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Suggestion for moderating About the Way thread

polar bear

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In another forum I belong to all posts are sent to a moderator for a preview before they are posted.

I know this would be extra work, but perhaps there are retired folks who would act as mods for the About the Way forum.

It would keep the undesired material out and make things flow better.

Just an idea.

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God first

Beloved All

God loves you my dear friend

What I think might be a blessing to "About the Way " Area is a tread control my moderator's that is lock which has all the other known sites for

1. Other EX-Way boards links like the yahoo one (edit as new ones are discover)

2. Off Shout of The Way Ministry Sites links like Dale Sides Site (edit as new ones are discover)

3. Way Ministry Sites and boards links (edit as new ones are discover)

I think this would help other research these sub subject on their own

Just a ideal I had

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved polar bear

God loves you my dear friend

I am on some sites like that too while it works with sites of a few people we have over 3.000 people

I hope its ok that I used your tread to put in my two pennies

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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I can't imagine that would work on a board of this size, which could get hundreds of posts in a day. It works well on small volume groups, with say a dozen posts a day.

This site is equipped with a report button, which Paw has requested posters use. I used it recently, stated why I thought the post was a personal attack, and the post was removed in just a few hours.

Most of us know when a personal attack has been made. Why not just hit the report button yourself? Uphold the no attack standard.

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