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  WhiteDove said:

Since you are throwing my name about I'll remind you that I never put down anyone here . I simply asked that if someone was accusing another of a crime ,or any likewise serious charge ,they should in a public format have some documentable evidence to back up their story . This is common place in the media and a reasonable request. I doubt you would feel so compelled to accept the heat as you put it if I were to accuse you of being a child molester. I'm guessing that you would want some explanation why I thought so, some reason for my accusation maybe? I was hurt, can I just say anything I want about you and you'll just let it slide? Doubtful.........

And again, since we are going over this one more time, the point here on this forum is that the burden for proof here on an anonymous public internet forum is NOT the same as it is in a court of law, or in a journalistic publication such as a newspaper. It's lower.

What that means is that you have plenty of hurt people who have a venue to vent their feelings at what happened to them, receive some support, and help heal.

And you have a number of pinheads on here who like to attack those people's stories, discount them, try and uphold standards for accusations that don't apply, and in general behave like buttheads in many ways exactly like the insensitive morally depraved control freak morons who hurt them in the first place.

And that of course is why people post their stories here and then leave.

But maybe that's the intent of the buttheads. Damage control for TWI, trying to discount stories by these tactics, and drive away people so more aren't affected.

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  WhiteDove said:
Thats just it there are no facts presented...... Only a one sided version. Or what they thought they may have heard or at least maybe understood them to mean or well hey they made me wash my face once and I didn't like that so what the hell I'll just say anything cause I don't like that person. So Drew Peterson says he did nothing to his wife or wives by your standard do we just believe his facts of his experiance? Maybe you should call the police and let them know that what he says is truth because he says so . They wont be needing any facts to get in the way of his experiance. :rolleyes:

WhiteDove, my speculation is that you work for the public relations department at TWI.

What exactly is so wrong or evil about a one-sided story? We never get to hear both sides, and not the other side, as TWI and leaders there are too busy with the silent treatment and damage control tactics. Hell how many people have they paid off in lawsuits to keep from having both sides of the story exposed for all to see and make their own judgements?

What we have here at GS is a little bit of an exposure site. So people who want nothing more than forget their experiences with TWI and move on come on here, find similar stories of evil functioning, get incensed, post their experiences, feel better about themselves, and move on.

But as for you, to quote Shakespeare,

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

Hamlet Act 3 Scene 2

Edited by chockfull
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  chockfull said:
And you have a number of pinheads on here who like to attack those people's stories, discount them, try and uphold standards for accusations that don't apply, and in general behave like buttheads in many ways exactly like the insensitive morally depraved control freak morons who hurt them in the first place.

And that of course is why people post their stories here and then leave.

But maybe that's the intent of the buttheads. Damage control for TWI, trying to discount stories by these tactics, and drive away people so more aren't affected.

Chockfull...I think you've hit the proverbial nail on the head here, and I didn't see it until just now!! :asdf:


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And again, since we are going over this one more time, the point here on this forum is that the burden for proof here on an anonymous public internet forum is NOT the same as it is in a court of law, or in a journalistic publication such as a newspaper. It's lower.

Says who? People are responsible for what they put out on the internet everyday, you can't just make accusations that are unfounded.

WhiteDove, my speculation is that you work for the public relations department at TWI.

Well I guess I better see where those paycheck are.

What exactly is so wrong or evil about a one-sided story?

Let me start one about you and maybe you'll see, I doubt you will stand in such contempt when it's about you. What would you like to be a thief?, a child molester?, a rapist?, a sex trafficker? a drug dealer? Seriously are you that thick that you don't get it that most people prefer to have a say in what is being circulated about them.

We never get to hear both sides, and not the other side, as TWI and leaders there are too busy with the silent treatment and damage control tactics. Hell how many people have they paid off in lawsuits to keep from having both sides of the story exposed for all to see and make their own judgments?

Really? I believe that we heard another side of the story at LCM deposition. Indeed, not every story but enough to see the" for rent sign in his office". And I say good for them...... By the way that was done in a court, fancy that for a place to get justice who'd have thought?. It has a documentable trail and an after effect. I think that speaks loudly of the story, certainly more than a faceless icon on an internet.

What we have here at GS is a little bit of an exposure site. So people who want nothing more than forget their experiences with TWI and move on come on here, find similar stories of evil functioning, get incensed, post their experiences, feel better about themselves, and move on.

I have no disagreement to anyone posting their story, as long as it is represented as that, a story, not a given truth, until such time as it is factual, until that point the fact is it is one person telling one side of a story. May be true, may be false, may be a little of both, Who knows? That leaves the reader to guess, or make a choice as to truth based on personality and personality put forth on a faceless computer no less. If this system worked so well I'd bet that legal system would jump at the chance to use it. Just let the charged place a hamster picture on the net , and let the victim with a flower picture of course ,tell their side of the story and only their side, and we all could convict him based on that. Of course we could all tell which was telling the truth ,no need for any facts either by the way just accusations will be fine...............

Edited by WhiteDove
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  WhiteDove said:

Since you are throwing my name about I'll remind you that I never put down anyone here .

Having personally been on the recieving end of your accusations and put downs for years...I`d have to say that *currently* would be more honest and accurate than *never*

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  rascal said:
Having personally been on the recieving end of your accusations and put downs for years...I`d have to say that *currently* would be more honest and accurate than *never*

Rascal I have never had a personal fight with you as a person ,only your mission to throw whatever you feel like out there as truth. Until you can take it from the hearsay catagory to the factual with tangible proof I will continue to point that out. I spoke an opinion in opposition to that which I believe has not met the burdon of truth.

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The GSC does not have to provide "equal time."

The GSC IS "equal time."

If one is looking for twi's POV, one can find it from twi whenever they want.

Furthermore, ask THEM for the truth about any of the "allegations"-


and watch how far the answer deviates from "the truth" AS REPORTED IN A COURT OF LAW.

Heck, lots of people CURRENTLY in still have not been told the truth of vpw's cause of death-

and that's on his Death Certificate.

They've spun-control admissions of guilt of lcm, and what the current President of their group

knew before they were sued.

In twi, there is NO HOPE to get the truth-especially if it's truth they don't LIKE.

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  WhiteDove said:
Until you can take it from the hearsay catagory to the factual with tangible proof I will continue to point that out. I spoke an opinion in opposition to that which I believe has not met the burdon of truth.

Has this messageboard been replaced with a COURT OF LAW when I wasn't looking?

People telling their personal stories, of things they've suffered-which is ONE of the purposes of the GSC-

is, by definition, HEARSAY unless they caught the afflicter on videotape.

Pawtucket has said, recently:

We are here to tell the other side of the story.
All stories are from a POV. Many are about recovery. If TWI and/or it's leadership, past of present, are the "villains" then so be it.
Your opinions don't invalidate the reality of the story.
  pawtucket said:


do we need an OFFICIAL ruling on this from the admin?

I bet some of us will need one in black and white....

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word wolf is right.

At least GSC is here to give those who wonder a taste of a different perspective and they can decide what truth they want to believe.

I know when i was marked my god i was soo paranoid so very paranoid i really thought life was going to end because i was not allowed to to go twig!

it is a powerful force and feeling and some here remember it well, GSC allows one to feel less alone less evil about leaving twi no matter how you left.

where eles can a person go for that? the offshoots drag you into their agenda , and that works for soem but not all who leave.

priceless really. GSC is.

What white dove writes about is absolutely true, and he isnt the only one thinking in such a manner, we all do unless the one ranting about a story .

leaving twi your mind is often about the attack of the satan being out to get them remember ? and storys that sound outrageous and cant be in any manner proven or even verified can and will be easily dismissed as internet babble.

logic dictates that. What GSC has that is very valuable as I metioned before is the front page news story the facts of what happened some off shoot time line stuff that people can put together to draw their won conclusion. and it is very helpful i think.

acciuntability to truth is at zero level on forums open to the public , this is not invalidating anything it is simply a fact of life.

that is to say ,as in leaving twi or staying in a group, it truly is up to each person and their own thoughts to decide what they chose to believe.

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The GSC does not have to provide "equal time."

The GSC IS "equal time."

Fair enough, You are correct it is under no obligation to provide such. However those people that do choose to speak here on either side of the coin do need to make their case, if they expect someone to accept their version of the story as truth. You have consistently challenged that of me WW I expect no less of others . We all should play by the same rules.

If one is looking for twi's POV, one can find it from twi whenever they want.

Furthermore, ask THEM for the truth about any of the "allegations"-


and watch how far the answer deviates from "the truth" AS REPORTED IN A COURT OF LAW.

Heck, lots of people CURRENTLY in still have not been told the truth of vpw's cause of death-

and that's on his Death Certificate.

They've spun-control admissions of guilt of lcm, and what the current President of their group

knew before they were sued.

In twi, there is NO HOPE to get the truth-especially if it's truth they don't LIKE.

I think I said not every story was factually presented I have no disagreement that spin control was evident ,but they had their day in court and that was their choice as to what they wanted to say. If they posted here I hold them to the same standard to proove their words as well. Apparently it did not work out well, they settled and LCM is working selling fitness plans or tools at HD. I'm fine with that, he had his day and came up lacking and that which was said is doccumentable. I'll add this I know of one of the people in those suits, they were quite content to enjoy the situation while the perks were good when it became not so attractive or as the Eagles said

"You say you haven’t been the same since you had your little crash

But you might feel better if I gave you some cash"

it became a different story. That does not excuse the situation by any means, and the price was paid, maybe not enough of a price for sure, but I do think there is some co responsibility at least in that case. It's a little dishonest to enjoy the ride and then cry victim when the ride no longer thrills you. Perhaps that is why the case was settled out of court.

Edited by WhiteDove
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  WordWolf said:
If one is looking for twi's POV, one can find it from twi whenever they want.

Furthermore, ask THEM for the truth about any of the "allegations"-


and watch how far the answer deviates from "the truth" AS REPORTED IN A COURT OF LAW.

Heck, lots of people CURRENTLY in still have not been told the truth of vpw's cause of death-

and that's on his Death Certificate.

They've spun-control admissions of guilt of lcm, and what the current President of their group

knew before they were sued.

In twi, there is NO HOPE to get the truth-especially if it's truth they don't LIKE.






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  WhiteDove said:
It's not a crime until proven a crime that's how the justice system works in the USA

Perhaps you live on an alternate earth with a different set of definitions.

A crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding it or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. (American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd ed.)

The fact that someone is not punished for a crime does not mean that the act was not criminal.

Murders and robberies go unsolved. Battery and rape go unpunished because the victim was intimidated or ashamed.

They're still crimes, in THIS USA.


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  GeorgeStGeorge said:
Perhaps you live on an alternate earth with a different set of definitions.

A crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding it or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction. (American Heritage Dictionary, 2nd ed.)

The fact that someone is not punished for a crime does not mean that the act was not criminal.

Murders and robberies go unsolved. Battery and rape go unpunished because the victim was intimidated or ashamed.

They're still crimes, in THIS USA.


for which punishment is imposed upon conviction......... and which it is not their crime in the case of the person that was found not guilty of said crime. And is an act committed or omitted in violation of a law means the one claiming a crime was committed has to prove their claim. Imagine that they require some proof, what a novel idea. No proof no crime ! If the police man can't offer reasonable proof you were speeding then no crime was committed on your part ,it is a dismissed accusation due to lack of evidence and there is no crime on your record which is just what I said

It's not a crime until proven a crime that's how the justice system works in the USA

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So.. if I get in a REALLY REALLY good disguise, rob a dozen banks.. mug more than several influential people in the community..

if I'm not convicted.. it's not a crime.

Makes perfect sense. They couldn't charge me with a crime to begin with. They'd have to have a conviction before they could even arraign me..

Maybe I'm in the wrong profession..


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  WhiteDove said:

Fair enough, You are correct it is under no obligation to provide such. However those people that do choose to speak here on either side of the coin do need to make their case, if they expect someone to accept their version of the story as truth. You have consistently challenged that of me WW I expect no less of others . We all should play by the same rules.

WD... no one expects you to ever believe "their stories"... it's just not very nice to walk up to a person on the sidewalk that's just been mugged and tell them 'how do I know you're telling the truth?' ...I'd hate to be your "friend" in real life, I'd have to carry around a damn video camera...

As to the rest of the swill you posted in response to WW... not even worth the trouble of typing a response... other than to say despicable, truly despicable

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  WhiteDove said:
It's not a crime until proven a crime that's how the justice system works in the USA

That's certainly NOT TRUE (yes, you may infer "A Lie")...

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This crime (krīm) Pronunciation Key


An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it and for which punishment is imposed upon conviction.

Unlawful activity: statistics relating to violent crime.

A serious offense, especially one in violation of morality.

An unjust, senseless, or disgraceful act or condition: It's a crime to squander our country's natural resources.

for which punishment is imposed upon conviction

It does not say "without conviction, no crime ocurred"...

Edited by Tom Strange
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  Bumpy said:

Senor Bump, you'll have to take my word for it as I did not have a video camera handy... but... within the last couple of years I've been told that TWI admits that "LCM had a ONE TIME consensual affair"... period ...end of discussion. Believe it or not... cuz I'm not gonna fly out to where ever they are and ask them to let me video them...

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  Tom Strange said:
Senor Bump, you'll have to take my word for it as I did not have a video camera handy... but... within the last couple of years I've been told that TWI admits that "LCM had a ONE TIME consensual affair"... period ...end of discussion. Believe it or not... cuz I'm not gonna fly out to where ever they are and ask them to let me video them...

Das ist sehr gut!

But it does not cover za qvestion of what za Wolf was portraying, imo. DWBH went to za lions den and conducted a q & a.

If za wolf is as thorough as many of his postings, throughly furnishing us with top quality info. to back up his claims of "za truth", VE would not have to guess. :confused:

We need Madam Rosie, and dept. heads, and testiMONEY as to za current "State of AFFAIRS"!! :biglaugh:

I am sorry, but noxing less vill do! :spy:

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a dictionary is used to define the use of a word in a sentence.

basic grammer laws apply to all words: such as is the word used as a noun or a verb an adverb etc.. that is why we use a dictionary to define words in a sentence hello hence different meanings for the SAME word .

I read upon conviction in your definition tom strange.

example broken down for ya dude:

foot ... a part of the body "my foot hurts". simple enough eh? or we have the dictionary word



Pronunciation: (foot), [key]

—n., pl. feet for 1–4, 8–11, 16, 19, 21; foots for 20;



1. (in vertebrates) the terminal part of the leg, below the ankle joint, on which the body stands and moves.

2. (in invertebrates) any part similar in position or function.

3. such a part considered as the organ of locomotion.

4. a unit of length, originally derived from the length of the human foot. It is divided into 12 inches and equal to 30.48 centimeters. Abbr.: ft., f.

5. foot soldiers; infantry.

6. walking or running motion; pace: swift of foot.

7. quality or character of movement or motion; tread; step.

8. any part or thing resembling a foot, as in function, placement, shape, etc.

9. Furniture.

a. a shaped or ornamented feature terminating a leg at its lower part.

b. any of several short legs supporting a central shaft, as of a pedestal table.

10. a rim, flange, or flaring part, often distinctively treated, serving as a base for a table furnishing or utensil, as a glass, teapot, or candlestick.

11. the part of a stocking, sock, etc., covering the foot.

12. the lowest part, or bottom, of anything, as of a hill, ladder, page, etc.

13. a supporting part; base.

14. the part of anything opposite the top or head: He waited patiently at the foot of the checkout line.

15. the end of a bed, grave, etc., toward which the feet are placed: Put the blanket at the foot of the bed, please.

16. Print.the part of the type body that forms the sides of the groove, at the base. See diag. under type.

17. the last, as of a series.

18. that which is written at the bottom, as the total of an account.

19. Pros.a group of syllables constituting a metrical unit of a verse.

20. Usually, foots.

a. sediment or dregs.

b. footlights.

21. Naut.the lower edge of a sail.

22. get off on the right or wrong foot, to begin favorably or unfavorably: He got off on the wrong foot with a tactless remark about his audience.

23. get or have a or one's foot in the door, to succeed in achieving an initial stage or step.

24. have one foot in the grave. See grave 1 (def. 5).

25. on foot, by walking or running, rather than by riding.

26. put one's best foot forward,

a. to attempt to make as good an impression as possible.

b. to proceed with all possible haste; hurry.

27. put one's foot down, to take a firm stand; be decisive or determined.

28. put one's foot in it or into it, Informal.to make an embarrassing blunder. Also,put one's foot in or into one's mouth.

29. set foot on or in, to go on or into; enter: Don't set foot in this office again!

30. under foot, in the way: That cat is always under foot when I'm getting dinner.

get it?

atool used to understand the meaning of a word, sentence structure and grammer apply in understanding the meaning of any sentence correct?

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Of course, those who were close to the top who confronted anybody about this..

look what happened to Ra*ph D..

Other people were told "it's none of your business"..

Here.. I'll try for you Bumpy.

"*mr* linder, a formal statement is being requested by the Squirrel as to the nature of these allegations. Please infom rosie that we demand a formal statment as to the number of "affairs" the old pres had, along with acts of abuse and cruelty, the number of "affairs" and acts of abuse that occured under her watch, why to this day der vey refuses to acknowledge to true cause of death of it's founder, why the founder participated in fraud and documented plagiarism, how many alleged druggings and rapes she may have aware of, etc.. etc.."

and an answer to the ALLEGATIONS based on others observations of the nature of the relationship between the current pres and the last pres's (ex?) wife.

why in God's name.. you think you own the copyright to one of Jesus's names..

Oh.. and why "they" tried pegging the failures of da ministry on others, and more specifically, the Squirrel, saying "we KNOW something is wrong here.." when the evil they sought was merely in their own laps..

we're just getting warmed up with a few innocent little questions.

No big deal. I'm sure *they* will be along shortly..

Maybe they'll send rico with a letter or something..

unless someone else is in charge of the nuts and pea soup department now..


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vp's ch - it still stinks in the bones of 2008

one day it will be gone forever-thankfully

the evidence is clear to a clear thinking person

go ahead and practice his garbage

the stink remains, and is dealt with here

i grow tired of ignorance and willful blindness

rather then searching and finding answers

rejoicing in making the questions harder is turning in on itself

i too miss the ones who spoke of love and truth and life and death

the true realities that have been left to fight an endless war

whitedove, i don't believe your dogma

it's meant as a distraction purposefully

and it's working quite well

you are not honest

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  Mr. Hammeroni said:
Of course, those who were close to the top who confronted anybody about this..

look what happened to Ra*ph D..

Other people were told "it's none of your business"..

Here.. I'll try for you Bumpy.


Herr Squirrrell, as a scurrying scavAnger of nuts to keep yourself in winter shape, you must not give up za chase for truth, justice and za ex-cult Vey! :biglaugh:

You must find deep throat or there will be no NEW info. regarding the current cult twi status.

Undercover, in parking lots, restaurants, New Knokwurst hotels, interviews with "sources", unwary members, NEW INFORMATION!! If this type of adventure had been carried out BEFORE you had invested all your YEARS of servitude...Think of the squirrrrel you voud be Today!!

The OLD CHEESE is beginning to smell like Denmark! :biglaugh:

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What I find puzzling...is that in order to abide by these beliefs...wierwille/pfal supporters need to villainize the people who`s experiences indicate possible contradictions.

In order to maintain ones beliefs...someone must diminish the credibility of the one presenting their experiences. Either the poster is psychotic, or a liar, or an exaggerator, though there is multiple accounts...it is claimed that there is no evidence....

It some how seems to cause the defender a feeling of comfort, it seems to some how allow one to feel comfortable with their beliefs. It is a lot more comfortable to believe that we were once God`s elite crack troops, setting the world on fire...than to accept the accounts of abuse and wonder if we were simply decieved and our effort used to serve evil men :(

Dove, as far as you not having a problem with me?? I`d say the years of following my posts with attempts at discredit my experiences as those of a whiner, as possibly a lie...as probably untrue because it won`t stand up in a criminal court of law...the way you sometimes led the group as they gleefully assassinated my character time and again when I was relating my experiences....was unpleasant and vindictive.

Yes, you have changed this year, you no longer come straight out and point your finger at me as a liar or my post as those of a whiner or a lunatic.....your continued insinuation that my experiences are nothing more than hearsay, and inuendos of my testimony not being reliable....is never the less still an assault on my personal character and integrity. You are just more clever in your wording more diplomatic in your put downs, so that you can come off as a nice guy :(

You go so far far over board to accuse me ...some one whom has never been accused of a crime, whom has never ever been shown to be a liar....you do this in defense of men whom have been accused by thousands of individuals of misdeeds, of crimes committed.....of horrible accounts of abuse of their authority as Christian ministers...

Can you not see how hypocritical that is??

What you did to a sister in Christ was unconscionable. Do you not wonder at a vbelief system that allows you to do this with impunity?

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