Regardless of whether they cross their T's and dot their i's according to your acceptable formula,
Trinity Wall Street has and continues to be one of the most historic and important churches in the country's history.
It was where George Washington was inaugurated and being in the shadow of the World Trade Center, the center of ministry during the aftermath of 9/11.
Say what you will--they have a rich 200+ year history that is not easily matched by many churches in this country for its overall impact and contributions to our society....and the musics not bad either
I have heard (not live) the Mormon Tabernacle Choir do The Messiah, and I sure would pass on getting involved with the Mormon Church, but that choir does a world class job on the music. (A lot better than our poor little Way C. of E. choir did with the Hallelujah Chorus at ROA 1978 when we followed Ted Ferrel).
If you would like to hear the ne plus ultra of choral singing I recommend King's College Choir. They're doing a show on many NPR stations as we speak.
The Mormon Tabernacle is great, but they pound the Messiah into the ground. The Messiah calls for a small ensemble of instruments and usually no more than 16 voices. Done properly, the baroque clarity shines through and the voices remain distinct. Not only is it a work of genius, it is a work of divine inspiration, imo.
The Mormon Tabernacle is great, but they pound the Messiah into the ground. The Messiah calls for a small ensemble of instruments and usually no more than 16 voices. Done properly, the baroque clarity shines through and the voices remain distinct. Not only is it a work of genius, it is a work of divine inspiration, imo.
Well then Evan, maybe our little C of E group wasnt that bad...though I dont think we had ideal sound equipment.
That was awesome; I listened to the whole thing. When I was a senior in HS we did 4 sections of it in the choir Christmas program. The high tenor part was really hard. But wow, what music!
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Regardless of whether they cross their T's and dot their i's according to your acceptable formula,
Trinity Wall Street has and continues to be one of the most historic and important churches in the country's history.
It was where George Washington was inaugurated and being in the shadow of the World Trade Center, the center of ministry during the aftermath of 9/11.
Say what you will--they have a rich 200+ year history that is not easily matched by many churches in this country for its overall impact and contributions to our society....and the musics not bad either
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“A God without wrath ..."
Like we need a God with wrath? ........ Wow! What a 'gospel' (good news), ehhh?
Think I'll pass. <_<
Edited by GarthP2000Link to comment
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Lifted Up
I have heard (not live) the Mormon Tabernacle Choir do The Messiah, and I sure would pass on getting involved with the Mormon Church, but that choir does a world class job on the music. (A lot better than our poor little Way C. of E. choir did with the Hallelujah Chorus at ROA 1978 when we followed Ted Ferrel).
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If you would like to hear the ne plus ultra of choral singing I recommend King's College Choir. They're doing a show on many NPR stations as we speak.
The Mormon Tabernacle is great, but they pound the Messiah into the ground. The Messiah calls for a small ensemble of instruments and usually no more than 16 voices. Done properly, the baroque clarity shines through and the voices remain distinct. Not only is it a work of genius, it is a work of divine inspiration, imo.
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Lifted Up
Well then Evan, maybe our little C of E group wasnt that bad...though I dont think we had ideal sound equipment.
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My .02 cents worth??? (And I've yet to click a link here ---)
If ya can't listen to music and enjoy it -- without micro-scrutinizing the *theology* behind it --
A Psychiatrist might be in your immediate future. :)
Not condemning, but just saying.
I can listen to a choir singing in a concert hall,
or a bunch of *plain folks* swatting out a bluegrass tune on a front porch somewhere,
and the thought of *where are they coming from*, never crosses my mind.
I'm there to listen to the music. And THAT is what is being offered.
Try that approach. You might like it. :)
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Lifted Up
Do you make exceptions for TWI related music?
Joyful noise, Good seed,...
The way C of E choir? :) (Unfortunately, we never did a recording!)
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That was awesome; I listened to the whole thing. When I was a senior in HS we did 4 sections of it in the choir Christmas program. The high tenor part was really hard. But wow, what music!
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I listened to this entire Messiah yesterday and was blown away. An absolutely amazing piece of music
If someone wants to produce one better than that one I heard , then maybe they can talk-(but it still wont interest me)
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