Was it the metaphorical grinding or the part about the hard pounding, Hopefull? : ))))
someone's gotta say it, y'know, "well guys that brag about their uh, set, are usually compensating for their small geneticalia".
Which begs the question, what about men that brag about the well endowed genetics of other men? Over compensation with a dash of Gift Envy? Or just plain Endowment Worship. I simply ask the question.
Sounds like therapy may be in order.
But back to the bountiful measure of genetic soup that's been poured in to my cup...oh yeah. Campbell's WISHES...I mean this is what they meant when they said "Hmmm Hmmmm good"...Wolfgang Puck's a potato peeler in the back of this kitchen, kiddo. When you say socks you're saying soup, the thick kind where the fine fragarance of simmering goodness fills the senses and brings 'em in early for dinner. Ain' no leftovers at this table bab-eh. I mean, we are talking second, thirds and clean plates at this restaurant, and the tips are extravagant because the customers always leave with a smile. It's Christmas morning everyday under this tree, gift sets for everyone.
I'm hungry for some reason.
Anyway, I gotta get back to work, nose to the grindstone. Figuratively speaking of course.
Jesus, I'll dance before your throne, bring this heavenly sound to You alone
This song within me Lord will bless your Holy Name
braggin rights are forfieted when the *set* is blue
Blue sets, that's cold, Grizzy. Literally. :D-->
Now that I got my smilies back, I just wanted to say in regards to gene pools and the power swimmers that walk among us...
We're talking Olympic size pools here. When you say socks you've said a mouthful and I mean that in the best possible context, of earth quakers and ground shakers cause if it's deep blue you want, we got yer deep end of the pool goin' here. This ain't your kiddie wading pool here, you got yer back flipping, back stroking, high diving, record setting, water carving, wave making lock 'em and rock 'em BIG BOYS - dressed, greased and ready to do laps if they aren't already. Load tested for heavy duty foot-pounds, bab-uh so step right up for some high mileage heavy stress tours of duty. Yup. That be da truf.
Which parts of doctrine came from Stiles, who got it from Bullinger, who got stuff from Luther, who got stuff from . . . ad infinitum.
I still enjoy that idea of a simple 'word-study'. I was raised in a Baptist church; full of thieving deacons and adulterus preachers. They taught to read the Bible from their own view point without any concept that maybe the Author had a particular meaning to what was written.
Still today, whether I do the word-study or else I hear one that someone else did, when someone aligns something from the Bible that has been there all along, yet hidden. I enjoy it. It has been hidden by our own language. By the mere fact that we are reading it in our language.
20 different people can still read the Bible and walk away with 20 entirely different ideas about what it says. They were all in prayer, they may all feel that G-d spoke to them. But they disagree on every issue.
Respecting Our Heavenly Father to the point of laying down my pre-conceived ideas, going to the Bible without an end goal in mind. Saying I am going to read every verse that deals with "---", and then build a new definition from G-d's point of view; is very refreshing. Routinely I hear preachers go to Daniel Webster 'English' dictionary to define G-d's Word.
I respect every man that went before me and was envolved with that chain of progression. Whether it be: Luther, or Bullinger, or Mueller, or Stiles, or Dr VPW. They were all sinners. So was the adulterer Baptist preacher that I grew up listening to every Sunday as a child, and the Methodist preacher I attended as a teenager who gave money to missionary killing rebels in South America. At least to me, some of those guys had a respect for the Bible and it's Author, that many other ministers today dont have.
Gee, not exactly sure what kind of debate I have started here but it certainly remains worth reading. Excathedra, Thanks, not exactly sure why yet, but I feel that thanks are in order for you. At least you have the ability to make a statement without turning it into a controversy. Heaven knows we have had enough of that in our time.
To some of you others, controversy seems to be the direction of your life and your still headed that way. It is kind of like a train though, by following the tracks, you can't exactly tell which way it is going and if you have guessed wrong, you are in for a serious collision at some point.
Socks, what is a guy to say? how do you top that? Is that the reason for your name? Is that where you store it?
mike, i've been thinking about what your wrote about the power thing. and i think i have to admit, at least at this moment, that i don't care about it
but maybe i should ask, what does it mean to have the power of god in my life ?
if wishes would come true, i wish my mom's husband was not paralyzed from a stroke. i wish my family and friends did not have difficulties in health and finances and heartaches. i wish there was no war, etc.
i just don't see how the "power of god" has ever helped in these areas
so i am hoping for a better future, even if that means when there are NO tears, NO hurt, NO bad stuff, NO death....
I don't remember ever reading in the Bible that God promised he would stop war and sickness in this life. Not a disagreement with you. It's more that when I see some like Mike talking to OTHERS about the power of God in their life, without actually knowing their life in detail, it seems iffy. TWI often presented a false image of success. For those who tell me that the ONLY 3 possibilities in life are 1. Follow VPW, 2. Follow someone I don't know or 3. Give up, I become curious about their own life. How much "power" is there in their life?
Not being jaded, just asking people to show me the proof.
God solved this problem with His 1942 promise and Dr's faithful participation in THIS project. Dr was not faithful in all aspects of his life, just like you and me, but in this project he was faithful. God worked with others and told Dr to include their work at times, with the appropriate corrections.
Mike, are you saying God has completely resolved this problem or are you willing to concur that God is still in the process of resolving the problem, factors of which have not yet been resolved. Like for instance re-incarnation (a doctrine once taught by the Christian church [and is considered an official teaching of Orthodox Judiasm] until is was banned at the council of Nicea), The Virgin Birth, which was added to the Christian Teachings by that same council, along with and supplemented by the Trinity (Funny, you no doubt believe that Jesus Christ is not God and that the Trinity is B.S., you are correct to hold those beliefs, but you err in holding on to the Virgin Birth, which is just as false and actually fits like a hand in a glove [where did we hear THAT before??] with both of those false doctrines). In fact, I have to admit that I know of NO Christian persuasion that is totally free of pagan influence. (all of them acknowledge the Virgin Birth, which is just as pagan as the Trinity).
I understand, and I am wondering, like so much of everything we learned in the ministry was wrong? Not saying it was, but so much of the good habits I have, I had before I got into the ministry, and supposedly they were wrong, or at least the motivation behind them was wrong, or whatever...
I guess what I am trying to say is this, there doesn't seem to be any real clear cut answers out there, but this much I do know, my heart was right in trying to help people, it was never about power, God knows, my life is just as much a mess as anyones, but there has to be a time or a way to help people that satisfies my need for helping someone, yet still doesn't leave someone else's life or mine in a mess.
Amen. I believe there is. Can you think back to those who you feel helped you? If you had good habits before, you got them somewhere. Who gave them to you? Are you a parent? If so, you are in probably one of, if not the, best places to do good for someone right down the hall. If not, you probably have family or neighbors. Not to be simplistic but others most likely appreciate the same general things you do. If your focus is on doing the right thing, you probably are already doing a decent job of it right now.
I know that kind words from Ex, for example, make my day better. And I get to help my kids become better people every day by loving and teaching them. Life is so great when one lives this way. (IMO)
yes, Justthinking, I am a parent, and if my opinion matters at all, I think I am a pretty damn good one. Yes, my children have had problems in the past but all in line with, "what kind of stupid thing can my kid do today?". All in all, good kids, oldest daughter is married and moved away, still stays in touch almost daily and loves her parents dearly, my only other is a teenager. Let me tell you of one of his "stupid moments".
One day after he gets home from school we are sitting in the living room discussing how his day was and a Deputy shows up at the door looking for him. Of course he says he has no idea why the deputy is there and the deputy tells me he was observed tipping over a port-a-potty that was set up by the childrens soccer field on his way home from school. When confronted he tells me he did it on a dare from a friend and that there was no one in there. After admitting his guilt the officer tells him he is going to have to go back and clean up the mess. Of course he asks me for help and I am like, "no way man" you made the mess, you clean it up. Needless to say by the time he gets back there to clean it up the soccer field is full of kids soccer league, and the stands are all full of parents watching. He was so embarrassed. I couldn't have planned that lesson had I tried.
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Uh oh, we're getting off track now Garth!
Was it the metaphorical grinding or the part about the hard pounding, Hopefull? : ))))
someone's gotta say it, y'know, "well guys that brag about their uh, set, are usually compensating for their small geneticalia".
Which begs the question, what about men that brag about the well endowed genetics of other men? Over compensation with a dash of Gift Envy? Or just plain Endowment Worship. I simply ask the question.
Sounds like therapy may be in order.
But back to the bountiful measure of genetic soup that's been poured in to my cup...oh yeah. Campbell's WISHES...I mean this is what they meant when they said "Hmmm Hmmmm good"...Wolfgang Puck's a potato peeler in the back of this kitchen, kiddo. When you say socks you're saying soup, the thick kind where the fine fragarance of simmering goodness fills the senses and brings 'em in early for dinner. Ain' no leftovers at this table bab-eh. I mean, we are talking second, thirds and clean plates at this restaurant, and the tips are extravagant because the customers always leave with a smile. It's Christmas morning everyday under this tree, gift sets for everyone.
I'm hungry for some reason.
Anyway, I gotta get back to work, nose to the grindstone. Figuratively speaking of course.
Jesus, I'll dance before your throne, bring this heavenly sound to You alone
This song within me Lord will bless your Holy Name
(boz scaggs)
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Socks buddy........
braggin rights are forfieted when the *set* is blue
God Bless America; SIZE>
Grizz SIZE>
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Blue sets, that's cold, Grizzy. Literally.
Now that I got my smilies back, I just wanted to say in regards to gene pools and the power swimmers that walk among us...
We're talking Olympic size pools here. When you say socks you've said a mouthful and I mean that in the best possible context, of earth quakers and ground shakers cause if it's deep blue you want, we got yer deep end of the pool goin' here. This ain't your kiddie wading pool here, you got yer back flipping, back stroking, high diving, record setting, water carving, wave making lock 'em and rock 'em BIG BOYS - dressed, greased and ready to do laps if they aren't already. Load tested for heavy duty foot-pounds, bab-uh so step right up for some high mileage heavy stress tours of duty. Yup. That be da truf.
Okay, I'll stop.
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The debate goes on. . . .
Which parts of doctrine came from Stiles, who got it from Bullinger, who got stuff from Luther, who got stuff from . . . ad infinitum.
I still enjoy that idea of a simple 'word-study'. I was raised in a Baptist church; full of thieving deacons and adulterus preachers. They taught to read the Bible from their own view point without any concept that maybe the Author had a particular meaning to what was written.
Still today, whether I do the word-study or else I hear one that someone else did, when someone aligns something from the Bible that has been there all along, yet hidden. I enjoy it. It has been hidden by our own language. By the mere fact that we are reading it in our language.
20 different people can still read the Bible and walk away with 20 entirely different ideas about what it says. They were all in prayer, they may all feel that G-d spoke to them. But they disagree on every issue.
Respecting Our Heavenly Father to the point of laying down my pre-conceived ideas, going to the Bible without an end goal in mind. Saying I am going to read every verse that deals with "---", and then build a new definition from G-d's point of view; is very refreshing. Routinely I hear preachers go to Daniel Webster 'English' dictionary to define G-d's Word.
I respect every man that went before me and was envolved with that chain of progression. Whether it be: Luther, or Bullinger, or Mueller, or Stiles, or Dr VPW. They were all sinners. So was the adulterer Baptist preacher that I grew up listening to every Sunday as a child, and the Methodist preacher I attended as a teenager who gave money to missionary killing rebels in South America. At least to me, some of those guys had a respect for the Bible and it's Author, that many other ministers today dont have.
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what are you trying to say galen ?
look, love god and the bible and all that.... but give me a break on the wierwille deal
....y mood here bedtime
love you
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Gee, not exactly sure what kind of debate I have started here but it certainly remains worth reading. Excathedra, Thanks, not exactly sure why yet, but I feel that thanks are in order for you. At least you have the ability to make a statement without turning it into a controversy. Heaven knows we have had enough of that in our time.
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To some of you others, controversy seems to be the direction of your life and your still headed that way. It is kind of like a train though, by following the tracks, you can't exactly tell which way it is going and if you have guessed wrong, you are in for a serious collision at some point.
Socks, what is a guy to say? how do you top that? Is that the reason for your name? Is that where you store it?
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daway, well you're welcome
mike, i've been thinking about what your wrote about the power thing. and i think i have to admit, at least at this moment, that i don't care about it
but maybe i should ask, what does it mean to have the power of god in my life ?
if wishes would come true, i wish my mom's husband was not paralyzed from a stroke. i wish my family and friends did not have difficulties in health and finances and heartaches. i wish there was no war, etc.
i just don't see how the "power of god" has ever helped in these areas
so i am hoping for a better future, even if that means when there are NO tears, NO hurt, NO bad stuff, NO death....
i just don't see it happening now
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I don't remember ever reading in the Bible that God promised he would stop war and sickness in this life. Not a disagreement with you. It's more that when I see some like Mike talking to OTHERS about the power of God in their life, without actually knowing their life in detail, it seems iffy. TWI often presented a false image of success. For those who tell me that the ONLY 3 possibilities in life are 1. Follow VPW, 2. Follow someone I don't know or 3. Give up, I become curious about their own life. How much "power" is there in their life?
Not being jaded, just asking people to show me the proof.
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Mike, are you saying God has completely resolved this problem or are you willing to concur that God is still in the process of resolving the problem, factors of which have not yet been resolved. Like for instance re-incarnation (a doctrine once taught by the Christian church [and is considered an official teaching of Orthodox Judiasm] until is was banned at the council of Nicea), The Virgin Birth, which was added to the Christian Teachings by that same council, along with and supplemented by the Trinity (Funny, you no doubt believe that Jesus Christ is not God and that the Trinity is B.S., you are correct to hold those beliefs, but you err in holding on to the Virgin Birth, which is just as false and actually fits like a hand in a glove [where did we hear THAT before??] with both of those false doctrines). In fact, I have to admit that I know of NO Christian persuasion that is totally free of pagan influence. (all of them acknowledge the Virgin Birth, which is just as pagan as the Trinity).
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thanks JT. i guess i just wish this life was easier.
what does god do for people here and now ?
(no disrespect intended)
i do think i have an "attitude" problem when it comes to the greater works dah dah dah
i guess i'm an unbelieving believer....
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I understand, and I am wondering, like so much of everything we learned in the ministry was wrong? Not saying it was, but so much of the good habits I have, I had before I got into the ministry, and supposedly they were wrong, or at least the motivation behind them was wrong, or whatever...
I guess what I am trying to say is this, there doesn't seem to be any real clear cut answers out there, but this much I do know, my heart was right in trying to help people, it was never about power, God knows, my life is just as much a mess as anyones, but there has to be a time or a way to help people that satisfies my need for helping someone, yet still doesn't leave someone else's life or mine in a mess.
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Amen. I believe there is. Can you think back to those who you feel helped you? If you had good habits before, you got them somewhere. Who gave them to you? Are you a parent? If so, you are in probably one of, if not the, best places to do good for someone right down the hall. If not, you probably have family or neighbors. Not to be simplistic but others most likely appreciate the same general things you do. If your focus is on doing the right thing, you probably are already doing a decent job of it right now.
I know that kind words from Ex, for example, make my day better. And I get to help my kids become better people every day by loving and teaching them. Life is so great when one lives this way. (IMO)
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yes, Justthinking, I am a parent, and if my opinion matters at all, I think I am a pretty damn good one. Yes, my children have had problems in the past but all in line with, "what kind of stupid thing can my kid do today?". All in all, good kids, oldest daughter is married and moved away, still stays in touch almost daily and loves her parents dearly, my only other is a teenager. Let me tell you of one of his "stupid moments".
One day after he gets home from school we are sitting in the living room discussing how his day was and a Deputy shows up at the door looking for him. Of course he says he has no idea why the deputy is there and the deputy tells me he was observed tipping over a port-a-potty that was set up by the childrens soccer field on his way home from school. When confronted he tells me he did it on a dare from a friend and that there was no one in there. After admitting his guilt the officer tells him he is going to have to go back and clean up the mess. Of course he asks me for help and I am like, "no way man" you made the mess, you clean it up. Needless to say by the time he gets back there to clean it up the soccer field is full of kids soccer league, and the stands are all full of parents watching. He was so embarrassed. I couldn't have planned that lesson had I tried.
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now that's a real s.hitty story
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LOL! Best laugh I've had all day! One day you think you've raised a genius and the next day...
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