit of textbooks and perhaps, some day (wishful thinking) when I?m done with my studies, I can return to a strict regimen.
Brady Brockway, M.S.
Computer Science-Programming and Business Technology Education Instructor
Computer Science Club Sponsor/Coordinator at FVSH
The Academy of Business and Information Technology
Felix Varela Senior High School
15255 SW 96th Street
Miami, Florida 33196
Phone: 305.752.7900 Ext. 2145
Room: 145 - Computer Lab
E-Mail: bbrockway@varela.dadeschools.net
Web Site: http://teachers.dadeschools.net/bbrockway/
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