quote: and if you ask me what i would do differently, i don't know the answer
This place seems to have a personality of its own. Sometimes posters try to be "the voice of GSC's conscience" but that doesn't work IMO.
Recently, I've wondered what impact that way corps website has had. I hear that John Lynn and other known names are posting there who don't post here. Perhaps some corps feel that website is a less hostile atmosphere than this one. Is it possible that enough WC have shifted to that website to cause a void here?
It seems like the posters who post the most here are those who've gotten slammed with some frequency. You'll never know how the water is if you don't jump in. Perhaps there are a lot of new posters who need to take the plunge.
Also, perhaps those posters who left have gotten what they wanted from here, nothing more to it than that.
to not really be about those that need to be banned ... but those that state positions or feelings that are against the grain of ...
i don't know if it reeks of religion or cliques or the same old whiners or fighters
In any group or church it is easy to become entrenched in a set of beliefs ... I think there is some degree of feeling that there is a core group of many that rule the roost, so to speak. And that is a natural tendency ... for roosters and hens and people.
But those bonds can become so strong that it is hard for newer or more individual/unique thoughts to get in freely. There is that territorial boundary ... where some feel certain areas are their domain ... and if you approach those core areas of "belief", you may get cackled at, at first, and if you move in closer you may get pecked at by a bunch till you just don't bother anymore.
Of course it is natural to form that kind of group in any number of loosely organized structures ... be it religion or cliques or old whiners or fighters ... but it seems this sites welcomes people escaping TWI think, where pack mentality was king.
When someone expresses some of the bad things that happened to them, or troubles they are having, excie seems to frequently be the one to respond with an expression of concern and comfort, and it seems quite genuine. It seems her feelings about the group are worth considering ... since she has been around so many years, I don't think she is looking for perfection ...
But it is Pawtucket's site with certain goals ... here is his quote from the about us section ...
Browse through our forums and read what people are saying about their experiences in TWI.
Find old friends or make new ones.
Elicit support or offer an insight. Share information or simply read and consider. The opinions expressed here are often passionate and while disagreements are not uncommon,
the online Ex-Way community is a great arena for conversing and connecting with others
. You may get caught in a food fight now and then, but unlike TWI, GreaseSpot Cafe is a place where questions are encouraged and people make up their own minds.
It seems part of this place is a community, not just a place for new people. I'd guess that is why many have been here so long, and why there are more hidden areas like the politics arena. As far as I can tell, Pawtucket wants to have people hanging around, and has been good about allowing all comments. He wouldn't be human if he wasn't closer to some than others, but I haven't seen any favoritism that really made any big difference.
Some seem to see this more as their new church, where God has called them and certain others to certain roles ... to me that can go at cross purposes to the non/ex TWI community feeling. It can be less open and more dogmatic ... but in a community you do form friendships, I imagine Pawtucket and others have formed many new friendships here ... and would like to keep them. That enriches the community.
I'm not sure I really said anything .. but that's what I got for now ... :)
As far as it being under control of pawtucket or who ever the mods be... well somone has to do it it has to be somone who calls the fights and stuff they way they see it and since he pays for it ...
like shopping at a store if they do not have the stuff you want to shop for or the price is to much ya know a million web sites are out there in cyber land.
we all pretty a much know this and must abide.
but anyways today when i logged in i got a real reminder of what cyber space is capable of
on the google ads it had a burlp or a paragraph about john lynn paper , no not part of GS page a link to the web page that has the paper JOHN lYNN wrote back when he left the way international.
an ad for it
google thinks the readers here might find that interesting !
now there it is what John lynn wrote in a letter to believers in 87 or there about being advertised here on google.
did he know it would be like that when he wrote that? He can do nothing about it now if he didnt want it out in space to bad for him. somone put it out there and it has gotten to a point it is used as a ad on a web site not even connected to him and in which he really would not endorse.
so i became aware of the power of the net .
JOHN Richardson also said when he decided not to post here anymore something about this issue effecting his career and life. it really could.
have you noticed John LYNN is no longer visably connected to stf? and you do not think this is by chance , well i do.
that letter directly links his emotions and strong feelings to the way and having him connect to stf.. well you do the math.
the internet is a powerful thing that says alot of stuff and many read it and many believe it all as truth and that can get just dangerous.
maybe people are considering this fact of life more now.
As far as it being under control of pawtucket or who ever the mods be... well somone has to do it it has to be somone who calls the fights and stuff they way they see it and since he pays for it ...
like shopping at a store if they do not have the stuff you want to shop for or the price is to much ya know a million web sites are out there in cyber land.
we all pretty a much know this and must abide.
Certainly it is Pawtucket's place, but as he said it is also a community of ex TWI folks. As far as I can tell, I can express any opinions I want here. But some would say there is a seedy underbelly of PM's where people are treated differently ... I don't know much of that world. I'm just talking on the level of the open forum stuff, with frequent visits to the chat room.
But I think more and more, cyber relationships are real, in their own sense, and it is a good thing. I spent a couple years in a small alzheimer's support group ... it was it's own little thing, I never knew faces or real names, but it was a real experience, there was even real mourning for cyber people. There are many world's like that which relate to a certain segment of our lives.
There are times to move on I suppose, but I'm not sure why some seem to want to advise that people just go away, rather than try to improve what can be a good thing. I'd think discussing the thing openly makes it better. If it is thought to be rotten to the corps core , then maybe it is evil and it is better to dwell somewhere else ...
I'm a certain type here, an ex way person that had completely left TWI behind for over a decade, but now can reunite with people that had that similar experience, in this little segment. Kind of like an ongoing class reunion, but with people that shared a unique and deep experience, for better or worse. That makes this little place rather unique and interesting.
But it is only a little piece of my life, there a lots more, and like most here, most of our life is outside this little realm.
Exsie has every right to express her concerns about GS. It's Paw's site, to be sure, but a lot of us have a lot of time and heart invested here, as well. And she's certainly in that category! Anyone who thinks otherwise reminds me of those folks who shout "America, love it or leave it" to anyone who questions the government's actions.
Shell, I'm sorry, but your response sounded like a diplomatic way of saying, "Well, don't let the door hit you in the azz if you don't like it." I like you Shellon, and I respect you, but if that's what you meant, doesn't that seem a little harsh? Maybe you thought what she said was some sort of criticism of Paw and GS. I didn't take it that way at all. I saw it as her expressing her concern about how this online community functions, because of the people who hang out here, not because of the way it's run from "the top." It seemed more like a call for discussion about how we might do better than a complaint.
Let me see. In twi, the heroic thing to do was to speak up. But here on GS, if we see something that concerns us, speaking up is a bad thing? Come on.
So anyway...
People do leave. Some leave hurt, some leave disgusted, and some just lose interest.
Of those who leave hurt, there are many who perhaps should have read a few posts before jumping in with both feet and invoking the wrath of the majority. Some who fit that profile have thick enough skin to stick around and take the heat. They either modify their views, change their views drastically, or stand by them, public opinion be damned. Some who get jumped on for their unpopular views don't have thick skin and just leave hurt or po'd, maybe adding to the view outside GS that this is just a site full of bullying, negative people.
Yes, this is a place for telling the "other side of the story." I think anyone who's been here 5 minutes should be able to get that. But it's a lot more. And sometimes when people try to tell a middle-of-the-road story or a less than totally anti-TWI story, they get shouted down and ridiculed. There's a core of people in this community who are very quick to pounce. A similar thing happens if someone is extolling the virtues of oxygenated water or pointing out the admirable qualities of some politician, or talking about a book or movie they like, only maybe the reaction is slightly less passionate.
I think Rhino touched on it. "Herd mentality" is a natural part of life, and it's alive and well on GS. Not because of Paw or the moderators, but because we're all people here. And those who make up this particular group sorta have a background of joining a herd, now, don't we? :o
I don`t know Linda, maybe it all just seems that way from ones pov.
I think that I have been slammed and attacked for my opinions just as hard as anybody else around here.
Maybe when it is you personally on the recieving end of harsh critisizm......you feel like there is an organized mindset against your ideas and opinions...when maybe in truth what is happening is, that everyone is expressing their own pov, and that depending on any given day...depending on who`s present...there will be more on one side of an issue than another.
I disagree about sharing middle of the road or positive stories....I believe that it is all in ones presentation. Some of us are more diplomatic than others in expressing themselves.
There are posters here that respectfully present their pov without the insults and name calling from both sides of the issues ...and they are the ones who are respected.
Come in here declaring your stand and anyone who had experiences different are liars or psychotic or whiners or accuse them of agendas.......on EITHER side of an issue and you have problems. .....What??? Then the poster wants to act all offended and proclaim that there is some sort of conspiracy??
Do we need pats on the back for validation in order to post our pov??? Is that required??? Come on...to claim that one doesn`t post because their opinion is in the minority .... I am sorry, but it seems like simply an excuse .
Come on guys...we are ALL free to post here and as long as we remain respectful, we generally are treated with that same courtesy that we offer others.
To accuse the posters here of an agenda or pawtucket and the administrators of having favorites ...is a disservice to the people who frequent these forums and the folks that work so hard to make it the wonderful place that it is.
and let me tell you it is not a comofrtable place to be i do not care how strong your feeling or opinions are it is difficult.
this is a hate site for the most part, i would say, because the majority of posters here feel twi was bad and negative.
the other side if you will is not a positive side.
everyone is free to post
but the backlash is strong and difficult to negotiate esp. if they do feel strongly about a positive.
those who have been here for years feel entitled to one one anothers opinion and use them as a resource, so naturaly they will out number the minority and if feels like it does.
not so much fun.
so those who used to come and just play may not want to engage in that type of banter anymore. the cost to have a little web fun is to high.
free ? yes i would agree.
but with so many other nice sites out there if you only looking to have some conversation and a little web fun why pay the price of abuse if not needed?
Come in here declaring your stand and anyone who had experiences different are liars or psychotic or whiners or accuse them of agendas.......on EITHER side of an issue and you have problems. ...What?? Then the poster wants to act all offended and proclaim that there is some sort of conspiracy??
It seems one incident you seem to refer to was with Sogwap, and after a brief discussion I think she agreed she could really only talk about her experience and view. But before that was quite an onslaught, which did not really promote an atmosphere where this "new person" could express her other experinces at HQ ... but she was thick skinned enough to stick around, and even Pawtcuket stepped in to ask for some restraint.
But I remember then thinking PawTucket should have said her views were just her opinion in a post, maybe he did, but I think he aslo said he spent like 8 hours pm'ing various offended parties. YIKES ... that is part of what I mean by this PM'ing underworld, though I have no idea if that part is the seedy part ...
Most communities have their little seedy underbelly ... like Loretta Lynn sang about the Harper Valley PTA ... except this is the online version Most I think, are like me, and mostly have posted publicly ... but some seem to perceive some underground agenda that want to control the direction of the place ... I don't know, I just go by what Pawtucket put in the mission statement.
So stuff happens, not that big of a deal probably, but it might be better to remain respectful, even when the other side isn't. But you said
"we are ALL free to post here and
as long as
we remain respectful, we generally are treated with that same courtesy that we offer others."
That "tit for a tat" stance can lead to escalation when perceived slights are returned with slightly more animosity, till there is war. But no one is perfect in that regard.
I'm not really speaking of your posts Rascal, becasue I don't follow all those threads you are mostly in. When I see some of the Bumpy altercations, I am usually at a loss for what is going on, and what the heart of the issue is.
Rhino..I was NOT referring to any particular poster or incident...least of all sogwap. Where did you get that?
I was referring to posts and posters on both sides of the issue. Pro ministry and anti ministry. There is a way to treat one another respectfully and with courtesy no matter what your personal pov is...ESPESCIALY if one claims to be of the Christian persuasion.
I am at a loss when anybody thinks that the more insulting or hateful they can be, some how makes them right, or the winner of an argument.
We are all free to post here.
I repeat, I do not believe anybody has been treated any worse than I have as far as the insults, the aspersions cast on my character , my motives or my integrity as a person because of the pov I hold.....to claim that pro ministry people are some how treated consistantly more horrible by everyone is not correct.
What I don`t have any respect for is nastiness from either side.
Look at a couple of the newer folks...they have posted pro ministry...pro forgivness...they have posted their opinions in a loving manner, you could SEE the compassion with which they presented their views....and were treated with the same caring courtesy.
What I post is simply my thoughts, I do not need approval, I do not need to sway anybody to my side of the question...we are all learning as we participate...no matter what direction that you approach the issue from.
I have always held the opinion that God has lead each of us down a unique path...and that each of us have valid insight and experiences to share...and that any one of us might hold the key to anothers break through in an area that has been a source of frustration...
To assume that one is not welcome, simply because of responses....or ones view point is not appreciated or does not have merrit, would be in my opinion, erronious.
Gosh folks, I just guess that I see folks doing the best they can to come to grips with what has happened...this web site was designed to tell the other side of the story...the one nobody was allowed to hear in twi.
It has succeded beyond anyones wildest imaginations....the fact that so many many people have ended up being helped was probably a huge suprise.....
We have been free to investigate those forbidden thoughts, unleash those suppressed emotions, examine the feelings and thoughts stifled for so many years :(
Guys so many of us learned to actually jump start our critical thinking processes that had been put on hold for decades...
It is here at greasespot that we are free to take this stuff out...this stuff that we can`t tell anybody else....examine it, figure out how it all ended up so wrong....
Best of all...I have found *me* the real person underneith all of the *renewed mind* the girl that was passionate about animals and rescues and art...the person who`s values and perceptions were demed so unworthy as dismissed.
With out all of you here...all who have participated in contributing their ideas, experiences and impressions....I don`t think that I would have ever been able to find that balance.
I know that I am not the only one that has benefitted from this place.
I guess that it just hurts me to see anyone here disparaged, or the immense good to be had in this place devalued when people maybe just don`t always see the entire picture of who is being benefitted at any particular time.
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hey thank you for the thoughtful and heartfelt replies
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Have a nice day, along with 2008!
~EX~ Le Bump
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people change ex, situations change in life allowing our needs to be different.
GS still addresses what it claims on the front page.
kind of like people come and go but it is the word of GS that stands heehee
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the only thing i want to add is that people are not what they seem
and i don't know whether to laugh or cry about some of the personal responses i've gotten to this stupid thread
i'm a frikkin moron
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Sheesh, it's not wrong to state what you stated.
Why don't these other morons speak up on this thread?
I did, and I'm one of the worst morons,
I think I've said and done some stupid stuff.
But I'm not afraid to put it out in the open.
And neither are you exc, as well as many here.
There's some threads I want to start and some I want to respond to but can't come up with the words yet.
But I will sometime I suppose.....
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God first
Beloved excathedra
God loves you my dear friend
join the group of us morons we all say things that we wish we had not
but it about opening up and getting things in the open so we can deal with them
you did nothing wrong
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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quote: and if you ask me what i would do differently, i don't know the answer
This place seems to have a personality of its own. Sometimes posters try to be "the voice of GSC's conscience" but that doesn't work IMO.
Recently, I've wondered what impact that way corps website has had. I hear that John Lynn and other known names are posting there who don't post here. Perhaps some corps feel that website is a less hostile atmosphere than this one. Is it possible that enough WC have shifted to that website to cause a void here?
It seems like the posters who post the most here are those who've gotten slammed with some frequency. You'll never know how the water is if you don't jump in. Perhaps there are a lot of new posters who need to take the plunge.
Also, perhaps those posters who left have gotten what they wanted from here, nothing more to it than that.
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I'm still trying to understand why my posting and PM privileges were suspended.
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See, there's a problem with the 'way corps' site.
It's a 'way corps' site for 'way corps'.
There's a problem with the way corps.
And I haven't seen any cliques here like the way corps.
Glad those who still hold to it's mindset have their own place.
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Might ask Paw that DIRECTLY instead of posting it publickly on a thread and waiting to
see if he happens to read that particular post...
...unless you were less interested in an answer and more interested in bringing it up
in public....
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I took excie's comment
to not really be about those that need to be banned ... but those that state positions or feelings that are against the grain of ...
In any group or church it is easy to become entrenched in a set of beliefs ... I think there is some degree of feeling that there is a core group of many that rule the roost, so to speak. And that is a natural tendency ... for roosters and hens and people.
But those bonds can become so strong that it is hard for newer or more individual/unique thoughts to get in freely. There is that territorial boundary ... where some feel certain areas are their domain ... and if you approach those core areas of "belief", you may get cackled at, at first, and if you move in closer you may get pecked at by a bunch till you just don't bother anymore.
Of course it is natural to form that kind of group in any number of loosely organized structures ... be it religion or cliques or old whiners or fighters ... but it seems this sites welcomes people escaping TWI think, where pack mentality was king.
When someone expresses some of the bad things that happened to them, or troubles they are having, excie seems to frequently be the one to respond with an expression of concern and comfort, and it seems quite genuine. It seems her feelings about the group are worth considering ... since she has been around so many years, I don't think she is looking for perfection ...
But it is Pawtucket's site with certain goals ... here is his quote from the about us section ...
It seems part of this place is a community, not just a place for new people. I'd guess that is why many have been here so long, and why there are more hidden areas like the politics arena. As far as I can tell, Pawtucket wants to have people hanging around, and has been good about allowing all comments. He wouldn't be human if he wasn't closer to some than others, but I haven't seen any favoritism that really made any big difference.
Some seem to see this more as their new church, where God has called them and certain others to certain roles ... to me that can go at cross purposes to the non/ex TWI community feeling. It can be less open and more dogmatic ... but in a community you do form friendships, I imagine Pawtucket and others have formed many new friendships here ... and would like to keep them. That enriches the community.
I'm not sure I really said anything .. but that's what I got for now ... :)
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spiritual erection?
you do come up with some dooozies bumpy.
As far as it being under control of pawtucket or who ever the mods be... well somone has to do it it has to be somone who calls the fights and stuff they way they see it and since he pays for it ...
like shopping at a store if they do not have the stuff you want to shop for or the price is to much ya know a million web sites are out there in cyber land.
we all pretty a much know this and must abide.
but anyways today when i logged in i got a real reminder of what cyber space is capable of
on the google ads it had a burlp or a paragraph about john lynn paper , no not part of GS page a link to the web page that has the paper JOHN lYNN wrote back when he left the way international.
an ad for it
google thinks the readers here might find that interesting !
now there it is what John lynn wrote in a letter to believers in 87 or there about being advertised here on google.
did he know it would be like that when he wrote that? He can do nothing about it now if he didnt want it out in space to bad for him. somone put it out there and it has gotten to a point it is used as a ad on a web site not even connected to him and in which he really would not endorse.
so i became aware of the power of the net .
JOHN Richardson also said when he decided not to post here anymore something about this issue effecting his career and life. it really could.
have you noticed John LYNN is no longer visably connected to stf? and you do not think this is by chance , well i do.
that letter directly links his emotions and strong feelings to the way and having him connect to stf.. well you do the math.
the internet is a powerful thing that says alot of stuff and many read it and many believe it all as truth and that can get just dangerous.
maybe people are considering this fact of life more now.
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Certainly it is Pawtucket's place, but as he said it is also a community of ex TWI folks. As far as I can tell, I can express any opinions I want here. But some would say there is a seedy underbelly of PM's where people are treated differently ... I don't know much of that world. I'm just talking on the level of the open forum stuff, with frequent visits to the chat room.
But I think more and more, cyber relationships are real, in their own sense, and it is a good thing. I spent a couple years in a small alzheimer's support group ... it was it's own little thing, I never knew faces or real names, but it was a real experience, there was even real mourning for cyber people. There are many world's like that which relate to a certain segment of our lives.
There are times to move on I suppose, but I'm not sure why some seem to want to advise that people just go away, rather than try to improve what can be a good thing. I'd think discussing the thing openly makes it better. If it is thought to be rotten to the corps core
, then maybe it is evil and it is better to dwell somewhere else ...
I'm a certain type here, an ex way person that had completely left TWI behind for over a decade, but now can reunite with people that had that similar experience, in this little segment. Kind of like an ongoing class reunion, but with people that shared a unique and deep experience, for better or worse. That makes this little place rather unique and interesting.
But it is only a little piece of my life, there a lots more, and like most here, most of our life is outside this little realm.
Party on ...
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Linda Z
Exsie has every right to express her concerns about GS. It's Paw's site, to be sure, but a lot of us have a lot of time and heart invested here, as well. And she's certainly in that category! Anyone who thinks otherwise reminds me of those folks who shout "America, love it or leave it" to anyone who questions the government's actions.
Shell, I'm sorry, but your response sounded like a diplomatic way of saying, "Well, don't let the door hit you in the azz if you don't like it." I like you Shellon, and I respect you, but if that's what you meant, doesn't that seem a little harsh? Maybe you thought what she said was some sort of criticism of Paw and GS. I didn't take it that way at all. I saw it as her expressing her concern about how this online community functions, because of the people who hang out here, not because of the way it's run from "the top." It seemed more like a call for discussion about how we might do better than a complaint.
Let me see. In twi, the heroic thing to do was to speak up. But here on GS, if we see something that concerns us, speaking up is a bad thing? Come on.
So anyway...
People do leave. Some leave hurt, some leave disgusted, and some just lose interest.
Of those who leave hurt, there are many who perhaps should have read a few posts before jumping in with both feet and invoking the wrath of the majority. Some who fit that profile have thick enough skin to stick around and take the heat. They either modify their views, change their views drastically, or stand by them, public opinion be damned. Some who get jumped on for their unpopular views don't have thick skin and just leave hurt or po'd, maybe adding to the view outside GS that this is just a site full of bullying, negative people.
Yes, this is a place for telling the "other side of the story." I think anyone who's been here 5 minutes should be able to get that. But it's a lot more. And sometimes when people try to tell a middle-of-the-road story or a less than totally anti-TWI story, they get shouted down and ridiculed. There's a core of people in this community who are very quick to pounce. A similar thing happens if someone is extolling the virtues of oxygenated water or pointing out the admirable qualities of some politician, or talking about a book or movie they like, only maybe the reaction is slightly less passionate.
I think Rhino touched on it. "Herd mentality" is a natural part of life, and it's alive and well on GS. Not because of Paw or the moderators, but because we're all people here. And those who make up this particular group sorta have a background of joining a herd, now, don't we? :o
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SO if there is a seedy underbelly of pm`s...why not just keep communication above board and out here where all can see?
I don`t get it, I don`t understand why people would slink around behind the scenes spreading rumors or gossip :(
Ex, I don`t know what is going on. I don`t know who is saying what to you behind the scenes ..
I am sorry that anyone would use pm`s to hurt :(
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I don`t know Linda, maybe it all just seems that way from ones pov.
I think that I have been slammed and attacked for my opinions just as hard as anybody else around here.
Maybe when it is you personally on the recieving end of harsh critisizm......you feel like there is an organized mindset against your ideas and opinions...when maybe in truth what is happening is, that everyone is expressing their own pov, and that depending on any given day...depending on who`s present...there will be more on one side of an issue than another.
I disagree about sharing middle of the road or positive stories....I believe that it is all in ones presentation. Some of us are more diplomatic than others in expressing themselves.
There are posters here that respectfully present their pov without the insults and name calling from both sides of the issues ...and they are the ones who are respected.
Come in here declaring your stand and anyone who had experiences different are liars or psychotic or whiners or accuse them of agendas.......on EITHER side of an issue and you have problems. .....What??? Then the poster wants to act all offended and proclaim that there is some sort of conspiracy??
Do we need pats on the back for validation in order to post our pov??? Is that required??? Come on...to claim that one doesn`t post because their opinion is in the minority .... I am sorry, but it seems like simply an excuse .
Come on guys...we are ALL free to post here and as long as we remain respectful, we generally are treated with that same courtesy that we offer others.
To accuse the posters here of an agenda or pawtucket and the administrators of having favorites ...is a disservice to the people who frequent these forums and the folks that work so hard to make it the wonderful place that it is.
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OK---I just had a wacky thought.
(as if that was news!)
If you post something and someone comes along and burns your comments, could you consider their subsequent comments to be P@st T@asties?
But, wait! There's more!
I did a Wiki on the aforementioned cereal and it seems that the original name of it was El!jah's Manna.
Now how wacky is that I ask you?
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Post toasties??? LMAO ..it took me a miniute to get it :)
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I recently was in a minority situation
and let me tell you it is not a comofrtable place to be i do not care how strong your feeling or opinions are it is difficult.
this is a hate site for the most part, i would say, because the majority of posters here feel twi was bad and negative.
the other side if you will is not a positive side.
everyone is free to post
but the backlash is strong and difficult to negotiate esp. if they do feel strongly about a positive.
those who have been here for years feel entitled to one one anothers opinion and use them as a resource, so naturaly they will out number the minority and if feels like it does.
not so much fun.
so those who used to come and just play may not want to engage in that type of banter anymore. the cost to have a little web fun is to high.
free ? yes i would agree.
but with so many other nice sites out there if you only looking to have some conversation and a little web fun why pay the price of abuse if not needed?
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It seems one incident you seem to refer to was with Sogwap, and after a brief discussion I think she agreed she could really only talk about her experience and view. But before that was quite an onslaught, which did not really promote an atmosphere where this "new person" could express her other experinces at HQ ... but she was thick skinned enough to stick around, and even Pawtcuket stepped in to ask for some restraint.
But I remember then thinking PawTucket should have said her views were just her opinion in a post, maybe he did, but I think he aslo said he spent like 8 hours pm'ing various offended parties. YIKES ... that is part of what I mean by this PM'ing underworld, though I have no idea if that part is the seedy part ...
Most communities have their little seedy underbelly ... like Loretta Lynn sang about the Harper Valley PTA ... except this is the online version
Most I think, are like me, and mostly have posted publicly ... but some seem to perceive some underground agenda that want to control the direction of the place ... I don't know, I just go by what Pawtucket put in the mission statement.
So stuff happens, not that big of a deal probably, but it might be better to remain respectful, even when the other side isn't. But you said
That "tit for a tat" stance can lead to escalation when perceived slights are returned with slightly more animosity, till there is war. But no one is perfect in that regard.
I'm not really speaking of your posts Rascal, becasue I don't follow all those threads you are mostly in. When I see some of the Bumpy altercations, I am usually at a loss for what is going on, and what the heart of the issue is.
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If I may say
this bumpy tiger is a clown.
he/she is in this for sh@t and giggles.
I find him rather amusing and full of funny energy.
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Rhino..I was NOT referring to any particular poster or incident...least of all sogwap. Where did you get that?
I was referring to posts and posters on both sides of the issue. Pro ministry and anti ministry. There is a way to treat one another respectfully and with courtesy no matter what your personal pov is...ESPESCIALY if one claims to be of the Christian persuasion.
I am at a loss when anybody thinks that the more insulting or hateful they can be, some how makes them right, or the winner of an argument.
We are all free to post here.
I repeat, I do not believe anybody has been treated any worse than I have as far as the insults, the aspersions cast on my character , my motives or my integrity as a person because of the pov I hold.....to claim that pro ministry people are some how treated consistantly more horrible by everyone is not correct.
What I don`t have any respect for is nastiness from either side.
Look at a couple of the newer folks...they have posted pro ministry...pro forgivness...they have posted their opinions in a loving manner, you could SEE the compassion with which they presented their views....and were treated with the same caring courtesy.
What I post is simply my thoughts, I do not need approval, I do not need to sway anybody to my side of the question...we are all learning as we participate...no matter what direction that you approach the issue from.
I have always held the opinion that God has lead each of us down a unique path...and that each of us have valid insight and experiences to share...and that any one of us might hold the key to anothers break through in an area that has been a source of frustration...
To assume that one is not welcome, simply because of responses....or ones view point is not appreciated or does not have merrit, would be in my opinion, erronious.
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Gosh folks, I just guess that I see folks doing the best they can to come to grips with what has happened...this web site was designed to tell the other side of the story...the one nobody was allowed to hear in twi.
It has succeded beyond anyones wildest imaginations....the fact that so many many people have ended up being helped was probably a huge suprise.....
We have been free to investigate those forbidden thoughts, unleash those suppressed emotions, examine the feelings and thoughts stifled for so many years :(
Guys so many of us learned to actually jump start our critical thinking processes that had been put on hold for decades...
It is here at greasespot that we are free to take this stuff out...this stuff that we can`t tell anybody else....examine it, figure out how it all ended up so wrong....
Best of all...I have found *me* the real person underneith all of the *renewed mind* the girl that was passionate about animals and rescues and art...the person who`s values and perceptions were demed so unworthy as dismissed.
With out all of you here...all who have participated in contributing their ideas, experiences and impressions....I don`t think that I would have ever been able to find that balance.
I know that I am not the only one that has benefitted from this place.
I guess that it just hurts me to see anyone here disparaged, or the immense good to be had in this place devalued when people maybe just don`t always see the entire picture of who is being benefitted at any particular time.
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