Here are some gems (to me) that have jumped out at me over the years. I do not post these to be "preachy" - God forbid I tell grown folks anything. These are just random insights I have picked up through my journey through the Bible. If you all want to discuss, that's great. I share them in the spirit in which I received them - Pure unfeigned joy and delight. I post not to see how many will agree or not. I am posting because I love the Word. Hope you all enjoy as much as I. And I would like to hear your opinions on these jewels.
I like reading your randon insights that you have shared with us
The Mountain:
Mat 21:21 Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done.
Mat 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
They were at The Mount of Olives, right? As the chapter progresses, Jesus makes the statement about casting this mountain - The Mount of Olives into the sea. He says if you believe you can cast this mountain into the sea...But check THIS out
Yes I can see that as a fleshly understanding of that verse but when we get into the deep of spiritual understanding you see Jesus was talking about things that hold us back from moving forward like a mountain can the very fears that stop us from living God's love the things we can overcome
now I personal see many understanding to each verse or many points of view to look at it from the view we can received by fleshly research the insight we gain my working the word and then there is the spiritual insight that seems to come from no where.
Zec 14:3 Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.
Zec 14:4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.
Now, I know I am simple minded, and not everyone, if anybody will agree, but I am sure in my own mind that Jesus when He made the statement in Matthew knew that He was going to fulfill the prophecy in Zechariah. I believe He was talking about Himself. He is the "whosover that shall say to that mountain".
yes your insight is spiritual here Jesus made a stand for good the love of God which made a division within the hearts of people some walk by their flesh others walk by their spirit the love of Christ within them. Any fleshly understanding would take a act that I do not understand right now but I can image possible ways.
The Wine:
Joh 2:3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
Joh 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
OK. The word for woman in verse 4 is:
Probably from the base of G1096; a woman;
specifically a wife:
- wife, woman.
He referred to Mary as a wife - but not His. I see 2 things here. His hour was not yet come - He is not The Husband at this point. AND (are you ready?) It seems to me that it was Mary's respnsibilty to supply wine. I think one of His siblings - a sister is the one getting married, and Joseph is not present, so it falls on the oldest son to stand in for Dad.
yes I see the fleshly insight and others books show Joseph has being dead at this time in history. Its was not Jesus time yet to take the cat out of the box by doing a miracles so he taught them what water can do when added were wine had aged. While I believe there is more this is as far as I can take it adding to your insight.
The Baptism:
Joh 1:25 And they asked him, and said unto him, Why baptizest thou then, if thou be not that Christ, nor Elias, neither that prophet?
This is the Pharisees questioning John. And me searching. The Pharisees knew about baptism. They thought John was The Christ or Elijah becase he was baptising. How did they know about the baptism? The word is not used in the Law at all, only the Testimony. There is a reference to being baptized in the cloud and in the sea in Corinthians, but it is not referred to in Exodus as such. This is as far as I can go with this one...
While they may of not knew about the differnt from water baptise and fire batizied then understood about being clean by water first and only after that the high Priest could Declare you have clean indeed. Other John baptise prepared us so the high Priest could enter in the make us whole. While the study of touching a dead body and then being clean is a big detail subject is a good study.
I see holy spirit baptise as greater but that does not take away the need of water baptise but like Jesus once said the same water that in the river is in the air something to think about.
The New Birth:
Joh 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
Joh 3:8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
1Co 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
1Co 15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
1Co 15:48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
1Co 15:49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
1Co 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
1Co 15:51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
From these verses in John and I Corinthians, I personally believe that to be "Born Again" is a literal change that happens to our body - when we get a new one. Jesus is referred to as the "
" What I am seeing here is that I will not be born again until my change comes and this body of the flesh is redeemed and made like his new-born body.
I totally agree with you here great insight a seed must be planted before a birth can come.
I would allso like to note for Christ to be the first there had to be a second and so on.
Let me say again that I am only sharing, not trying to preach or convert anyone. You all have to work out your own salvation with fear(terror) and trembling (quaking and shaking from fear)
Yes and I am only adding to what you have share with love.
Here is the first usage of that phrase - just so you can get an idea about what those words mean literally:
Job 4:14 Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake.
Thank you for sharing some of your joy and delight with us. I hope that talking with us gets easier for you. I don't mind being told things, I usually prove them though. Maybe as people get to know you and your intentions better it'll get easier.
Thank you for sharing some of your joy and delight with us. I hope that talking with us gets easier for you. I don't mind being told things, I usually prove them though. Maybe as people get to know you and your intentions better it'll get easier.
Thank Jeff,
I am a big girl. I have been coming around here for years, though. It's not difficult at all, this is like Sunday dinner at Mom's house. Sorry you got the wrong impression. Stick around though, and it will get easier for you as well. As for my intentions...
They were at The Mount of Olives, right? As the chapter progresses, Jesus makes the statement about casting this mountain - The Mount of Olives into the sea. He says if you believe you can cast this mountain into the sea...But check THIS out:
i]Now, I know I am simple minded, and not everyone, if anybody will agree, but I am sure in my own mind that Jesus when He made the statement in Matthew knew that He was going to fulfill the prophecy in Zechariah. I believe He was talking about Himself. He is the "whosover that shall say to that mountain".[/i]
It was another teaching moment that He had with His disciples, even though it was soon to be the last in his physical body. However,
don't forget to look at the pronouns, dear Rachel, a very important aspect of any research to be sure. Small as they are, pronouns control the flow
of action "by whom, to whom and about whom, etc" The pronoun used here is ὑμῖν (Hoo-meen) which is a Dative plural, so the Lord Jesus is directly
speaking TO THEM. I also believe that it has the deeper meaning that HE was referring to the prophetic utterance in Zech, But Zech says that when
HIS FEET touch the mountain that it will cleave into two. Remember as well that the Scriptures do say that there is power in the tongue towards life
and death. I do not believe in "BLAB IT/GRAB IT" theology, which those that do use this verse to substantiate their theological beliefs. But if we are
speaking the words that the Lord Jesus has personally given to us...then as we proclaim them....we will see "the mountain" the one that is standing in our be cast into the sea. Hallelujah!
OK. The word for woman in verse 4 is:
Probably from the base of G1096; a woman; specifically a wife: - wife, woman.
He referred to Mary as a wife - but not His. I see 2 things here. His hour was not yet come - He is not The Husband at this point. AND (are you ready?) It seems to me that it was Mary's respnsibilty to supply wine. I think one of His siblings - a sister is the one getting married, and Joseph is not present, so it falls on the oldest son to stand in for Dad.
You listed it yourself, the Greek for woman and for wife is γύναι in John 2:4. One thing to remember is that calling a female by either "woman" or "wife"
was a common Hebraic address for females. In the context of the Cana wedding, the Lord would not have addressed his own mother as "wife" either to
mean "wife of someone else" and certainly not HIS. It is far more likely, he was using the mode of common address and called her, "woman" which the word in
Greek it is used in the "VOCATIVE" tense. It would be the same as if I addressed you as "Giiirrrrrlllll!" or " Hey, Mmmaaaammmmaaaa! Are you a girl?
yes. Are you a Mama? (don't know, but probably). However, I think it is fabulous that you are studying and attempting the Greek.
As far as the wedding party goes...the text does not list that it was Jesus' sister getting married, so to infer it is to read into the account. This is a definite
"no-no" in biblical study. But if it was HIS sibling, the Lord would have already seen to it that there was enough wine and food for the guests. The Lord does not do anything part ways. Again, women were thought about in very low terms, therefore, Mary would not have been the hostess of this event in any way, shape
or form, but the Lord Jesus would have been the host. But the text clearly states that the Lord and His disciples were "called" to the feast, which meant
that they were invited to it and therefore, He could not have been the host.
But you are using good reasoning skills, which is what I was taught to do in seminary. 1. read the text (in English). 2. Look at the Greek (if you know how to) 3. posit your initial ideas with the Lord 4. do more research to see if your ideas match other streams of thought. Re-read the text. 5. Ask the Lord
again. He really knows His bible! 6. Study the culture in which the text was written. 7. Ask the Lord again 8. Posit final
ideas, with the understanding that it may need to be adjusted from time to time as you grow.
This is the Pharisees questioning John. And me searching. The Pharisees knew about baptism. They thought John was The Christ or Elijah becase he was baptising. How did they know about the baptism? The word is not used in the Law at all, only the Testimony. There is a reference to being baptized in the cloud and in the sea in Corinthians, but it is not referred to in Exodus as such. This is as far as I can go with this one...
The Greek word for baptism is βαπτίζεις which means to "dip, wash or cleanse" The Jews continually did this, so baptism, which
is a Greek word, therefore, you won't find it in the Hebrew text, although you should be able to find it in the LXX, which is the Greek OT, was a very
commonplace event. The Lord even thumped them on their heads when He reproved them for "making the cup and platter clean on the outside..."
because the Pharisees had carried it to the extreme. While we have the physical act of Baptism, which is a public proclamation that you intend to follow
the Lord Jesus, the Jews also had it and therefore it was not new. Obviously, baptism represents renewal and Jeremiah 31:31-4 was understood as the
prophetic utterance of this renewal, of the new covenant.
From these verses in John and I Corinthians, I personally believe that to be "Born Again" is a literal change that happens to our body - when we get a new one. Jesus is referred to as the "FIRSTBORN from the DEAD" What I am seeing here is that I will not be born again until my change comes and this body of the flesh is redeemed and made like his new-born body.
That is one way to look at it. After all, Resurrection will be a type of new birth for we will be coming into a new life with a new body
even as we came into the world the first time with life and a new body. However, I believe that the "kingdom of God" is right now. We enter into the Kingdom of God when the Holy Spirit renews and makes alive again our spirit. This is what died in the Garden of Eden when Adam rebelled against God. This is what had to be "re-born." Didn't our Lord say that the Kingdom of God was not meat or drink? I do believe it is available now as well. It is also in the future as well, but if it wasn't available now this life would be, IMO, totally hopeless and devoid of any joy. How else does one communicate with the King...if you're not currently in His Kingdom? Just a thought for you to ponder upon, Rachel.
But you are using good reasoning skills, which is what I was taught to do in seminary. 1. read the text (in English). 2. Look at the Greek (if you know how to) 3. posit your initial ideas with the Lord 4. do more research to see if your ideas match other streams of thought. Re-read the text. 5. Ask the Lord
again. He really knows His bible! 6. Study the culture in which the text was written. 7. Ask the Lord again 8. Posit final
ideas, with the understanding that it may need to be adjusted from time to time as you grow. [/color]
I am pleased that I have received a bit of approval from you...
These are just random insights I have picked up through my journey through the Bible. If you all want to discuss, that's great. I share them in the spirit in which I received them - Pure unfeigned joy and delight. I post not to see how many will agree or not. I am posting because I love the Word. Hope you all enjoy as much as I. And I would like to hear your opinions on these jewels.
I share them in the spirit in which I received them - Pure unfeigned joy and delight. I post not to see how many will agree or not. I am posting because I love the Word. Hope you all enjoy as much as I. And I would like to hear your opinions on these jewels.
Thanks for your response, BJC.
I know...I could tell! There's nothing quite like finding those jewels in the Word, is there?
My apologies if I sounded too " seminary" it's hard to break away from all that training that my profs
gave on how to break down and categorize the scriptures, using all of the right steps.
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Hi Rachel,
Thank you for sharing some of your joy and delight with us. I hope that talking with us gets easier for you. I don't mind being told things, I usually prove them though. Maybe as people get to know you and your intentions better it'll get easier.
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Thank Jeff,
I am a big girl. I have been coming around here for years, though. It's not difficult at all, this is like Sunday dinner at Mom's house. Sorry you got the wrong impression. Stick around though, and it will get easier for you as well. As for my intentions...
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They were at The Mount of Olives, right? As the chapter progresses, Jesus makes the statement about casting this mountain - The Mount of Olives into the sea. He says if you believe you can cast this mountain into the sea...But check THIS out:
i]Now, I know I am simple minded, and not everyone, if anybody will agree, but I am sure in my own mind that Jesus when He made the statement in Matthew knew that He was going to fulfill the prophecy in Zechariah. I believe He was talking about Himself. He is the "whosover that shall say to that mountain".[/i]
It was another teaching moment that He had with His disciples, even though it was soon to be the last in his physical body. However,
don't forget to look at the pronouns, dear Rachel, a very important aspect of any research to be sure. Small as they are, pronouns control the flow
of action "by whom, to whom and about whom, etc" The pronoun used here is ὑμῖν (Hoo-meen) which is a Dative plural, so the Lord Jesus is directly
speaking TO THEM. I also believe that it has the deeper meaning that HE was referring to the prophetic utterance in Zech, But Zech says that when
HIS FEET touch the mountain that it will cleave into two. Remember as well that the Scriptures do say that there is power in the tongue towards life
and death. I do not believe in "BLAB IT/GRAB IT" theology, which those that do use this verse to substantiate their theological beliefs. But if we are
speaking the words that the Lord Jesus has personally given to us...then as we proclaim them....we will see "the mountain" the one that is standing in our be cast into the sea. Hallelujah!
OK. The word for woman in verse 4 is:
Probably from the base of G1096; a woman; specifically a wife: - wife, woman.
SHE BE GREEKIN'
He referred to Mary as a wife - but not His. I see 2 things here. His hour was not yet come - He is not The Husband at this point. AND (are you ready?) It seems to me that it was Mary's respnsibilty to supply wine. I think one of His siblings - a sister is the one getting married, and Joseph is not present, so it falls on the oldest son to stand in for Dad.
You listed it yourself, the Greek for woman and for wife is γύναι in John 2:4. One thing to remember is that calling a female by either "woman" or "wife"
was a common Hebraic address for females. In the context of the Cana wedding, the Lord would not have addressed his own mother as "wife" either to
mean "wife of someone else" and certainly not HIS. It is far more likely, he was using the mode of common address and called her, "woman" which the word in
Greek it is used in the "VOCATIVE" tense. It would be the same as if I addressed you as "Giiirrrrrlllll!" or " Hey, Mmmaaaammmmaaaa! Are you a girl?
yes. Are you a Mama? (don't know, but probably). However, I think it is fabulous that you are studying and attempting the Greek.
As far as the wedding party goes...the text does not list that it was Jesus' sister getting married, so to infer it is to read into the account. This is a definite
"no-no" in biblical study. But if it was HIS sibling, the Lord would have already seen to it that there was enough wine and food for the guests. The Lord does not do anything part ways. Again, women were thought about in very low terms, therefore, Mary would not have been the hostess of this event in any way, shape
or form, but the Lord Jesus would have been the host. But the text clearly states that the Lord and His disciples were "called" to the feast, which meant
that they were invited to it and therefore, He could not have been the host.
But you are using good reasoning skills, which is what I was taught to do in seminary. 1. read the text (in English). 2. Look at the Greek (if you know how to) 3. posit your initial ideas with the Lord
4. do more research to see if your ideas match other streams of thought. Re-read the text. 5. Ask the Lord
again. He really knows His bible!
6. Study the culture in which the text was written. 7. Ask the Lord again
8. Posit final
with the understanding that it may need to be adjusted from time to time as you grow.
This is the Pharisees questioning John. And me searching. The Pharisees knew about baptism. They thought John was The Christ or Elijah becase he was baptising. How did they know about the baptism? The word is not used in the Law at all, only the Testimony. There is a reference to being baptized in the cloud and in the sea in Corinthians, but it is not referred to in Exodus as such. This is as far as I can go with this one...
The Greek word for baptism is βαπτίζεις which means to "dip, wash or cleanse" The Jews continually did this, so baptism, which
is a Greek word, therefore, you won't find it in the Hebrew text, although you should be able to find it in the LXX, which is the Greek OT, was a very
commonplace event. The Lord even thumped them on their heads when He reproved them for "making the cup and platter clean on the outside..."
because the Pharisees had carried it to the extreme. While we have the physical act of Baptism, which is a public proclamation that you intend to follow
the Lord Jesus, the Jews also had it and therefore it was not new. Obviously, baptism represents renewal and Jeremiah 31:31-4 was understood as the
prophetic utterance of this renewal, of the new covenant.
From these verses in John and I Corinthians, I personally believe that to be "Born Again" is a literal change that happens to our body - when we get a new one. Jesus is referred to as the "FIRSTBORN from the DEAD" What I am seeing here is that I will not be born again until my change comes and this body of the flesh is redeemed and made like his new-born body.
That is one way to look at it. After all, Resurrection will be a type of new birth for we will be coming into a new life with a new body
even as we came into the world the first time with life and a new body. However, I believe that the "kingdom of God" is right now. We enter into the Kingdom of God when the Holy Spirit renews and makes alive again our spirit. This is what died in the Garden of Eden when Adam rebelled against God. This is what had to be "re-born." Didn't our Lord say that the Kingdom of God was not meat or drink? I do believe it is available now as well. It is also in the future as well, but if it wasn't available now this life would be, IMO, totally hopeless and devoid of any joy. How else does one communicate with the King...if you're not currently in His Kingdom? Just a thought for you to ponder upon, Rachel.
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I am pleased that I have received a bit of approval from you...
These are just random insights I have picked up through my journey through the Bible. If you all want to discuss, that's great. I share them in the spirit in which I received them - Pure unfeigned joy and delight. I post not to see how many will agree or not. I am posting because I love the Word. Hope you all enjoy as much as I. And I would like to hear your opinions on these jewels.
Thanks for your response, BJC.
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I share them in the spirit in which I received them - Pure unfeigned joy and delight. I post not to see how many will agree or not. I am posting because I love the Word. Hope you all enjoy as much as I. And I would like to hear your opinions on these jewels.
Thanks for your response, BJC.
I know...I could tell! There's nothing quite like finding those jewels in the Word, is there?
My apologies if I sounded too "
seminary" it's hard to break away from all that training that my profs
gave on how to break down and categorize the scriptures, using all of the right steps.
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