Shifra, I indeed remember that horrible confrontation. So stupid. I was pretty well cowed by then and didn't dare open my mouth, but I kept hoping and praying that wonderful young woman would stand up, yell at him, "Well, hang your own damn clothes up from now on, you lazy, egotistical SOB!" and march right out of the chapel and up to her room to pack.
I got the definite impression he had never TOLD her how he wanted his clothes hung. She was supposed to get revelation from God how to match this shirt to those pants, as far as I could tell. If he was that freakin' picky, he should have at least labelled them, for pete's sake.
I also remember the 19th WC woman with asthma who actually made it to Colorado but had bad asthma attacks and couldn't do LEAD. First he castigated her by name on a corps night, having had her removed from the premises and made to stay in motel room. Then the day after the LEAD folks returned, she had to sit with the rest of them and listen to the tape! I saw them in the little glassed in room at the end of the dining room (of course you could hear the darn tape all over the place) and she had her head down crying.
The last I knew they were still in.
He was even meaner and more hateful than his Teacher, with far less regard for the fragility of God's children than God himself has.
Oh yeah, one more thing: Some of us don't need hats unless it's bitterly cold and windy outside 'cause WE have HAIR!!!!
PS: I used to hang my clothes in the closet by outfit, i.e. pants and sweater or shirt that go together, but after that I quit doing it. The only person who has any right to say a word about the closet is the husband who shares it!
I think LCM was just looking for an excuse to rip someone's heart out; must've almost replaced football as his favorite sport.
Oh yeah, one more thing: Some of us don't need hats unless it's bitterly cold and windy outside 'cause WE have HAIR!!!!
In residence we had a twig coordinator who came from a wealthy over-educated background. Upon graduation from Family Corps, he and his equally snooty wife were assigned to be State Coordinators in a western state.
These guys sound just like the FC that came to our Western state about the same time. What a couple of losers they were!
I remember hearing LCM carry one once along the lines of some peoples' dislike of his screaming in their faces and spitting all over them. He said they should be thankful it was he and not the Lord Jesus Christ at the Bema. How would they like it if Jesus was screaming in their faces, veins bulging out on His forehead, His saliva splatting all over their eyeglasses?
I thought, "But you guys taught that the saliva of a holy man is healing!" (man born blind, I think, where Jesus spat on the ground and made clay and put it on the blind man's eyes).
The same BC that I mentioned earlier decided that bedtime for chldren should involve nothing but sleep and reproved us for allowing our kids to take a book to bed every night. It did a lot of damage to our children's enthusiasm for reading.
The whole "decent and in order" mindset was also taken to extremes. We homeschooled six children of various ages. Our living room and dining room was the school room, complete with school desks for the younger ones, filing cabinets with lessons and cardboard boxes of books, maps and reference materials. Nope, everything had to be put away, no boxes stacked in the corner, everything "decent & in order". Also, set times for "school" had to be scheduled, which is fine for a traditional school, but doing things differently than public schools is kind iof the point of home schooling. The result was that instead of wandering over to a map of colonial North America, or finishing a math problem after dinner, it became a lot of work to get everything repeatedly set up and actual lesson time decreased.
The one thing that twi was very good at was taking everything, good and bad, to the extreme. Hence if it wasnt bad to begin sure were wondering about it later.
Many of the earlier corps men came from backgrounds that involved college football and athletics.
It didn't take long before an athletic, virile persona became the image that men should seek to duplicate.
Hmmmm.----I think I'm beginning to see where my downfall was.
It was a problem for women too. I was never succesful in the athletic world. So all of those teachings where using athletics as a point of reference didn't work for me. I couldn't relate to that. It didn't inspire believing images of victory for me because I'd never had any and didn't understand sports all that well. Variety is good. I get a lot out of some TV evangelists that talk about personal every day things I can relate to or have experienced. Things need to be mixed up if it's going to work for everyone.
Well I don't know if this is quite "personality," but on several occasions I followed the example of what was done by others (one in particular) (being a follower of my local leader, y'know), only to have THAT SAME PERSON come back at me and tell me how much I was off the word. Does that add to mental confuson, or what? He simply loved reaming me (and women generally) for doing things he allowed for himself.
Got worse just before THAT SAME PERSON threw me out because I just wasn't good enough for him.
One of the most joyful moments of my life was when we visited Bar Harbor a few years ago, and I bought a cross on a chain to wear. We got it at the Hemptorium. Fairly decent size with turquoise in the center. I have several now, including a little gold one that belonged to my precious aunt.
And yeah, if Jesus had been electrocuted, I would wear a little electric chair around my neck to remind me of the sacrifice made for one such as I. I always thought the ban on crosses was stupid.
There are a lots of policies and "ways of doing things" that had nothing to do with the Bible:
1) when craig and donna taught at family camp, suddenly EVERYONE had to listen to those teachings and you would get reproved for not doing EXACTLY what they did with their kids (including using the term "sponsies" for the little tykes, and running your college-aged kids' schedule for them!!)
2) for years we were taught that college wasn't important, it was just "worldly knowledge" and you should go WOW and Way Corps --- until Craig's kids reached college age, then all we heard was how we need folks with worldly knowledge to reach out to the unbelievers, and we got whole sermons were on how to work the system for your kids to go to college while still sending all your spare cash to twi -- and they justified it by saying that the times had changed
3) words are important, and objects carry devil spirits, so we have Uncle Harry day so you can burn and destroy devilish reading material, records, etc. --- until Timmy took a liking to the Goosebumps stories, then it was all about how you should teach your kids to know the difference between real and pretend, and use their natural interests to teach them -- I don't remember how they justified this one, but whatever it was, I wasn't buying it
4) I had a local leader who hated the smell of pine, so suddenly pine was like the devil's own scent in the area... if you used pine scented cleaners in your house and someone walked in and could smell them you were gonna catch heck for sure -- even if the leader wasn't going to set foot in your house, EVER. Didn't matter. NO PINE became the doctrine of the day.
You couldn't even wear the WOW pins after the program was ended
No kidding?!! Unbelievabull!
"Thanks for your service in promoting our organization to God, but we don't really want you to talk about it too much. People might be tempted to remember too much about the days of old wineskins and roses, and come to the realization that life in The Way now sucks hugely and largely.
(Oh sorry. Maybe it doesn't suck, but it sure inhales deeply!)
We just want you to pretend it never happened."
The entire organization's actions are an assault upon sense, reason and decency. Regardless of what we're doing now, our lives are better for having shucked off those control freaks.
(BTW, Good morning everyone, and have a happy day out of the Way!)
2) for years we were taught that college wasn't important, it was just "worldly knowledge" and you should go WOW and Way Corps --- until Craig's kids reached college age, then all we heard was how we need folks with worldly knowledge to reach out to the unbelievers, and we got whole sermons were on how to work the system for your kids to go to college while still sending all your spare cash to twi -- and they justified it by saying that the times had changed
Martindale's "system" for getting your twi-kids into college was.............(drum roll, please....tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata)
..............get the GRANDPARENTS to pay for it.
Yeah......the parents who saw THEIR kid quit college.....and go WOW.....and go into the Corps.....and move every 3 years......and never come home for holidays, or birthdays, or anniversaries, or even funerals. Yep, THOSE parents of the koolade kid.....and NOW the GRANDPARENTS of never-seen, long-snubbed, college-bound kids.
Anybody else remember the old mint and clove tradition for teachers? Every lectern had to have a little dish with cloves and mints. And the mints were to be Life Savers, broken into four pieces. When I once asked why they didn't just used Tic Tacs, it was explained that this was the way Dr. W liked it, so all teachers were to have it.
Anybody else remember the old mint and clove tradition for teachers? Every lectern had to have a little dish with cloves and mints. And the mints were to be Life Savers, broken into four pieces. When I once asked why they didn't just used Tic Tacs, it was explained that this was the way Dr. W liked it, so all teachers were to have it.
Oh, it gets worse than that.
As you know, that was to cover the alcohol-breath from all his drinking.
So, he would put a mint in his mouth, break it open in his mouth,
and use the freshly-broken mint to cover the alcohol reek.
So, eventually, he complained that he couldn't find a normal mint to put in his mouth-
that at the lectern, they were all broken up.
When someone said they did that because he said he broke mints, he clarified
that he broke them in his MOUTH.
I can't find the original post this second, but it's here somewhere.
So, it wasn't even the way vpw liked it.
It was done like the famous old story about cutting the end of the ham off,
"Thanks for your service in promoting our organization to God, but we don't really want you to talk about it too much. People might be tempted to remember too much about the days of old wineskins and roses, and come to the realization that life in The Way now sucks hugely and largely.
(Oh sorry. Maybe it doesn't suck, but it sure inhales deeply!)
We just want you to pretend it never happened."
The entire organization's actions are an assault upon sense, reason and decency. Regardless of what we're doing now, our lives are better for having shucked off those control freaks.
(BTW, Good morning everyone, and have a happy day out of the Way!)
Yes,The Present Truth,At its best,that was then this is now,What worked then is not acceptable now,except of course send the over 10 percent to us.
someone once called the present truth the present spewth
No nostolgia in the way cept when loy brought it up of course.
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Many of the earlier corps men came from backgrounds that involved college football and athletics.
It didn't take long before an athletic, virile persona became the image that men should seek to duplicate.
Hmmmm.----I think I'm beginning to see where my downfall was.
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Watered Garden
Shifra, I indeed remember that horrible confrontation. So stupid. I was pretty well cowed by then and didn't dare open my mouth, but I kept hoping and praying that wonderful young woman would stand up, yell at him, "Well, hang your own damn clothes up from now on, you lazy, egotistical SOB!" and march right out of the chapel and up to her room to pack.
I got the definite impression he had never TOLD her how he wanted his clothes hung. She was supposed to get revelation from God how to match this shirt to those pants, as far as I could tell. If he was that freakin' picky, he should have at least labelled them, for pete's sake.
I also remember the 19th WC woman with asthma who actually made it to Colorado but had bad asthma attacks and couldn't do LEAD. First he castigated her by name on a corps night, having had her removed from the premises and made to stay in motel room. Then the day after the LEAD folks returned, she had to sit with the rest of them and listen to the tape! I saw them in the little glassed in room at the end of the dining room (of course you could hear the darn tape all over the place) and she had her head down crying.
The last I knew they were still in.
He was even meaner and more hateful than his Teacher, with far less regard for the fragility of God's children than God himself has.
Oh yeah, one more thing: Some of us don't need hats unless it's bitterly cold and windy outside 'cause WE have HAIR!!!!
PS: I used to hang my clothes in the closet by outfit, i.e. pants and sweater or shirt that go together, but after that I quit doing it. The only person who has any right to say a word about the closet is the husband who shares it!
I think LCM was just looking for an excuse to rip someone's heart out; must've almost replaced football as his favorite sport.
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These guys sound just like the FC that came to our Western state about the same time. What a couple of losers they were!
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Maybe he had the first successful heart replacement - a football where his heart should have been.
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Watered Garden
I remember hearing LCM carry one once along the lines of some peoples' dislike of his screaming in their faces and spitting all over them. He said they should be thankful it was he and not the Lord Jesus Christ at the Bema. How would they like it if Jesus was screaming in their faces, veins bulging out on His forehead, His saliva splatting all over their eyeglasses?
I thought, "But you guys taught that the saliva of a holy man is healing!" (man born blind, I think, where Jesus spat on the ground and made clay and put it on the blind man's eyes).
Doesn't look like it worked too well for LCM.
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The same BC that I mentioned earlier decided that bedtime for chldren should involve nothing but sleep and reproved us for allowing our kids to take a book to bed every night. It did a lot of damage to our children's enthusiasm for reading.
The whole "decent and in order" mindset was also taken to extremes. We homeschooled six children of various ages. Our living room and dining room was the school room, complete with school desks for the younger ones, filing cabinets with lessons and cardboard boxes of books, maps and reference materials. Nope, everything had to be put away, no boxes stacked in the corner, everything "decent & in order". Also, set times for "school" had to be scheduled, which is fine for a traditional school, but doing things differently than public schools is kind iof the point of home schooling. The result was that instead of wandering over to a map of colonial North America, or finishing a math problem after dinner, it became a lot of work to get everything repeatedly set up and actual lesson time decreased.
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The one thing that twi was very good at was taking everything, good and bad, to the extreme. Hence if it wasnt bad to begin sure were wondering about it later.
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It was a problem for women too. I was never succesful in the athletic world. So all of those teachings where using athletics as a point of reference didn't work for me. I couldn't relate to that. It didn't inspire believing images of victory for me because I'd never had any and didn't understand sports all that well. Variety is good. I get a lot out of some TV evangelists that talk about personal every day things I can relate to or have experienced. Things need to be mixed up if it's going to work for everyone.
Speaking from the B string......
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Well I don't know if this is quite "personality," but on several occasions I followed the example of what was done by others (one in particular) (being a follower of my local leader, y'know), only to have THAT SAME PERSON come back at me and tell me how much I was off the word. Does that add to mental confuson, or what? He simply loved reaming me (and women generally) for doing things he allowed for himself.
Got worse just before THAT SAME PERSON threw me out because I just wasn't good enough for him.
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Yep I knew that BC Oak---he was one of the most legalistic ones I knew while he was in training!
Also, LCM did hate crosses? Remember? They were not allowed!!! We were told to tell people not to where them!
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You forgot angel pins were also banished-couldn't wear crosses, couldn't wear angel pins.
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We were only to wear Doves and WOW pins <_<
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Watered Garden
One of the most joyful moments of my life was when we visited Bar Harbor a few years ago, and I bought a cross on a chain to wear. We got it at the Hemptorium. Fairly decent size with turquoise in the center. I have several now, including a little gold one that belonged to my precious aunt.
And yeah, if Jesus had been electrocuted, I would wear a little electric chair around my neck to remind me of the sacrifice made for one such as I. I always thought the ban on crosses was stupid.
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There are a lots of policies and "ways of doing things" that had nothing to do with the Bible:
1) when craig and donna taught at family camp, suddenly EVERYONE had to listen to those teachings and you would get reproved for not doing EXACTLY what they did with their kids (including using the term "sponsies" for the little tykes, and running your college-aged kids' schedule for them!!)
2) for years we were taught that college wasn't important, it was just "worldly knowledge" and you should go WOW and Way Corps --- until Craig's kids reached college age, then all we heard was how we need folks with worldly knowledge to reach out to the unbelievers, and we got whole sermons were on how to work the system for your kids to go to college while still sending all your spare cash to twi -- and they justified it by saying that the times had changed
3) words are important, and objects carry devil spirits, so we have Uncle Harry day so you can burn and destroy devilish reading material, records, etc. --- until Timmy took a liking to the Goosebumps stories, then it was all about how you should teach your kids to know the difference between real and pretend, and use their natural interests to teach them -- I don't remember how they justified this one, but whatever it was, I wasn't buying it
4) I had a local leader who hated the smell of pine, so suddenly pine was like the devil's own scent in the area... if you used pine scented cleaners in your house and someone walked in and could smell them you were gonna catch heck for sure -- even if the leader wasn't going to set foot in your house, EVER. Didn't matter. NO PINE became the doctrine of the day.
oh man, I could go on and on....
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No kidding?!! Unbelievabull!
"Thanks for your service in promoting our organization to God, but we don't really want you to talk about it too much. People might be tempted to remember too much about the days of old wineskins and roses, and come to the realization that life in The Way now sucks hugely and largely.
(Oh sorry. Maybe it doesn't suck, but it sure inhales deeply!)
We just want you to pretend it never happened."
The entire organization's actions are an assault upon sense, reason and decency. Regardless of what we're doing now, our lives are better for having shucked off those control freaks.
(BTW, Good morning everyone, and have a happy day out of the Way!)
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And an especially happy day to you, Kevlar. Happy birthday!
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Many thanks, George!
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Martindale's "system" for getting your twi-kids into college was.............(drum roll, please....tatatatatatatatatatatatatatatata)
..............get the GRANDPARENTS to pay for it.
Yeah......the parents who saw THEIR kid quit college.....and go WOW.....and go into the Corps.....and move every 3 years......and never come home for holidays, or birthdays, or anniversaries, or even funerals. Yep, THOSE parents of the koolade kid.....and NOW the GRANDPARENTS of never-seen, long-snubbed, college-bound kids.
For twi.......that's THE WAY to beg.
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Mark Clarke
Anybody else remember the old mint and clove tradition for teachers? Every lectern had to have a little dish with cloves and mints. And the mints were to be Life Savers, broken into four pieces. When I once asked why they didn't just used Tic Tacs, it was explained that this was the way Dr. W liked it, so all teachers were to have it.
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Oh, it gets worse than that.
As you know, that was to cover the alcohol-breath from all his drinking.
So, he would put a mint in his mouth, break it open in his mouth,
and use the freshly-broken mint to cover the alcohol reek.
So, eventually, he complained that he couldn't find a normal mint to put in his mouth-
that at the lectern, they were all broken up.
When someone said they did that because he said he broke mints, he clarified
that he broke them in his MOUTH.
I can't find the original post this second, but it's here somewhere.
So, it wasn't even the way vpw liked it.
It was done like the famous old story about cutting the end of the ham off,
which-ironically- I first heard in twi.
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Yes,The Present Truth,At its best,that was then this is now,What worked then is not acceptable now,except of course send the over 10 percent to us.
someone once called the present truth the present spewth
No nostolgia in the way cept when loy brought it up of course.
Living in the present,Sounds like dementia.
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How that story morphs!
I was told that we were to break them so that the teacher could go on teaching while holding the mint in his/her mouth.
I always wondered though - WHY did they need a mint AT A LECTURN? <_<
Water made sense...but a MINT? I always wondered who they thought they were going to offend up on a stage.
Another one of those WTF thoughts that I let slide....
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Well, a mint COULD act as a lozenge, soothing the speaker's throat....
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