Eating at der vey
Would you eat a possessed chicken, or given other options..
13 members have voted
1. what about it?
*burp* um, what chicken?0
Please pass the garlic sauce4
I'd have to think about it..0
You've GOT to be kidding..0
Eeewwwwww, gross..0
Eat it? No way.. I'd take it on the road if it sings or dances..8
I might, if somebody gave it some kinda cleansing ritual..0
there is no such thing as a possessed chicken1
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Tom Strange
b-b-b-but there's no selections for "Borsht"!
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Borsht? I thought that was a vegetable beef recipe. Of course, that "tainted" ex-possessed chicken very well might have the "darker" taste of beef..
and you who voted on putting the chicken on stand up.. well,
you're my kind of people!
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Tom Strange
oops! forgot to vote... so that wasn't me...
Borsht was made with Beets... maybe it was only served at Emporia... but it was Simonzeeloaded's favorite!
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Borscht= Red Beet Soup(sorta)
You can't grow up in Cleveland and avoid Borscht.
(Or at least not "way back when".)
It's right up there with pierogies, kielbasa and kieshka.
Edited by waysiderLink to comment
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I've grown up in a scandinavian family and eat Lutefisk. Posessed chicken holds no fear for me. :)
Scandinavians used to soak cod filets in a lye based marinade, rinse it, then throw it on their roofs to dry. After it was dry they could stack it like cordwood and it would keep forever. They would cook it by boiling or baking with a lot of water to reconstitute it.
Like I said, posessed chicken holds no fear for me.
I probably would pray first though. :)
Edited by JeffSjoLink to comment
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Hmm.. maybe if I open a restaurant.. I'll feature on the menu.. "Chicken ala five star"..
probably only one group in the whole world would "get it"..
wayfers would avoid it like the plague..
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Last part...HaHaHaHaHaHaHa You crack me up!1
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Just add lots of keeps vampires and werewolves at bay, why not el diamonia? :blink:
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I think I have The Transylvania Cookbook somewhere around here...
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You mean this one?
Transylvania Cookbook

Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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I'm just glad choking was not one of the options ...
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I wouldn't even intimate such a thing..
Is that a live chicken in the pic?
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that came up under an image search for dancing chicken, and was titled somebody and their dancing chicken, I think.
Clearly it is possessed, though the spirit may be ready to jump into the guy with the hat.
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So.. the moral of the story, or the song..
When in the presence of a possessed chicken.. don't be the guy who wears the hat..
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Only eight votes?
OK.. one more chance for you wascals to cast your ballot here..
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I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a possessed chicken...but if there is...
I'm making bucks off of it!
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Ron G.
It tastes a lot like possessed squirrel.
Without the fur, of course.
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Ah one question Mr.hammeroni.I am not trying to raiin on your parade but, If you cook a possessed chicken and the bird is dead would not the evil spirt leave the body? If the spirt leaves the body what would be left over?

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That's a good question.
If you remove the "spirits" it would be "distilled", no?
Special Tonight!
Distilled chicken
(on a delicate bed of millet and flax seed)
All you care to eat------$59.50
Take it or take a hike!
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Interesting observation.
Well.. both vic and loy claimed that "things" could be possessed.. not that I'm citing them as any kind of real authority in the matter or anything like that..
Some people's beliefs regarding food go to what others might consider extreme.
Some feel that acts of violence or cruelty toward animals puts some kind of bad karma or something in it, that any pain experienced by the animal during it's demise makes it somehow unclean. Maybe it's true.. who knows..
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It's just..
a possessed chicken, "taken out" with the discharge of the farmer's shotgun.. if anything is gonna really "p*ss off" the chicken, that would have to be it..
I posted this on another thread.. don't know if I got an answer.. but didn't loy say something like this in one of the classes- "animals can get possessed too.. just take em out.. put them on the dinner plate.."?
"hey neighbor.. I hadda take out one of the flock today.. want to come over for chicken dinner?"
"oh.. you mean the bird that was going berserk in seven different directions only to perish in a cloud of shotgun smoke, feathers and blood?"
"that's the one.. won't affect the taste or anything though.."
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Does anyone else remember this.. or was it just my imagination??
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There is currently an ad on the bottom of the page for Mylanta, for gas pain..
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I don't think it worth $59.90 unless I get the best bottle of Merlot. No strike that! I rather have the wine blessed by preist. No strike that I rather have the possesed chicken have an excortism. Wait a minute! Are you saying that the chicken was possesed
by the dark side of the force? The the midaclorians are left over dark force enegry? No way I will not eat a dead sith chicken!
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