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Holiday Party Changed to "Annual" Party


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Most of you guys know that I'm not a Christian, and don't celebrate Christmas as the birth of Jesus; I don't have a lot of patience for the faction that calls for boycotting stores that have "Holiday" sales instead of "Christmas" sales. There's a lot of holidays around this time of year, including Hanukah, and Midwinter (aka Yule, aka Winter Solstice)...but this is too much.

Our company has always had a "Holiday" party for all employees, usually in mid-January, since, as a retail grocery chain, we're busiest in November & December. They've never made it a "Christmas" party per se, i.e. they've never made the small minority of non-Christians uncomfortable in the slightest, despite the owners being religious Christians.

This year the name of the event was changed to the "Annual Party". One of the memos that went out bout it mentioned that it was not a religious-themed event, so no calling it a "Holiday" party.

How freakin' ridiculous! :asdf:

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Ridiculous, yes. But it's probably not the store's fault. There are many words that must be carefully used or avoided in corporate communications. Never call a full-time position a permanent position least you be sued when you fire that employee for cause. Never call a bonus "profit sharing", because profit sharing is a program with a bunch of legal implications. Etc, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if a "holiday" something-something didn't have some sort of labor relations issues.

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I worked for a place that had it's party in January. No Xmas issue; just let's have a party when rates are lower. Anybody who's religious can have a party anytime they want; doesn't have to be at work. I never accepted or turned down a job by saying what do you call your Xmas party and when is it!!!!!

Not much going on in January anyway.

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