Skyrider, I remember U. Harry Days. I just meant I apparently never felt the need to burn anything, and no one ever pressured me to do so. It sounds like other people were forced or guilted into doing it, and that would have sucked!
Socks, you mean you can walk in your garage? I'm impressed! I used to be able to walk in mine. Then my son moved back to town. The apple doesn't fall far from the garage.
I am new here, and don't want to offend anyone and besides, i want to see whatmy avatar looks like...... anywho...
I support ridding yourself of anything that holds you back from being your best. If it makes you feel bad, toss it. if it has sentimental value, hold on to it until you are ready to let it go. If you love it and someone loves it more and you know that they will appreciate it, give it to them. It's never wrong to give.
I just thought about Uncle Harry the other day, remember when it was said that he would empty out his bank account except one dollar? I wonder about that. I never tried it, but that doesn't mean I don't believe God to take care of me. Do what is asked of you from God's Word and don't worry about it. That's how I feel.
I think a lot of us in the Corps would have been a lot happier if we could have cranked up the tunes and jammed every so often, to let off steam. Like is there anything better to a kid in 1977 then Ted Nugent's Free For All? Or Cream. Would it have hurt anyone?
Legalism is not a good thing, and neither is a license to hurt, defame, shatter, or talk ugly about people.
Life is a balance.
And if the wife doesn't have permission to toss it, then leave it alone! Always ask first, that's loving.
I hope this didn't offend anyone. I just like to jump right in and get my feet wet.
Well, thanks WG. :) I appreciate the appreciation, you're appreciated!
copenhagen, hopefully your still with us and your wife didn't throw you out.
"This old thing hasn't worked right in years, it's godda go!"
My stuff is my stuff. I like your reasoning a-Dan. Makes sense. Me, I really don't let anyone outside of our family get involved in my personal stuff to the extent anyone that isn't a blood relative or extremely close friend would feel compelled to advise me on what should stay or go. I have no spriritual advisors or the like when it comes to stuff. It's my stuff, I can't see why anyone would want to worry about it. I don't worry about theirs, y'know?
That doesn't apply to someone walking through my garage who doesn't want to wear a hard hat - once you're warned ya gotta watch your step. But not all the time - right now I'm coming out of several projects, so it's a moderately mazed-out mess. I'll resort and organize a little and within an hour or two be back ready to go to some more extremely important and vital projects.
YEAH. i should of never got rid of al my 70's music either that was just stupid. Ever heard of the burning man? What is this obsession with fire!
Okay, memory's gone. Uncle Harry Day - "Burn the Chaffe" day...? Burn Chaffe came after UH Day? Or did it?
Did that replace it?
Groucho, we have the same approach to stuff, sounds like.
Frankly, I could get rid of some stuff. I remember dumping all the bad advice I'd gotten over the years, and it was amazing. I felt a 100 pounds lighter.
Jesus - y'know, when we talk about cleaning things up no better source than Jesus. Luke 17:
When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table.
But the Pharisee, noticing that Jesus did not first wash before the meal, was surprised. Then the Lord said to him, "Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But give what is inside the dish to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.
"Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.
"Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces.
"Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it."
One of the experts in the law answered him, "Teacher, when you say these things, you insult us also."
Jesus replied,"And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
I don't doubt that Jesus ran a clean operation, but He didn't cater to being ripped on by spiritual tater-tots and bean counters. Y'know? Ya gotta maintain some dignity. Nobody should be walking into your house and critiquing your vacuuming and wanting to move furniture around or take down pictures or change what's in your CD player or suggest you throw away your stuff. That's just rude. There's no accounting for good taste but even amongst Wayfers ya gotta set limits. :)
I remember the record in Acts where the people brought their "hookie pook" stuff to be burned as a biblical back up for the Uncle Harry Day thing. And, since that record is biblical, I am willing to believe that what they did then was a good and spiritual thing to do, and that there may actually be things in present day life worth expunging from one's presence, with the "burning of it" being symbolical of a commitment to keep one's thoughts on Things Above.
For instance, I used to do LSD and listen to the Moody Blues and endeavor while tripping to "understand" the "spiritual message" they were trying to communicate to me. And those were days of much confusion, austerity, and loneliness for me. Many times also, I had racking and vivid dreams filled with weird spiritual torment where I would finally awake from my tormenting dreams in an awful sweat, and the music and voices in my head while dreaming were many times from certain Moody Blues and Pink Floyd songs. And so, for me, to jettison those record albums was a good thing, and symbolic of my decision to continue to allow the Truth to set me free. And I was and am free indeed...
Today? Well, I wouldn't burn anything, I'd just give it away. I do remember though, once when my kids were little, burning a music CD that they found. One of my kids hates clowns (and mimes). Doesn't like 'em. He got the crap scared out of him when he was littler by a "jack in the box" clown that jumped out at him. His older sister kept chasing him around with it and scaring him by cranking it and making it jump out at him. Back when he was three or so and just never like clowns (or mimes) after that. And so, when he and the other kids, when he was nine, found an "Insane Clown Posse" CD on the side of the road in front of our rural Alaskan home and showed it to me, we had fun doing a "ceremonial burning" in the fire pit in our yard. The pictures on the case kind of freaked him out (they were in fact hideous) , so we burned it. And after that, I taught him about not fearing things that gave him fear and to just laugh at it and that it was a new day. And now, he is off to clown school and has a shot with the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus! Well, not really.
But like many here have said, it's everyone's choice. But that's where the emphasis should be on PERSONAL CHOICE, and not someone else telling me what to keep or what to get rid of. And, the good old fashioned "spring cleaning" and trip to the dump oe St. Vinny De Paul's is always a good idea, in my opinion...
I am new here, and don't want to offend anyone and besides, i want to see whatmy avatar looks like...... anywho...
I support ridding yourself of anything that holds you back from being your best. If it makes you feel bad, toss it. if it has sentimental value, hold on to it until you are ready to let it go. If you love it and someone loves it more and you know that they will appreciate it, give it to them. It's never wrong to give.
I just thought about Uncle Harry the other day, remember when it was said that he would empty out his bank account except one dollar? I wonder about that. I never tried it, but that doesn't mean I don't believe God to take care of me. Do what is asked of you from God's Word and don't worry about it. That's how I feel.
[i have to be skeptical if Harry Wierwille actually did that or not. All the accounts he DID were from him,
vpw, and maybe a few other people.
If YOU try it, I recommend you do what he probably did IF he did it at all....
...wait for the end of the year, and do that with your BUSINESS' finances,
donate to a legally-registered non-profit organization,
and declare a large TAX DEDUCTION.
I straight-out don't believe he actually just gave away all his money except one dollar with no
plans to use that legally to get money, and just expected "God to supply his needs."
I believe God takes care of needs, but I believe part of that is "the brains that God
gave you" and good stewardship of your money, not expecting dollars from heaven.]
I think a lot of us in the Corps would have been a lot happier if we could have cranked up the tunes and jammed every so often, to let off steam. Like is there anything better to a kid in 1977 then Ted Nugent's Free For All? Or Cream. Would it have hurt anyone?
[it would have hurt nobody that I know of.
However, it was contrary to the goal of conformity, so that was a big no-no if someone knew
you had it planned.
Naturally, I think that made it more important that someone crank them up...]
Legalism is not a good thing, and neither is a license to hurt, defame, shatter, or talk ugly about people.
Life is a balance.
And if the wife doesn't have permission to toss it, then leave it alone! Always ask first, that's loving.
I hope this didn't offend anyone. I just like to jump right in and get my feet wet.
...I think a lot of us in the Corps would have been a lot happier if we could have cranked up the tunes and jammed every so often, to let off steam. Like is there anything better to a kid in 1977 then Ted Nugent's Free For All? Or Cream....
Stop right there! You had me at Cream!
Welcome to Grease Spot, Lucy. Nice avatar...and that's a heck of a bargain on psychiatric help...I wonder if you're listed on my provider network.
How about burn the chaff as in the remains of Harry or rather an effigy of HEW and VPW, followed by all Way magazines and PFAL related materials, but not Way Music recordings?
How about burn the chaff as in the remains of Harry or rather an effigy of HEW and VPW, followed by all Way magazines and PFAL related materials,
Why would anybody want to do that? They are dead. They have received the worst that life gives out. They have been cut off from the Land of the Living. Do you really want to get all "lathered up" and angry all over again while doing this? Will you exhume the body? Will you also be crying and cutting yourself with stones? Those guys are DEAD. They will have to wake up one day and face The Almighty, and He will deal with them as He sees fit....
Johnny we ALL will wake up 0ne day and face the almighty. dead or alive.
I do not believe death is the worst that can happen to a person when was the last time you went to a nursing home or meant a handicapped person? not exactly directing their minds where they wish it could go I would say.
Whatever. If you want to exhume Uncle Harry and burn him, go ahead. I'm just saying that the dead are dead and not worth messing with. Their time has passed...
Well, thanks WG. :) I appreciate the appreciation, you're appreciated!
copenhagen, hopefully your still with us and your wife didn't throw you out.
"This old thing hasn't worked right in years, it's godda go!"
My stuff is my stuff. I like your reasoning a-Dan. Makes sense. Me, I really don't let anyone outside of our family get involved in my personal stuff to the extent anyone that isn't a blood relative or extremely close friend would feel compelled to advise me on what should stay or go. I have no spriritual advisors or the like when it comes to stuff. It's my stuff, I can't see why anyone would want to worry about it. I don't worry about theirs, y'know?
That doesn't apply to someone walking through my garage who doesn't want to wear a hard hat - once you're warned ya gotta watch your step. But not all the time - right now I'm coming out of several projects, so it's a moderately mazed-out mess. I'll resort and organize a little and within an hour or two be back ready to go to some more extremely important and vital projects.
my husand and i burned ALL OUR PFAL STUFF in honor of uh day in the fireplace!
Whatever. If you want to exhume Uncle Harry and burn him, go ahead. I'm just saying that the dead are dead and not worth messing with. Their time has passed...
Are you entirely sure about that?
not the not worth messing with.. but the dead are dead, and their time has passed.
I keep watching the news, looking for someone about say.. about twenty-two years old, who got caught in an imaginary black snowstorm, got tangled up in a newfangled xerox machine, and claims to have knowledge of der verd as it hath notter been known since the earth cooled..
I'll probably never see it.
They probably wouldn't consider it very newsworthy
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Linda Z
Skyrider, I remember U. Harry Days. I just meant I apparently never felt the need to burn anything, and no one ever pressured me to do so. It sounds like other people were forced or guilted into doing it, and that would have sucked!
Socks, you mean you can walk in your garage? I'm impressed! I used to be able to walk in mine. Then my son moved back to town. The apple doesn't fall far from the garage.
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Yeah, I have no problem with getting rid of excess "stuff".
Every so often we give clothes and toys and so on to a local charity.
These are things that we have no personal attachment to.
But burn the chaff was more about ridding your life of things that DID have some meaning to you.
The idea was that if you placed personal value on them, they would own YOU instead of vice-versa.
And that would jeopardize your spiritual integrity.(cough)
VP was an absolute antithesis of the whole concept.
How many vintage motorcycles does any one man really "need"?
Or how about classic cars or guns or hunting paraphernalia?
He probably amassed more personal , unnecessary "stuff" than anyone can imagine.
But, supposedly he could "handle" it.
It didn't own him-----Uh huh--Riiiight! <_<
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skyrider that I think about it......don't remember wierwille BURNING HIS DOG-PORN VIDEO.
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hell, i'm suprized they didn't tell us to burn our kids and parents
damned fools they ARE and some of us WERE
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I am new here, and don't want to offend anyone and besides, i want to see whatmy avatar looks like...... anywho...
I support ridding yourself of anything that holds you back from being your best. If it makes you feel bad, toss it. if it has sentimental value, hold on to it until you are ready to let it go. If you love it and someone loves it more and you know that they will appreciate it, give it to them. It's never wrong to give.
I just thought about Uncle Harry the other day, remember when it was said that he would empty out his bank account except one dollar? I wonder about that. I never tried it, but that doesn't mean I don't believe God to take care of me. Do what is asked of you from God's Word and don't worry about it. That's how I feel.
I think a lot of us in the Corps would have been a lot happier if we could have cranked up the tunes and jammed every so often, to let off steam. Like is there anything better to a kid in 1977 then Ted Nugent's Free For All? Or Cream. Would it have hurt anyone?
Legalism is not a good thing, and neither is a license to hurt, defame, shatter, or talk ugly about people.
Life is a balance.
And if the wife doesn't have permission to toss it, then leave it alone! Always ask first, that's loving.
I hope this didn't offend anyone. I just like to jump right in and get my feet wet.
Thanks for listening.
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Hi there, Lucy!!
I'm not the least bit offended.
Even if I was------------ so what?
Your opinion is valued here.
Gotta tell ya.
The guys at work have a saying they use to compliment each other:
"You're a good man, Charlie Brown, I don't care what Lucy says."
'Course, that doesn't apply here. :)
Welcome to the GSC!!!
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Hi Lucy!! Glad you jumped in... some good thoughts there!!
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YEAH. i should of never got rid of al my 70's music either that was just stupid. Ever heard of the burning man? What is this obsession with fire!
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Okay, memory's gone. Uncle Harry Day - "Burn the Chaffe" day...? Burn Chaffe came after UH Day? Or did it?
Did that replace it?
Groucho, we have the same approach to stuff, sounds like.
Frankly, I could get rid of some stuff. I remember dumping all the bad advice I'd gotten over the years, and it was amazing. I felt a 100 pounds lighter.
Jesus - y'know, when we talk about cleaning things up no better source than Jesus. Luke 17:
When Jesus had finished speaking, a Pharisee invited him to eat with him; so he went in and reclined at the table.
But the Pharisee, noticing that Jesus did not first wash before the meal, was surprised. Then the Lord said to him, "Now then, you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But give what is inside the dish to the poor, and everything will be clean for you.
"Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone.
"Woe to you Pharisees, because you love the most important seats in the synagogues and greetings in the marketplaces.
"Woe to you, because you are like unmarked graves, which men walk over without knowing it."
One of the experts in the law answered him, "Teacher, when you say these things, you insult us also."
Jesus replied, "And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
I don't doubt that Jesus ran a clean operation, but He didn't cater to being ripped on by spiritual tater-tots and bean counters. Y'know? Ya gotta maintain some dignity. Nobody should be walking into your house and critiquing your vacuuming and wanting to move furniture around or take down pictures or change what's in your CD player or suggest you throw away your stuff. That's just rude. There's no accounting for good taste but even amongst Wayfers ya gotta set limits. :)
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J0nny Ling0
I remember the record in Acts where the people brought their "hookie pook" stuff to be burned as a biblical back up for the Uncle Harry Day thing. And, since that record is biblical, I am willing to believe that what they did then was a good and spiritual thing to do, and that there may actually be things in present day life worth expunging from one's presence, with the "burning of it" being symbolical of a commitment to keep one's thoughts on Things Above.
For instance, I used to do LSD and listen to the Moody Blues and endeavor while tripping to "understand" the "spiritual message" they were trying to communicate to me. And those were days of much confusion, austerity, and loneliness for me. Many times also, I had racking and vivid dreams filled with weird spiritual torment where I would finally awake from my tormenting dreams in an awful sweat, and the music and voices in my head while dreaming were many times from certain Moody Blues and Pink Floyd songs. And so, for me, to jettison those record albums was a good thing, and symbolic of my decision to continue to allow the Truth to set me free. And I was and am free indeed...
Today? Well, I wouldn't burn anything, I'd just give it away. I do remember though, once when my kids were little, burning a music CD that they found. One of my kids hates clowns (and mimes). Doesn't like 'em. He got the crap scared out of him when he was littler by a "jack in the box" clown that jumped out at him. His older sister kept chasing him around with it and scaring him by cranking it and making it jump out at him. Back when he was three or so and just never like clowns (or mimes) after that. And so, when he and the other kids, when he was nine, found an "Insane Clown Posse" CD on the side of the road in front of our rural Alaskan home and showed it to me, we had fun doing a "ceremonial burning" in the fire pit in our yard. The pictures on the case kind of freaked him out (they were in fact hideous) , so we burned it. And after that, I taught him about not fearing things that gave him fear and to just laugh at it and that it was a new day. And now, he is off to clown school and has a shot with the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus! Well, not really.
But like many here have said, it's everyone's choice. But that's where the emphasis should be on PERSONAL CHOICE, and not someone else telling me what to keep or what to get rid of. And, the good old fashioned "spring cleaning" and trip to the dump oe St. Vinny De Paul's is always a good idea, in my opinion...
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[WordWolf in [brackets]as usual.]
[Thanks for posting.]
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Stop right there! You had me at Cream!
Welcome to Grease Spot, Lucy. Nice avatar...and that's a heck of a bargain on psychiatric help...I wonder if you're listed on my provider network.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
How about burn the chaff as in the remains of Harry or rather an effigy of HEW and VPW, followed by all Way magazines and PFAL related materials, but not Way Music recordings?
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J0nny Ling0
Why would anybody want to do that? They are dead. They have received the worst that life gives out. They have been cut off from the Land of the Living. Do you really want to get all "lathered up" and angry all over again while doing this? Will you exhume the body? Will you also be crying and cutting yourself with stones? Those guys are DEAD. They will have to wake up one day and face The Almighty, and He will deal with them as He sees fit....
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don't know about that one.....
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J0nny Ling0
Umm, I think it would be worse to be dead than be alive. As an alive person, I can still choose which way to direct my mind...
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Johnny we ALL will wake up 0ne day and face the almighty. dead or alive.
I do not believe death is the worst that can happen to a person when was the last time you went to a nursing home or meant a handicapped person? not exactly directing their minds where they wish it could go I would say.
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J0nny Ling0
Whatever. If you want to exhume Uncle Harry and burn him, go ahead. I'm just saying that the dead are dead and not worth messing with. Their time has passed...
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Several years ago, I visited my great aunt in the hospital on her 97th birthday.
When I wished her a happy birthday, she looked at me and said, "I hope it's my last."
I didn't know how to respond.
She sensed that I was ill at ease.
Instantly she said, "Don't worry, I've lived a wonderful life and I'm ready to go."
I have since had other incidents that resembled this one.
I know that is off the track from our conversation here but I thought it might add something to the idea of death being the absolute worst option.
OK-- back to burning our King Crimson LP.s
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my husand and i burned ALL OUR PFAL STUFF in honor of uh day in the fireplace!
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Are you entirely sure about that?
not the not worth messing with.. but the dead are dead, and their time has passed.
I keep watching the news, looking for someone about say.. about twenty-two years old, who got caught in an imaginary black snowstorm, got tangled up in a newfangled xerox machine, and claims to have knowledge of der verd as it hath notter been known since the earth cooled..
I'll probably never see it.
They probably wouldn't consider it very newsworthy
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I thought this one was a likely candidate..
A pretty young starter in the business this time around, but maybe it's not him. there's about a seven year gap or so..
Then maybe it could be.. maybe he was on vacation somewhere for a while..smoking big fat cigars, floating on a cloud..
wearing a halo(?)
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a link provided by mr Lingo on another thread..
I'm gonna email the guy. Ask him.. "did you just happen to be born on May 20 or 21, 1985?"
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I sent it..
we'll see. I can imagine the reply..
"nawww, I kicked around in the underworld a coupla years.."
Thanks for the link JL..
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