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Understanding that which is ununderstandable


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God first

Understanding that which is ununderstandable

wrote 01-04-2008

Here I say looking out into the deep with my God and his son Jesus the Christ on my right side showing me the way of understanding that which is ununderstandable by my little mind of flesh.

But before we begin let me welcome you to this ununderstandable truth in part I am about to share because of our God’s love for us and the great love of his son Jesus the Christ.

The birth of our sun came in a time before there was time itself because there was no one there to measure it. We call this period of time the beginning because our sun had not become a sun yet nor had it been lite up to give light.

In the outer darkness there has all ways been nothingness and something-ness with possible outcome from its movement. Just because there is no light to see what is out there it does not mean there is nothing there.

God was there looking over the vast nothingness that were really something- ness that could be sent on a path of greatness with his wisdom to direct them.

God set all that was in the outer darkness to travel in a path that would cause nothing to become something.

The first path cause the sun planets, and stars to be formed by many nothingness hitting one another setting a place of rest for each part to move together subject to the greater power our sun.

Until the sun was lite by the speed of something entering its newly created orbit from the impact made by the big bang and then something new hitting it which lite the sun creating day over night with months, and years to be measure.

Today new stars are born from the dust of creation lighting up new area’s of darkness by the path they travel until many hit one another adding a new layer to the beginning creation.

Layer after layer have been formed in this matter just like a baby is formed by two coming together with the act of sex the first two of mankind were created by the act of two nothings becoming something new.

Like the sun is subject to its orbit we are subject to the orbit of our flesh and bone unless we can see past fleshly thinking to see that which is ununderstandable.

Thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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