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A note on forgiving

Nathan Friedly

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Hello. Welcome to the GSC.

There's different people, with different points of view here, who engage in discussions-

after all, it's a "discussion forum". :) On the whole, I find that's a healthy process, and people

can generally tell the difference between healthy speech and unhealthy speech,

once they can compare them side-by-side.

One of the things I find unhealthy, for example, is an eagerness to label other people.

Here is an example of what I mean.

  WhiteDove said:
Hi Nathon thanks for the contact

You are getting a free pass here because you are new, but you may have noticed that the posts are starting to ratchet up already. They will get more to the point soon. You affiliation with CFF will soon land you a full fledged Weirwille Worshiper Title soon enough. No need to try to explain that you are not, it won't do any good. Enjoy the coffee while they are still offering it for free .........you'll be paying for it soon :blink: :wink2:

The poster here has already labelled and categorized the people who disagree with you-

or who don't agree with you 100%. He's already taken ALL their DIFFERENT points of view,

and eliminated all the positions except the most extreme. This would limit your ability to see

that there are MANY points of view, and limit the amount that all of them have to offer you.

After all, everyone here offers SOMETHING, and sometimes, the most surprising things come

up from the most surprising people. If you allow labelling like this to close you off to learning

from them, you'll be the poorer for it.

Individual posters, sooner or later, may earn-in the eyes of some people- some sort of "title"

representing their PARTICULAR position. Whether or not that's fair or proper, it's equally common

for such people to presume other people will get the SAME title with little or small reason,

in the mistake or the pretense that they got theirs from little or small reason as well.

Then again, of course, THIS poster may be right, and I may be in error.

It's up to you, as always, to evaluate things and see whether you believe they're right,

I'm right, or we're BOTH wrong and the truth is something else entirely.

Enjoy your stay.

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Hello. Welcome to the GSC.

There's different people, with different points of view here, who engage in discussions-

after all, it's a "discussion forum". :) On the whole, I find that's a healthy process, and people

can generally tell the difference between healthy speech and unhealthy speech,

once they can compare them side-by-side.

One of the things I find unhealthy, for example, is an eagerness to label other people.

Here is an example of what I mean.

The poster here has already labelled and categorized the people who disagree with you-

or who don't agree with you 100%. He's already taken ALL their DIFFERENT points of view,

and eliminated all the positions except the most extreme. This would limit your ability to see

that there are MANY points of view, and limit the amount that all of them have to offer you.

After all, everyone here offers SOMETHING, and sometimes, the most surprising things come

up from the most surprising people. If you allow labelling like this to close you off to learning

from them, you'll be the poorer for it.

This poster did that based on actions on this board in multiple situations, and factual data for posters posting pro twi or presumed pro twi opinions. It is no secret that CFF has and does hold to and teach many of those same ideas. Therefor since Nathon is in one of their leadership programs he no doubt will also hold to and post some of those same ideas. I never stated that you can not learn from people here,or that you should not. Your right there are lots of points of view ,but in the end one truth.

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Nathan we encourage those who first join here that it's better to read through many of the threads before you start posting too much.

You will get a feel and understanding of what many here have been through.

Many of us also defended VP and many others in TWI until we learned what was "really" going on behind the scenes.

WW has a good handle on where new ones should start. If you pm him he will be glad to send you some good topics to start on. Stick around and put some time into it. You will be rewarded.

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  WhiteDove said:
This poster did that based on actions on this board in multiple situations, and factual data for posters posting pro twi or presumed pro twi opinions. It is no secret that CFF has and does hold to and teach many of those same ideas. Therefor since Nathon is in one of their leadership programs he no doubt will also hold to and post some of those same ideas. I never stated that you can not learn from people here,or that you should not. Your right there are lots of points of view ,but in the end one truth.

......"but in the end, one truth."

one truth???......and WHAT "one truth" would that be?


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  skyrider said:
......"but in the end, one truth."

one truth???......and WHAT "one truth" would that be?



1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.

2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.

3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.

4. the state or character of being true.

5. actuality or actual existence.

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  Sudo said:

Where can I send you my money? I want to know about the "Ever Present Truth And You" that you offer. I know you don't have any serious religious credentials but that doesn't deter me from wanting to give you my money. After I take your "own special class" can you send me out to do missionary work so I can get blessed? I'd love doing door to door proselytizing for you.

If you don't think I'm worthy, I have a sister that loves Drambuie.


Sudo -- Groucho said: Ever Present "TRUTH", not "TOOTH"! :biglaugh: ;)

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  Bumpy said:
As my Mamma would say..."there's his side of the story, her side of the story"...AND THEN...there's "The Truth"! :spy:

Yeah.......and ONE TRUTH would suffice? :spy:

Heck, there should have been only ONE gospel (not four -- from Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) giving THE account of Jesus Christ's life and ministry.....with that black/white logic.


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  skyrider said:
Yeah.......and ONE TRUTH would suffice? :spy:

Heck, there should have been only ONE gospel (not four -- from Matthew, Mark, Luke & John) giving THE account of Jesus Christ's life and ministry.....with that black/white logic.


Well...at least you can be thankful that on this Sunday, there are 2 other points which agree and are undeniably "TRUE"...

God in 3 persons, and 3 in 1 oil! And that...

It "fits, like a glove in a hand"! :biglaugh:

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  Sudo said:

Where can I send you my money? I want to know about the "Ever Present Truth And You" that you offer. I know you don't have any serious religious credentials but that doesn't deter me from wanting to give you my money. After I take your "own special class" can you send me out to do missionary work so I can get blessed? I'd love doing door to door proselytizing for you.

If you don't think I'm worthy, I have a sister that loves Drambuie.



I will be glad to receive your money...send it to me and send it now. Gawd will bless you if you give ME your money. I only say this for your benefit. I am happy that you are perceptive enough to realize that my total lack of education and my total lack of credentials have no bearing whatsoever on my authority to "speak truth" into your life...makes checks payable to GrouchoMarxjr, etc. etc. etc...

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  GrouchoMarxJr said:

I will be glad to receive your money...send it to me and send it now. Gawd will bless you if you give ME your money. I only say this for your benefit. I am happy that you are perceptive enough to realize that my total lack of education and my total lack of credentials have no bearing whatsoever on my authority to "speak truth" into your life...makes checks payable to GrouchoMarxjr, etc. etc. etc...

You mean that class with NRPS and a ...

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  Don said:
Hiya Goey!...........i don't presume to speak for rev. groucho, but......your obvious lack of a true commitment to the word the reverend teaches, as demonstrated by your lackluster "spiritual" performance of late, has made it necessary for groucho (at the behest of his board of trustees) to evoke a greater level of commitment from future students of his class,.....by raising the required donation level to $300!!..........that should substantially raise the level of believing groucho believes is requisite for his students to get the most out of the best of the class!!!...........your questions will be answered at the end of the class!!!..........you can still take it as many times as you want, since you are a grad of the e-bay version!!.......................peace.

exactly!...what he said...the ebay version was a "test market" version...we soon realized that if people gave us a LOT of money to take the class, they would "get more" out of it!...make sense?...You betcha! and it's for YOUR benefit. God's masterplan for all of mankind was to participate in a corporate marketing program...providing good jobs for those who were willing to pay the price...You see, spiritual truth is free...but we DO have overhead for our organization...I mean, let's get honest here...if Barry Bonds can make 25 million a year for swinging a bat, the spokesmen for God outta be able to scratch out a decent living?

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  GrouchoMarxJr said:
exactly!...what he said...the ebay version was a "test market" version...we soon realized that if people gave us a LOT of money to take the class, they would "get more" out of it!...make sense?...You betcha! and it's for YOUR benefit. God's masterplan for all of mankind was to participate in a corporate marketing program...providing good jobs for those who were willing to pay the price...You see, spiritual truth is free...but we DO have overhead for our organization...I mean, let's get honest here...if Barry Bonds can make 25 million a year for swinging a bat, the spokesmen for God outta be able to scratch out a decent living?

Will there be refreshments?

I make some really "KILLAH" brownies! :wink2:

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Will Groucho be dancing with an assortment of his groupies? He'll need an interpretive dance version of "The Present Truth." I hear he's gonna do push ups and 6 oz curls while his minions dance in ever widening and more frantic circles.

Tickets are free but there is a suggested donation of $99.99.

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From my new Corporate Headquaters in Belize, (where the Copyright laws are forgiving), I now offer this priceless work for sale. Run your own classes! A true bargain at only $99.99.


Other Products:

Styrofoam Cups: Gently used with minimal bite marks/lipstick stains.

Coffee: Recycled coffee grounds. Guaranteed used only once.

Chair String: Perfect for lining up chairs for your class.

Carpet Rakes: Get those carpet marks in the classroom perfectly parallel.

More to come .................

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...sure, you can buy my book from the punks in Belize...but it's nothing at all like the "class"...

I know this sounds crazy but when God showed me the holy gas pumps in a vision, I knew that I would become rich. I knew that I had been called for something very special...the present truth that was not present before...but it is now...all that is required of you is some simple genuflecting and perhaps some sexual favors.

...but that's a small price to pay...as is the modest "contribution" that I require for my class (you get the book for free)...

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you know folks........with all this excitement swirling around rev.groucho's class, we seem to have overlooked one very important FACT..........NATHAN FRIEDLY IS MISSING!!!.............where have you gone nathan??.........did mr. whitedove scare you away?......or, did rev. clapp tell you the internet is too dangerous a place for a righteous "leadership" trainee to be sharing "the truth of the word"??..........it seems that CFF also suffers from that malady common to twi offshoots.......refusal to answer honest questions from those they've pre-judged as "angry", or, "bitter".......or, worst of all ex-wayfers who no longer believe that vic taught much of anything that the true god would agree was "the truth of god's word"!!!..............so sad that one so young can already be so fearful of exposure to the possibility that others, who left twi decades ago, could be just as "right" as the phoney leaders who still cling to vic's perverted teachings as if they were indeed , "the truth"!

too bad, nathan........i really was looking forward to a mutual learning experience with you........but, apparently, CFF has too much to fear about what you might uncover by honestly answering the questions i asked of you earlier on this thread you started!..............probably we'll never see you around here again!........just too much objective, critical thinking for a young CFF fellowlaborer to be "forced" to endure..........and, embrace!...........bon voyage!..........and,...............peace.

Edited by Don'tWorryBeHappy
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  Don said:
you know folks........with all this excitement swirling around rev.groucho's class, we seem to have overlooked one very important FACT..........NATHAN FRIEDLY IS MISSING!!!.............where have you gone nathan??.........did mr. whitedove scare you away?......or, did rev. clapp tell you the internet is too dangerous a place for a righteous "leadership" trainee to be sharing "the truth of the word"??..........it seems that CFF also suffers from that malady common to twi offshoots.......refusal to answer honest questions from those they've pre-judged as "angry", or, "bitter".......or, worst of all ex-wayfers who no longer believe that vic taught much of anything that the true god would agree was "the truth of god's word"!!!..............so sad that one so young can already be so fearful of exposure to the possibility that others, who left twi decades ago, could be just as "right" as the phoney leaders who still cling to vic's perverted teachings as if they were indeed , "the truth"!

too bad, nathan........i really was looking forward to a mutual learning experience with you........but, apparently, CFF has too much to fear about what you might uncover by honestly answering the questions i asked of you earlier on this thread you started!..............probably we'll never see you around here again!........just too much objective, critical thinking for a young CFF fellowlaborer to be "forced" to endure..........and, embrace!...........bon voyage!..........and,...............peace.

Hey, Nathan, it is true you havent been around here for a few days. Hope everything is all right; maybe all is OK and you are just plumb busy like some of us get sometimes. Busy? Good grief, anyone who has little ones and complains about being to busy ought to wait till they get big. Whew. Not that this has anything to do with you; in truth I really don't know why you havent posted or that it is any big deal. At least someone around here seems to know why, though I think I might decide to wait and hear it from you, and if I don't, I just wont know, that's all.

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hey folks, sorry I disappeared for a while.. I'm kind of like that, I'll have plenty of down time one week and be completely booked the next two or three. I've been sort-of keeping up with this thread in my email, but I haven't had the time to write a decent response. I'll make some time for yall soonish. Until then Merry Christmas and God Bless you!

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