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Personal Attacks


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As always the problem is how you define what

"truth " is.

If a poster without idenity on a public board claims an incident does that make it "truth" for you?

some do some dont .

it is wide open as far as these venues go, so consider it from both perspectives no one can get "attacked" if no names are used or the person is dead. Also no truth is assumed if no names or facts are presented.

I look at this way because i was involved with twi I have a filter WE ALL DO , and each decides what mya be truth or not.

but truly if it is slander one would have to be prosecuted, again with the nature of the internet and no names or facts it is a little chancy to say the least.

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  Biblefan Dave said:
I guess I left TWI at the right time, in '87 when the vast majority left. No, I was never subjected to personal attacks.

Good for you.

Some people in twi were singled out by name in a meeting-whether present or not-

and humilated, most commonly by vpw or lcm. Those were one form of personal attack.

That still doesn't justify personal attacks. And you people launch personal attacks back at TWI, that still doesn't mean it is right
I think you're not using the term "personal attack" like most people use it.....
and doesn't make it right. The Bible clearly talks about forgiving one another. The Bible clearly indicates that we are to comfort one another and speak truth with one another.

There is a difference between forgiving someone, and putting them in a position to hurt you again,

otherwise, you'd do the "Christian thing" and go back to twi for some more ill treatment at their hands.

And people here ARE speaking truth with one another, AND it's comforting to some.

It's just not the PARTICULAR truth you WANT them to speak.

Some OTHER people need to hear it.

Why do we have to defend "speaking the truth" to you? It's "speaking the truth"!

If you were subjected to personal attacks, I am truly and sincerely sorry that happened to you. It still doesn't make it right.
Society in general, whether we are dealing with fundamentalist Christianity or your average Joe Bow, doesn't hold personal attacks as being right. If we fire back personal attacks just because we suffered unkind things while in TWI, we are just as back or worse, because we know better.


If you compare the abuse and humilation dealt out by twi on one hand,

and the sometimes inflammatory posts on the gsc on the other hand,

it's pretty obvious which is a "personal attack."

At worst, GSCers VENT, but rarely do they "personally attack" twi'ers.

You can't "PERSONALLY" attack an ORGANIZATION, for that matter.

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  Biblefan Dave said:
I guess I left TWI at the right time, in '87 when the vast majority left. No, I was never subjected to personal attacks. That still doesn't justify personal attacks. And you people launch personal attacks back at TWI, that still doesn't mean it is right and doesn't make it right. The Bible clearly talks about forgiving one another. The Bible clearly indicates that we are to comfort one another and speak truth with one another. If you were subjected to personal attacks, I am truly and sincerely sorry that happened to you. It still doesn't make it right. Society in general, whether we are dealing with fundamentalist Christianity or your average Joe Bow, doesn't hold personal attacks as being right. If we fire back personal attacks just because we suffered unkind things while in TWI, we are just as back or worse, because we know better.


With all due respect, David...

You're assuming this is a Christian forum. It's not.

You're placing forgiveness on the same level with silence. You can forgive someone and still remember or speak of the offense - or show me the scripture that says I have to forget.

This place is here as tool to communicate able TWI - past and present. Ever wish you could've known what you MIGHT have been getting yourself into when you joined? Well, this is it. I wish I'd had the internet and a forum like this in 1988. Wouda probably saved me a career, a marriage, and a lot of other things. But oh, I'm not supposed to talk about that because it's a personal attack, right?

How can you equate the discussion threads on this forum as being equal to what TWI has done? To the best of my knowledge, Greasespot Cafe hasn't kicked out hundreds of people under the spiritual suspicion of them being homosexuals, hasn't condoned extra-martial affairs and even rape, hasn't broken up hundreds of marriages and families, and hasn't kicked people out for being in debt, communicating with "innies", or other such nonsense that isn't biblically based.

Hardly on the same level...

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Hi ChasUFarley,

I've spent quite a bit of time thinking about "why" I got involved in a ministry that was about to collapse too. I'm still working it out.

It seems there's a fine line between talking about someone's sin and it being a personal attack.

I'm just trying to tell the difference one case at a time.

One thing I've decided right now is that helping the wounded (so to speak) is more important than protecting a reputation. I may not always get it right, but I am willing to say, "WATCH ME."

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Well, I didn't do so good with that did I?

I've posted some more thoughts on this in my "Hi Everyone" thread in the new member section.

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