Still, the same argument could probably be made for letters(remember when people wrote on paper?) or for phone conversations.(Hey, it's just some kind of electronic signal that travels through a wire or thin air, in the case of cell phones.)
Sure, it's not real but it represents something that is.
But hey, If VP said it, that settles it!!
Note: No humans (or tigers) were hurt in the typing of this post. :)
Veysider...what's "Jukin'", anyway? And this magic land with nitebirds and autumn nights in synco time?
Did you take too much of that way cool aid, or was it Tom's brown acid?? And that coffee, yuck!
By the way, nobody has told me whether JC changed the water into red or white wine?? Can you help me out? :unsure:
Those French people are still wondering what that wine tasting experience was all about!
Letters and phones are like bad coffee, it's all painful!!
There are *no people skills* required in cyber land because No People Exist! What you read is the matrix of computer generated binary code, coated in nothing but illusions of human emotional reaction! Nothing authentic exists, therefore No "Skills" are REQUIRED to WORK on...IT'S "ALL" GRACE!! VP
bs, i could tell you a story you wouldn't believe about what has happened here at GSC
But I won't cause you won't believe it, doubt if any would but me and those involved.
I've only met the person here and never face to face.
But still the power of words can change lives.
I proved it to myself and those involved were astonished a bit as well.
Does dismissing us binary code some how make it ok to be insulting and mean...trolling from thread to thread to throw out insults in order to get a rise for your mornings entertainment over tea?
If that is what you have to do to tell yourself that being a bullying is ok...I guess that I can understand it.
I know that I am flesh and blood on the other side of this screen that whom you are deliberatly baiting and trying to offend.
Your *humor* is many times disruptive of productive discussions where people are finding value in one another`s insight.
You drop stink ...and them when there is an ensuing uproar...act suprised and whine...oh poor just don`t understand comical little bumpy.
What you do is disruptive and mean, however *harmless* you label your activities. I think that your biggest fans are those whom enjoy watching you slam posters who`s view point they don`t care for.
Now the wine----I guess I'll have to blow the dust off my Bible and see what the meal consisted of.
Perhaps the clue lies therein.
One thing we know for sure is that it wasn't a "vintage" selection.
Madam Veysider and fellow Heavy Spirituals (wc) Individuals...
Please, can you help me with that miracle wine question...a bottle of red, a bottle of white, it all depends upon...? The French people are calling me up and asking what VP and the Bible said?
And tonight I find out NO ONE, not even Word Wolf prayed for him on his Death Bed! (I'm just praying THE SECRET didn't DIE With Him!!)
Madam Veysider and fellow Heavy Spirituals (wc) Individuals...
Please, can you help me with that miracle wine question...a bottle of red, a bottle of white, it all depends upon...? The French people are calling me up and asking what VP and the Bible said?
And tonight I find out NO ONE, not even Word Wolf prayed for him on his Death Bed! (I'm just praying THE SECRET didn't DIE With Him!!)
had to be blood red wine ... white would not look right in the pictures ... lets roll the tape ... well, it looks a little brown ...
If this were the last year of my life (as well it may be for all I know), I'd try to be a little kinder, a little more patient, a little more understanding. I wouldn't worry so much about the dust on the top shelves. I'd read the books on the lower shelves.
If this were the last year of my life, I would spent less time grumbling under my breath and more time saying "I love you" out loud.
If this were the last year of my life, I would decide once and for all whether I believe God loves me and sent His Son to die for me, as worthless as I sometimes am.
If this were the last year of my life, I'd finish the grandmother's book I bought for my grandson and almost never write in.
If this were the last year of my life, I would spend a little bit of time doing the things I like to do, walking on the beach at Sanibel Island, standing on the front porch during a thunderstorm, writing essays about things I think are important.
If this were the last year of my life, I would spend a lot of time doing the things for others I wouldn't get to do 366 days from today.
Did they even use clear glass glasses back then? It looks like they cleared the table already, and Jesus is skipping out early to avoid the bill.
1542; Oil on canvas; Galleria Borghese, Rome
Jacopo Bassano's Last Supper is one of the masterpieces of 16th-century Italian painting. Instead of the elegant grouping of figures in Leonardo's painting, which inspired it, this dramatic scene features barefoot fishermen at the crucial moment when Christ asks who will betray him, and the light passing through a glass of wine stains the clean tablecloth red. Recent restoration has only now revealed the extraordinary original colours, which had been heavily painted over in the 19th century, when the emerald green and iridescent pinks and oranges were not in fashion.
But Rhino & Beloved Followers of Wine in the Lord! :)
The French are not looking for classic ITALIAN Masterpieces to explain the Lord's First Miracle! That could be construed as diluting the point by association and ending up with ROSE' instead of a definitive answer!!
We Need Proof of Scripture, not private interpretation OR VEXXXATIONof Spirit to appease the doubting Thomas's lurking in the background or on other forbidden sites we don't talk about!
Remember it's the Integrity of God's Word which is at stake here, and JC's first miracle. I have to believe that he knew what he was doing when he made that wine melange!
But Rhino & Beloved Followers of Wine in the Lord! :)
The French are not looking for classic ITALIAN Masterpieces to explain the Lord's First Miracle! That could be construed as diluting the point by association and ending up with ROSE' instead of a definitive answer!!
We Need Proof of Scripture, not private interpretation OR VEXXXATIONof Spirit to appease the doubting Thomas's lurking in the background or on other forbidden sites we don't talk about!
Remember it's the Integrity of God's Word which is at stake here, and JC's first miracle. I have to believe that he knew what he was doing when he made that wine melange!
Bumpy, Bumpy, Bumpy
Don't you "get it"?
You can't start a thread, subtitle it "whiners need not apply" and then expect expert "winers" to come to the interview.
You can't start a thread, subtitle it "whiners need not apply" and then expect expert "winers" to come to the interview.
Good point Waysider ... actually it is the first time I noticed the sub title about whiners ...
There seems to be a good point about moving on ...but discussing the past sins at a site for revealing the past and/or present sins, doesn't seem out of place.
But if it becomes overly oppressive to some, then it may be better to move on. Still there is always some burden to righting wrongs. But it would be nice to stay on the sunny side of life ... as much as possible.
... and dear Bumpy will never tire of making that point perhaps, and others will continue to unweave the past ... I can live with that ...
But back to the red wine ... what were the French doing while Jesus was running around Italy? OK, not Jesus, but the apostles made it to Italy, not France. So the French are only philosophizing ... it almost seems maybe Jesus intructed them to avoid France.
Was it dry? Yes I'd say dry, and a full bodied red. Jesus may be the sweetest name I know, but the blood of the lamb (is that what we are talking aobut?) would have been fully mature ...
Bad point Waysider ... and dear Bumpy will never tire of making that point perhaps, and others will continue to unweave the past ... I can live with that ...
Was it dry? Yes I'd say dry, and a full bodied red. Jesus may be the sweetest name I know, but the blood of the lamb (is that what we are talking aobut?) would have been fully mature ...
OK ... that's all I gots ...
Rhino, forever walking the fine politically correct line-o...
If it was the blood of the lamb, I think they would have added that to the sauce, not put it in a glass?
Aren't there any wc vets who wrote their corps PhD on this subject? A hint of where we might discover the important truth? Was it lunch time or dinner? What were the taste preferences, anything, any bizarre little orientalisms?? Cheese and crackers???
Come on folks, surely after 20 zillion years in a cult, someone's got to know something about what they were drinking during this time in the land of milk and honey??
Bad point Waysider ... and dear Bumpy will never tire of making that point perhaps, and others will continue to unweave the past ... I can live with that ...
Was it dry? Yes I'd say dry, and a full bodied red. Jesus may be the sweetest name I know, but the blood of the lamb (is that what we are talking aobut?) would have been fully mature ...
OK ... that's all I gots ...
Rhino, forever walking the fine politically correct line-o...
If it was the blood of the lamb, I think they would have added that to the sauce, not put it in a glass?
Aren't there any wc vets who wrote their corps PhD on this subject? A hint of where we might discover the important truth? Was it lunch time or dinner? What were the taste preferences, anything, any bizarre little orientalisms?? Cheese and crackers???
Come on folks, surely after 20 zillion years in a cult, someone's got to know something about what they were drinking during this time in the land of milk and honey??
Rhino, forever walking the fine politically correct line-o...
actually there are two sides to it ... basking in the abuse or revealing TWI eeeevils.
But my main point is about the constant back and forth over what seems the SAME darn point. But I guess "Thaaaat's entertaaaaainment" (sung to that little tune ... "that's entertainment")
If it was the blood of the lamb, I think they would have added that to the sauce, not put it in a glass?
Well drinking the blood of the lamb does seem rather cannibalistic ... and of course they were not eating Jesus that night, so you hope the meaning is for the wine and bread (or dry scab wafer) to be merely symbolic ... and not actually becoming bood and flesh, (which would however, be more nourishing).
The supper of course was not in the land of milk and honey ... but Jesus says (from wikipedia) This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." So he says you are to drink the cup ... I guess that means the contents ... do we know it was wine? Is there a church that uses drambouie? But Jesus had a history of turning water to wine ... so I'd bet on that.
I'd do more research, but checking over your twig leader's blue forms, I see you have not been abundantly sharing 10% 15% so you are no doubt out of fellowship. When you send in your check you will find the scales drop from your eyes ... and the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened.
Rhino (alias Wilhelm aus den USA!) that was a really great post! :) Now, while you watch the markets unravel, keep your corn fields stocked...and dream of Ethanol! :) From Water to Wine to Ethel!
The dark continent lies soon before me and the natives are very restless!! The cost of 2008 will be more than most can afford! <_<
Oh I don`t know Bumpy, I guess that you just have to make what`s important a priority in life :)
Eyes, I fish in Michigan. I ride horses in Tennessee ...I would enjoy meeting you in either state :)
If my brother sets up his jump school in the keys, I`ll invite you down and we can do it together. I`d like to learn to scuba dive while I am there and maybe even do some exploring with the kayaks.
I also have an old harley sportster that needs to be worked on. I plan on doing some of THAT kind of riding as well when the kids are grown. There is this awsome neighbor...she is in her 60s...that is a legend in the motorcycle world. She rides a hog....she teaches safety courses....even teaches the POLICE how to ride their bikes!!!!
That`s MY kind of gal...she has promised to let my girls and I in her class :)
Way cool Rascal!
I have a friend that is setting up a scuba school and a bar and grill in Florida. We could have a great time jumping from airplanes, diving in the Keys, drinking Mojitos...
As for the hog...have you ever been to Reno for Street Vibrations? It is second only to Sturges (sp) for hog festivals!
All in all it sounds like you and I have a lot of interests in common. We will have to meet someday!
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Veysider...what's "Jukin'", anyway? And this magic land with nitebirds and autumn nights in synco time?
Did you take too much of that way cool aid, or was it Tom's brown acid?? And that coffee, yuck!
By the way, nobody has told me whether JC changed the water into red or white wine?? Can you help me out? :unsure:
Those French people are still wondering what that wine tasting experience was all about!
Letters and phones are like bad coffee, it's all painful!!
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bs, i could tell you a story you wouldn't believe about what has happened here at GSC
But I won't cause you won't believe it, doubt if any would but me and those involved.
I've only met the person here and never face to face.
But still the power of words can change lives.
I proved it to myself and those involved were astonished a bit as well.
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Prove It!
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Does dismissing us binary code some how make it ok to be insulting and mean...trolling from thread to thread to throw out insults in order to get a rise for your mornings entertainment over tea?
If that is what you have to do to tell yourself that being a bullying is ok...I guess that I can understand it.
I know that I am flesh and blood on the other side of this screen that whom you are deliberatly baiting and trying to offend.
Your *humor* is many times disruptive of productive discussions where people are finding value in one another`s insight.
You drop stink ...and them when there is an ensuing uproar...act suprised and whine...oh poor just don`t understand comical little bumpy.
What you do is disruptive and mean, however *harmless* you label your activities. I think that your biggest fans are those whom enjoy watching you slam posters who`s view point they don`t care for.
Nice guy...real nice.
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polar bear
Us Polar Bears go south for the winter-(go figure).
Gonna start off January in Orlando Florida, (anyone here from around the Orlando area, need some help with directions and airport/car options.)
Then off to Playa Del Carmen Mexico, then to Belize -(Ambergris Caye) to be at a music camp with Jerry Jeff Walker.
Then back to Key West for Feburay. Hopefully March another destination unkown as of yet.
Spring and summer, back on the boat and we're gonna get a new sailboat this year, can't wait.
Anyhow, everyone have a great year. May this be the best one yet.
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Polar Bear, those are my occasional stomping grounds...I visit my Dad in Orlando...and we have a cottage just this side of key west :)
Sounds like a great plan
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Jukin' is what happens at a "juke joint".(that covers a lot of ground, eh?)
The "magic land" is a place that only exists in a song.
Or is it? ---Hmmmmm?
Now the wine----I guess I'll have to blow the dust off my Bible and see what the meal consisted of.
Perhaps the clue lies therein.
One thing we know for sure is that it wasn't a "vintage" selection.
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Madam Veysider and fellow Heavy Spirituals (wc) Individuals...
Please, can you help me with that miracle wine question...a bottle of red, a bottle of white, it all depends upon...? The French people are calling me up and asking what VP and the Bible said?
And tonight I find out NO ONE, not even Word Wolf prayed for him on his Death Bed!
(I'm just praying THE SECRET didn't DIE With Him!!)
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had to be blood red wine ... white would not look right in the pictures ... lets roll the tape ... well, it looks a little brown ...
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maybe it was a purple wine, like mad dog 20 20 .
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Watered Garden
Is that Bruegel's version of the last supper?
If this were the last year of my life (as well it may be for all I know), I'd try to be a little kinder, a little more patient, a little more understanding. I wouldn't worry so much about the dust on the top shelves. I'd read the books on the lower shelves.
If this were the last year of my life, I would spent less time grumbling under my breath and more time saying "I love you" out loud.
If this were the last year of my life, I would decide once and for all whether I believe God loves me and sent His Son to die for me, as worthless as I sometimes am.
If this were the last year of my life, I'd finish the grandmother's book I bought for my grandson and almost never write in.
If this were the last year of my life, I would spend a little bit of time doing the things I like to do, walking on the beach at Sanibel Island, standing on the front porch during a thunderstorm, writing essays about things I think are important.
If this were the last year of my life, I would spend a lot of time doing the things for others I wouldn't get to do 366 days from today.
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Tom Strange
hey! that pic reminds me... "What did Jesus say at the last supper?"
..."everybody on this side! we're gettin' our picture taken!"
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No. He said "Somebody get the door. It's Dominoes!"
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1542; Oil on canvas; Galleria Borghese, Rome
Jacopo Bassano's Last Supper is one of the masterpieces of 16th-century Italian painting. Instead of the elegant grouping of figures in Leonardo's painting, which inspired it, this dramatic scene features barefoot fishermen at the crucial moment when Christ asks who will betray him, and the light passing through a glass of wine stains the clean tablecloth red. Recent restoration has only now revealed the extraordinary original colours, which had been heavily painted over in the 19th century, when the emerald green and iridescent pinks and oranges were not in fashion.
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But Rhino & Beloved Followers of Wine in the Lord! :)
The French are not looking for classic ITALIAN Masterpieces to explain the Lord's First Miracle! That could be construed as diluting the point by association and ending up with ROSE' instead of a definitive answer!!
We Need Proof of Scripture, not private interpretation OR VEXXXATION of Spirit to appease the doubting Thomas's lurking in the background or on other forbidden sites we don't talk about!
Remember it's the Integrity of God's Word which is at stake here, and JC's first miracle. I have to believe that he knew what he was doing when he made that wine melange!
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Bumpy, Bumpy, Bumpy
Don't you "get it"?
You can't start a thread, subtitle it "whiners need not apply" and then expect expert "winers" to come to the interview.
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Good point Waysider ... actually it is the first time I noticed the sub title about whiners ...
There seems to be a good point about moving on ...but discussing the past sins at a site for revealing the past and/or present sins, doesn't seem out of place.
But if it becomes overly oppressive to some, then it may be better to move on. Still there is always some burden to righting wrongs. But it would be nice to stay on the sunny side of life ... as much as possible.
... and dear Bumpy will never tire of making that point perhaps, and others will continue to unweave the past ... I can live with that ...
But back to the red wine ... what were the French doing while Jesus was running around Italy? OK, not Jesus, but the apostles made it to Italy, not France. So the French are only philosophizing ... it almost seems maybe Jesus intructed them to avoid France.
Was it dry? Yes I'd say dry, and a full bodied red. Jesus may be the sweetest name I know, but the blood of the lamb (is that what we are talking aobut?) would have been fully mature ...
OK ... that's all I gots ...
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Rhino, forever walking the fine politically correct line-o...
If it was the blood of the lamb, I think they would have added that to the sauce, not put it in a glass?
Aren't there any wc vets who wrote their corps PhD on this subject? A hint of where we might discover the important truth? Was it lunch time or dinner? What were the taste preferences, anything, any bizarre little orientalisms?? Cheese and crackers???
Come on folks, surely after 20 zillion years in a cult, someone's got to know something about what they were drinking during this time in the land of milk and honey??
Rhino, forever walking the fine politically correct line-o...
If it was the blood of the lamb, I think they would have added that to the sauce, not put it in a glass?
Aren't there any wc vets who wrote their corps PhD on this subject? A hint of where we might discover the important truth? Was it lunch time or dinner? What were the taste preferences, anything, any bizarre little orientalisms?? Cheese and crackers???
Come on folks, surely after 20 zillion years in a cult, someone's got to know something about what they were drinking during this time in the land of milk and honey??
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actually there are two sides to it ... basking in the abuse or revealing TWI eeeevils.
But my main point is about the constant back and forth over what seems the SAME darn point. But I guess "Thaaaat's entertaaaaainment" (sung to that little tune ... "that's entertainment")
Well drinking the blood of the lamb does seem rather cannibalistic ... and of course they were not eating Jesus that night, so you hope the meaning is for the wine and bread (or dry scab wafer) to be merely symbolic ... and not actually becoming bood and flesh, (which would however, be more nourishing).
The supper of course was not in the land of milk and honey ... but Jesus says (from wikipedia) This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." So he says you are to drink the cup ... I guess that means the contents ... do we know it was wine? Is there a church that uses drambouie? But Jesus had a history of turning water to wine ... so I'd bet on that.
I'd do more research, but checking over your twig leader's blue forms, I see you have not been abundantly sharing 10% 15% so you are no doubt out of fellowship. When you send in your check you will find the scales drop from your eyes ... and the eyes of your understanding will be enlightened.
are you in the dark continent now?
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Rhino (alias Wilhelm aus den USA!) that was a really great post! :) Now, while you watch the markets unravel, keep your corn fields stocked...and dream of Ethanol! :) From Water to Wine to Ethel!
The dark continent lies soon before me and the natives are very restless!! The cost of 2008 will be more than most can afford! <_<
Happy New Year
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Way cool Rascal!
I have a friend that is setting up a scuba school and a bar and grill in Florida. We could have a great time jumping from airplanes, diving in the Keys, drinking Mojitos...
As for the hog...have you ever been to Reno for Street Vibrations? It is second only to Sturges (sp) for hog festivals!
All in all it sounds like you and I have a lot of interests in common. We will have to meet someday!
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"Fraulein Veysider"---------
Don't supposed you noticed my avatar?
(Ya know, a BOY and his dog?)
Hey, Bumps, When you get that "cap lock" thing fixed on your keyboard, you might want to have them check out the "word reversal key", too.
Looks like it somehow changed the word "good" in Rhino's post to "bad" in your paste.
Well, I suppose it might be caused by the "according to current vernacular key", now that I think about it.
Hey,now, here's a thought.
It says he changed water to wine but doesn't give any indication it was only one type.
Maybe there were several varieties represented.
I mean, turning water to wine is cool, but turning it into a single variety that pleases the whole crowd would be a true achievement.
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