Who comes to the Cafe?
Who we are at the Cafe
159 members have voted
1. What level did you reach with TWI?
Ordained as clergy4
Graduated Corps, in after graduation for more than five years23
Graduated Corps, in for 2-5 years after graduation10
Graduated Corps, in less than 2 years after graduation2
Entered the Corps program, went in residence, did not graduate19
Entered the Corps program, did not go in residence, did not graduate10
Studied with University of Life8
Advanced Class52
Intermediate Class23
Foundational Class only4
Did not take any VPW classes but others in the WAP series0
Never taken any Way International classes2
2. What did you do for TWI?
Went Wow108
Fellow laborers15
Country coordinator3
Limb Coordinator4
Branch Coordinator26
Twig/household fellowship coordinator113
Twig/household fellowship member only28
Was not involved with TWI but a family member or friend was1
Way Productions/music/orchestra19
Other performing arts/dance10
Divine Design5
Way Builders3
Was on staff (office)15
Was on staff (none of above)14
3. Why did you leave?
Was thrown out24
Spouse was thrown out and I went with2
Child or other relative was thrown out and I went with1
Voluntarily - did not like what was taught56
Voluntarily - did not like what I saw97
Voluntarily - bored23
Left when coordinator higher up left6
Left when other family member decided to leave2
Health issues4
Financial issues2
Other (please give info below)18
I'm still in TWI2
4. What did you do when you left?
Moved area26
Tried to rejoin a twig/household fellowship10
Tried a different Christian religious organization40
Tried a different religion9
Didn't do anything for a long time61
Was seriously depressed28
Life became wonderful52
Got a decent job28
Got any old job, couldn't cope3
5. How long is it since you left TWI?
More than 20 years61
15-20 years35
10-15 years18
8-10 years15
5-8 years12
4-5 years2
3-4 years2
2-3 years4
1-2 years4
Less than a year1
I'm still in TWI3
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I like your last words in here, the freedom to think and choose also adding the agree to disagree and examine careful the teaching. While on TWI i didn't with everything they taught over there and I e
Bapsy I didn't attend Hindu or Buddhist gatherings or ceremonies, it is just that with a less elitist attitude I found myself more readily exchanging ideas with people of different religions. Previou
"What's next?" Enjoy life. do something you like to do . Fish, watch movies, skydive, go to concerts. Whatever floats your boat. I have most of mine. I refer to them when discussing variou
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Well Twinky, I finally voted.
As far as the level, I checked entered corps but didn't graduate because we left on our "practicum" year after spending two consecutive years in-residence...during which vpw died and pop was read. Interesting time to be in, to say the least.
Went WOW, did twig and branch with hubs, and "other" being way home coordinators.
What did I do after I left twi? After the lease on the house was up, we moved to another state. Life became wonderful, but not without doubt and despair at times. Life is messy and uneven like that. I got a good job, but not right away...I had to go back to school first. Life isn't all bluebonnets and Bluebell ice cream...sometimes it's fireants and warm Shiner, but it's always good to be out of a cult.
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Just bringing this up to the top for the benefit of some recent visitors to the Cafe.
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I'd like to suggest an additional category for the things people did after TWI. "finished my education or otherwise re-trained for a profitable career."
That's one of the main reasons life has turned out happily for me.
love, niKa
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Bump for benefit of people joining in last few months.
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Lifted Up
...or for those old farts of us who never got to the thread.
Since I marked "other" for leaving, I am supposed to complain that my way out (depoigramming) was not listed.
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Hmm... no options for those of us who were never in TWI?
Oh well. :)
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so it was
I had to choose other also for what I did after leaving. Basically carried on with life, finished school and busted butt to do it.
Found out I was booted from my Mom, twig was at my parents house so I showed up regular twig night and things weren't right. Mom was kicking back smoking a cigarette and dad was in a funk, it hit him hard since he was corp at one time. They disbanded for lack of a better word our whole twig and only one was allowed to stay if he was able to get his wife in line, she was non cooperative and he chose his family I am glad to say. The LC sent over someone who was in corp to do all the dirty work and then weeks later they threw her out once she got rid of everyone. It was pathetic and none of us were supposed to communicate but we did and I saw many at my wedding a few weeks later even a few who were still in and came anyway cause they thought the decisions were BS. Needless to say they didn't last much longer and they were in for about 30 years too.
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today i feel like azzes come here (meaning me)
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Nice to see this is still getting some votes.
It's good to see that less than 10% were actually thrown out.
The other 90% have left voluntarily, even if that was accompanying someone who had been thrown out. I wonder if this group has had fewer problems with adjusting to the world outside: but I think we've nearly all had adjustment issues and not being thrown out is perhaps only one less thing to deal with. For some it was a close-run thing, whether they left or were ejected.
From the more recent poll ("Who's here now?") it appears at present that we all got hooked in in the 70s or 80s, none earlier or later. Have the 90's and 00s not found the Cafe yet, or just not answered the poll?
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LOL I didn't pay attention and added my new votes in .. I was wow and way home and ran childrens fellowship and was a spouse Corps and for the record we were treated like we had to be better than Corps or whay were we married to Corps.. I felt it hurt my Hubby more than me... he was looked down on for marrying me even though I was a complete asset to twig and the Limb.. but what ever.
We left when my Hubby decided he had had enough.. I said sure I was not too happy with some of the stuff I was seeing but what started it all was the night I turned to him and said... Sometimes I wish we didn't have to run a twig and nobody cared what we did .. That was for him all he needed to hear to give him the courage to ask me If I would leave with him.. I said yes and we have been living a better and better life every day And I am glad we left before POP or any of the other baloney that went on.
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Leafy, I'm sorry you got treated so badly as spouse Corps. Graduated Corps weren't considered spiritually smart enough to be able to choose a spouse who would be "a helper appropriate for them" (Gen 2:18) - a helper who had a great heart to serve. The choice should have been respected, not denigrated.
You obviously took some time before it became such a burden that you mentioned it to your husband. And his ready response as indicated by you showed that it had become a burden for him. That "lockbox" thing again - where spouses dare not speak openly in case the other ratted them out to TWI. How can a marraige survive and grow, where the partners are afraid of each other?
Rejoice in your freedom. Every day.
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Amen ! I, too, am sorry for your having to live like that and get it 100%, having been one of those wives. We didn't do the Way Corps thing cuz I couldn't do it, just couldn't go there, knowing what I knew and knowing the worse mess we'd be heading into if we did. Problem wife, me.
A marriage can not survive and grow, of course, when the partners are afraid of each other, sigh. Such loss and regret.
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I tell you TWI's talent for stupidity exceeds just about any other corporation out there. With their whole treatment of the "Corps" they've managed to alienate about 95% of the people who took 4 years out of their life to go to their supposed college level training program. What other college can you attend where you are either controlled completely or ostracized? Dictated to as to who you marry?
Common sense tells you it's simply ludicrous. Spouse Corps are certainly among those mistreated. A normal rational response to this would be giving TWI the middle finger.
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Thanks for the bump Twinky - I voted
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I checked "Other" for why I left, but I thought about checking "Voluntarily - bored." I ended up with "Other" because "bored" didn't really express how I felt. I was depressed and exhausted. My then-husband and I were going through some marital and financial problems, and we were expecting our second child. One night we just decided to skip twig, just once. The next thing we knew, it had been a long time. This was shortly after we had returned from ROA 86 and I seem to remember something about PoP, but I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention because my own immediate issues were so overwhelming. Anyway, when we realized we had missed a lot of meetings, we tried to go back and our twig wasn't meeting any more. Just about everybody in our area had left TWI. We still saw some of them, but we just didn't talk about TWI. I think the others assumed we knew what was going on, but we didn't. It wasn't until just a few years ago that I found GSC and discovered the rest of the puzzle pieces.
For what I did after leaving TWI, I checked "Didn't do anything for a long time." Eventually, I did most of the things listed. Briefly tried to rejoin, moved out of the area (concurrent with going through a divorce), was seriously depressed, got counseling, tried a different Christian religious organization, raised a couple of wonderful children, went back to school, got a decent job, and life is pretty good now.
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Hampshire, glad to have you here and glad to hear that your life is back on track now and you're enjoying it.
Probably most of us here tried most of the options - and then some! - whatever it takes to get you over it.
It's good to live life joyfully. :eusa_clap:/> :dance:/>
A happy and peaceful new year to you.
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I can't see past 2012 on the thread even though there is a post today. Just sayin.
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Could be that someone just clicked on the relevant part of the poll.
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Seth R.
Even though this poll is 8 years old I didn't see it until today. Not surprising really, since I didn't even log in for 2 years and only visit once every three months or so when I can sleep because I'm having TWI flashbacks.
I wasn't officially kicked out, my branch coordinator just told me not to bother coming back. LOL talk about passive aggressive.
So should I have another chocolate milk and try to get some sleep or make a cup of coffee?
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Perhaps a "WOWED AND FORGOTTEN" button?
There was probably thousands.
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welcome to Grease Spot, Close Call !!!!!
i like your WOWed and Forgotten button idea....which gives me an idea - i ought to make a Rotten to the Corps button.
i'm so glad you joined and look forward to you posting more - and let me be the first to offer you a cup of WOW Cappuccino
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Thank You T-Bone.
That cup hit the spot.
Never was a WOW myself but was a victim in 88 and left in the corn at the ROC of 89.
Ran into GSC by just wondering if TWI was still around.
Very interesting reading here, questions answered that I could not get answers to then (It doesn't Edify ya know)
Took the all important Class
which really left me with more questions ( they didn't seem to like that)
May post in a more appropriate thread sometime about that old adventure.
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