quote:First and foremost, I have not read all the testimonies of the terrible indescretions that have taken place. Fact of the matter is, I would like to but I am not sure exactly where to find them.
I have wrestled with the same question for the same reason. My thoughts for MY life are that my own experiences were mostly real. Like anything in life, others may have ulterior motives but you may or not find out about them. Great experiences happen all the time despite bad people being around. If others were phony or had ill intentions, so what? Now if they harm you or someone you care about, that's another matter.
right now there are a few threads going at the top here in this forum about the sex crappola
um, there's a forum called "friend tracker" where you put your friend's name as the title and see if anyone knows where they are and how they are doing
and lastly, i had really good and really bad experiences in the way ministry
It just occurred to me that you may not want to think of this purely in the past tense. For example, I wouldn't have gotten to "meet" people like Ex if it weren't for TWI. Twisted logic perhaps but I'm thankful nonetheless.
"Which part of it was real and which part of it was all imagination?"
That is a very subjective question. Different parts of it was 'real' for each of us. As you read here on Greasespot Cafe, some people were 'faking' their manifestations, even some of the leadership; while others never did. Some were 'faking' their love, while others were not. Some consider attending a small un-accredited Seminary as well-spent learning, others would think of it as using the postal system.
If you were in 'need' and you prayed and your needs were met; then it was real for you, and Your Heavenly Father came through for you.
Others may have been there and perhaps they saw the same thing, but to them it was all just a coincidence; so for them it was fake.
I think that anywhere you go, there are different kinds of people. If one goes into medical school to help others, and another goes to make money. One goes into mortuarys because they see a need to help people in mourning, another goes into because they see a business with a huge mark-up, and a third goes into it because they want to molest the dead bodies. It takes all kinds.
Overall I think that I would have done much better in TWI had I known that many of the leadership was just faking it, I would not have assumed they were knowledgable or authoritys on any subject.
Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus.
ET1 SS - USN Retired,
Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.
'University of Life' Alumni
"I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
Here's my take, after about 15 years in TWI, followed by 15 years out. In these recent 15 years I did my best to investigate all aspects of my experiences (good and bad).
I see two major parts of what happened to us all prior to 1985, the year of Dr?s death:
(A) The pure part was the printed books and magazine articles of Dr. Wierwille. These were a team effort, with God at the helm. They were the final end product of the whole outfit and were given by revelation. Add to this a little bit of agapeo from a few very mature believers who are all dead now.
(B) Everything else is a mixture of the following: a lot of phileo, some partial revelations, mixed with decent 5-senses thought processes, mixed with 5-senses head trips, and false revelations, and character defect afflictions and abuses. In other words: religion, with all it?s hopelessly tangled good and bad elements.
Sorting through (B) to separate the good from the bad is impossible without mastering (A).
After 1985 the influence of (A) decreased more and more in use, and the baloney part of the mixture in (B) increased in not only TWI (the big stump) but all the splinter groups, including this GreaseSpot.
Most of the activity here focuses on ignoring the books and diving head first into the baloney.
I advocate mastering the pure books and magazine articles, and then helping clean up the aftermath of (B).
People's experiences vary. Many times the plain old believers out in the twigs actually did get along rather well and were blessed by the fellowship. Other folks were not so fortunate and wound up harrassed, controlled, abused, and even raped by the leadership.
I was in during about the same time period you were, and I was startled that all the problems didn't start with Martindale's meltdown after the Passing of a Patriarch fiasco. While VPW may have put more of a smile on his public face, in private he turned out to be not at all admirable. Plagiarism, deceitfully handling the Word, and serial adultery are just the tip of the iceberg compared to the young women he abused.
So, The Way turned out to be a cult after all, but the individual Wayfers were a mixed bag. Some were wonderful, commendable folks, some should have been lined up for rope and a millstone. Hold fast to that which was good.
God bless!
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
All you can buy are VERSIONS, translations, and reconstructions. They are all scholarly, 5-senses attempts to get to God's Word, and they are sometimes in some places successful, and sometimes not. All the so-called Bibles you have ever seen are men?s opinions as to what God?s Word was. Every so-called Bible you have ever seen has OODLES of mistakes in them. Many versions disagree with other versions in MANY places.
God?s Word was LOST in the first century.
God solved this problem with His 1942 promise and Dr's faithful participation in THIS project. Dr was not faithful in all aspects of his life, just like you and me, but in this project he was faithful. God worked with others and told Dr to include their work at times, with the appropriate corrections.
You have ignored the fact that in every version available there are mistakes and disagreements with other versions. Do you correct these errors in the margins of your Bible version or do you ignore them? Which versions do you use? Do you ignore where they disagree with each other?
Please address these crucial points.
You wrote: ?If the bible is not the word of God why did VPW Quote it...?
To correct it where it was wrong, and amplify it where it was right, and augment it where it was lacking.
You wrote: ?the word {being verses of the bible} of God is the will of God?
Dr taught that the Word of God was spiritual, while the Bible was in the senses realm.
In the Session Three of the PFAL class (segment 16, page 127 in the book) Dr. says:
"No translation, no translation, and I want you to listen
very carefully; for no translation, and by the way that's
all we have today at best are translations. No translation
may properly be called The Word Of God... ..no translation!"
Then a minute later he repeats:
"Now I said that no translation, no translation, let alone
a version, no translation may properly be called The Word
Of God..."
Then several minutes later he hits it again:
"And in this class on Power For Abundant Living, when I
refer to The Word Of God I may hold the King James Version
or I may hold some other version and point to it; I do not
mean that version. I mean that Word of God which was
originally given when holy men of God spake as they were
moved by the Holy Spirit."
My mission here, Roy, is to remind us of what is actually in the record, to correct our faulty memories. You may have forgotten that Dr taught these items.
You wrote: ?He sold Bullinger Bible not VPW bibles?
He promoted several different versions at different times, but he FIRST taught us that they were only tools in getting back to the REAL Word. The versions we were exposed to were man made attempts to recover the Word that was utterly lost in the first century.
You wrote: ?He is not alive and he did not rewrite the bible because he was a man of God and the bible was lost God would had rewrite it if it was lost?
God always employed men to bring His Word into the senses realm in writing. God commissioned Dr to re-issue His Word.
You wrote: ?But the bible is not lost Bible, God, Jesus Christ, and the gift of holy spirit is all you need throw away VPW work while you read Genesis to Rev and after you have read it 100 times reread VPW work?
I did do that, Roy, from 1971 to 1998 I worked the man made versions like the KJV, NIV, NASB, and many others with the highest priority. The PFAL books were mostly on my shelf during that period except for when I first got into the Word. I read them in the early 70?s and did exactly what you prescribed.
God, Jesus Christ, and the gift of holy spirit is all we need to get to the MINIMUM blessings of God : eternal life. To get to the maximum blessings of God, the Abundant Life, we must study the ACCURATE Word the God gave us via Dr?s ministry. That?s my stand.
Thank you to all of you that replied, I deeply appreciate it. Maybe there are some issues that I should clear up. First, I wasn't "in" when VPW was around and never had an opportunity to meet him and I certainly do not have the years of background that some of you seem to have.
But... I was a Branch Coordinator at one time, and the part I remember most was the fact that I was so terribly busy all the time, working a full time job and then Branch responsibilities at least 40 to 50 hours a week. Seems like every evening was either wrapped up in meetings, fellowships or preparations for either of the two, as well as every weekend, holiday and vacations, which were always spent at the Rock.
I don't miss being that busy, although I seem to stay pretty busy still.
One thing I can tell you for sure right now is that I can stay busy enough at work now that I don't really need homework assignments or research projects.
I think some of it was real and some unreal. We were a bunch of people clustered together patting ourselves on the back for our victories over *the world*. But it didn't stand the test of time. Shattered delusion coupled with social isolation bred mental distress when *the truth* came out. That is VERY real to alot of people who came out. I think those moments you spoke of as being sweet times in small fellowships is a delusion, whatever good came from it could have come from an endorphine rush in yer head.
You have ignored the fact that in every version available there are mistakes and disagreements with other versions. Do you correct these errors in the margins of your Bible version or do you ignore them? Which versions do you use? Do you ignore where they disagree with each other?
Please address these crucial points.
If you were that good at getting revelation to correct the mistakes in the Bible, hows come you don't do it with your own posts?
I don't mean to fight either. But your method of thinking that there is some promise of God you can believe that corrects the flaws is common, and has been common for centuries.
Millions of readers of flawed Bibles think they are getting it all right, yet there are thousands of differing denominations and no one has gotten right enough to do all the things that Jesus Christ did.
You method has a proven track record of MOSTLY failure.
You are basically saying that there is a promise like the 1942 promise God gave to Dr that's addressed to you. Can you give me a chapter and verse where you get that promise from?
I know that God will honor and bless all those that seek Him, but where does it say that that blessing will include restoring His Word from the ?tattered remnants? antiquity has handed down to us.
I put ?tattered remnants? in quotes because, omitted in WordWolf?s summary, is the posting I did that somewhat softens but also broadens this phrase. This phrase has a very rich definition, and should be searched out on this site for all those who want to see the evidence that WW?s analysis is contorted to fit his erroneous reception of my posts.
There?s one particular post where I pointed out that the record of God?s Word written in the stars is now tattered and we only have remnants, even though the ?text? of the stars hasn?t changed perceptibly.
If you were that good at getting correction revelation accurately, why bother with the reading at all? Just close the book and write it all out from scratch by revelation. Such a document would save a lot of people a lot of research time.
Accurate OK. But do you believe it is applicable. In other words do you think that you should literally do what it says in those places you interpret as being for you to apply? And do you think that by applying those commandments written in the places you interpret as being for you to obey you are doing what God wants you personally to do?
For example: In Eph. It says let not the sun go down upon your wrath. If I discipline myself to obey this commandment am I doing what God wants me to do or is that what God wanted the Ephesians and faithful of that day and time to do?
You don't have to give me a long scripture explanation. I just would like to know what you think.
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..."Which part of it was real and which part of it was all imagination?"....
I wonder too!!!
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I have wrestled with the same question for the same reason. My thoughts for MY life are that my own experiences were mostly real. Like anything in life, others may have ulterior motives but you may or not find out about them. Great experiences happen all the time despite bad people being around. If others were phony or had ill intentions, so what? Now if they harm you or someone you care about, that's another matter.
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welcome or hi !
what did you want to know
;)--> ?
right now there are a few threads going at the top here in this forum about the sex crappola
um, there's a forum called "friend tracker" where you put your friend's name as the title and see if anyone knows where they are and how they are doing
and lastly, i had really good and really bad experiences in the way ministry
have fun this weekend
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It just occurred to me that you may not want to think of this purely in the past tense. For example, I wouldn't have gotten to "meet" people like Ex if it weren't for TWI. Twisted logic perhaps but I'm thankful nonetheless.
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oh ME TOO JT !!!!!!!
and twisted makes me feel so at home
love, ex
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Dawayback, welcome to GSCAFE!!!
You asked;
"Which part of it was real and which part of it was all imagination?"
Interesting question. Hmmm, I'll list a few items of what I think was imaginary about VPW & TWI.
VPW having a legitimate doctorate. Since he got it through a degree mill via the mail!
Snow in the summer, or early fall, I doubt it.
And anyway the weather reports say otherwise!
The Word of God wasn't taught like VPW taught it since the 1st century. Somehow, I doubt God would wait that long, almost 2000 years!
That the fear in the heart of mothers kills thier children. I can't believe I ever thought that was true.
And there are many other doctrines and practices we were taught in TWI that IMO
were fabricated by (VPW or LCM) imagination.
Keep reading, check the archives, ask questions, and you'll begin to see some of the nonsense we were taught.
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"Which part of it was real and which part of it was all imagination?"
That is a very subjective question. Different parts of it was 'real' for each of us. As you read here on Greasespot Cafe, some people were 'faking' their manifestations, even some of the leadership; while others never did. Some were 'faking' their love, while others were not. Some consider attending a small un-accredited Seminary as well-spent learning, others would think of it as using the postal system.
If you were in 'need' and you prayed and your needs were met; then it was real for you, and Your Heavenly Father came through for you.
Others may have been there and perhaps they saw the same thing, but to them it was all just a coincidence; so for them it was fake.
I think that anywhere you go, there are different kinds of people. If one goes into medical school to help others, and another goes to make money. One goes into mortuarys because they see a need to help people in mourning, another goes into because they see a business with a huge mark-up, and a third goes into it because they want to molest the dead bodies. It takes all kinds.
Overall I think that I would have done much better in TWI had I known that many of the leadership was just faking it, I would not have assumed they were knowledgable or authoritys on any subject.
Bless you, May our Heavenly Father bless you in everyway, in the wonderful name of His son and our brother Jesus.
ET1 SS - USN Retired,
Pilgrim of the Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the mystic shrine.
'University of Life' Alumni
"I live in the spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk, when I lie down, and when I rise. And the answers are always coming. Tens of thousands of times have my prayers been answered. When once I am persuaded that a thing is right, I go on praying for it. the great point is never to give up till the answer comes. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer, they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God's glory, they should pray until they get it." - George Mueller
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Here's my take, after about 15 years in TWI, followed by 15 years out. In these recent 15 years I did my best to investigate all aspects of my experiences (good and bad).
I see two major parts of what happened to us all prior to 1985, the year of Dr?s death:
(A) The pure part was the printed books and magazine articles of Dr. Wierwille. These were a team effort, with God at the helm. They were the final end product of the whole outfit and were given by revelation. Add to this a little bit of agapeo from a few very mature believers who are all dead now.
(B) Everything else is a mixture of the following: a lot of phileo, some partial revelations, mixed with decent 5-senses thought processes, mixed with 5-senses head trips, and false revelations, and character defect afflictions and abuses. In other words: religion, with all it?s hopelessly tangled good and bad elements.
Sorting through (B) to separate the good from the bad is impossible without mastering (A).
After 1985 the influence of (A) decreased more and more in use, and the baloney part of the mixture in (B) increased in not only TWI (the big stump) but all the splinter groups, including this GreaseSpot.
Most of the activity here focuses on ignoring the books and diving head first into the baloney.
I advocate mastering the pure books and magazine articles, and then helping clean up the aftermath of (B).
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Welcome, dawayback!
People's experiences vary. Many times the plain old believers out in the twigs actually did get along rather well and were blessed by the fellowship. Other folks were not so fortunate and wound up harrassed, controlled, abused, and even raped by the leadership.
I was in during about the same time period you were, and I was startled that all the problems didn't start with Martindale's meltdown after the Passing of a Patriarch fiasco. While VPW may have put more of a smile on his public face, in private he turned out to be not at all admirable. Plagiarism, deceitfully handling the Word, and serial adultery are just the tip of the iceberg compared to the young women he abused.
So, The Way turned out to be a cult after all, but the individual Wayfers were a mixed bag. Some were wonderful, commendable folks, some should have been lined up for rope and a millstone. Hold fast to that which was good.
God bless!
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
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You cannot buy a Bible in any bookstore on earth.
All you can buy are VERSIONS, translations, and reconstructions. They are all scholarly, 5-senses attempts to get to God's Word, and they are sometimes in some places successful, and sometimes not. All the so-called Bibles you have ever seen are men?s opinions as to what God?s Word was. Every so-called Bible you have ever seen has OODLES of mistakes in them. Many versions disagree with other versions in MANY places.
God?s Word was LOST in the first century.
God solved this problem with His 1942 promise and Dr's faithful participation in THIS project. Dr was not faithful in all aspects of his life, just like you and me, but in this project he was faithful. God worked with others and told Dr to include their work at times, with the appropriate corrections.
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You have ignored the fact that in every version available there are mistakes and disagreements with other versions. Do you correct these errors in the margins of your Bible version or do you ignore them? Which versions do you use? Do you ignore where they disagree with each other?
Please address these crucial points.
You wrote: ?If the bible is not the word of God why did VPW Quote it...?
To correct it where it was wrong, and amplify it where it was right, and augment it where it was lacking.
You wrote: ?the word {being verses of the bible} of God is the will of God?
Dr taught that the Word of God was spiritual, while the Bible was in the senses realm.
In the Session Three of the PFAL class (segment 16, page 127 in the book) Dr. says:
"No translation, no translation, and I want you to listen
very carefully; for no translation, and by the way that's
all we have today at best are translations. No translation
may properly be called The Word Of God... ..no translation!"
Then a minute later he repeats:
"Now I said that no translation, no translation, let alone
a version, no translation may properly be called The Word
Of God..."
Then several minutes later he hits it again:
"And in this class on Power For Abundant Living, when I
refer to The Word Of God I may hold the King James Version
or I may hold some other version and point to it; I do not
mean that version. I mean that Word of God which was
originally given when holy men of God spake as they were
moved by the Holy Spirit."
My mission here, Roy, is to remind us of what is actually in the record, to correct our faulty memories. You may have forgotten that Dr taught these items.
You wrote: ?He sold Bullinger Bible not VPW bibles?
He promoted several different versions at different times, but he FIRST taught us that they were only tools in getting back to the REAL Word. The versions we were exposed to were man made attempts to recover the Word that was utterly lost in the first century.
You wrote: ?He is not alive and he did not rewrite the bible because he was a man of God and the bible was lost God would had rewrite it if it was lost?
God always employed men to bring His Word into the senses realm in writing. God commissioned Dr to re-issue His Word.
You wrote: ?But the bible is not lost Bible, God, Jesus Christ, and the gift of holy spirit is all you need throw away VPW work while you read Genesis to Rev and after you have read it 100 times reread VPW work?
I did do that, Roy, from 1971 to 1998 I worked the man made versions like the KJV, NIV, NASB, and many others with the highest priority. The PFAL books were mostly on my shelf during that period except for when I first got into the Word. I read them in the early 70?s and did exactly what you prescribed.
God, Jesus Christ, and the gift of holy spirit is all we need to get to the MINIMUM blessings of God : eternal life. To get to the maximum blessings of God, the Abundant Life, we must study the ACCURATE Word the God gave us via Dr?s ministry. That?s my stand.
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The keystone books "of" vpw were basically photocopies of books
by JE Stiles, EW Kenyon, EW Bullinger, BG Leonard.
vpw claimed to have written them himself with input by God.
He made some side-comments here and there after this that none
of his class was original, and occasionally (if you looked VERY
hard) one of their names would come up. (Except the late
Bullinger, whose work came up more than that, but hardly enough
to justify rewriting "How To Enjoy the Bible" and 1/2 the
appendices in the Companion Bible.
vpw's naked, open contempt of all other Christians was a
deliberate smokescreen to the fact that he HIMSELF assembled his
class from materials readily available to him.
So, the "divine origin" of pfal was a naked lie.
Second of all, vpw's been shown to make up snowstorms to dress
up things as "holy writ" before.
So, when you hear that vpw saw snow nobody else saw to confirm
the divine message he heard, go back to said divine message.
That divine message, supposedly, was that if
vpw would teach it to others, God would teach vpw God's Word
like it hadn't been known since the first century.
Let's look at that one.
In the first century AD, there were no printing presses.
Gutenberg was born a LOT later.
What was known was the spoken word and the Old Testament.
There was no unified vision of things, as Acts clearly shows,
and as the Epistles show. (Why rebuke division if there is no
division?) So, "as it was known in the first century" is a
cute concept which is a convenient fiction.
In the first century AD, Christians were on the run. The made
sure other Christians were not in financial straits, and spent
time together where they could find it, eating together, etc.
Where they found a haven, they stayed and taught. (Like a short
time at the School of Tyrannus.) They were hardly an
"organized" bunch, definitely not centralized. If they saw a need
in another city's Christians, someone passed the hat around, and
they sent money.
Compare them to twi.
Everything centrally organized.
Everything centrally controlled.
Everything STANDARDIZED-everyone took the same classes.
All the money goes ONE WAY.
Permanent locations.
What the top leader says, goes-no questions.
Organized meetings.
Extensive study of Greek, but NO time for charity.
The first-century Christian church would never RECOGNIZE twi.
So, the idea that vpw's work in any way RESEMBLED the
first-century Christian church is a pipe-dream, and I'd bet you
never ever heard the question brought up.
EVERYTHING vpw taught was ALREADY being taught at the time he
"learned" it. Supposedly, GOD would teach him "like it hadn't
been known since...", but it was already known! So, THAT part
was a fiction. vpw's "God" should have known better.
Fourth, vpw learned all this from other people's works, not by
studying the Bible himself, and not from the utterance of God.
So, the entire basis of this claim is false.
So, the supposed basis of authority of twi was the supposed
vision that supposed man of God vpw claimed to receive. This
vision was either completely made up by vpw, or was received from
a source OTHER than God, who would know better.
C) The idea that things were perfect at the "root" locales was
false. Things were godly and a blessing on the field in many
places. Sometimes that was true at the hqs. Sometimes it wasn't,
as vpw or lcm would fly into a rage over some picayune detail
being less than perfect, or decide this would be a good time to
find an impressionable young female and initiate her into
"blessing the man of God."
D) Many people there were a blessing, many times.
Many teachings were great blessings, as were the times with other
Christians. That was true.
That does NOT excuse anything that was false.
BTW, Dawayback,
You missed a lot of Mike's initial diatribes.
First, he said our modern Bibles are
"unreliable fragments" and "tattered remnants".
Then he said they were "approximations."
Then he said they are "close", but short of the mark.
Apparently, now he's back to the "unreliable fragments" and
tattered remnants."
(Those of you following along at home, please adjust your
Mike has also declared that, as based on the 1942 promise,
("I will teach you My Word like it hasn't been known since the
First Century if you will teach it to others")
vpw's work has completely replaced the Bible as the source of
information from God Almighty to man.
His current statement, as you can see, was
"God worked with others and told Dr to include their work at
times, with the appropriate corrections."
In English,
"God instructed vpw to plagiarize the works of others and make
whatever alterations were necessary, all to bless YOU."
Mike's problem with the Bible?
"God's Word was LOST in the First Century.
God solved this problem with His 1942 promis and Dr's faithful
participation in THIS project."
So, there would be no need for God to give vpw the entirely-false
message vpw claimed to have received,
or for vpw to plagiarize (at God Almighty's behest) the works
of other men of God if the Bibles we have can accurately convey
the intent of God Almighty.
If they COULD do that, then vpw's entire ministry was a lie and
a sham, and Mike's entire mission in life is based on a lie and
a sham.
All of you can settle down now....
The Bible has been shown to be accurate.
vpw's side-comments about it being less than 100% perfect
and Mike's assertions that it's "unreliable" or "tattered"
or "an approximation" to the contrary.
Here-see for yourselves.
So, if you're worried that the Bible's not accurate, read up.
It's STILL the written Word now as much as it was when first
(Those of you who don't want to believe in the Bible are of
course free to continue to ignore it, but it DOES hold up
(Edited to correct the link locations.)
[This message was edited by WordWolf on January 09, 2004 at 6:29.]
[This message was edited by WordWolf on January 09, 2004 at 6:30.]
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Tom Strange
anybody else hear "dueling banjos" playing in their head?
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Tom: Might as well pull up a seat. Roy vs. Mike should be one of the most entertaining fights we've had in a while...
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Thank you to all of you that replied, I deeply appreciate it. Maybe there are some issues that I should clear up. First, I wasn't "in" when VPW was around and never had an opportunity to meet him and I certainly do not have the years of background that some of you seem to have.
But... I was a Branch Coordinator at one time, and the part I remember most was the fact that I was so terribly busy all the time, working a full time job and then Branch responsibilities at least 40 to 50 hours a week. Seems like every evening was either wrapped up in meetings, fellowships or preparations for either of the two, as well as every weekend, holiday and vacations, which were always spent at the Rock.
I don't miss being that busy, although I seem to stay pretty busy still.
One thing I can tell you for sure right now is that I can stay busy enough at work now that I don't really need homework assignments or research projects.
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Zixar, I think you may be correct, I better grab a blankie and pillow too. Oh Yeah, bring a snickers too, we could be here awhile.
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I think some of it was real and some unreal. We were a bunch of people clustered together patting ourselves on the back for our victories over *the world*. But it didn't stand the test of time. Shattered delusion coupled with social isolation bred mental distress when *the truth* came out. That is VERY real to alot of people who came out. I think those moments you spoke of as being sweet times in small fellowships is a delusion, whatever good came from it could have come from an endorphine rush in yer head.
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Tom Strange
6er... what if they're the same person?!?!?
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Tom: Amusing thought, but highly unlikely.
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
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I repeat:
You have ignored the fact that in every version available there are mistakes and disagreements with other versions. Do you correct these errors in the margins of your Bible version or do you ignore them? Which versions do you use? Do you ignore where they disagree with each other?
Please address these crucial points.
If you were that good at getting revelation to correct the mistakes in the Bible, hows come you don't do it with your own posts?
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I don't mean to fight either. But your method of thinking that there is some promise of God you can believe that corrects the flaws is common, and has been common for centuries.
Millions of readers of flawed Bibles think they are getting it all right, yet there are thousands of differing denominations and no one has gotten right enough to do all the things that Jesus Christ did.
You method has a proven track record of MOSTLY failure.
You are basically saying that there is a promise like the 1942 promise God gave to Dr that's addressed to you. Can you give me a chapter and verse where you get that promise from?
I know that God will honor and bless all those that seek Him, but where does it say that that blessing will include restoring His Word from the ?tattered remnants? antiquity has handed down to us.
I put ?tattered remnants? in quotes because, omitted in WordWolf?s summary, is the posting I did that somewhat softens but also broadens this phrase. This phrase has a very rich definition, and should be searched out on this site for all those who want to see the evidence that WW?s analysis is contorted to fit his erroneous reception of my posts.
There?s one particular post where I pointed out that the record of God?s Word written in the stars is now tattered and we only have remnants, even though the ?text? of the stars hasn?t changed perceptibly.
If you were that good at getting correction revelation accurately, why bother with the reading at all? Just close the book and write it all out from scratch by revelation. Such a document would save a lot of people a lot of research time.
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Ever hear the saying? "Perception is reality" ... Yes, even to the dillusional it is their reality. Doesn't mean it is reality though. It just theirs.
As someone on the site says "Delusion is better than Reality" or something like that. So delude on if it makes you happy!
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Accurate OK. But do you believe it is applicable. In other words do you think that you should literally do what it says in those places you interpret as being for you to apply? And do you think that by applying those commandments written in the places you interpret as being for you to obey you are doing what God wants you personally to do?
For example: In Eph. It says let not the sun go down upon your wrath. If I discipline myself to obey this commandment am I doing what God wants me to do or is that what God wanted the Ephesians and faithful of that day and time to do?
You don't have to give me a long scripture explanation. I just would like to know what you think.
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