I just had to get a Patriots thread rolling - to honor the "one of the greatest NFL Teams of the Super Bowl era (I just know that statement will fire up the rhetoric with some folks, just as it fires up my son who is a rabid Redskins fan) -- if a thread on this has already started elsewhere, i beg your pardon and I will go and clean my glasses.
I'm jazzed the Patriots have done so well this year. Even with a few bumps in the season's road where the games went "down to the wire," it has been an exciting, sometimes nail-biting, season so far. Games are more exciting when it comes down to the last minute or so to decide the game. Now, with just one "giant" game left for the Pats in the regular season . . . all I can say is YEAH, GO FOR IT Pats!
Although, the Pats don't have the super bowl wrapped up, I think it's very highly likely that they'll be there. I'm curious who the NFC will send . . . might be nice to see the Redskins there
It truly is a good year for New England sports fans!
Yeah Red Sox, Go Pats, Go Celtics . . .
Saturday's Pats game, originally scheduled to be broadcast ONLY on the NFL network, will be simulcast on NBC and CBS.
Well thanks for that-There was actually a glitch that would have had this game blacked out in part of New England. Fantastic that it got taken care of----there may have been riots up here if it wasnt...
As a born and bred Massachusetts guy, I almost have to pinch myself to realize hat these years are actually happening and not a dream.
For decades I watched heartbreaking loss after heartbreaking loss in every sport and even in good years was waiting for the darkness and inevitable disappointment and pain to descend like it usually did..
How things can change!!
Its nice not only to win but to feel totally comfortable, confidant and unanxious (no more of those body curdling and mind bending knots to go through) when entering a game for once ...
.. The last shall be first, the first shall be last
Saturday's Pats game, originally scheduled to be broadcast ONLY on the NFL network, will be simulcast on NBC and CBS.
Glad that I'll finally be able to watch it. I was peed-off over the last two weeks that i couldn't watch the Pats games against the Ravens and the one against the Dolphins w/o having to pay to view, or go to a sports bar. Guess I'm just spoiled over the years with being able to watch on regular network stations. I was almost aghast that those games weren't on the networks - I thought to myself on my soap-box - "what, are these network execs brain dead - and miss the chance to televise to our great nation the greatest team in modern NFL history play for yet another record win????"
I know they want to make more money by not giving the game "to the masses," but doing so can certainly improve image. Heck, the Pats are the new 'America's Team'!!
Guess the execs got their noggins popped out of their nether reaches.
You know they're 'America's team'when people start hating them. There's not much good said about the Pat's on the other side of the country. Same with the Bosox, now that they're part of the 'elite'. With all this success, Boston may yet give New York a run for their money in the 'hate' department.
it does seem to be a harmonic convergence of the sports type with the Pats, BoSox and Celtics)
We paid our dues
As far as people hating us I think it is sort of humorous. My friend from Chicago (a woman, but an actual sports fan) who now lives in NYC despises the Pats with a Yankee like vigor. Why? Because they're dominant and.. and ...they're the Yankees!!!!. She says "even the sports columnists are calling the Patriots the Yankees!"
Maybe sports columnists who start these things fads should actually read sports outcomes once in awhile (The Yankees although rich havent won the big one in 7 years). nor is the history similar.
Maybe there are alot of haters but I dont really care, they are all on their convenient bandwagon of the hour, I dont recall anyone hating them when they were suffering through 40+years of 2-14 seasons
I find it humorous when I hear the Yankees haven't won the series in 7 YEARS !!!!!!!!!
Horrors. How can they show their face with such a legacy of failure.
And of course the comeback will be-with all that money , they should win EVERY year.
It's not that simple. Ask any Cub, Dodger, Met, and until recently, Red Sox fan.
Success always brings criticism . The Cowboys are 'hated' to this day. Heck, I just read a book by Steve Martin, where he talks about his long path to success. The rave reviews when he 'made it', followed by the trashing of him once he was at the top. Maybe it's human nature to root for the underdog, and take the top dog down a peg.
Success always brings criticism . The Cowboys are 'hated' to this day. Heck, I just read a book by Steve Martin, where he talks about his long path to success. The rave reviews when he 'made it', followed by the trashing of him once he was at the top. Maybe it's human nature to root for the underdog, and take the top dog down a peg.
Yes... they are! And we're proud of it...
Mstar and Peruser: like I said before, call me when you've got FIVE Lombardi's in the lobby... oh, and another way you can tell that you're popular? When you have almost as many people wearing your jerseys at AWAY games as the other team... that probably happens to the Cowboys more than any other NFL team... also, check out the all time TV show ratings sometime... yep- Cowboys! (although that could certainly be eclipsed this weekend since the pats are gonna be on three networks)
Growing up a Packer fan in the '60's (who is that Lombardi trophy named after again,Tom ),I admit,I got uneasy when pro football dynasties begin to emerge...I hated it when the Dolphins went 17-0 (the Pack never did), when Joe Montana got more rings than Bart Starr, and frankly, I can't stand to see that scowling s.o.b., Belichek's face on the Patriot sidelines...But,like they say,you have to give the devil his due...If the Pats win the Super Bowl,this will be what,they're 4th in the last seven years?...
I almost feel like Belichek,Brady and co. were bound and determined to end all arguments and put on the field the best football team ever assembled in one season...For all the championships won by the Starrs,the Bradshaws and the Montanas,they never really held individual records like a Marino or a Manning...And regardless of what players and coaches say about "we just want to win the championship this year",quite simply,I think Brady wants to put to rest that he's a greater quarterback than Payton Manning,and that Bill Belichek is one of the greatest football coaches of all time...Fans like numbers and stats,and the Pats are giving them to us in barrelfuls this year...If the Pats complete their undefeated Super Bowl mission,and years from now you line them up with the great championship teams of all time,I don't see any other team even coming close,...stastically speaking,of course...
Growing up a Packer fan in the '60's (who is that Lombardi trophy named after again,Tom ),I admit,I got uneasy when pro football dynasties begin to emerge...I hated it when the Dolphins went 17-0 (the Pack never did), when Joe Montana got more rings than Bart Starr, and frankly, I can't stand to see that scowling s.o.b., Belichek's face on the Patriot sidelines...But,like they say,you have to give the devil his due...If the Pats win the Super Bowl,this will be what,they're 4th in the last seven years?...
I almost feel like Belichek,Brady and co. were bound and determined to end all arguments and put on the field the best football team ever assembled in one season...For all the championships won by the Starrs,the Bradshaws and the Montanas,they never really held individual records like a Marino or a Manning...And regardless of what players and coaches say about "we just want to win the championship this year",quite simply,I think Brady wants to put to rest that he's a greater quarterback than Payton Manning,and that Bill Belichek is one of the greatest football coaches of all time...Fans like numbers and stats,and the Pats are giving them to us in barrelfuls this year...If the Pats complete their undefeated Super Bowl mission,and years from now you line them up with the great championship teams of all time,I don't see any other team even coming close,...stastically speaking,of course...
Did you see the Brady interview on 60 Minutes on Sunday?
Did you see the Brady interview on 60 Minutes on Sunday?
oops! that reminds me, I've got that on the DVR downstairs!
simonzeepackerfan, I still don't know if they'd be 'the greatest'... but they (Pats) are surely one of the best of all time. And as for the pack... they cheated in the ice bowl!!!
with a couple of different things going our way, heck... we'd have eight of those things! maybe should've paid the refs a little more!
I hope they do it as well... unless it's the Cowdogs they're playing in the SB!
oops! that reminds me, I've got that on the DVR downstairs!
simonzeepackerfan, I still don't know if they'd be 'the greatest'... but they (Pats) are surely one of the best of all time. And as for the pack... they cheated in the ice bowl!!!
with a couple of different things going our way, heck... we'd have eight of those things! maybe should've paid the refs a little more!
I hope they do it as well... unless it's the Cowdogs they're playing in the SB!
They certainly came closer to that declaration tonight. The game was all it was promoted to be... NO playoff implications for either team, but first stringers played the whole game. With a 38-35 final score, and anOTHER come from behind win, it's getting harder to deny them the recognition as THE greatest. However, what will it be, 3 playoff games they'll need to win to make it final and official?
I must be getting spoiled, I remember saying this back during baseball season as well, that even though the Pats won, they didnt play nearly as well as they are capable. I guess that is a luxury that I have these days but to me they didnt look all that great.
Sure 16-0 looks nice, but they havent won anything yet. They'll have to tighten some things up,
Well, you have to tip your hat and salute the Pats...They've had a bullseye on their back since about half way through the season...Other than the Ravens game, where a little bit of luck helped them out(stopped on fourth and 1 in the waning moments,only to have the play nullified by their own false start penalty),they have met every challenged tossed their way...They're a great team,exciting to watch,and I'm glad I was around to witness their historical season...
I can almost feel your pain . . . it's been soooooo long since Tom Brady has had a football in his hands in a real game. . . just take a few deep breaths, and think about Jaguars getting "shaved" in Gillette Stadium on Saturday evening.
Should be an exciting game!!!!
I am really looking forward to this . . once again to witness the greatest NFL team of the modern era, and this time they're on safari - hunting Jaguar. I hope it's nice and cold for the game. - just checked out a weather site (wunderground) and the temp will be in the mid thirties with light winds.
same New England M.O.: play a near perfect ball game... the other teams (sometimes) hang with them for a while but eventually stumble here or there as most teams do... New England has not had many moments of "stumbling" this year... and certainly not as much as their opponents... which is a tribute to their coaching and players.
The Patriots offensive line put on one of the biggest clinics Ive seen in quite a while . Aside from the first possession sack, Brady had however much time he wanted to throw the ball all night. The Jags D-Line is one of the very best and they spent the majority of this game either five yards off the play or on their asses. Start to finish, that group owned this game
they should have owned the game... it was five (Pats) on three (Jags) most of the night... yep, Brady could've eaten a sandwich back there while waiting for receivers to open up...
they should have owned the game... it was five (Pats) on three (Jags) most of the night...
Yeah, he did have some extra time back there . . .five on three - guess that was the gamble the Jags decided to make - maybe to keep extra secondary D-guys on Moss. Well, guess that gave Welker and others more business. I just loved Brady's acting play where the Jag defense would have sworn the running back had the ball, and then realized . .. "Oh Crap, he doesn't have the ball . ." and, then "oh crap, it's a touchdown!!! One heck of a clinic.
Was good to see the Chargers down the Colts. Be interesting to see a rematch of SD against the Pats - this time for the AFC title. Another team for the Patriot grinder.
On a futher note, it was nice to see the Giants beat Dallas. I didn't see the entire game - I wonder if TO was truly healthy?
Anyway, I don't think the Giants have a prayer against the Packers - but that's just my opinion.
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Saturday's Pats game, originally scheduled to be broadcast ONLY on the NFL network, will be simulcast on NBC and CBS.
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Well thanks for that-There was actually a glitch that would have had this game blacked out in part of New England. Fantastic that it got taken care of----there may have been riots up here if it wasnt...
As a born and bred Massachusetts guy, I almost have to pinch myself to realize hat these years are actually happening and not a dream.
For decades I watched heartbreaking loss after heartbreaking loss in every sport and even in good years was waiting for the darkness and inevitable disappointment and pain to descend like it usually did..
How things can change!!
Its nice not only to win but to feel totally comfortable, confidant and unanxious (no more of those body curdling and mind bending knots to go through) when entering a game for once ...
.. The last shall be first, the first shall be last
At last, I see we're first, at last!
Good Times
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Tom Strange
screw all you people! ...call me when you've got FIVE of those trophies!
(just kidding, it does seem to be a harmonic convergence of the sports type with the Pats, BoSox and Celtics)
hey... they may be stupid but they're not dumb! ...more money for the NFL!
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Glad that I'll finally be able to watch it. I was peed-off over the last two weeks that i couldn't watch the Pats games against the Ravens and the one against the Dolphins w/o having to pay to view, or go to a sports bar. Guess I'm just spoiled over the years with being able to watch on regular network stations. I was almost aghast that those games weren't on the networks - I thought to myself on my soap-box - "what, are these network execs brain dead - and miss the chance to televise to our great nation the greatest team in modern NFL history play for yet another record win????"
I know they want to make more money by not giving the game "to the masses," but doing so can certainly improve image. Heck, the Pats are the new 'America's Team'!!
Guess the execs got their noggins popped out of their nether reaches.
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You know they're 'America's team'when people start hating them. There's not much good said about the Pat's on the other side of the country. Same with the Bosox, now that they're part of the 'elite'. With all this success, Boston may yet give New York a run for their money in the 'hate' department.
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We paid our dues
As far as people hating us I think it is sort of humorous. My friend from Chicago (a woman, but an actual sports fan) who now lives in NYC despises the Pats with a Yankee like vigor. Why? Because they're dominant and.. and ...they're the Yankees!!!!. She says "even the sports columnists are calling the Patriots the Yankees!"
Maybe sports columnists who start these things fads should actually read sports outcomes once in awhile (The Yankees although rich havent won the big one in 7 years). nor is the history similar.
Maybe there are alot of haters but I dont really care, they are all on their convenient bandwagon of the hour, I dont recall anyone hating them when they were suffering through 40+years of 2-14 seasons
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I find it humorous when I hear the Yankees haven't won the series in 7 YEARS !!!!!!!!!
Horrors. How can they show their face with such a legacy of failure.
And of course the comeback will be-with all that money , they should win EVERY year.
It's not that simple. Ask any Cub, Dodger, Met, and until recently, Red Sox fan.
Success always brings criticism . The Cowboys are 'hated' to this day. Heck, I just read a book by Steve Martin, where he talks about his long path to success. The rave reviews when he 'made it', followed by the trashing of him once he was at the top. Maybe it's human nature to root for the underdog, and take the top dog down a peg.
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Tom Strange
Yes... they are! And we're proud of it...
Mstar and Peruser: like I said before, call me when you've got FIVE Lombardi's in the lobby... oh, and another way you can tell that you're popular? When you have almost as many people wearing your jerseys at AWAY games as the other team... that probably happens to the Cowboys more than any other NFL team... also, check out the all time TV show ratings sometime... yep- Cowboys! (although that could certainly be eclipsed this weekend since the pats are gonna be on three networks)
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Growing up a Packer fan in the '60's (who is that Lombardi trophy named after again,Tom
),I admit,I got uneasy when pro football dynasties begin to emerge...I hated it when the Dolphins went 17-0 (the Pack never did), when Joe Montana got more rings than Bart Starr, and frankly, I can't stand to see that scowling s.o.b., Belichek's face on the Patriot sidelines...But,like they say,you have to give the devil his due...If the Pats win the Super Bowl,this will be what,they're 4th in the last seven years?...
I almost feel like Belichek,Brady and co. were bound and determined to end all arguments and put on the field the best football team ever assembled in one season...For all the championships won by the Starrs,the Bradshaws and the Montanas,they never really held individual records like a Marino or a Manning...And regardless of what players and coaches say about "we just want to win the championship this year",quite simply,I think Brady wants to put to rest that he's a greater quarterback than Payton Manning,and that Bill Belichek is one of the greatest football coaches of all time...Fans like numbers and stats,and the Pats are giving them to us in barrelfuls this year...If the Pats complete their undefeated Super Bowl mission,and years from now you line them up with the great championship teams of all time,I don't see any other team even coming close,...stastically speaking,of course...
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Did you see the Brady interview on 60 Minutes on Sunday?
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Tom Strange
oops! that reminds me, I've got that on the DVR downstairs!
simonzeepackerfan, I still don't know if they'd be 'the greatest'... but they (Pats) are surely one of the best of all time. And as for the pack... they cheated in the ice bowl!!!
with a couple of different things going our way, heck... we'd have eight of those things! maybe should've paid the refs a little more!
I hope they do it as well... unless it's the Cowdogs they're playing in the SB!
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They certainly came closer to that declaration tonight. The game was all it was promoted to be... NO playoff implications for either team, but first stringers played the whole game. With a 38-35 final score, and anOTHER come from behind win, it's getting harder to deny them the recognition as THE greatest. However, what will it be, 3 playoff games they'll need to win to make it final and official?
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I must be getting spoiled, I remember saying this back during baseball season as well, that even though the Pats won, they didnt play nearly as well as they are capable. I guess that is a luxury that I have these days but to me they didnt look all that great.
Sure 16-0 looks nice, but they havent won anything yet. They'll have to tighten some things up,
There is no room for error in the playoffs
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yes, you are getting spoiled.
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Well, you have to tip your hat and salute the Pats...They've had a bullseye on their back since about half way through the season...Other than the Ravens game, where a little bit of luck helped them out(stopped on fourth and 1 in the waning moments,only to have the play nullified by their own false start penalty),they have met every challenged tossed their way...They're a great team,exciting to watch,and I'm glad I was around to witness their historical season...
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George Aar
Does this mean that Mitt Romney WILL be able to see the Patriots in the World Series this year?
(I heard that he and his good friend M.L. King have already gotten their tickets for game #eight)
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Gawd --
the Celtics lost the other night
It was a 4th quarter of unbearble suffering,
How long? How long? must we put up with these horrors?
There hasnt been a win in any sport for almost three days,
nor any type of championship at all since October!
I dont know how much longer I can take this...
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I can almost feel your pain . . . it's been soooooo long since Tom Brady has had a football in his hands in a real game. . . just take a few deep breaths, and think about Jaguars getting "shaved" in Gillette Stadium on Saturday evening.
Should be an exciting game!!!!
I am really looking forward to this . . once again to witness the greatest NFL team of the modern era, and this time they're on safari - hunting Jaguar. I hope it's nice and cold for the game. - just checked out a weather site (wunderground) and the temp will be in the mid thirties with light winds.
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Tom Strange
Pats are good... so are the Jags... I'm thinking it will be a good game either way... but would like for the Pats to LOSE!
...but they probably won't.
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It was a good game. Garrard and the rest of the Jags showed some poise - but, then the Pats showed poise, too.
Curious who will be next (SD or Indy) for the grinder?
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Tom Strange
It was a good game... for a little over a half...
same New England M.O.: play a near perfect ball game... the other teams (sometimes) hang with them for a while but eventually stumble here or there as most teams do... New England has not had many moments of "stumbling" this year... and certainly not as much as their opponents... which is a tribute to their coaching and players.
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Brady 26 for 28
The Patriots offensive line put on one of the biggest clinics Ive seen in quite a while . Aside from the first possession sack, Brady had however much time he wanted to throw the ball all night. The Jags D-Line is one of the very best and they spent the majority of this game either five yards off the play or on their asses. Start to finish, that group owned this game
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Tom Strange
they should have owned the game... it was five (Pats) on three (Jags) most of the night... yep, Brady could've eaten a sandwich back there while waiting for receivers to open up...
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Yeah, he did have some extra time back there . . .five on three - guess that was the gamble the Jags decided to make - maybe to keep extra secondary D-guys on Moss. Well, guess that gave Welker and others more business. I just loved Brady's acting play where the Jag defense would have sworn the running back had the ball, and then realized . .. "Oh Crap, he doesn't have the ball . ." and, then "oh crap, it's a touchdown!!! One heck of a clinic.
Was good to see the Chargers down the Colts. Be interesting to see a rematch of SD against the Pats - this time for the AFC title. Another team for the Patriot grinder.
On a futher note, it was nice to see the Giants beat Dallas. I didn't see the entire game - I wonder if TO was truly healthy?
Anyway, I don't think the Giants have a prayer against the Packers - but that's just my opinion.
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