OK, my post wasn`t in connection with that. I was trying to make another point entirely. I have seen posters from either side of the issue cross the line from productive discussion to cutting remarks and derision that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
i realize it's electronic, but i don't want to join myspace or myface
anyway thank you all
i don't go to many forums. recently i joined refiner's site and once in a while i go on websleuths because i have this fixation with crime mysteries, but i don't post there, i just read
and i joined john's site and saw a lot of really great people and not so great ha !!!!
About people coming, or going; staying or moving on. . . At church this morning someone came back that I had missed seeing for a long time (like excathedra was speaking about missing some posters). They had been gone at least a year, but our reunion was as warm and friendly as ever. Like we hadn't missed a day. When I was able to ask about the changes, it seems that their life just needed a different path, even though they had those feelings of "missing" too.
Here at GS, I a newbie, but I've read enough threads to grow an appreciation for what happens here. Talking things out is good medicine. I find more "love" here than "hate".
For what it's worth, I've also participated at the new WC sites. I found some reminiscing, some reuniting, which was good. But I also found some hardselling to join back up too. I didn't enjoy that part of it.
ever watch that tv "to catch a preditor? with JIM Hanson?
well anyways he puts on the television these guys that go to a house to meet the young girls they talk to on the my space type chat rooms... and they end up arresting them
So Im convinced everyone on my space and in chat rooms at large are like that. another tv show that puts weirdest to the extreme in my life like pfal. got to stop .
Gs is very special because i do NOT speak of twi to people not even in the off shoot so it is a part of me that is secret really and this is an interesting place because twi made such an impact on my life i can not deny it but at times i think i was crazy to get involved.
i was nuts when i got marked oo i have a long history but silent.
odd i do not do well talking about it even here i limit my own personal story and who in the world never involved would get it? who would understand?
how would it start at best they may think it was a stupid church .
this is the only place i know when i read it makes sense for that part of life.
it is a miricle really.
like a secret world in my life that only knows about it on GS. so to me it is important.
Sometimes I have more on my plate than at other times. I do have internet friends who are not ex TWI, and most are on myspace or paganspace or various yahoo groups. A couple of friends and I even have our own little group, just so the three of us can keep in touch. One of my best internet friends lives in Australia, she's getting married and it is so weird not to be able to get to the wedding! I would love to meet all of them in person sometime.
Between work and family I find it hard to socialize outside of the house very often, though I love to meet friends for coffee. But on the net-- I can be doing laundry, drying my hair, chatting, all at the same time.
I think getting emails etc of the posters you've become friends with is a great idea, so you can keep in touch even if they don't hang out here much any, more.
But I remember then thinking PawTucket should have said her views were just her opinion in a post, maybe he did, but I think he aslo said he spent like 8 hours pm'ing various offended parties. YIKES ... that is part of what I mean by this PM'ing underworld, though I have no idea if that part is the seedy part ...
From the quote I gave, as I said, it seemed that incident fit the description exactly. In any case, that Pawtucket was so busy PM'ing in that situation, indicates another level of interaction at the PM level.
rhino... how else would you like paw to communicate with the folks who PM'd him with their question and concerns?
I understand your comment in an earlier post about some 'underground network of PMs'... I think for the most part that's just human nature. I mean, if I had a question or comment I wanted to ask/share with you why would I put it out in the public? I can just ask you. Like I said, I think it's human nature and it happens anywhere there is a site that has a PM feature (or people with email, or people with phones, or people with postage stamps) :)
In that case I think a general post to express that he didn't believe Sogwap was or should be saying her opinion applied to everyone, yet she did have a valid view that should be heard ... would have covered a lot of ground.
I PM'ed him too, maybe he pm'ed me first because of a post on that subject. Maybe that is the way he handle his friends ... and it may be fine ... but tedious undershepherding ...
But still it DOES seem to indicate, there is this more private PM world ... and that case seems indicative of how it works. It may well be that Pawtucket handled it perfectly ... and in a sense I was then on the "opposite" side of where some seem to perceive me now.
But there is a group that have known each other longer than I have been around, many for 5-8 years ... active in doing TWI battle on the net. So I recognize that there are bonds on many levels ... and if you note I said I don't think P's "favoritism" has made much difference. I think a fair view of what I have said here and there is mostly Paw positive ...
The bans I've seen I'd have done sooner, the eight hours he spent was because he cared, most likely. But this is not really about pawtucket so much ... excie was fairly vague and asking for input. Seems we are getting some ...
This last Bumpy thread may be a hint ... he suppsoedly was getting at some secret dig that he intended with his New Year message. I couldn't find it ... but the more spiritual had unearthed it and revealed him for his arrogance. Maybe they are right ...
But I don't think Bumpy is the real issue, that just came to mind .. I think other/another long time person prodded this thread ... but excie made it quite broad .. so it is open for more input ...
There will be a test on Friday ... and your essays are due on Wednesday.
(and I think George St. Geroge offered 9% of his income to support the site :o ) Well, he said he would leave if Pawtucket demanded 10%, so 9% seems a good starting point ... for George ...
I'm thinking more like a penny a post ... but that would be a guidleline ... maybe go by words ... but my words are such quality, they are a value ... so I should be paid ... but most of you guys just yack, so you should pay double
IMO... and only IMO... but those bouncing smilies never help!
The point I was trying to get across, but may have muddied it, was :
I understand your comment in an earlier post about some 'underground network of PMs'... I think for the most part that's just human nature.
Sure it is ... but like I think I said ... that was a very public event, and could have been dealt with very openly ... but there seemed the core of people that live underground ... that pawtucket climbed down in the cellar to deal with for 8 hours ... because they were the underground people ...and they are an important groundswell that influence Pawtucket ... are they hobbits?
Why was all his time involved with the gsc underground during this "crisis" instead of making a simple statement like I said? I'm amplifying it all maybe ... but just saying yes, people/hobbits want to say things in private that they might be embarrassed for others to see in public.
I think my point was there is another subculture that happens in the PM world. Call it human nature if you want. By nature humans are carnivores I suppose, and they use tools to hunt.
The underground people?...sounds rather ominous to me. Do they wear cyber hoods over their heads?...
Maybe it's just me, but I appreciate the purpose of this site...to expose the underbelly of twi. It's a valuble resource for people and by the way, twi is still operating and passing their horns of plenty. Most of us have a story to tell and opinions to express...that's why I'm here. I've met many folks here and have many cyber friendships...I enjoy the social interaction...BUT that's frosting on the cake and is incidental to the reason I post here...
...I will argue my points in the open forums and often disagree with other posters but I really have no interest in the dramas that seems to abound on a personal level. I understand excie's feelings and the thoughts she expressed...she was simply making an observation and expressing her feelings...and she has certainly earned the right to do that here.
...I've been here for quite awhile myself and sure, I miss some of the old timers that have left. I wish them well and would love to see them visit us here...this place is sorta like a college bar...when the seniors graduate, the new freshmen take their places...and some of us are like the townies who never leave...peace.
Not to hide anything, but because the subject matter doesn't have any interest to the general audience.
"Fer in-stance": A while back, another poster, whom I had already met face to face, expressed an interest in a particular guitar technique. I PM'd that poster to exchange addresses for the purpose of loaning out an instructional tape.
"Nother example: I've seen 3 or 4 posters here who I was fairly certain I knew from my home town or from FLO, based on things they posted. I PM'd them, told them who I was and caught up on old times. Does the rest of the GSC community really give a rat's butt about our reminiscing?
Beyond that kind of thing, I don't really see a whole lot of need to PM.
I don't use it a lot but I'm glad it's there to use for that sort of thing.
I suppose I could probably do some of that stuff in chat but my computer won't go there for some strange reason.
People have been kind in giving me suggestions as to how to fix it but nothing seems to work.
HaHaHaHa!----I just realized, they used PM to offer their technical help.
There is of course a lot of uses for PM's. I'm just largely voicing partly what I hear in PM's ... and othe places, including forums. And I'm trying to do an expanded according to guessage as to what maybe excie is referring to.
IF there was any heavy handedness from Paw "leaning" on people to not discuss soemthing, or not go to certain sites or fellowships or not hang with your possessed families ... that might be an issue to discuss. I haven't had Pawtucket try to tell me anything like that.
There is a lot at this place that accomplishes the prime directive ... so that is good.
I think it is like that at any place people get together. like ex said human nature.
We all know those people at our jobs ,or in our family, we watch what we say, about something or other too, because she is friends or bedfellow with the bos or will tell a story to mom and da you do not want to discuss with them.
people do stab each other in the back.
it is common .
I only use pm when i want to ask somone something , not about another poster but other topics.
I have been ask to comment in pm's and mostly decline.
ex used to pm me sometimes people will pm to talk about what is going on in a thread i normaly keep it confined in the thread myself.
but as far people getting together and talking trash about another.... well that is kind of human nature for gossips and folks who enjoy that type of attention.
My idea is if Pawtucket has something to say he will say it it is his board he holds all the power and he doesnt have a problem using it . why should he?
I do not know the guy but from the boards i think he is retty much as he appears, ask him what he puts in his PM's if you need to know.
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OK, my post wasn`t in connection with that. I was trying to make another point entirely. I have seen posters from either side of the issue cross the line from productive discussion to cutting remarks and derision that has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
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Don't go. I would miss you.
the Masterherbalist
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i doubt i would ever go. i'm lonely
i realize it's electronic, but i don't want to join myspace or myface
anyway thank you all
i don't go to many forums. recently i joined refiner's site and once in a while i go on websleuths because i have this fixation with crime mysteries, but i don't post there, i just read
and i joined john's site and saw a lot of really great people and not so great ha !!!!
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Anonymity is a two sided coin.
Some people use it to conceal personal characteristics that would be apparent in a face to face meeting.
Some people use it to reveal things they would otherwise conceal.
We're all probably a combination of both.
You guys probably know me much better than the people I spend my work week with.
"Face to face" is good but I think it tends to be overrated at times.
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About people coming, or going; staying or moving on. . . At church this morning someone came back that I had missed seeing for a long time (like excathedra was speaking about missing some posters). They had been gone at least a year, but our reunion was as warm and friendly as ever. Like we hadn't missed a day. When I was able to ask about the changes, it seems that their life just needed a different path, even though they had those feelings of "missing" too.
Here at GS, I a newbie, but I've read enough threads to grow an appreciation for what happens here. Talking things out is good medicine. I find more "love" here than "hate".
For what it's worth, I've also participated at the new WC sites. I found some reminiscing, some reuniting, which was good. But I also found some hardselling to join back up too. I didn't enjoy that part of it.
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Welcome Wing!!
Glad you didn't wait till next year to post! :)
Interesting insight into the site and sites.
2008 coming up here shortly.
New Years eve at the spot....
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ever watch that tv "to catch a preditor? with JIM Hanson?
well anyways he puts on the television these guys that go to a house to meet the young girls they talk to on the my space type chat rooms... and they end up arresting them
So Im convinced everyone on my space and in chat rooms at large are like that. another tv show that puts weirdest to the extreme in my life like pfal. got to stop .
Gs is very special because i do NOT speak of twi to people not even in the off shoot so it is a part of me that is secret really and this is an interesting place because twi made such an impact on my life i can not deny it but at times i think i was crazy to get involved.
i was nuts when i got marked oo i have a long history but silent.
odd i do not do well talking about it even here i limit my own personal story and who in the world never involved would get it? who would understand?
how would it start at best they may think it was a stupid church .
this is the only place i know when i read it makes sense for that part of life.
it is a miricle really.
like a secret world in my life that only knows about it on GS. so to me it is important.
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Last night my sister and I were sitting in the den and I said to
her, "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some
machine and fluids from a bottle to keep me alive. That would be no
quality of life at all, If that ever happens, just pull the plug."
So she got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine.
Jeanie C. Riley sang Harper Valley PTA btw.
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Ha, that's a good one Jeaniam.
I should have one made for my sons.
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Sometimes I have more on my plate than at other times. I do have internet friends who are not ex TWI, and most are on myspace or paganspace or various yahoo groups. A couple of friends and I even have our own little group, just so the three of us can keep in touch. One of my best internet friends lives in Australia, she's getting married and it is so weird not to be able to get to the wedding! I would love to meet all of them in person sometime.
Between work and family I find it hard to socialize outside of the house very often, though I love to meet friends for coffee. But on the net-- I can be doing laundry, drying my hair, chatting, all at the same time.
I think getting emails etc of the posters you've become friends with is a great idea, so you can keep in touch even if they don't hang out here much any, more.
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A number of people have arrived, interacted, decided they accomplished everything they needed
to accomplish, and then left.
A number of people have arrived, interacted, decided they didn't feel like sticking around anymore,
and then left.
In both cases, I say that's great!
The first is a GSC success story.
The second is a GSC'er thinking for themself.
I miss some posters, but, you know, life takes time to do right.
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Tom Strange
rhino... how else would you like paw to communicate with the folks who PM'd him with their question and concerns?
I understand your comment in an earlier post about some 'underground network of PMs'... I think for the most part that's just human nature. I mean, if I had a question or comment I wanted to ask/share with you why would I put it out in the public? I can just ask you. Like I said, I think it's human nature and it happens anywhere there is a site that has a PM feature (or people with email, or people with phones, or people with postage stamps) :)
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In that case I think a general post to express that he didn't believe Sogwap was or should be saying her opinion applied to everyone, yet she did have a valid view that should be heard ... would have covered a lot of ground.
I PM'ed him too, maybe he pm'ed me first because of a post on that subject. Maybe that is the way he handle his friends ... and it may be fine ... but tedious undershepherding ...
But still it DOES seem to indicate, there is this more private PM world ... and that case seems indicative of how it works. It may well be that Pawtucket handled it perfectly ... and in a sense I was then on the "opposite" side of where some seem to perceive me now.
But there is a group that have known each other longer than I have been around, many for 5-8 years ... active in doing TWI battle on the net. So I recognize that there are bonds on many levels ... and if you note I said I don't think P's "favoritism" has made much difference. I think a fair view of what I have said here and there is mostly Paw positive ...
The bans I've seen I'd have done sooner, the eight hours he spent was because he cared, most likely. But this is not really about pawtucket so much ... excie was fairly vague and asking for input. Seems we are getting some ...
This last Bumpy thread may be a hint ... he suppsoedly was getting at some secret dig that he intended with his New Year message. I couldn't find it ... but the more spiritual had unearthed it and revealed him for his arrogance. Maybe they are right ...
But I don't think Bumpy is the real issue, that just came to mind .. I think other/another long time person prodded this thread ... but excie made it quite broad .. so it is open for more input ...
There will be a test on Friday ... and your essays are due on Wednesday.
(and I think George St. Geroge offered 9% of his income to support the site :o ) Well, he said he would leave if Pawtucket demanded 10%, so 9% seems a good starting point ... for George ...
I'm thinking more like a penny a post ... but that would be a guidleline ... maybe go by words ... but my words are such quality, they are a value ... so I should be paid ... but most of you guys just yack, so you should pay double
I can keep brainstorming if this is helping .....
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Tom Strange
IMO... and only IMO... but those bouncing smilies never help!
The point I was trying to get across, but may have muddied it, was :
I understand your comment in an earlier post about some 'underground network of PMs'... I think for the most part that's just human nature.
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what isn't human nature ?
many things go on behind the scenes i think and i can't tell you how much of that is good or bad
but i aslo don't need to PM anyone about my feelings or questions, do i ?
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Sure it is ... but like I think I said ... that was a very public event, and could have been dealt with very openly ... but there seemed the core of people that live underground ... that pawtucket climbed down in the cellar to deal with for 8 hours ... because they were the underground people ...and they are an important groundswell that influence Pawtucket ... are they hobbits?
Why was all his time involved with the gsc underground during this "crisis" instead of making a simple statement like I said? I'm amplifying it all maybe ... but just saying yes, people/hobbits want to say things in private that they might be embarrassed for others to see in public.
I think my point was there is another subculture that happens in the PM world. Call it human nature if you want. By nature humans are carnivores I suppose, and they use tools to hunt.
excie probably said more in 3 lines ...
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The underground people?...sounds rather ominous to me. Do they wear cyber hoods over their heads?...
Maybe it's just me, but I appreciate the purpose of this site...to expose the underbelly of twi. It's a valuble resource for people and by the way, twi is still operating and passing their horns of plenty. Most of us have a story to tell and opinions to express...that's why I'm here. I've met many folks here and have many cyber friendships...I enjoy the social interaction...BUT that's frosting on the cake and is incidental to the reason I post here...
...I will argue my points in the open forums and often disagree with other posters but I really have no interest in the dramas that seems to abound on a personal level. I understand excie's feelings and the thoughts she expressed...she was simply making an observation and expressing her feelings...and she has certainly earned the right to do that here.
...I've been here for quite awhile myself and sure, I miss some of the old timers that have left. I wish them well and would love to see them visit us here...this place is sorta like a college bar...when the seniors graduate, the new freshmen take their places...and some of us are like the townies who never leave...peace.
by the way...welcome back tcat!!! Good to see ya!
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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I PM from time to time.
Not to hide anything, but because the subject matter doesn't have any interest to the general audience.
"Fer in-stance": A while back, another poster, whom I had already met face to face, expressed an interest in a particular guitar technique. I PM'd that poster to exchange addresses for the purpose of loaning out an instructional tape.
"Nother example: I've seen 3 or 4 posters here who I was fairly certain I knew from my home town or from FLO, based on things they posted. I PM'd them, told them who I was and caught up on old times. Does the rest of the GSC community really give a rat's butt about our reminiscing?
Beyond that kind of thing, I don't really see a whole lot of need to PM.
I don't use it a lot but I'm glad it's there to use for that sort of thing.
I suppose I could probably do some of that stuff in chat but my computer won't go there for some strange reason.
People have been kind in giving me suggestions as to how to fix it but nothing seems to work.
HaHaHaHa!----I just realized, they used PM to offer their technical help.
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There is of course a lot of uses for PM's. I'm just largely voicing partly what I hear in PM's ... and othe places, including forums. And I'm trying to do an expanded according to guessage as to what maybe excie is referring to.
IF there was any heavy handedness from Paw "leaning" on people to not discuss soemthing, or not go to certain sites or fellowships or not hang with your possessed families ... that might be an issue to discuss. I haven't had Pawtucket try to tell me anything like that.
There is a lot at this place that accomplishes the prime directive ... so that is good.
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could we make it our new year's resolution to get waysider in chat ?
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I think it is like that at any place people get together. like ex said human nature.
We all know those people at our jobs ,or in our family, we watch what we say, about something or other too, because she is friends or bedfellow with the bos or will tell a story to mom and da you do not want to discuss with them.
people do stab each other in the back.
it is common .
I only use pm when i want to ask somone something , not about another poster but other topics.
I have been ask to comment in pm's and mostly decline.
ex used to pm me sometimes people will pm to talk about what is going on in a thread i normaly keep it confined in the thread myself.
but as far people getting together and talking trash about another.... well that is kind of human nature for gossips and folks who enjoy that type of attention.
My idea is if Pawtucket has something to say he will say it it is his board he holds all the power and he doesnt have a problem using it . why should he?
I do not know the guy but from the boards i think he is retty much as he appears, ask him what he puts in his PM's if you need to know.
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I hear ya and feel that way sometimes, too.
The place wears on me sometimes.
Then there's the people who've grown on me - and that's why I come back.
I've learned that breaks in the action - whether days, weeks or months, are beneficial.
And I know it's my problem - I just let it get to me. So, I chill.
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Ok here is what we are really doing in the "underground' world of GSC.
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