and the years have gone by people have moved on. i think few waited 25 plus years to find out why so many left after vpw died or why or how lcm was sued in a civil court. they got the information by now and people involved today it is like a history and it is all different now so why bother?
Please don't misinterpret my "pasting" of a portion of your post(out of context) as anything aimed at you personally.
It contains something I would like to address.
It wouldn't matter who had posted it.
GSC had nothing to do with my own exit from TWI.
I physically walked away almost 20 years ago.
I stressed the word physically because mentally I was really just a "member" who no longer attended fellowship.
At least that's how I thought of myself.
There is a certain degree of guilt one carries when they think(erroneously) that they are "tripped out", that they have left the "one true household".
I did not know any details of VP's death.
It was always an off limits topic in fellowships I attended.
Likewise, I was completely in the dark about what happened with LCM.
I had my suspicions about some of the sex stuff many years ago but thought it was isolated behavior.
And don't forget, it was seen as a sign of weakness to even suggest that one had these doubts.
Mostly I left because I had a lot of personal and family obligations vying for my time.
This site has provided me with a valuable service in trying to make some sense out of what happened and continues to happen in my life.
My hope for this site is that, if someone with a similar background as mine finds it, it will be as beneficial to them as it has been and continues to be to me.
I'm not interested in proving anything in a court of law.
I'm just interested in putting the pieces of the puzzle back together for my own understanding.
Hope that makes some sense and has not strayed to far off the topic at hand.
I was marked and without a cuputer in 87 went back to the way in the 90's left because it was insane.
but quickly joined up with the off shoot people of CES, cult head I am!
they didnt have any answers besides i still kept my mouth shut for the most part then .
it was a person who left that group that told me about grease spot.
I believe God was in TWi, I also believe God is involved in GS cafe.
I believe God help me and Jesus Christ does direct me to where I need answers.
he better I know how very pitiful I really am in life.
Grease spot is here for a reason Grease spot does provide a resource. Now do I believe everything on this site? do I think the posters are not people with their own backgrounds and "stuff" and problems ? I do not even think all who are posting on this site belonged or was involved in twi.
I think it is a public internet forum that is a resource on the internet and each need to "process what they can from where they can.
and each opinion will be different such as humans are in life.
the truth where is it? honestly I believe one needs to seek to understand who Jesus Christ in their life to find the real and only truth in life.
you know i do get the whole "friends" things on the internet or I wouldnt be here either but I put it in the context of the internet. I try to stay safe and warn others it is what it is. a public internet with zero accoutability.
posts like waysider who always sound kind and gentle to me I do grow attached too.
but I also think if he and I diagreed he wouldnt turn into less of the person he presents himself to be again a very nice guy or girl.
we all have moments well at least i do where in we are hurt and fed up and might write things we later regret, but grease spot is now loaded with a certain group that is here to attack and not so much as consider understanding and they are scary .
I will find your point im tired and need to stop this computer thig i have going on in my life.
yes I am avoiding some issues i have inlife and pretend real life isnt out there and hide here I admit it.
I think folks who join twi or an offshoot today are in the same place we were when we joined.
who could tell us different waysider?
that being said times have changed as i metioned earlier they do have the internet it is here and iM glad.
but who really gets involved in these outfits??? think think yeah we had alot of opposition back then too! we didnt listen. because we were sold out.
I do not think anyone from 1985 is still out there wondering how the hell vpw died. sorry but the answers are all over the internet.
and i do not think anyone in 2008 involved in twi really gives a rats foot who he was he is just an author of some book they use if they still even use it who knows I donot.
to us he was a real live person we watch build an empire and we also watched that fall!!
they didnt and it isnt so very interesting as I am sure it is down played or they would have kept LCM.
people join those groups today for the very same reason we joined.
we believed it all hook line and sinker till we got slapped enough to see reality.
he aint gonna die again , John LYNN and many other off shoots are available I think vpw and lcm reign has fallen and groups like that will always be available for those who need them.
those who stood through it all and are still in the way from way back crap they wouldnt leave now if it was their children own life.
I credit the wonderful folks at WayDale and GSpot with my freedom from TWI. If it were not for them, I would not have heard about some of the books that helped me sort things out. I would not have sought out professional therapy. I would not have established the necessary connections, support and, most importantly, friendships needed to build my own self-esteem and ability to think for myself.
...and that is why my dear, they continue to let you serve coffee and cake to all those who walk in the door here!
Difficult to come up with a simple yes/no answer. The Cult WayBrain is a complicated mindset. As you say, those that are innies, whether TWI or CES, are "members" for a reason. The need to belong to an avant gard Bible group, or the fear of leaving one might play a role?
Most here I believe joined in their youth wanting to "serve" God in a pre-Internet era which sounds innocent enough. Emotional bars of fear (El Diablo), rejection or peer/family pressures probably kept some in longer than they would have liked.
Whether GS plays any kind of motivational exit role today would be difficult to prove. I think for the most part this is just a chat room of invisible Avatar people trying to reconnect with lost friends, work out past issues, play TV games or mentally masturbate what "might have been"?
As a morning "cup of reality"...that might be stretching it a bit?
If that's what you think, fine. Maybe GS's opinion of itself is highly over rated. If you're going to make fun of everyone all the time though don't be surprised when those you poke at poke back. And if that's all you're here for you're contributing to the dilution of the purpose. Something to consider.
At some point when something's not right for you and it's time for a change, that's that. You have to do what you have to do. Easy for me to say, sure. But when I feel like I'm trying to do the right thing and someone or something's deliberately making it hard on me and won't respect my wishes I can get a decent head of steam going. At that point, I'm going to do what I need to do.
That's the only recommendation I could make to a person - make the moment something you'll be able to look back on someday and at least be able to say you did the right thing as best you knew and could do. That's really all a person can do. Anyone that ends up on the other side of the fence, at least you know where they stand.
The stuff that goes on here at GS could certainly tone down a hair at times, no question about it. As far as that effecting Wayfers or others coming here and reading into it that those involved here are nuts, that's for them to decide. But if they're looking for information and honest opinion, they'll get it here from what I've seen. That may include some grief. That's the way it is, then. That's no worse than having people smile at you and lie to your face one day and rip you behind your back the next. And a lot of that has gone on in the Way. So maybe it's a wash. People are people. Those here are no weirder, worse or uptight than those in the Way IMO.
I'm not on a crusade here. If somebody's in the Way and they're happy, fine. I may think they're misguided but if they're doing good work they're doing good work. If they're not it'll show. I do a lot of study and stuff of my own. When dealing directly with others I'd rather deal with tangibles than what-ifs. I may be in the minority, dunno. Fine, either way.
worn out. I mean in the real world they do not get how very tiring this trip has been and maybe why the fuse is just a tad shorter than it should be for a nice christian girl.
I doubt any would believe me if I tried to explain my life/ but some on GS already know.
that is my reality .
where eles can I say I accept the Jesus as Lord in my life and in the same breath ask for the love of God please no bible verses or Im leaving?
If that's what you think, fine. Maybe GS's opinion of itself is highly over rated. If you're going to make fun of everyone all the time though don't be surprised when those you poke at poke back. And if that's all you're here for you're contributing to the dilution of the purpose. Something to consider.
I'm not on a crusade here. If somebody's in the Way and they're happy, fine. I may think they're misguided but if they're doing good work they're doing good work. If they're not it'll show. I do a lot of study and stuff of my own. When dealing directly with others I'd rather deal with tangibles than what-ifs. I may be in the minority, dunno. Fine, either way.
Socks, last I looked GS was still a cartoon network of invisible avatar "people"! At least in TWI and CES people are in the flesh, right?
When you watch cartoons on TV, what do you usually see, Bart & Homey, correct? Fictional characters playing out childish, obnoxious roles. What is GS? Invisible cartoon creations, but with no creative voices, just a keyboard.
Why would GS be any different? There are no "people" here who are any more real than your fingers touching the keyboard. What is there to take seriously? A moderator who might decide he doesn't like your post and delete it?? Or a cartoon who gets angry because he doesn't like what you post.
One size does fit all here. It's usually the SAME cartoon avatars trying to make some kind of point, with a few "extras" avatars thrown in from time to time. And the "usual suspects" USUALLY repeat over and over the same complaining cult waybrain statements everyday regarding how they interpret their ill spent youth, year after year, with THOUSANDS of posts to prove it!
If GS is REALLY a "cup of reality" for anything outside of itself, then cartoon network time for kiddies is more real than the person you look at in the mirror! And THEN Mr. Socks you have a real delusional problem! Like, you REALLY ARE a squirrel!
Socks, last I looked GS was still a cartoon network of invisible avatar "people"! At least in TWI and CES people are in the flesh, right?
Fictional characters playing out childish, obnoxious roles. What is GS? Invisible cartoon creations, but with no creative voices, just a keyboard.
Why would GS be any different? There are no "people" here who are any more real than your fingers touching the keyboard.
Dear Bumperoneuos ...
The several people I know in real life that post here ... are what they say here, at least as much as I know about them. One I knew from Dallas, I knew here only as an avatar, but appreciated dialogue with him ... LG I think he went by. Then he said who he was when he had only a month or so to live, and I found it was a real person that I knew. He doesn't post here now ... were his writings here not a window to his soul?
There may be a few that make up names to play various games, but I can't believe many here do that. It is possible that some are too absorbed with the past, but it doesn't mean it did not happen.
There are good discussions about health care, aging parents, and of course your expert analysis on the U.S. economy. Of course all those dollars and euros floating around are just electronic too, so maybe that little cartoon tiger of yours could send over some meaningless electronic account numbers to me, and I could move some of that meaningless electronic money over my pretend rhino way.
Surely your thoughts here are of a real human. And in essence a real people is just made of of energy, much like those electronic messages.
Hopefully none of the African natives will be hunting your tiger skin down in Africa. Don't you hear the drums calling you?
Rhino! They hunt beasts with horns in Africa as well! So, you must have an idea of how I feel! Tigers usually get the ax in Asia!
Context, my friend, context! The subject is a "cup of reality" right, for TWI and CES?
Not denying that some of the cartoon creations are not acquainted with each other at the occasional BBQ in Texas or have never met. Also, I know GS is a nice place to play TV games and find other lost cartoons.
But the context is AGAIN, Cartoon characters who made the Great Escape out of TWI actually having an influence over those that are still in!
Please, I know there are some "people" out there who still take their god breathed messages about TWI and themselves very seriously...but separate illusions of grandeur from stuffed tigers!
This is mostly all cartoon hearsay of the past woven into threads by middle aged gray haired former cultists having one last Cult festivity bash... sometimes 20 YEARS or more after the fact! :)
What is there to REALLY left to take seriously that is going to be "reality" in a cup for those still in?? It's only as real as you want it to be. <_<
We were taught in TWI that truth is what God does and facts are what man does, but...
Fact is the opposite of fiction, which is usually written and truth is the opposite of lies, which are usually spoken. If God is the one speaking, then His truth has His characteristics, but if it's people who are speaking, then there are variables.
In a court of law witnersses swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but their "truth" is limited to what they have seen and heard; not the same as God's truth.
In TWI we had to conform to different terminology than outside TWI. In fellowships and stuff I had to say household holiday or resurrection Sunday, but it's none of TWI's damn business if I want to see my family and say Christmas or Easter. In TWI only God can create, but if I want to call artistic people creative again, it's my business.
Rhino! They hunt beasts with horns in Africa as well! So, you must have an idea of how I feel! Tigers usually get the ax in Asia!
Context, my friend, context! The subject is a "cup of reality" right, for TWI and CES?
Not denying that some of the cartoon creations are not acquainted with each other at the occasional BBQ in Texas or have never met. Also, I know GS is a nice place to play TV games and find other lost cartoons.
But the context is AGAIN, Cartoon characters who made the Great Escape out of TWI actually having an influence over those that are still in!
Please, I know there are some "people" out there who still take their god breathed messages about TWI and themselves very seriously...but separate illusions of grandeur from stuffed tigers!
This is mostly all cartoon hearsay of the past woven into threads by middle aged gray haired former cultists having one last Cult festivity bash... sometimes 20 YEARS or more after the fact! :)
What is there to REALLY left to take seriously that is going to be "reality" in a cup for those still in?? It's only as real as you want it to be. <_<
alot of things in life are only as real as we want them to be bumpy.
I think my kids really love me until I say they cant loan them anymore money, then it become REALLY ugly and the love is difficult to recognize.
I thought twi had all the real answers once and I was REALLY wrong in pretty quick order.
life is what it is bumpy and reality is not all about your understanding of what is going on on any given monent.
people change situation change and the real becomes unreal all the time.
If this is "real" for people then it is who is to say different?
those with a bible in their rise up and say God says this isnt real or right... those with a gun say it as well.
Much of life and living we have no clue until something eles happens to make it clear .
I enjoy GS I think the posters here are real in the context of what they present themselves, posters on a public internet board.
I tell ya alot of being are not real in everyday life who knew that guy would be the one to do that awful crime in real life he was a good neighbor and a family man.
I work with a guy who dresses up as a girl at night to date men but at work he is just a real handsome guy.
they were married 25 years and she left him for a much younger man . alot of life isnt what it appears .
what is bad for one isnt for another so people bloom where they are planted for the most part.
how one communicate or even forms a community is up to them isnt it?
for me it is a spiritual journey that involves a Lord and a thought process that belongs to me , i understand my emotions or reality better than the next guy understands my feelings and thoughts and the Lord most of all so that is how i form a community.
i can no longer take people places or things just at surface level. to many hard lessons on changing what I thought was real and really wasnt.
alot of things in life are only as real as we want them to be bumpy.
I work with a guy who dresses up as a girl at night to date men but at work he is just a real handsome guy.
Don't worry, it's only Tom Strange, and it's his birthday today! We might just give him a fabulous foxy TV Presentee with beautiful long hair, as a surprise present!! Then at midnight, she can turn into a GS cartoon and let us know how she escaped the clutches of TWI!
Context, my friend, context! The subject is a "cup of reality" right, for TWI and CES?
But the context is AGAIN, Cartoon characters who made the Great Escape out of TWI actually having an influence over those that are still in!
Please, I know there are some "people" out there who still take their god breathed messages about TWI and themselves very seriously...but separate illusions of grandeur from stuffed tigers!
This is mostly all cartoon hearsay of the past woven into threads by middle aged gray haired former cultists having one last Cult festivity bash... sometimes 20 YEARS or more after the fact! :)
What is there to REALLY left to take seriously that is going to be "reality" in a cup for those still in?? It's only as real as you want it to be. <_<
It is possible some here have merely flipped roles, and continue in certain TWI like delusions of grandeur. The front page for GSC offers quite a variety of tools for the enslaved TWIt to tunnel out of the compound. Beyond that the rehashing of the various forms of TWI domination get expressed from every possible angle (and angel?).
But for those coming out even I have chatted with some souls that seemed to benefit from the support of ex twits, who can tell of the better life available in the corn fields where they actually grow corn. But I can only tell them of the glories of beer and deer, and offer no anti-cult insurgent army to join.
Nor do I want to join the anti-anti- cult insurgency. I'm too busy saving people from those nutty socialists in the political forum. But really my main goal is to enjoy my years ahead, and I feel no strong compulsion to save the gay polar bears, or pull down TWI walls, though I may get some cold comfort when an occassional abusee gets some financial windfall ... feeling perhaps some of my ABS at least got distributed outside the power structur of TWI.
by the way, is it still on for the rhino to lead the charge into the compound, with the squirrel brigades bringing up the rear? Nothing I enjoy more than tossing some natives around with my horn and playfully "trompling" them under hoof.
by the way, is it still on for the rhino to lead the charge into the compound, with the squirrel brigades bringing up the rear? Nothing I enjoy more than tossing some natives around with my horn and playfully "trompling" them under hoof.
Rhino, the advance on Cult HQ has been put on the back burner. Seems there is too much internal discord in the ranks and all military postings are currently being reviewed for authenticity.
As this is a lengthy seemingly non-ending process, all attack planning now revolves around a support group of serious cartoon characters! :unsure:
Sort of like Petain managing WW2 tactics with WW1 brain power! Intelligence and communication are so far behind cult lines, no one knows where to look?
Engaging the enemy at this point would not be advised! Desperately needing NEW recruits!
Socks, last I looked GS was still a cartoon network of invisible avatar "people"! At least in TWI and CES people are in the flesh, right?
You're comparing apples and bananas bump.
GS is a website, the forum is a part of it. We keep going over this. I forget you're stuffed so there's less room to retain information.
The forum comprises part of what GS offers, but not the whole of it.
There's no "at least" aspect to this. GS and TWI aren't the same things to begin with so you can't compare the two.
I don't mean to seem redundant but I think part of the difficulty you (and others) have (and have had) is that you're evaluating GS as if it's a church or group or society of people. Then you're saying it's not a group of real people, it's an internet forum.
Everyone already knows that bump. Except for a few that are talking to the plants in the corner, and giggling uncontrollably. I...dunno what to do about you guys.
Other than that, there's quite a few real people having hearty discussions here. You just don't want to admit that bumpy and you want to see GS move in another direction, one you think is better.
So go start one, or get Pawzerhund to set up a seperate forum section and call it "the way things are when bumpy is in charge".
We've been through this material before B-py. :) Be honest, you're just treading old ground here.
GS is a website, the forum is a part of it. We keep going over this. I forget you're stuffed so there's less room to retain information.
The forum comprises part of what GS offers, but not the whole of it.
There's no "at least" aspect to this. GS and TWI aren't the same things to begin with so you can't compare the two.
I don't mean to seem redundant but I think part of the difficulty you (and others) have (and have had) is that you're evaluating GS as if it's a church or group or society of people. Then you're saying it's not a group of real people, it's an internet forum.
Everyone already knows that bump. Except for a few that are talking to the plants in the corner, and giggling uncontrollably. I...dunno what to do about you guys.
Other than that, there's quite a few real people having hearty discussions here. You just don't want to admit that bumpy and you want to see GS move in another direction, one you think is better.
So go start one, or get Pawzerhund to set up a seperate forum section and call it "the way things are when bumpy is in charge".
We've been through this material before B-py. :) Be honest, you're just treading old ground here.
Socks, YOU are a FUNNY GUY!! But after all, the "personal" attacks are easy to read, and just confirm more of the residue of the cult you lived in...I think there's just no Way around protecting your own little nutshell after all the years of living here?
What do you have left in your tazer lazer TWI blazer gun?? How many Cult years did you punch into, to achieve such a clever response??
I don't want GS to move in ANY direction, or one that I would think is possibly better! I'm having too much fun listening to VP's children!
Bumpy, "the way things are..." Is REALLY stupid Socks, and I say that knowing you have a real Cult Following!!
DisRegard whatever you think you must. But really Socks, The Way Corps must have fit your feet for a long your youth?? N'est ce pas??
Everyone already knows that bump. Except for a few that are talking to the plants in the corner, and giggling uncontrollably. I...dunno what to do about you guys.
I TOLD them not to take the brown acid. But would they listen???? :)
Rick, the brown acid appears to have been taken. I heard if two of the blue ones are washed down with a glass of the Orange cRush, you can see God in the Ads if you type in the second word of every post on that page in the Google Images search.
Bumpy, Bumpy, Bumpy. Bumpy.
Thank you for proving my point. My work here is done.
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Please don't misinterpret my "pasting" of a portion of your post(out of context) as anything aimed at you personally.
It contains something I would like to address.
It wouldn't matter who had posted it.
GSC had nothing to do with my own exit from TWI.
I physically walked away almost 20 years ago.
I stressed the word physically because mentally I was really just a "member" who no longer attended fellowship.
At least that's how I thought of myself.
There is a certain degree of guilt one carries when they think(erroneously) that they are "tripped out", that they have left the "one true household".
I did not know any details of VP's death.
It was always an off limits topic in fellowships I attended.
Likewise, I was completely in the dark about what happened with LCM.
I had my suspicions about some of the sex stuff many years ago but thought it was isolated behavior.
And don't forget, it was seen as a sign of weakness to even suggest that one had these doubts.
Mostly I left because I had a lot of personal and family obligations vying for my time.
This site has provided me with a valuable service in trying to make some sense out of what happened and continues to happen in my life.
My hope for this site is that, if someone with a similar background as mine finds it, it will be as beneficial to them as it has been and continues to be to me.
I'm not interested in proving anything in a court of law.
I'm just interested in putting the pieces of the puzzle back together for my own understanding.
Hope that makes some sense and has not strayed to far off the topic at hand.
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I agree completly.
I was marked and without a cuputer in 87 went back to the way in the 90's left because it was insane.
but quickly joined up with the off shoot people of CES, cult head I am!
they didnt have any answers besides i still kept my mouth shut for the most part then .
it was a person who left that group that told me about grease spot.
I believe God was in TWi, I also believe God is involved in GS cafe.
I believe God help me and Jesus Christ does direct me to where I need answers.
he better I know how very pitiful I really am in life.
Grease spot is here for a reason Grease spot does provide a resource. Now do I believe everything on this site? do I think the posters are not people with their own backgrounds and "stuff" and problems ? I do not even think all who are posting on this site belonged or was involved in twi.
I think it is a public internet forum that is a resource on the internet and each need to "process what they can from where they can.
and each opinion will be different such as humans are in life.
the truth where is it? honestly I believe one needs to seek to understand who Jesus Christ in their life to find the real and only truth in life.
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you know i do get the whole "friends" things on the internet or I wouldnt be here either but I put it in the context of the internet. I try to stay safe and warn others it is what it is. a public internet with zero accoutability.
posts like waysider who always sound kind and gentle to me I do grow attached too.
but I also think if he and I diagreed he wouldnt turn into less of the person he presents himself to be again a very nice guy or girl.
we all have moments well at least i do where in we are hurt and fed up and might write things we later regret, but grease spot is now loaded with a certain group that is here to attack and not so much as consider understanding and they are scary .
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I will find your point im tired and need to stop this computer thig i have going on in my life.
yes I am avoiding some issues i have inlife and pretend real life isnt out there and hide here I admit it.
I think folks who join twi or an offshoot today are in the same place we were when we joined.
who could tell us different waysider?
that being said times have changed as i metioned earlier they do have the internet it is here and iM glad.
but who really gets involved in these outfits??? think think yeah we had alot of opposition back then too! we didnt listen. because we were sold out.
I do not think anyone from 1985 is still out there wondering how the hell vpw died. sorry but the answers are all over the internet.
and i do not think anyone in 2008 involved in twi really gives a rats foot who he was he is just an author of some book they use if they still even use it who knows I donot.
to us he was a real live person we watch build an empire and we also watched that fall!!
they didnt and it isnt so very interesting as I am sure it is down played or they would have kept LCM.
people join those groups today for the very same reason we joined.
we believed it all hook line and sinker till we got slapped enough to see reality.
he aint gonna die again , John LYNN and many other off shoots are available I think vpw and lcm reign has fallen and groups like that will always be available for those who need them.
those who stood through it all and are still in the way from way back crap they wouldnt leave now if it was their children own life.
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...and that is why my dear, they continue to let you serve coffee and cake to all those who walk in the door here!
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If that's what you think, fine. Maybe GS's opinion of itself is highly over rated. If you're going to make fun of everyone all the time though don't be surprised when those you poke at poke back. And if that's all you're here for you're contributing to the dilution of the purpose. Something to consider.
At some point when something's not right for you and it's time for a change, that's that. You have to do what you have to do. Easy for me to say, sure. But when I feel like I'm trying to do the right thing and someone or something's deliberately making it hard on me and won't respect my wishes I can get a decent head of steam going. At that point, I'm going to do what I need to do.
That's the only recommendation I could make to a person - make the moment something you'll be able to look back on someday and at least be able to say you did the right thing as best you knew and could do. That's really all a person can do. Anyone that ends up on the other side of the fence, at least you know where they stand.
The stuff that goes on here at GS could certainly tone down a hair at times, no question about it. As far as that effecting Wayfers or others coming here and reading into it that those involved here are nuts, that's for them to decide. But if they're looking for information and honest opinion, they'll get it here from what I've seen. That may include some grief. That's the way it is, then. That's no worse than having people smile at you and lie to your face one day and rip you behind your back the next. And a lot of that has gone on in the Way. So maybe it's a wash. People are people. Those here are no weirder, worse or uptight than those in the Way IMO.
I'm not on a crusade here. If somebody's in the Way and they're happy, fine. I may think they're misguided but if they're doing good work they're doing good work. If they're not it'll show. I do a lot of study and stuff of my own. When dealing directly with others I'd rather deal with tangibles than what-ifs. I may be in the minority, dunno. Fine, either way.
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I don't think so. .
see.. we really haven't gone anywhere.. a lot of us who were "turned out".. left to our own "devices".. We are still here.
the just "go ahead.. be peaceful.. be filled..".. a lot of us were previously filled with nonsense..
that's what a lot of us have heard..
where have some of us gone..
the "world" that was claimed to be so "ungodly"..
the "cup of reality" we offer.. perhaps it is that the "one size spirituality fits all" does not really fit..
I kind of view twi as some kind of failed "experiment"..
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I dunno how anybody else thinks..
My personal nature DEMANDS that I make some kind of difference here.. at least in this life..
der vey offered a few shorcuts..
I'm glad I didn't take them up on them all.
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I'm with you, Mr. Hammy.
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yeah squirrel
worn out. I mean in the real world they do not get how very tiring this trip has been and maybe why the fuse is just a tad shorter than it should be for a nice christian girl.
I doubt any would believe me if I tried to explain my life/ but some on GS already know.
that is my reality .
where eles can I say I accept the Jesus as Lord in my life and in the same breath ask for the love of God please no bible verses or Im leaving?
hahah sad but true.
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Socks, last I looked GS was still a cartoon network of invisible avatar "people"! At least in TWI and CES people are in the flesh, right?
When you watch cartoons on TV, what do you usually see, Bart & Homey, correct? Fictional characters playing out childish, obnoxious roles. What is GS? Invisible cartoon creations, but with no creative voices, just a keyboard.
Why would GS be any different? There are no "people" here who are any more real than your fingers touching the keyboard. What is there to take seriously? A moderator who might decide he doesn't like your post and delete it??
Or a cartoon who gets angry because he doesn't like what you post.
One size does fit all here. It's usually the SAME cartoon avatars trying to make some kind of point, with a few "extras" avatars thrown in from time to time. And the "usual suspects" USUALLY repeat over and over the same complaining cult waybrain statements everyday regarding how they interpret their ill spent youth,
year after year, with THOUSANDS of posts to prove it! 
If GS is REALLY a "cup of reality" for anything outside of itself, then cartoon network time for kiddies is more real than the person you look at in the mirror! And THEN Mr. Socks you have a real delusional problem!
Like, you REALLY ARE a squirrel! 
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Dear Bumperoneuos ...
The several people I know in real life that post here ... are what they say here, at least as much as I know about them. One I knew from Dallas, I knew here only as an avatar, but appreciated dialogue with him ... LG I think he went by. Then he said who he was when he had only a month or so to live, and I found it was a real person that I knew. He doesn't post here now ... were his writings here not a window to his soul?
There may be a few that make up names to play various games, but I can't believe many here do that. It is possible that some are too absorbed with the past, but it doesn't mean it did not happen.
There are good discussions about health care, aging parents, and of course your expert analysis on the U.S. economy. Of course all those dollars and euros floating around are just electronic too, so maybe that little cartoon tiger of yours could send over some meaningless electronic account numbers to me, and I could move some of that meaningless electronic money over my pretend rhino way.
Surely your thoughts here are of a real human. And in essence a real people is just made of of energy, much like those electronic messages.
Hopefully none of the African natives will be hunting your tiger skin down in Africa. Don't you hear the drums calling you?
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Rhino! They hunt beasts with horns in Africa as well! So, you must have an idea of how I feel!
Tigers usually get the ax in Asia!
Context, my friend, context! The subject is a "cup of reality" right, for TWI and CES?
Not denying that some of the cartoon creations are not acquainted with each other at the occasional BBQ in Texas or have never met. Also, I know GS is a nice place to play TV games and find other lost cartoons.
But the context is AGAIN, Cartoon characters who made the Great Escape out of TWI actually having an influence over those that are still in!
Please, I know there are some "people" out there who still take their god breathed messages about TWI and themselves very seriously...but separate illusions of grandeur from stuffed tigers!
This is mostly all cartoon hearsay of the past woven into threads by middle aged gray haired former cultists having one last Cult festivity bash... sometimes 20 YEARS or more after the fact! :)
What is there to REALLY left to take seriously that is going to be "reality" in a cup for those still in?? It's only as real as you want it to be. <_<
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We were taught in TWI that truth is what God does and facts are what man does, but...
Fact is the opposite of fiction, which is usually written and truth is the opposite of lies, which are usually spoken. If God is the one speaking, then His truth has His characteristics, but if it's people who are speaking, then there are variables.
In a court of law witnersses swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, but their "truth" is limited to what they have seen and heard; not the same as God's truth.
In TWI we had to conform to different terminology than outside TWI. In fellowships and stuff I had to say household holiday or resurrection Sunday, but it's none of TWI's damn business if I want to see my family and say Christmas or Easter. In TWI only God can create, but if I want to call artistic people creative again, it's my business.
And that's the truth :) .
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alot of things in life are only as real as we want them to be bumpy.
I think my kids really love me until I say they cant loan them anymore money, then it become REALLY ugly and the love is difficult to recognize.
I thought twi had all the real answers once and I was REALLY wrong in pretty quick order.
life is what it is bumpy and reality is not all about your understanding of what is going on on any given monent.
people change situation change and the real becomes unreal all the time.
If this is "real" for people then it is who is to say different?
those with a bible in their rise up and say God says this isnt real or right... those with a gun say it as well.
Much of life and living we have no clue until something eles happens to make it clear .
I enjoy GS I think the posters here are real in the context of what they present themselves, posters on a public internet board.
I tell ya alot of being are not real in everyday life who knew that guy would be the one to do that awful crime in real life he was a good neighbor and a family man.
I work with a guy who dresses up as a girl at night to date men but at work he is just a real handsome guy.
they were married 25 years and she left him for a much younger man . alot of life isnt what it appears .
what is bad for one isnt for another so people bloom where they are planted for the most part.
how one communicate or even forms a community is up to them isnt it?
for me it is a spiritual journey that involves a Lord and a thought process that belongs to me , i understand my emotions or reality better than the next guy understands my feelings and thoughts and the Lord most of all so that is how i form a community.
i can no longer take people places or things just at surface level. to many hard lessons on changing what I thought was real and really wasnt.
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Don't worry, it's only Tom Strange, and it's his birthday today! We might just give him a fabulous foxy TV Presentee with beautiful long hair, as a surprise present!!
Then at midnight, she can turn into a GS cartoon and let us know how she escaped the clutches of TWI! 
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It is possible some here have merely flipped roles, and continue in certain TWI like delusions of grandeur. The front page for GSC offers quite a variety of tools for the enslaved TWIt to tunnel out of the compound. Beyond that the rehashing of the various forms of TWI domination get expressed from every possible angle (and angel?).
But for those coming out even I have chatted with some souls that seemed to benefit from the support of ex twits, who can tell of the better life available in the corn fields where they actually grow corn. But I can only tell them of the glories of beer and deer, and offer no anti-cult insurgent army to join.
Nor do I want to join the anti-anti- cult insurgency. I'm too busy saving people from those nutty socialists in the political forum.
But really my main goal is to enjoy my years ahead, and I feel no strong compulsion to save the gay polar bears, or pull down TWI walls, though I may get some cold comfort when an occassional abusee gets some financial windfall ... feeling perhaps some of my ABS at least got distributed outside the power structur of TWI.
by the way, is it still on for the rhino to lead the charge into the compound, with the squirrel brigades bringing up the rear? Nothing I enjoy more than tossing some natives around with my horn and playfully "trompling" them under hoof.
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Rhino, the advance on Cult HQ has been put on the back burner. Seems there is too much internal discord in the ranks and all military postings are currently being reviewed for authenticity.
As this is a lengthy seemingly non-ending process, all attack planning now revolves around a support group of serious cartoon characters! :unsure:
Sort of like Petain managing WW2 tactics with WW1 brain power! Intelligence and communication are so far behind cult lines, no one knows where to look?
Engaging the enemy at this point would not be advised! Desperately needing NEW recruits!
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You're comparing apples and bananas bump.
GS is a website, the forum is a part of it. We keep going over this. I forget you're stuffed so there's less room to retain information.
The forum comprises part of what GS offers, but not the whole of it.
There's no "at least" aspect to this. GS and TWI aren't the same things to begin with so you can't compare the two.
I don't mean to seem redundant but I think part of the difficulty you (and others) have (and have had) is that you're evaluating GS as if it's a church or group or society of people. Then you're saying it's not a group of real people, it's an internet forum.
Everyone already knows that bump. Except for a few that are talking to the plants in the corner, and giggling uncontrollably. I...dunno what to do about you guys.
Other than that, there's quite a few real people having hearty discussions here. You just don't want to admit that bumpy and you want to see GS move in another direction, one you think is better.
So go start one, or get Pawzerhund to set up a seperate forum section and call it "the way things are when bumpy is in charge".
We've been through this material before B-py. :) Be honest, you're just treading old ground here.
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Socks, YOU are a FUNNY GUY!! But after all, the "personal" attacks are easy to read, and just confirm more of the residue of the cult you lived in...I think there's just no Way around protecting your own little nutshell after all the years of living here?
What do you have left in your tazer lazer TWI blazer gun?? How many Cult years did you punch into, to achieve such a clever response??
I don't want GS to move in ANY direction, or one that I would think is possibly better! I'm having too much fun listening to VP's children!
Bumpy, "the way things are..." Is REALLY stupid Socks, and I say that knowing you have a real Cult Following!!
DisRegard whatever you think you must. But really Socks, The Way Corps must have fit your feet for a long your youth?? N'est ce pas??
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I TOLD them not to take the brown acid. But would they listen???? :)
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But, what about the entertainment factor?
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Rick, the brown acid appears to have been taken. I heard if two of the blue ones are washed down with a glass of the Orange cRush, you can see God in the Ads if you type in the second word of every post on that page in the Google Images search.
Bumpy, Bumpy, Bumpy. Bumpy.
Thank you for proving my point. My work here is done.
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Socks, Shirts, Pantalones, and more Socks! If I can be of any further service please let me know!
But IF your work here in ToonTown is done...Why are you still jumping around on my screen??
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