That was great ... would have been better had he left the last part off, so the guy would have been left thinking he was going to get a call from the police.
my best story is when a telemarketer called me and asked if i wanted to change to his long distance service i said yes,can we make it happen tonight?as my current one is going to shut me off tommorow for non payment.
I'll have to remember that one for the next tellemarketing call.
It was a real hoot.
I remember seeing a show about a political humorist that during the time when Richard M. Nixon was going to be nominated for president, The man sent 8 pregnent women into the arena where the delegates were. Each woman was wearing a political sized button (about 3 to 4 inches in diameter) saying "Nixon's The One".
And here I am begging you to remember that telemarketing jobs is a job that people with broken bodies and/or physical deformities can perform, and it may be the only job they can do.
Sometimes people forget, "there but for the grace of God go I," when dealing with others less fortunate.
I think cruelty is never a virtue.
(And am so glad I can still voice an opinion here.)
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I'm gonna save that in my alltime fav YouTubes.
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That was great ... would have been better had he left the last part off, so the guy would have been left thinking he was going to get a call from the police.
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my best story is when a telemarketer called me and asked if i wanted to change to his long distance service i said yes,can we make it happen tonight?as my current one is going to shut me off tommorow for non payment.
he hung up!!
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What a a search on Tom Mabe...he's got a lot of them.
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Hey there George. I've heard that one before too, but it's a good one!
Reminds me of Roy D Mercer stunts. Here's a couple of links to him ----
Veterinarian Bill
Bird Dog
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George Aar
I'll have to remember that one for the next tellemarketing call.
It was a real hoot.
I remember seeing a show about a political humorist that during the time when Richard M. Nixon was going to be nominated for president, The man sent 8 pregnent women into the arena where the delegates were. Each woman was wearing a political sized button (about 3 to 4 inches in diameter) saying "Nixon's The One".
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Mark Sanguinetti
Hey George (still laughing while he types). That was to funny. Thanks much.
And speaking of funny phone calls. Here is one done by a friend of mine, Sharon Fox.
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Kit Sober
And here I am begging you to remember that telemarketing jobs is a job that people with broken bodies and/or physical deformities can perform, and it may be the only job they can do.
Sometimes people forget, "there but for the grace of God go I," when dealing with others less fortunate.
I think cruelty is never a virtue.
(And am so glad I can still voice an opinion here.)
In hope, I remain,
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