You know, there are people who get away with crimes...who are damnably guilty, whether they are ever prosecuted in a court of law.
Dove, it isn`t alleged when I/WE am relating first hand personal experiences. You cannot handle the reality of our experiences, so you have accuse the rest of us of making up lies.
That's where you are wrong take for example the Duke case the boys were accused by first hand testimony it was an alleged crime until they had their day in court and when they did they were cleared. Why because the alleged first hand testimony was proved to be lacking. Look it up yourself you will see it in black and white. Just because you want it to be different does not make it so Rascal. Oh here I'll do it for you. Here it is exactly how these things are refered to: You can deny it all you want but the truth is there in black and white.
Lack of DNA evidence in an alleged rape by members of the Duke University lacrosse team may alter the prosecution's options, legal analysts say........
I'll be perfectly satisfied with either verdict because they have met the burdon of fairness unlike your verdict that is based on emotion, and your need to see only evil. Not the way the justice system works......
When a victim's testimony is accompanied by others it is enough to convict in a court of law.
Google that and find real cases that were documented.
Such is the cases here.
Except that there are on record ,you can check yourself only two cases that were in a court and actually never finished the process. When you get the rest of these others and get to court and have a verdict then you you will have proved your point. until then sometimes it is enough sometimes it is not. Until you go through the process one can not claim a victory or a loss.
The Duke case is entirely irrelevant. That was one woman, an exotic dancer at that. Here you have many first hand testimonies from people that are well established in their own communities with no history of criminal activity, no ax to grind, no profit to be made....ten twenty and thirty years after the fact trying to discuss their personal experience in twi.
Your non stop campaign to try to discredit that person in order to call into question their experience is not some noble cause or truth that you are gallantly fighting for.
In reality, You make this a hostile place for any whom try to present their experiences that you don`t approve of.
Dove, you personally, though you couch your responses in diplomatic sounding terms....are really hurtful to those who don`t deserve your innuendos....innocent people who were simply deceived...and now all these years can`t even allow us to discuss it without somehow trying to make people feel dirty all over again.
It isn`t pleasant, nobody enjoys the spot light that you shine upon them, your assaults on their veracity....not being allowed to participate on threads without having to defend themselves from your attacks....relentlessly ...time after time....many times not even to comment on the topic at hand, or the content of the post.......but simply to attempt to discredit the poster period....the threads being drawn off track and into the soap opera forums eventually when trying to defend ourselves.
What you do to your brothers and sisters, what you do in the name of your religion is hurtful and mean, whatever you tell yourself.
But there is a legal system , your question was hypothetical you asked if.
God will make his judgment in His day
In our day we have man's judgment a legal system
WhiteDove.......for one who seems to hold to Christian truths and ethics, you seem to be taking the non-Christian approach toward such matters.
Have you not read......??
It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife [1 Cor. 5:1].
Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints [1 Cor. 6:1].
Sure.....go ahead and talk about DNA evidence, eye-witness accounts, etc. etc. All your legal mumbo-jumbo does NOT even begin to counter THE COMMONLY REPORTED SEXUAL PREDATION WITHIN TWI by your beloved wierwille, and later martindale.....imo.
Besides......many of these (corps) women are talking about sexual predation IN A CULT, IN THE BACK BEDROOM OF THE MOG'S MOTORCOACH, WITH BODYGUARD STATIONED OUTSIDE THE MOTORCOACH KEEPING WATCH, IN THE 70'S OR EARLY 80'S..............and for those who refused wierwille's "advances" or pi$$ed off by what had just occurred, she was given the bum's rush and sent packing in the middle of the night, traumatized by the whole ordeal and had to re-live the whole ordeal if she went to the local authorities (new knoxville? emporia? rome city? gunnison? nowhere?) where the locals pegged twi as a cult environment.......AND not too much dna evidence was talked about 30 years ago.
Go ahead, WhiteDove........stay on your legal-beagle track of semantics and legal terminology......BUT even the Apostle Paul dealt with things that were REPORTED COMMONLY AMONG THE SAINTS.
Seems to me, WhiteDove.....that you like to dance around on both sides of the issue.....always favoring your beloved pfal and twi memories. Yet, having NEVER BEEN WOW OR CORPS......YOU HAVE NO IDEA the human dynamics involved, nor the immense psychological and emotional entanglements that were built-in to these programs via peer pressure and the isolated cult environment.
WhiteDove.......for one who seems to hold to Christian truths and ethics, you seem to be taking the non-Christian approach toward such matters.
Have you not read......??
It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife [1 Cor. 5:1].
Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints [1 Cor. 6:1].
Sure.....go ahead and talk about DNA evidence, eye-witness accounts, etc. etc. All your legal mumbo-jumbo does NOT even begin to counter THE COMMONLY REPORTED SEXUAL PREDATION WITHIN TWI by your beloved wierwille, and later martindale.....imo.
Besides......many of these (corps) women are talking about sexual predation IN A CULT, IN THE BACK BEDROOM OF THE MOG'S MOTORCOACH, WITH BODYGUARD STATIONED OUTSIDE THE MOTORCOACH KEEPING WATCH, IN THE 70'S OR EARLY 80'S..............and for those who refused wierwille's "advances" or pi$$ed off by what had just occurred, she was given the bum's rush and sent packing in the middle of the night, traumatized by the whole ordeal and had to re-live the whole ordeal if she went to the local authorities (new knoxville? emporia? rome city? gunnison? nowhere?) where the locals pegged twi as a cult environment.......AND not too much dna evidence was talked about 30 years ago.
Go ahead, WhiteDove........stay on your legal-beagle track of semantics and legal terminology......BUT even the Apostle Paul dealt with things that were REPORTED COMMONLY AMONG THE SAINTS.
Seems to me, WhiteDove.....that you like to dance around on both sides of the issue.....always favoring your beloved pfal and twi memories. Yet, having NEVER BEEN WOW OR CORPS......YOU HAVE NO IDEA the human dynamics involved, nor the immense psychological and emotional entanglements that were built-in to these programs via peer pressure and the isolated cult environment.
Not Really ,most Christians support their countries laws and the rights of each individual to a fair hearing. Most support the rights we have both in Christ and in the world we live in one does not negate the other. I repeat again for the billionth time I never excused anyone of any crime I have only asked that they have the same rights that we all are guaranteed in our country. Once that due process has occurred I fine with the verdict IT HAS ZERO NOTHING TO DO WITH MY VIEW OF TWI OR VPW. It has to do with honest fair and balanced rights for all.
Danny said:
It would be hard to convince me that WD does not
Work for TWI. Wherever he she it is located.
I don't know about Kansas. Why would I believe that it
lives there because it says so.
It is a good term because of his words are less than human.
Christan why do yall even consider it to be that?
Non of it's words would indicate to me that he might be so.
Maybe it might want to read the WTH post to love just a little.
Christian not.
Really I think the Bible supports equal treatment of everyone. Do you have a referance to support your view that because you suspect someone of an offence you have the right to assume guilt without a fair hearing?
great over desire to be right no matter what the cost?
Maybe cult related?
It learned well.
Yeah maybe it is right next to the social disorder to see only evil because of ones own failed life choices and make judgments based on unproven hearsay and to generally think it is ok to just make S**t Up because they don't like a certain person
i wrote about it a few pages back. The us and them mentality of a cult.
you make this a hostle place for anyone who has experiences that you do not approve of.
you write alot and call posters names and make false accusations about what they said when they didnt even remotely say anything close to what you scream and complain about.
then when they try to show you that they didnt say that you put another hole in your belt and get even worse at your very personal attacks all the while claiming to be the victim.
im not talking about your situation while involved in the way.
Im talking about here how you post you constantly scream how anyone who disagrees with you makes you a victim again and again and you get nasty and you are often the one who goes into name calling and nasty nothing to do with the topic personal attacks.
and your unrelenting . so you say your story, and wd has his or me or anyone or disagree;s with you. the reason these threads get all bloody and nasty is because you cant just say ok then . you want WD to change his mind to change what he writes and i rather believe you would have me disappear all together .
and your a victim always a victim on the thread a victim made from people writing their own opinion. do you realize everyone can read what you write? then draw their own conclusion, your belittling and nasty accusations which can be read by all are not always true, YOU seldom address what one is speaking of you just claim they are out to get ya and begin your own childish game attacking the poster.
yes just my opinion but check it out sister people read these threads and you are loud.
i try to understand what is important to you, i guess it is you want it known that people where abused in twi.
we are clear on that , but then when you go on about how your so victimized again andagain on the thread i wonder why do you continue?
it is you who attacks others opinion Rascal and you enjoy it as much as everyone eles do not plead to be the sad hurt victim on these threads when your not exactly confused .
i normaly leave the personal comments to you, and try to state my opinion, but you say you want to talk to me in one of your poor rascal "Im done" with pond! rant to draw attention to your blight on these boards once again. so there you have it.
I read your story about how you put a bottle and a towel on a washing machines for your WOW sisters and the LC found it... i found that behaviour most disgusting to be honest with you and now when you speak of how other "christian " people should act i easily dismiss your opinion. so put me on ignore or have me out out , i just want to be sure we are on the same page .
and as this is reported as a personal attack.. clearly read most of rascal words to me and wd they are all personal and nasty and without a darn thing to do with the conversation.
.Quote 'rascal' The Duke case is entirely irrelevant. That was one woman, an exotic dancer at that.
Because you say so? actually there were more than one I guess if it disproves Rascals theories it is irrelevant There are plenty of other cases by the way that fit your profile of acceptable that non the less were not correct I posted them a few pages back sworn eyewitness accounts that sent people to prison for years only to find out they were mistaken.
Here you have many first hand testimonies from people that are well established in their own communities with no history of criminal activity, no ax to grind, no profit to be made....ten twenty and thirty years after the fact trying to discuss their personal experience in twi.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :blink: :blink: :blink:
No ax to grind? Pardon me while I climb back on my chair from off the floor after small laugh break.............. Why you alone have worn down at least a dozen ax's grinding away.
Your non stop campaign to try to discredit that person in order to call into question their experience is not some noble cause or truth that you are gallantly fighting for.
In reality, You make this a hostile place for any whom try to present their experiences that you don`t approve of.
Dove, you personally, though you couch your responses in diplomatic sounding terms....are really hurtful to those who don`t deserve your innuendos....innocent people who were simply deceived...and now all these years can`t even allow us to discuss it without somehow trying to make people feel dirty all over again.
It isn`t pleasant, nobody enjoys the spot light that you shine upon them, your assaults on their veracity....not being allowed to participate on threads without having to defend themselves from your attacks....relentlessly ...time after time....many times not even to comment on the topic at hand, or the content of the post.......but simply to attempt to discredit the poster period....the threads being drawn off track and into the soap opera forums eventually when trying to defend ourselves.
What you do to your brothers and sisters, what you do in the name of your religion is hurtful and mean, whatever you tell yourself.
There is a simple solution until you have tangible evidence you could just refer to your accusations as alleged much like the examples I have show that most normal people do.
White Dove, Pond, & Bumpy; You are the worst kind of cowards. You're accusing abuse victims of making s--- up.
Go ahead and tell us who you really are, like you want the abuse victims to.
Show us that you're at least trying to be as brave as they have to be to keep living sometimes.
Insult all you want imaginary tiger, you are the coward here.
I never said anyone is "making stuff up" i said it is an internet public forum, without accountability.
I have zero desire to "know" who is who on these boards, and i have zero intention of telling who I am.
that being said it is still just a public internet forum with zero accoutability to what is being written by invisable people with no names. that is the truth , you do not like it so you call me names. ok then.
White Dove, Pond, & Bumpy; You are the worst kind of cowards. You're accusing abuse victims of making s--- up.
Go ahead and tell us who you really are, like you want the abuse victims to.
Show us that you're at least trying to be as brave as they have to be to keep living sometimes.
Insult all you want imaginary tiger, you are the coward here.
.Jeff I'll say it again slow so you maybe get it I never said that everyone's accusations were made up I said that they were not documented with proof, I have said numerous times that they may in fact be true or may in fact not be true. Until such said time in our country they are referred to as alleged. Simple as that........ I did say some people just make S**t up your post here is a prime example. I have posted the same thing on numerous pages and yet you still misrepresent my point - that qualifies you as making S**t Up . When people post guilty verdicts without the benefit of a fair hearing that is making S**t UP It is an unproven fact. Again I'll repeat just to make it clear for you (so you don't just make more S**t Up) That person may be guilty or may be innocent either way they are alleged until such time as a verdict is rendered and should be referred to as such.
Insult all you want imaginary tiger, you are the coward here.
"Only One Post"? That's so sad! But since I'm imaginary, I guess I'll have to cancel that hair appointment!
Jeffery, do yourself a favor, stop listening to imaginary stuffed tigers! Especially those you claim come up with (imaginary) statements, "of making s--- up"! :unsure:
With that in mind, PLEASE TAKE YOUR MEDS! They will help! :)
I don't even believe IT believes this point it's trying to make.
Assuming that you meant to insert Me in the space previously held by the IT I'll tell you that I most defiantly without any doubt ,positively, unequivocally , (Are you getting it) absolutely do believe in the point made. It is the foundation of our rights our freedom that which by the way as I pointed out many believe, that there are those paying a high price to freely enjoy and preserve. Some don't think it is just OK to trample on peoples rights just because one has deemed another unworthy. Actually even if they were, they still get the same due process of the law. I'm sorry that those efforts are lost on you and your understanding of the importance of such freedom. You want to accuse me while you sit in judgment and pick and choose who gets rights and who does not?
Here is a case that fits your description of acceptable terms first hand testimonies from people that are well established in their own communities with no history of criminal activity, no ax to grind, no profit to be made.
Perhaps you would like to see the fruit of this wonderful example of first hand testimony and what it accomplished when people were denied their rights. Of course it does not fit with you ax, so it wont count either I'm sure. It must be nice to decide who gets rights and who does not.
More accusations against someone that never happened whitedove.
That's just what you are seeing in your mind.
No one deemed anyone unworthy.
Unworthy of what anyway?
Apparently you have deemed them unworthy of the right to a fair hearing before deciding their guilt. That is shown by the consistant referance to being guilty of crimes that have no record of such a charge.
And yes there is freedom.
Freedom of speech.
Exactly and I am exercising mine to point out that along with that their are restrictions for that free speech such as not yelling fire in a crowded room and not referring to someone as guilty until you have a record of such. Don't believe me ask Raf he works in the media he can tell you that it is not acceptable.
Dove WHY would I have an axe to grind??? For heavens sakes..I relate my experiences...I commiserate with those who relate theirs...
WHY must you term this as an *axe* to grind*???
Being offended, outraged by the crimes committed against us, our brothers, our sisters, our children...that is not an axe to grind...
Pond I do NOT try discredit posters...I don`t speculate as to why they are so cruel...What would cause them to be so viscious....what mental defect would cause them to hold their pov..... NOR do I do I question their personal character or integrity. NOR do I attack personally...That is what is so scary about you pond......What you say is completely out of character for me....the conclusions that you draw concerning me personally ...what you project into my posts....the mental illness that you are so fond of diagnosing me ...and then present to the board at large as some kind of educated professional.... is not only offensive, but really dirty.
My experiences, my point of view offends you...rather than allow me to speak of my experiences, or be offended at the betrayal and have to try to *fix* me... try to indicate that I am some how sick for holding that position.
pond, that is just plain wierd.
What is wrong with posting your pov concerning YOUR experiences and impressions...and allowing me to post mine. What makes you so nosy that you have to dissect me, my mental sate, my spiritual state for holding my position?
What is it about you and Dove that require you to take to task anyone whom doesn`t share your pov? What is it about your religion that makes stalking and attack ok..making up lies to discredit people, because you cannot discuss the contents of their post on merit alone???
How does THAT fall under *love your neighbor*??
Is that what offends you?? That in claiming to be christian...I expect you to act like one??? Damned right you puzzle me, your behavior is hatefull and cruel...truly baffling to try to understand why one would behave this way.
Contrary to your sick little annalysis, I DON`T enjoy the attention...
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quote 'rascal'
You know, there are people who get away with crimes...who are damnably guilty, whether they are ever prosecuted in a court of law.
Dove, it isn`t alleged when I/WE am relating first hand personal experiences. You cannot handle the reality of our experiences, so you have accuse the rest of us of making up lies.
That's where you are wrong take for example the Duke case the boys were accused by first hand testimony it was an alleged crime until they had their day in court and when they did they were cleared. Why because the alleged first hand testimony was proved to be lacking. Look it up yourself you will see it in black and white. Just because you want it to be different does not make it so Rascal. Oh here I'll do it for you. Here it is exactly how these things are refered to: You can deny it all you want but the truth is there in black and white.
Lack of DNA evidence in an alleged rape by members of the Duke University lacrosse team may alter the prosecution's options, legal analysts say........
I'll be perfectly satisfied with either verdict because they have met the burdon of fairness unlike your verdict that is based on emotion, and your need to see only evil. Not the way the justice system works......
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When a victim's testimony is accompanied by others it is enough to convict in a court of law.
Google that and find real cases that were documented.
Such is the cases here.
Except that there are on record ,you can check yourself only two cases that were in a court and actually never finished the process. When you get the rest of these others and get to court and have a verdict then you you will have proved your point. until then sometimes it is enough sometimes it is not. Until you go through the process one can not claim a victory or a loss.
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that is your opinion, a biased one at best
and not true
you underestimate me
You can be seen by how you see others
plain as day
mirroring and projecting yourself onto others
well, I reject your reflection
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The Duke case is entirely irrelevant. That was one woman, an exotic dancer at that. Here you have many first hand testimonies from people that are well established in their own communities with no history of criminal activity, no ax to grind, no profit to be made....ten twenty and thirty years after the fact trying to discuss their personal experience in twi.
Your non stop campaign to try to discredit that person in order to call into question their experience is not some noble cause or truth that you are gallantly fighting for.
In reality, You make this a hostile place for any whom try to present their experiences that you don`t approve of.
Dove, you personally, though you couch your responses in diplomatic sounding terms....are really hurtful to those who don`t deserve your innuendos....innocent people who were simply deceived...and now all these years can`t even allow us to discuss it without somehow trying to make people feel dirty all over again.
It isn`t pleasant, nobody enjoys the spot light that you shine upon them, your assaults on their veracity....not being allowed to participate on threads without having to defend themselves from your attacks....relentlessly ...time after time....many times not even to comment on the topic at hand, or the content of the post.......but simply to attempt to discredit the poster period....the threads being drawn off track and into the soap opera forums eventually when trying to defend ourselves.
What you do to your brothers and sisters, what you do in the name of your religion is hurtful and mean, whatever you tell yourself.
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WhiteDove.......for one who seems to hold to Christian truths and ethics, you seem to be taking the non-Christian approach toward such matters.
Have you not read......??
It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife [1 Cor. 5:1].
Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints [1 Cor. 6:1].
Sure.....go ahead and talk about DNA evidence, eye-witness accounts, etc. etc. All your legal mumbo-jumbo does NOT even begin to counter THE COMMONLY REPORTED SEXUAL PREDATION WITHIN TWI by your beloved wierwille, and later martindale.....imo.
Besides......many of these (corps) women are talking about sexual predation IN A CULT, IN THE BACK BEDROOM OF THE MOG'S MOTORCOACH, WITH BODYGUARD STATIONED OUTSIDE THE MOTORCOACH KEEPING WATCH, IN THE 70'S OR EARLY 80'S..............and for those who refused wierwille's "advances" or pi$$ed off by what had just occurred, she was given the bum's rush and sent packing in the middle of the night, traumatized by the whole ordeal and had to re-live the whole ordeal if she went to the local authorities (new knoxville? emporia? rome city? gunnison? nowhere?) where the locals pegged twi as a cult environment.......AND not too much dna evidence was talked about 30 years ago.
Go ahead, WhiteDove........stay on your legal-beagle track of semantics and legal terminology......BUT even the Apostle Paul dealt with things that were REPORTED COMMONLY AMONG THE SAINTS.
Seems to me, WhiteDove.....that you like to dance around on both sides of the issue.....always favoring your beloved pfal and twi memories. Yet, having NEVER BEEN WOW OR CORPS......YOU HAVE NO IDEA the human dynamics involved, nor the immense psychological and emotional entanglements that were built-in to these programs via peer pressure and the isolated cult environment.
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It would be hard to convince me that WD does not
Work for TWI. Wherever he she it is located.
I don't know about Kansas. Why would I believe that it
lives there because it says so.
It is a good term because of his words are less than human.
Christan why do yall even consider it to be that?
Non of it's words would indicate to me that he might be so.
Maybe it might want to read the WTH post to love just a little.
Christian not.
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I know I know this is not a Christian site.
Way back a years or so maybe the beginning of 07
there was a tread about Plagerism(sp) was it not WD going
back and forth to prove a point.
I don't even believe IT believes this point it's trying to
make. He get off on going round and round.
How many post on this tread?
How many from WD?
I can see IT in the back room hunched backed sitting with the little
lite over the keyboard drooling one hand on key board
one a different place getting off on this stuff?
Just consider the time it takes much less fending off several
great thinkers.
it's like a bowl game 1 person against a whole team of 11.
The hunch back from Notre Dame.
God Bless It
I wonder how God is taking score for It's words?
What will the fire leave?
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Is there a social disorder when someone has a
great over desire to be right no matter what the cost?
Maybe cult related?
It learned well.
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Not Really ,most Christians support their countries laws and the rights of each individual to a fair hearing. Most support the rights we have both in Christ and in the world we live in one does not negate the other. I repeat again for the billionth time I never excused anyone of any crime I have only asked that they have the same rights that we all are guaranteed in our country. Once that due process has occurred I fine with the verdict IT HAS ZERO NOTHING TO DO WITH MY VIEW OF TWI OR VPW. It has to do with honest fair and balanced rights for all.
Really I think the Bible supports equal treatment of everyone. Do you have a referance to support your view that because you suspect someone of an offence you have the right to assume guilt without a fair hearing?
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hmmmm...fair and balanced.....
so what's twi's side of the story whitedove?
do you know?
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Yeah maybe it is right next to the social disorder to see only evil because of ones own failed life choices and make judgments based on unproven hearsay and to generally think it is ok to just make S**t Up because they don't like a certain person
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Danny is right
i wrote about it a few pages back. The us and them mentality of a cult.
you make this a hostle place for anyone who has experiences that you do not approve of.
you write alot and call posters names and make false accusations about what they said when they didnt even remotely say anything close to what you scream and complain about.
then when they try to show you that they didnt say that you put another hole in your belt and get even worse at your very personal attacks all the while claiming to be the victim.
im not talking about your situation while involved in the way.
Im talking about here how you post you constantly scream how anyone who disagrees with you makes you a victim again and again and you get nasty and you are often the one who goes into name calling and nasty nothing to do with the topic personal attacks.
and your unrelenting . so you say your story, and wd has his or me or anyone or disagree;s with you. the reason these threads get all bloody and nasty is because you cant just say ok then . you want WD to change his mind to change what he writes and i rather believe you would have me disappear all together .
and your a victim always a victim on the thread a victim made from people writing their own opinion. do you realize everyone can read what you write? then draw their own conclusion, your belittling and nasty accusations which can be read by all are not always true, YOU seldom address what one is speaking of you just claim they are out to get ya and begin your own childish game attacking the poster.
yes just my opinion but check it out sister people read these threads and you are loud.
i try to understand what is important to you, i guess it is you want it known that people where abused in twi.
we are clear on that , but then when you go on about how your so victimized again andagain on the thread i wonder why do you continue?
it is you who attacks others opinion Rascal and you enjoy it as much as everyone eles do not plead to be the sad hurt victim on these threads when your not exactly confused .
i normaly leave the personal comments to you, and try to state my opinion, but you say you want to talk to me in one of your poor rascal "Im done" with pond! rant to draw attention to your blight on these boards once again. so there you have it.
I read your story about how you put a bottle and a towel on a washing machines for your WOW sisters and the LC found it... i found that behaviour most disgusting to be honest with you and now when you speak of how other "christian " people should act i easily dismiss your opinion. so put me on ignore or have me out out , i just want to be sure we are on the same page .
and as this is reported as a personal attack.. clearly read most of rascal words to me and wd they are all personal and nasty and without a darn thing to do with the conversation.
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Hi guys,
I only have time for one post today.
Here goes,
White Dove, Pond, & Bumpy; You are the worst kind of cowards. You're accusing abuse victims of making s--- up.
Go ahead and tell us who you really are, like you want the abuse victims to.
Show us that you're at least trying to be as brave as they have to be to keep living sometimes.
Insult all you want imaginary tiger, you are the coward here.
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.Quote 'rascal' The Duke case is entirely irrelevant. That was one woman, an exotic dancer at that.
Because you say so? actually there were more than one I guess if it disproves Rascals theories it is irrelevant There are plenty of other cases by the way that fit your profile of acceptable that non the less were not correct I posted them a few pages back sworn eyewitness accounts that sent people to prison for years only to find out they were mistaken.
Here you have many first hand testimonies from people that are well established in their own communities with no history of criminal activity, no ax to grind, no profit to be made....ten twenty and thirty years after the fact trying to discuss their personal experience in twi.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:blink: :blink: :blink: 
No ax to grind? Pardon me while I climb back on my chair from off the floor after small laugh break.............. Why you alone have worn down at least a dozen ax's grinding away.
Your non stop campaign to try to discredit that person in order to call into question their experience is not some noble cause or truth that you are gallantly fighting for.
In reality, You make this a hostile place for any whom try to present their experiences that you don`t approve of.
Dove, you personally, though you couch your responses in diplomatic sounding terms....are really hurtful to those who don`t deserve your innuendos....innocent people who were simply deceived...and now all these years can`t even allow us to discuss it without somehow trying to make people feel dirty all over again.
It isn`t pleasant, nobody enjoys the spot light that you shine upon them, your assaults on their veracity....not being allowed to participate on threads without having to defend themselves from your attacks....relentlessly ...time after time....many times not even to comment on the topic at hand, or the content of the post.......but simply to attempt to discredit the poster period....the threads being drawn off track and into the soap opera forums eventually when trying to defend ourselves.
What you do to your brothers and sisters, what you do in the name of your religion is hurtful and mean, whatever you tell yourself.
There is a simple solution until you have tangible evidence you could just refer to your accusations as alleged much like the examples I have show that most normal people do.
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I never said anyone is "making stuff up" i said it is an internet public forum, without accountability.
I have zero desire to "know" who is who on these boards, and i have zero intention of telling who I am.
that being said it is still just a public internet forum with zero accoutability to what is being written by invisable people with no names. that is the truth , you do not like it so you call me names. ok then.
real enough for ya?
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I do and it's hearsay until they can prove it as well...........
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.Jeff I'll say it again slow so you maybe get it I never said that everyone's accusations were made up I said that they were not documented with proof, I have said numerous times that they may in fact be true or may in fact not be true. Until such said time in our country they are referred to as alleged. Simple as that........ I did say some people just make S**t up your post here is a prime example. I have posted the same thing on numerous pages and yet you still misrepresent my point - that qualifies you as making S**t Up . When people post guilty verdicts without the benefit of a fair hearing that is making S**t UP It is an unproven fact. Again I'll repeat just to make it clear for you (so you don't just make more S**t Up) That person may be guilty or may be innocent either way they are alleged until such time as a verdict is rendered and should be referred to as such.
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"Only One Post"? That's so sad! But since I'm imaginary, I guess I'll have to cancel that hair appointment!
Jeffery, do yourself a favor, stop listening to imaginary stuffed tigers! Especially those you claim come up with (imaginary) statements, "of making s--- up"! :unsure:
With that in mind, PLEASE TAKE YOUR MEDS! They will help! :)
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Assuming that you meant to insert Me in the space previously held by the IT I'll tell you that I most defiantly without any doubt ,positively, unequivocally , (Are you getting it) absolutely do believe in the point made. It is the foundation of our rights our freedom that which by the way as I pointed out many believe, that there are those paying a high price to freely enjoy and preserve. Some don't think it is just OK to trample on peoples rights just because one has deemed another unworthy. Actually even if they were, they still get the same due process of the law. I'm sorry that those efforts are lost on you and your understanding of the importance of such freedom. You want to accuse me while you sit in judgment and pick and choose who gets rights and who does not?
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More accusations against someone that never happened whitedove.
That's just what you are seeing in your mind.
No one deemed anyone unworthy.
Unworthy of what anyway?
And yes there is freedom.
Freedom of speech.
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Here is a case that fits your description of acceptable terms first hand testimonies from people that are well established in their own communities with no history of criminal activity, no ax to grind, no profit to be made.
Perhaps you would like to see the fruit of this wonderful example of first hand testimony and what it accomplished when people were denied their rights. Of course it does not fit with you ax, so it wont count either I'm sure. It must be nice to decide who gets rights and who does not.
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Exactly and I am exercising mine to point out that along with that their are restrictions for that free speech such as not yelling fire in a crowded room and not referring to someone as guilty until you have a record of such. Don't believe me ask Raf he works in the media he can tell you that it is not acceptable.
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Dove WHY would I have an axe to grind??? For heavens sakes..I relate my experiences...I commiserate with those who relate theirs...
WHY must you term this as an *axe* to grind*???
Being offended, outraged by the crimes committed against us, our brothers, our sisters, our children...that is not an axe to grind...
Pond I do NOT try discredit posters...I don`t speculate as to why they are so cruel...What would cause them to be so viscious....what mental defect would cause them to hold their pov..... NOR do I do I question their personal character or integrity. NOR do I attack personally...That is what is so scary about you pond......What you say is completely out of character for me....the conclusions that you draw concerning me personally ...what you project into my posts....the mental illness that you are so fond of diagnosing me ...and then present to the board at large as some kind of educated professional.... is not only offensive, but really dirty.
My experiences, my point of view offends you...rather than allow me to speak of my experiences, or be offended at the betrayal and have to try to *fix* me... try to indicate that I am some how sick for holding that position.
pond, that is just plain wierd.
What is wrong with posting your pov concerning YOUR experiences and impressions...and allowing me to post mine. What makes you so nosy that you have to dissect me, my mental sate, my spiritual state for holding my position?
What is it about you and Dove that require you to take to task anyone whom doesn`t share your pov? What is it about your religion that makes stalking and attack ok..making up lies to discredit people, because you cannot discuss the contents of their post on merit alone???
How does THAT fall under *love your neighbor*??
Is that what offends you?? That in claiming to be christian...I expect you to act like one??? Damned right you puzzle me, your behavior is hatefull and cruel...truly baffling to try to understand why one would behave this way.
Contrary to your sick little annalysis, I DON`T enjoy the attention...
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