Now THAT was an incredible case of stupidity if I ever heard of one! Oh let's just wander our happy tail into a den of nine lions at feeding time and expect not to be lunch....stupid!
Some people regret the choices they made while involved with twi, and now blame the organization for the outcome of those personal choices such as having an abortion, not having children, never getting married, wasted money given to them , lack of higher education, etc.
the fact a person feels "peer pressure" or professional pressure , or even financial pressure to make a choice that has not been good for their life, in hind sight many years later ,is NOT a crime. a shame but not illegal in any sense of the word.
Peer pressure may not be a crime, but if there was deliberate fraud and malfeasance, or coercion ... that would be a crime. If the organization overlooked sexual abuses, or covered them, that would be a crime. Proving these things effect one's decision to forego college or children would become difficult, but I wonder if this is the stuff class action suits are made of. It is not the same as smoking exactly, and probably just another of life's crimes that do not get prosecuted, but there was long term harm.
But at least, in this public opinion court/forum, we can "prosecute" those real crimes, which can provide some small relief for the victims. More of the relief comes from the mutual support rendered by people that share their common experiences. Hopefully this is done in the background of enjoying life, before it all gets away from us. :)
And as for this den of lions ... if the accusers accusations were all tales with no teeth, the lion tamer would not be devoured. Reality bites
The lion tamer had previously fed them by putting meat between the fence... then one day he decided to go and make good friends and well there ya have it they ate him all but the skull geeez louise.
WD, you claim the that facts presented by personal testimony are unprovable and therefore no good. why do you assume they're unprovable and therefore not factual?
and your statements about LCM's deposition being factual, what a hoot! people lie all the time in court. it took me over a year to gather evidence that my ex lied in court twice, but I finally got him.
with enough money, I think many of the facts presented by vpw and lcm's victims could be adequately proven, if by nothing else than the circumstantial evidence of many far flung victims recounting their personal experiences to a degree that leaves no doubt that a crime was committed against them by the same people.
not too shabby rhino... very astute, in fact brilliantly put observation...
very brilliant, and I'm stunned someone could take one of Bumpy's random off-topic posts and give it context with the topic at hand... hats off, rhino!
are you saying if you have a big enough mob of people claiming a crime they must be guilty?
that is how Jesus christ was murdered actualy Pilate asked the crowd and they said to crucify Jesus when he was innocent in the eyes of the law on the books. Pilate washed his hands of the blood of jesus Christ knowing he was innocent, and the guilty barbabus set free and allowed the mob to make the choice.
very brilliant, and I'm stunned someone could take one of Bumpy's random off-topic posts and give it context with the topic at hand... hats off, rhino!
thank you ... thank you very much
occassionally I try to interpret the bumpy one's tales ... and I had previously mentioned a new chicken getting attacked when it got too close to the others, if it was not accepted. So I received a word of interpretation that Bump's cryptic tail was referring to said analogy, but using different species.
Of course WD did not even lose a hand, so he can continue to tease the lions from the safety of his own little cage.
But those that were abused can hardly be compared to a top of the food chain animal. It might be more fitting to use the predator/abuser as the bad dog with rabies, and an escaped victim as the human that gets the humane society to put the animal down.
I just don`t understand why one feels compelled to diminish another`s experiences, impressions, and personal accounts :(
This sight is about telling the *other side of the story*..the one that we were never allowed to tell when we were involved.
To portray a poster as mentally unstable, or an exaggerator, or a liar...a psychotic whiner because one is uncomfortable with the accounts shared, is bewildering and hurtfull.
Who made it your business attempt non stop discrediting of testimoney....or your business Pond, to attribute mental defect and unhealthiness for holding ones point of view concerning their own personal experiences.
Can you guys not just talk about your side of twi...your experiences...your impressions...Please ??? Why this irrational need to discredit anyone who doesn`t agree with you as mentally unstable, or a liar??
I am so tired of having my veracity, my integrity and character called into question when I discuss what happened to me in twi.
I just don`t understand why one feels compelled to diminish another`s experiences, impressions, and personal accounts :)
This sight is about telling the *other side of the story*..the one that we were never allowed to tell when we were involved.
To portray a poster as mentally unstable, or an exaggerator, or a liar...a psychotic whiner because one is uncomfortable with the accounts shared, is bewildering and hurtfull.
Who made it your business attempt non stop discrediting of testimoney....or your business Pond, to attribute mental defect and unhealthiness for holding ones point of view concerning their own personal experiences.
Can you guys not just talk about your side of twi...your experiences...your impressions...Please ??? Why this irrational need to discredit anyone who doesn`t agree with you as mentally unstable, or a liar??
I am so tired of having my veracity, my integrity and character called into question when I discuss what happened to me in twi.
It is very unkind.
I for one am very glad you're so strong, rascal. if the bullies had run you off with their cruelty, I might not have been able to leave twi as quickly. your experiences parallel mine in so many ways and your testimony really helped me.
Jesus was innocent Pilate asked the crowd to chose who should go free because of the sabboth hgih holy day, because he found him guilty of no crime read the account tom, read how piate was in torment and why he washed his hands claiming he found nothing of Jesus did wrong and would have no part of the mobs choice.
he gave them the choice because he found NOTHING Jesus did wrong, but the mob and religous leaders they kept after Pilate to put him on as one of the choices and blam, the people said ..
crucify him .
Jesus was never guilty of any crime your a trip.
as far comparing lcm or vpw they are not part of why i ask her to be clear on her post. I think she says if enough testimony is together that should rule as guilty.. and it did for Jesus and they were wrong.
probably when they said "release to us Barabbas". Let em go.. a charismatic leader ya know.. really "moved da word" in Israel.
Kinda like "let's let loy off da hook.." "or vic"..
or "he who walks in darkness, but never mixes his bread and vegetables".
Oh.. that was my last limb coordinator's claim to fame. The mixing of bread and vegetables part that is. That's what they taught him in da corps ya know. Really.. no joke.
you know.
Mark and avoid someone with honest questions or doubts..
have a stalk of celery..
defame another brother in christ..
have some green beans.. but no bread. His way of averting gastrointestinal disaster..
and people think I'm nutty..
How they could ordain someone with the intellectual acumen of a third grader.. and the common sense of a lemming, in charge of a whole state and then region..
are you saying if you have a big enough mob of people claiming a crime they must be guilty?
that is how Jesus christ was murdered actualy Pilate asked the crowd and they said to crucify Jesus when he was innocent in the eyes of the law on the books. Pilate washed his hands of the blood of jesus Christ knowing he was innocent, and the guilty barbabus set free and allowed the mob to make the choice.
in hind sight that mob was wrong eh? ya think?
Pond you were saying peer pressure was not a crime. But I said those other things "would be" a crime. Then I said this is a different level of "prosecution" than a court room. So the court of public opinion will decide on this lower level. It is not a question of guilt based on a mob being persuaded ... in this case it is a mob of first hand witnesses.
But even in your example ... are you trying to say the mob is ALWAYS wrong?
And to go back to the herd mentality, it can exist in herds or dens ... and those structures are developed over time. There may be herds of abused women, herds of angry ex twits, packs of TWI defenders ... so you do try to look at facts and first hand accounts, recognizing the tendency to defend one's own.
I'm thinking those still in TWI are a much tighter pack that most of the herds here ... but I don't feel overly committed to any flock. But with courtroom testimony already being accepted regarding much of the abuse ... it is really pretty silly to pretend it wasn't happening.
A person defending his own personal guilt/territory may be the most aggressive of territorial animals. Especially when they were predator like to begin with.
Now we can call in a trained psychologist/sociologist to more fully expound the herd/territorial nature of man.
Maybe it all goes back to when man first clubbed his neighbors woman and drug her back to his cave. Ugh.
In USA we have safe guards to protect us from such a mentality. The media is a contender no doubt.
yes i agree the standard for places like the internet are much "lower". and acceptable for some.
public opion is what runs America we decide what we want as a crime and how to establish it the people do decide.
as a group we are the ones who put the laws on the books. is that herd mentality in a sense yes it is.. but a much larger "herd" ususaly prevails correct?
the problem with hear say is just that anyone can say anything they want and no standard is set for truth.... it puts all at risk for the next tryant with the bigger herd or mouth.
the people do decide what we want in usa , it is the standard, we can and do change our ideals although a very slow process i still feel it is better than a dicator deciding for one and all.
when we go before a jury the jury is not our friends and coworker or buddies in crime anyone like that would be eliminated for conflict of interest etc... it is peers a cross section of society who are given what we the people have for laws to decide if the are guilty or innocent.. they do not just get in a room and say WELL I THINK and i know tommy and i know suzy and they are good people so they are innocent. Or geez i heard from my neighbor that guy has a dog and it once pooped on her lawn and he never picked it up so she is guilty!
in fact you can not even know those who are trial in any way.
why not?because of the very issues that inclusion and herd mentaility brings upon justice.
what i hear you saying with this lower standard ideal is look we are greaspotter we have our own standard that we believe to be true and if it doesnt work for you then your ging to be a very bad person and prosecuted here by us in our "lower standard"s, because we out number you..
and if that isnt intimidation ya know why even bother being rational or to seek any type of truth at all?
Sincerely, I'd like to give thanks, for rosie, loy, and the bod, for their remarkable insight, in sending this numbnut to my state, and helping me to see the truth for what it in reality is..
when i think about how it was then and how I think now I am just amazed and in a greater sense thankful it is over and now I know what for the love of God took one hell of a toll to learn.
I better check my own self is so ingrained in me i can not even consider what another says without looking within first now.
In twi I allowed a leader tell me because it was her sister who had married the limb leader and she knew that guy and they were friends and nothing and i mean anything i could possibly think about him negative was just from satan.
and besides I was a "babe " in the word and never took the advanced class so not worth even listening to.
at the end of the day I was right and people paid a very high price for my willing to trust another because of group think and friends in high places etc.
I swear to God almighty it will never ever ever happen again on my watch.
and that in a nut shell is who I am now forever changed .
so i do get why you guys butch up and do what you do I just think it is very dangerous and how people get hurt.
they were good at manipulation and i was one very stupid young girl..
i changed into a person who must always check and evaluate the truth i have inside and be dammed who is teling me different.
one really bad mistake can change your life forever.
Sincerely, I'd like to give thanks, for rosie, loy, and the bod, for their remarkable insight, in sending this numbnut to my state, and helping me to see the truth for what it in reality is..
I get that
I thank God I was marked and avoided because i had time with people who where not involved in the way so when i went back they all sounded like the teacher on the peanut cartoon voice and i just couldnt hear it anymore.
thankl God
although i did cry for six months and I really did think we were all gonna die a horrible death and God didnt love me any more.
I thank God I was marked and avoided because i had time with people who where not involved in the way so when i went back they all sounded like the teacher on the peanut cartoon voice and i just couldnt hear it anymore.
thankl God
although i did cry for six months and I really did think we were all gonna die a horrible death and God didnt love me any more.
thanks for the honest post, pond. you seem more like a real person now, and not so different from some of us who still need to cry and who are still getting over the fear.
you were lucky to be M&A'd. I wish I'd been. I'd be a lot further ahead if I had been.
Yeah. The last meeting I had with this whatever he was..
In a high squeaky voice.. no joke.. his wife sounded like a baritone compared to him..
"If I were you, I'd spill my guts. We KNOW something is wrong with you.. let's hear it.."
and he was MINDLESS. He didn't have a clue.. he grasping at straws, trying to figure out who the "troublemaker" was in his limb.. who was standing in front of the great prevailing power of gawd, who was just begging to send new people our way to be confronted into oblivion..
I said.. "hmmm. OK.. let me think about it, I'll get back with you." He looked like he got a punch in the stomach.. "duhhhh, wellll, OK... that's a good idea.. ummmm.."
at that very moment.. I saw that I was had.. had by false threats and promises.. had by a group of madmen, for YEARS..
I can only speculate on what would have happened in the chain of events of that time of my life if the "minister" had not told me i was marked, i cried and I asked what that means
and he said i was not allowed to go to fellowship and that he would hold a meeting and tell them
no i do not think you would have prefered to been marked it was horrible. then but not today.
but how Jesus healed me in the end so good news.
i went back you know years later in the 90's it was an odd group huh?
of course i ran into way people on the street or whatever and they would tell me what happened to me and let me tell you they were so wrong so very wrong on why i was marked and even i couldnt tell them different and it was my life they knew so much about.
ok? that is what im saying about how people are they get together and fill in the balnks oftentimes irregardless of any facts even with the actual person telling them different!!
yall are into testimony and that is mine really , i learned how people can be and how twi were numb to reality beyond belief .
and it doesnt go away unless serious work is done and of course i believe the Lord helping you become whole again
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Now THAT was an incredible case of stupidity if I ever heard of one! Oh let's just wander our happy tail into a den of nine lions at feeding time and expect not to be lunch....stupid!
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well, they say old cheese is the best..
but who's letting it get older? It's not my cheese. Belongs to der vey.. let them come and claim it.
It's smelling worse every day..
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Peer pressure may not be a crime, but if there was deliberate fraud and malfeasance, or coercion ... that would be a crime. If the organization overlooked sexual abuses, or covered them, that would be a crime. Proving these things effect one's decision to forego college or children would become difficult, but I wonder if this is the stuff class action suits are made of. It is not the same as smoking exactly, and probably just another of life's crimes that do not get prosecuted, but there was long term harm.
But at least, in this public opinion court/forum, we can "prosecute" those real crimes, which can provide some small relief for the victims. More of the relief comes from the mutual support rendered by people that share their common experiences. Hopefully this is done in the background of enjoying life, before it all gets away from us. :)
And as for this den of lions ... if the accusers accusations were all tales with no teeth, the lion tamer would not be devoured. Reality bites

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The lion tamer had previously fed them by putting meat between the fence... then one day he decided to go and make good friends and well there ya have it they ate him all but the skull geeez louise.
a lesson to be learned .
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Tom Strange
not too shabby rhino... very astute, in fact brilliantly put observation...
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WD, you claim the that facts presented by personal testimony are unprovable and therefore no good. why do you assume they're unprovable and therefore not factual?
and your statements about LCM's deposition being factual, what a hoot! people lie all the time in court. it took me over a year to gather evidence that my ex lied in court twice, but I finally got him.
with enough money, I think many of the facts presented by vpw and lcm's victims could be adequately proven, if by nothing else than the circumstantial evidence of many far flung victims recounting their personal experiences to a degree that leaves no doubt that a crime was committed against them by the same people.
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very brilliant, and I'm stunned someone could take one of Bumpy's random off-topic posts and give it context with the topic at hand... hats off, rhino!
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Rhino to be clear on what your saying I ask
are you saying if you have a big enough mob of people claiming a crime they must be guilty?
that is how Jesus christ was murdered actualy Pilate asked the crowd and they said to crucify Jesus when he was innocent in the eyes of the law on the books. Pilate washed his hands of the blood of jesus Christ knowing he was innocent, and the guilty barbabus set free and allowed the mob to make the choice.
in hind sight that mob was wrong eh? ya think?
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thank you ... thank you very much
occassionally I try to interpret the bumpy one's tales ... and I had previously mentioned a new chicken getting attacked when it got too close to the others, if it was not accepted. So I received a word of interpretation that Bump's cryptic tail was referring to said analogy, but using different species.
Of course WD did not even lose a hand, so he can continue to tease the lions from the safety of his own little cage.
But those that were abused can hardly be compared to a top of the food chain animal. It might be more fitting to use the predator/abuser as the bad dog with rabies, and an escaped victim as the human that gets the humane society to put the animal down.
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I just don`t understand why one feels compelled to diminish another`s experiences, impressions, and personal accounts :(
This sight is about telling the *other side of the story*..the one that we were never allowed to tell when we were involved.
To portray a poster as mentally unstable, or an exaggerator, or a liar...a psychotic whiner because one is uncomfortable with the accounts shared, is bewildering and hurtfull.
Who made it your business attempt non stop discrediting of testimoney....or your business Pond, to attribute mental defect and unhealthiness for holding ones point of view concerning their own personal experiences.
Can you guys not just talk about your side of twi...your experiences...your impressions...Please ??? Why this irrational need to discredit anyone who doesn`t agree with you as mentally unstable, or a liar??
I am so tired of having my veracity, my integrity and character called into question when I discuss what happened to me in twi.
It is very unkind.
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Tom Strange
ahhh, no.... Jesus was guilty of the crimes he was accused wasn't he? yet another 'let's compare veepee & LCM to Jesus and Paul' analogy ...sheesh!
THEIR claims are shallow and easy to see through...
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I for one am very glad you're so strong, rascal. if the bullies had run you off with their cruelty, I might not have been able to leave twi as quickly. your experiences parallel mine in so many ways and your testimony really helped me.
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Jesus was innocent Pilate asked the crowd to chose who should go free because of the sabboth hgih holy day, because he found him guilty of no crime read the account tom, read how piate was in torment and why he washed his hands claiming he found nothing of Jesus did wrong and would have no part of the mobs choice.
he gave them the choice because he found NOTHING Jesus did wrong, but the mob and religous leaders they kept after Pilate to put him on as one of the choices and blam, the people said ..
crucify him .
Jesus was never guilty of any crime your a trip.
as far comparing lcm or vpw they are not part of why i ask her to be clear on her post. I think she says if enough testimony is together that should rule as guilty.. and it did for Jesus and they were wrong.
nothing to do with lcm or vpw at all.
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probably when they said "release to us Barabbas". Let em go.. a charismatic leader ya know.. really "moved da word" in Israel.
Kinda like "let's let loy off da hook.." "or vic"..
or "he who walks in darkness, but never mixes his bread and vegetables".
Oh.. that was my last limb coordinator's claim to fame. The mixing of bread and vegetables part that is. That's what they taught him in da corps ya know. Really.. no joke.
you know.
Mark and avoid someone with honest questions or doubts..
have a stalk of celery..
defame another brother in christ..
have some green beans.. but no bread. His way of averting gastrointestinal disaster..
and people think I'm nutty..
How they could ordain someone with the intellectual acumen of a third grader.. and the common sense of a lemming, in charge of a whole state and then region..
well, that's "der vey" in a nutshell..
he's probably on the prez's cabinet now..
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Pond you were saying peer pressure was not a crime. But I said those other things "would be" a crime. Then I said this is a different level of "prosecution" than a court room. So the court of public opinion will decide on this lower level. It is not a question of guilt based on a mob being persuaded ... in this case it is a mob of first hand witnesses.
But even in your example ... are you trying to say the mob is ALWAYS wrong?
And to go back to the herd mentality, it can exist in herds or dens ... and those structures are developed over time. There may be herds of abused women, herds of angry ex twits, packs of TWI defenders ... so you do try to look at facts and first hand accounts, recognizing the tendency to defend one's own.
I'm thinking those still in TWI are a much tighter pack that most of the herds here ... but I don't feel overly committed to any flock. But with courtroom testimony already being accepted regarding much of the abuse ... it is really pretty silly to pretend it wasn't happening.
A person defending his own personal guilt/territory may be the most aggressive of territorial animals. Especially when they were predator like to begin with.
Now we can call in a trained psychologist/sociologist to more fully expound the herd/territorial nature of man.
Maybe it all goes back to when man first clubbed his neighbors woman and drug her back to his cave. Ugh.
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he had a dull, dumb, content look on his face, as he fondly described his bread and vegetables..
no joke..
I thought at the time, if I handed him a loaf of italian bread or a bagel, he'd start petting it..
sowy.. no idea what got me on this..
He was a mini-loy. I can see loy and him together in residence, spending quality time..
"we eat our bread, we do not pet it, mini-me.."
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In USA we have safe guards to protect us from such a mentality. The media is a contender no doubt.
yes i agree the standard for places like the internet are much "lower". and acceptable for some.
public opion is what runs America we decide what we want as a crime and how to establish it the people do decide.
as a group we are the ones who put the laws on the books. is that herd mentality in a sense yes it is.. but a much larger "herd" ususaly prevails correct?
the problem with hear say is just that anyone can say anything they want and no standard is set for truth.... it puts all at risk for the next tryant with the bigger herd or mouth.
the people do decide what we want in usa , it is the standard, we can and do change our ideals although a very slow process i still feel it is better than a dicator deciding for one and all.
when we go before a jury the jury is not our friends and coworker or buddies in crime anyone like that would be eliminated for conflict of interest etc... it is peers a cross section of society who are given what we the people have for laws to decide if the are guilty or innocent.. they do not just get in a room and say WELL I THINK and i know tommy and i know suzy and they are good people so they are innocent. Or geez i heard from my neighbor that guy has a dog and it once pooped on her lawn and he never picked it up so she is guilty!
in fact you can not even know those who are trial in any way.
why not?because of the very issues that inclusion and herd mentaility brings upon justice.
what i hear you saying with this lower standard ideal is look we are greaspotter we have our own standard that we believe to be true and if it doesnt work for you then your ging to be a very bad person and prosecuted here by us in our "lower standard"s, because we out number you..
and if that isnt intimidation ya know why even bother being rational or to seek any type of truth at all?
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I think he was "special corps".
one of the special, the few, the brave, the foolhardy..
maybe one of the requirements for his assignment was to huff a prescribed amount of glue..
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome your leadership for 20XX"..
but his wife.. was a "FOX" with a capital F... and if anybody had the brains in the family, it was her..
Even at the time, I wondered if loy put them together, knowing she'd be able keep track of him..
"now honey, we put our LEFT foot in the LEFT shoe.."
I honestly couldn't see what she saw in him..
I had my suspicions and at time doubts.. but when they sent this guy out on the field.. I finally saw I was following a boatload of lunatics..
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Sincerely, I'd like to give thanks, for rosie, loy, and the bod, for their remarkable insight, in sending this numbnut to my state, and helping me to see the truth for what it in reality is..
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when i think about how it was then and how I think now I am just amazed and in a greater sense thankful it is over and now I know what for the love of God took one hell of a toll to learn.
I better check my own self is so ingrained in me i can not even consider what another says without looking within first now.
In twi I allowed a leader tell me because it was her sister who had married the limb leader and she knew that guy and they were friends and nothing and i mean anything i could possibly think about him negative was just from satan.
and besides I was a "babe " in the word and never took the advanced class so not worth even listening to.
at the end of the day I was right and people paid a very high price for my willing to trust another because of group think and friends in high places etc.
I swear to God almighty it will never ever ever happen again on my watch.
and that in a nut shell is who I am now forever changed .
so i do get why you guys butch up and do what you do I just think it is very dangerous and how people get hurt.
they were good at manipulation and i was one very stupid young girl..
i changed into a person who must always check and evaluate the truth i have inside and be dammed who is teling me different.
one really bad mistake can change your life forever.
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I get that
I thank God I was marked and avoided because i had time with people who where not involved in the way so when i went back they all sounded like the teacher on the peanut cartoon voice and i just couldnt hear it anymore.
thankl God
although i did cry for six months and I really did think we were all gonna die a horrible death and God didnt love me any more.
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thanks for the honest post, pond. you seem more like a real person now, and not so different from some of us who still need to cry and who are still getting over the fear.
you were lucky to be M&A'd. I wish I'd been. I'd be a lot further ahead if I had been.
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Yeah. The last meeting I had with this whatever he was..
In a high squeaky voice.. no joke.. his wife sounded like a baritone compared to him..
"If I were you, I'd spill my guts. We KNOW something is wrong with you.. let's hear it.."
and he was MINDLESS. He didn't have a clue.. he grasping at straws, trying to figure out who the "troublemaker" was in his limb.. who was standing in front of the great prevailing power of gawd, who was just begging to send new people our way to be confronted into oblivion..
I said.. "hmmm. OK.. let me think about it, I'll get back with you." He looked like he got a punch in the stomach.. "duhhhh, wellll, OK... that's a good idea.. ummmm.."
at that very moment.. I saw that I was had.. had by false threats and promises.. had by a group of madmen, for YEARS..
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I can only speculate on what would have happened in the chain of events of that time of my life if the "minister" had not told me i was marked, i cried and I asked what that means
and he said i was not allowed to go to fellowship and that he would hold a meeting and tell them
no i do not think you would have prefered to been marked it was horrible. then but not today.
but how Jesus healed me in the end so good news.
i went back you know years later in the 90's it was an odd group huh?
of course i ran into way people on the street or whatever and they would tell me what happened to me and let me tell you they were so wrong so very wrong on why i was marked and even i couldnt tell them different and it was my life they knew so much about.
ok? that is what im saying about how people are they get together and fill in the balnks oftentimes irregardless of any facts even with the actual person telling them different!!
yall are into testimony and that is mine really , i learned how people can be and how twi were numb to reality beyond belief .
and it doesnt go away unless serious work is done and of course i believe the Lord helping you become whole again
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