Now, if you really, really, think about it, most of the hurtful acts were being yelled at and the sense of betrayal. People get yelled at all the time by parents, children, significant others, bosses, policemen, other drivers, etc. Getting yelled at is no reason to harbor bitterness and resentment. Yeah, it might make you angry at the time, but so what, life goes on.
I don't necessarily agree with that (the portion I've bolded).
I believe there was a thead recently concerning the entire, "Get over it" idea. In short all people with "get over it" in their own good time and not one second before, and telling them that they should simply because it is 20 years later or because it was their brother or sister in Christ, IMHO only adds fuel to an already burning fire.
In other words, 20 years or 2000 years later, VP is DEAD, Jesus has been crucified, and somewhere in between YOU have turned into dust!
But here, You are fully entitled to be FOREVER the complainer, whiiiiner and boring party cult diner...confessing Jesus and the Bible as your Lord and Saviour! But in reality contributing nothing but negatives!
However we must ALL endeavor to keep the bond of pieces between us, without recommending certain wasted individuals take their modern medicine and anti-depressants before posting!!
One guy robbed a store to get money for drugs, went to prison for 12 years, got involved in AA, and now is a Methodist minister. That guy overcame drug and alcohol addictions. He got over the horrible time of beng incarcerated. Now, he is happy as can be. There are many other stories like that where people overcome terrible situations and now live happy, joyous lives. Please do not presume that life in TWI was anywhere near as bad. Yet, these people overcame their problems. Is it not possible that we can trust God just as much to get over the bitterness and hatred? Now, granted, their replaced their old way of doing things with a new way of life. Many of the ex-TWI sulkers and whiners have done nothing to replace their previous TWI lives with anything they find meaningful and joyful.
Please do not presume to tell anyone else what their life was like while in twi, for that matter please do not presume to place some sort of meter on any event or series of events in anyones life except your own. That is just dishonest.
As I said people will "get over it" whatever "it" was, in their own good time. If you cannot or do not wish to contribute in a positive way to their recovery than I respectfully request that you at least stop telling them that because this person got over being a drug addict then they should get over "it" as well.
"Many of the ex-TWI sulkers and whiners have done nothing to replace their previous TWI lives with anything they find meaningful and joyful."
How do you know this about anyone...let alone "many"?
Finally please do not call people names...even indirectly. Thank you.
However we must ALL endeavor to keep the bond of pieces between us, without recommending certain wasted individuals take their modern medicine and anti-depressants before posting!!
I'm SURE this was God's PLAN all along!!
Mein Bumptaster...
To the first part: I haven't been wasted in a long time...
To the second part: Yes... that's a fine testament to the cult we were all in isn't it?
But to those who feel the need to make sure that as long as there's a TWI out there, who want to make sure that folks considering TWI get all of the negative facts about them... and I consider myself one of them... I suppose it won't stop. I'm not "wallowing", nor do I think many here are, but I want to make sure that (if I can help it) none of this happens again... or at least to as few as possible. (did you get that BFD?)
Jeff#7 pa Svenska! There is nobody but Tom I feel like attacking...for the moment! The reason is we are on different time zones, so I never can get into the food fights that count. Are you a hair stylist by chance?
Mr. Strange...that brown acid, ahem, just between you and me, if I make a donation to the anti-Cult Fuehrer, will you send me over a few tabs of your best brown sh$t? Then I will know just HOW STONED your TWI brain remains...!
Were our lives in twi so bad??? In a word.... YES!!!
Maybe not yours...but my sister in christ here at the cafe was drugged and raped by vpw.
My other sister was visciously slandered for not participating....she was 17 and lost everything...yeah in my opinion vpw was evil incarnate :(
My brother in christ chose to die when lcm wouldn`t let his wife lcm`s lover leave hq`s with him.
My sister in Christ was marked and avoided when she refused to participate in a threesom with HIM :(
My brother in Christ died when told to give up his meds....More than one of my sisters in Christ were raped when following leaders orders to hitch hike to lead or to give a creepy guy from twig a ride home...and then told not to press charges lest the ministry be blamed...
My sister in Christ never recieved the medical attention after a lead accident ...she later died...My brother suffers life long physical imparement because of the same wreck....
Our children were aborted at leaderships command...our ailing family members ignored to die alone and abandoned.... you have the COURAGE to read of these accounts?? Do you have the COMPASSION to understand the suffering endured at twi leaders hands?? Can you for one instant put aside your knowledge and for a moment place yourself in these peoples shoes???
You read these accounts...and then tell me if you really don`t think that life in twi was really so bad for some of us....grrrr.
Untill you have read and acknowledged the pain inflicted upon innocent people who simply went to vpw and his ministry to be taught about God...get your finger of self rightious judgement out of the collective faces of people here at grease spot....
Untill you know what are in no position of authority to judge ANYBODIES actions or anger here, bud :(
In other words, 20 years or 2000 years later, VP is DEAD, Jesus has been crucified, and somewhere in between YOU have turned into dust!
But here, You are fully entitled to be FOREVER the complainer, whiiiiner and boring party cult diner...confessing Jesus and the Bible as your Lord and Saviour! But in reality contributing nothing but negatives!
However we must ALL endeavor to keep the bond of pieces between us, without recommending certain wasted individuals take their modern medicine and anti-depressants before posting!!
I'm SURE this was God's PLAN all along!!
Bumpy darlin',
It's a good thing that I kind of know your personality. You know that I do not whine nor do I complain...well unless my morning bisquits and gravy are late...but concerning twi, I dont think that I ever have.
I really dont think that I contribute negatives but if you think so then please show me where I have done so and we can discuss it or I will apologize. I have absolutely no qualms about accepting my errors as my own.
As far as wasted...not me sweetie! My family is afraid to bring a beer into my house without getting permission two weeks in advance of a major holiday. Puhleez my blood is so pure that an antihystamine makes me dizzy. I talk a big game but I'm a wuss.
It's a good thing that I kind of know your personality. You know that I do not whine nor do I complain...well unless my morning bisquits and gravy are late...but concerning twi, I dont think that I ever have.
I really dont think that I contribute negatives but if you think so then please show me where I have done so and we can discuss it or I will apologize. I have absolutely no qualms about accepting my errors as my own.
As far as me sweetie! My family is afraid to bring a beer into my house without getting permission two weeks in advance of a major holiday. Puhleez my blood is so pure that an antihystamine makes me dizzy. I talk a big game but I'm a wuss.
DAHRLING...You are za most beautiful shark is za Forest...I mean za Tank! Nosssing vill come beteeeen us, not even Bela, bella or anozer Italian shark! I vant you swimmming next to me, za next time you are in a Franz!
DAHRLING...You are za most beautiful shark is za Forest...I mean za Tank! Nosssing vill come beteeeen us, not even Bela, bella or anozer Italian shark! I vant you swimmming next to me, za next time you are in a Franz!
This is wonderful news they have bisquits and gravy in France?
I want to contribute some negatives...
1. It's not quite a perfect day today. Beautiful blue sky, only 1 cloud.
2. My family isn't perfect either.
3. I dislike my job 1 day out of 30.
4. I only get 4 weeks of vacation.
How am I doing so far? about:
It's not a perfect stopped snowing.
My family is full of nut jobs and I fit in perfectly.
I love my job but can't wait to retire.
I spent my last two vacations visiting fellow sharks in other ponds and eating way more than I should have and I got the pics to prove it!
This is wonderful news they have bisquits and gravy in France? about:
No My Darling! Zar is no boooring baskets of biskets over herre in la belle France! Only Champagne, caviar, lovely hors d'oeuvres, and your imagination is za maine course! I am sure it was za same in ohio or kaansaas, or le camp gunnison??? Oui?? ;)
Dave, how long did it take you to "get over it", meaning that you don't feel any anger or sadness when you think about getting screamed at or called names by twi leaders, or over the deceptions that were used to dupe you into handing over money and time or giving up friends or hurting your family?
you said you left 20 years ago and you did feel angry for a while, assuming you worked it out so it no longer bothers you. how long did it take? did you get any outside help or did you just study the bible?
I do want to know your answer. I also want to comment that I find it very amusing but also disturbing when people label others "whiners" when you can't hear their voices. I've seen people called whiners here who are giving factual accountings of their experiences. it's interesting to see how people add tone to what they can't hear.
I've appreciated your posts and your testimony from day one. Thank you for sharing.
I'm begining to wonder if the Bumpster here can respond in any manner other than sarcasm to the heartwrenching issues you bring up. They're not easy things to consider, so as far as the bumpster here goes I'm leaning towards patience on our parts.
thank you jeffsjo :) I also enjoy reading your posts. you have a great heart!
bumpy does seem to thrive on flinging insults and hurtful words. not sure what he's trying to prove, but I don't consider them helpful or kind at all... although in the midst of the insults he tossed out he did give me an idea for a band name.
DAHRLING...You are za most beautiful shark is za Forest...I mean za Tank! Nosssing vill come beteeeen us, not even Bela, bella or anozer Italian shark! I vant you swimmming next to me, za next time you are in a Franz!
Italian Shark? :blink: Where? Does she have pasta? I bet she doesn't put pineapple on her pizza!
How many rows of teeth do you have Eyes? I think you may need them all - and then some.;)
As far as wasted...not me sweetie! My family is afraid to bring a beer into my house without getting permission two weeks in advance of a major holiday. Puhleez my blood is so pure that an antihystamine makes me dizzy. I talk a big game but I'm a wuss.
Mr. Strange...that brown acid, ahem, just between you and me, if I make a donation to the anti-Cult Fuehrer, will you send me over a few tabs of your best brown sh$t? Then I will know just HOW STONED your TWI brain remains...!
Herr Bumpenstein, alas and alack... the brown acid has been gone for years... interested in some window pane instead? Make that donation (in U.S. Dollars) please!
(and do it quickly before the exchange rates change against you!)
Herr Bumpenstein, alas and alack... the brown acid has been gone for years... interested in some window pane instead? Make that donation (in U.S. Dollars) please!
(and do it quickly before the exchange rates change against you!)
Pane or all tastes like fodder. Maybe one day we make it to "The Farm" where with the right cocktail concoction of Weirwellian creative staging, we can make a greasy entertainment spot? Need the right props!
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Tom Strange
I don't necessarily agree with that (the portion I've bolded).
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In other words, 20 years or 2000 years later, VP is DEAD, Jesus has been crucified, and somewhere in between YOU have turned into dust!
But here, You are fully entitled to be FOREVER the complainer, whiiiiner and boring party cult diner...confessing Jesus and the Bible as your Lord and Saviour! But in reality contributing nothing but negatives!
However we must ALL endeavor to keep the bond of pieces between us, without recommending certain wasted individuals take their modern medicine and anti-depressants before posting!!
I'm SURE this was God's PLAN all along!!
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Please do not presume to tell anyone else what their life was like while in twi, for that matter please do not presume to place some sort of meter on any event or series of events in anyones life except your own. That is just dishonest.
As I said people will "get over it" whatever "it" was, in their own good time. If you cannot or do not wish to contribute in a positive way to their recovery than I respectfully request that you at least stop telling them that because this person got over being a drug addict then they should get over "it" as well.
"Many of the ex-TWI sulkers and whiners have done nothing to replace their previous TWI lives with anything they find meaningful and joyful."
How do you know this about anyone...let alone "many"?
Finally please do not call people names...even indirectly. Thank you.
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I have to say that in theory it's possible that saying "get over it" to someone may help them, maybe that even depends on intentions.
For the most part when its done without love it falls somewhere between spiteful and brutal.
When someone adds a healthy dose of sarcasm and words like "complainer and whiner" they are pegged as the ones who are attacking someone.
Right now you seem to be doing that. When I'm convinced someone is intent on attacking someone I usually try to stop that.
So what is it bumpy, just your charming poersonality or is something else going on.
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Tom Strange
Mein Bumptaster...
To the first part: I haven't been wasted in a long time...
To the second part: Yes... that's a fine testament to the cult we were all in isn't it?
But to those who feel the need to make sure that as long as there's a TWI out there, who want to make sure that folks considering TWI get all of the negative facts about them... and I consider myself one of them... I suppose it won't stop. I'm not "wallowing", nor do I think many here are, but I want to make sure that (if I can help it) none of this happens again... or at least to as few as possible. (did you get that BFD?)
Edited by Tom StrangeLink to comment
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Jeff#7 pa Svenska! There is nobody but Tom I feel like attacking...for the moment! The reason is we are on different time zones, so I never can get into the food fights that count.
Are you a hair stylist by chance?
Mr. Strange...that brown acid, ahem, just between you and me, if I make a donation to the anti-Cult Fuehrer, will you send me over a few tabs of your best brown sh$t? Then I will know just HOW STONED your TWI brain remains...!
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Were our lives in twi so bad??? In a word.... YES!!!
Maybe not yours...but my sister in christ here at the cafe was drugged and raped by vpw.
My other sister was visciously slandered for not participating....she was 17 and lost everything...yeah in my opinion vpw was evil incarnate :(
My brother in christ chose to die when lcm wouldn`t let his wife lcm`s lover leave hq`s with him.
My sister in Christ was marked and avoided when she refused to participate in a threesom with HIM :(
My brother in Christ died when told to give up his meds....More than one of my sisters in Christ were raped when following leaders orders to hitch hike to lead or to give a creepy guy from twig a ride home...and then told not to press charges lest the ministry be blamed...
My sister in Christ never recieved the medical attention after a lead accident ...she later died...My brother suffers life long physical imparement because of the same wreck....
Our children were aborted at leaderships command...our ailing family members ignored to die alone and abandoned.... you have the COURAGE to read of these accounts?? Do you have the COMPASSION to understand the suffering endured at twi leaders hands?? Can you for one instant put aside your knowledge and for a moment place yourself in these peoples shoes???
You read these accounts...and then tell me if you really don`t think that life in twi was really so bad for some of us....grrrr.
Untill you have read and acknowledged the pain inflicted upon innocent people who simply went to vpw and his ministry to be taught about God...get your finger of self rightious judgement out of the collective faces of people here at grease spot....
Untill you know what are in no position of authority to judge ANYBODIES actions or anger here, bud :(
Edited by rascalLink to comment
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Bumpy darlin',
It's a good thing that I kind of know your personality. You know that I do not whine nor do I complain...well unless my morning bisquits and gravy are late...but concerning twi, I dont think that I ever have.
I really dont think that I contribute negatives but if you think so then please show me where I have done so and we can discuss it or I will apologize. I have absolutely no qualms about accepting my errors as my own.
As far as wasted...not me sweetie! My family is afraid to bring a beer into my house without getting permission two weeks in advance of a major holiday. Puhleez my blood is so pure that an antihystamine makes me dizzy. I talk a big game but I'm a wuss.
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DAHRLING...You are za most beautiful shark is za Forest...I mean za Tank! Nosssing vill come beteeeen us, not even Bela, bella or anozer Italian shark! I vant you swimmming next to me, za next time you are in a Franz!
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I want to contribute some negatives...
1. It's not quite a perfect day today. Beautiful blue sky, only 1 cloud.
2. My family isn't perfect either.
3. I dislike my job 1 day out of 30.
4. I only get 4 weeks of vacation.
How am I doing so far?
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This is wonderful news they have bisquits and gravy in France? about:
It's not a perfect stopped snowing.
My family is full of nut jobs and I fit in perfectly.
I love my job but can't wait to retire.
I spent my last two vacations visiting fellow sharks in other ponds and eating way more than I should have and I got the pics to prove it!
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No My Darling! Zar is no boooring baskets of biskets over herre in la belle France! Only Champagne, caviar, lovely hors d'oeuvres, and your imagination is za maine course! I am sure it was za same in ohio or kaansaas, or le camp gunnison??? Oui?? ;)
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Dave, how long did it take you to "get over it", meaning that you don't feel any anger or sadness when you think about getting screamed at or called names by twi leaders, or over the deceptions that were used to dupe you into handing over money and time or giving up friends or hurting your family?
you said you left 20 years ago and you did feel angry for a while, assuming you worked it out so it no longer bothers you. how long did it take? did you get any outside help or did you just study the bible?
I do want to know your answer. I also want to comment that I find it very amusing but also disturbing when people label others "whiners" when you can't hear their voices. I've seen people called whiners here who are giving factual accountings of their experiences. it's interesting to see how people add tone to what they can't hear.
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Dear potato,
I've appreciated your posts and your testimony from day one. Thank you for sharing.
I'm begining to wonder if the Bumpster here can respond in any manner other than sarcasm to the heartwrenching issues you bring up. They're not easy things to consider, so as far as the bumpster here goes I'm leaning towards patience on our parts.
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thank you jeffsjo :) I also enjoy reading your posts. you have a great heart!
bumpy does seem to thrive on flinging insults and hurtful words. not sure what he's trying to prove, but I don't consider them helpful or kind at all... although in the midst of the insults he tossed out he did give me an idea for a band name.
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Haven't you ever met someone that did that all the time, but still somehow meant well. They just weren't capable of dealing with the heavy stuff.
That's my gut here with the bumpster. I could be wrong, but I'd rather be right on this one.
P.s. Band name? Care to share.
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Italian Shark? :blink: Where? Does she have pasta? I bet she doesn't put pineapple on her pizza!
How many rows of teeth do you have Eyes? I think you may need them all - and then some.;)
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dude! the "potato rodents".
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BTW, Jeff, I don't know if you know this, but your "accept personal messages" option is switched off, so nobody can send you
a private message. If you don't want this, please switch it on.
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Tom Strange
...well... maybe not beer...
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She never did say a word about what happens OUTSIDE her house...Like in Texas...
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Tom Strange
Herr Bumpenstein, alas and alack... the brown acid has been gone for years... interested in some window pane instead? Make that donation (in U.S. Dollars) please!
(and do it quickly before the exchange rates change against you!)
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Pane or all tastes like fodder. Maybe one day we make it to "The Farm" where with the right cocktail concoction of Weirwellian creative staging, we can make a greasy entertainment spot? Need the right props!
PM me the address.
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