"There is no use trying" said Alice, "one can't believe impossible things".
"I dare say, you haven?t had much practice" said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast".
did you not show us more about B.G. Lenord or Oral Roberts and their healing ministries?
You gracefully showed us the work of E.W. Bullinger, inspite of his trinitarian belief and his belief that the power of God died with the original apostles. You showed us what he taught that was right; and explained his errors.
How about Lamsa, clark, Kenyon, Mosley and their truths, inspite of their errors.
Why, VP did you not show us the ministry of B.G. and the mighty, mighty miracles he produced, in spite of some of his personal experiences and beliefs. Why? Why? Why not, VP?
To this day, there are multiple films and videos of Oral Roberts tent crusades (1947-1963) where hundreds of people were healed. It was done so many times, in these tent crusades, decent and in order. At times, instantaneous miracles of healing, people walking out of wheelchairs, the blind getting their sight back, demoms cast out, cripples walking. All there for us to see, visualize and experience to swell our confidence in God and his power.
Why, why, VP did you not show us these things that were available to us, for our learning, for us to see, with our eyes, to build us up and give us confidence to do the works of Christ?
Sure, Oral, B.G. had their faults, so did you.
They believed differently than you, so did Bullinger, Lamsa, and the bishop from India.
I think I have the answer, but it is too dreadful to even speak.
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"Do you have a tire iron, friend?"
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No Way
"are the dead alive now????"
sorry, i had to...
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Umm, nothing. But I will wave at him as I go by.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while!
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ummm....about craig
God didn't happen to actually say Clark?
"There is no use trying" said Alice, "one can't believe impossible things".
"I dare say, you haven?t had much practice" said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast".
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Dan & No-way... briliant! Lol.
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did you not show us more about B.G. Lenord or Oral Roberts and their healing ministries?
You gracefully showed us the work of E.W. Bullinger, inspite of his trinitarian belief and his belief that the power of God died with the original apostles. You showed us what he taught that was right; and explained his errors.
How about Lamsa, clark, Kenyon, Mosley and their truths, inspite of their errors.
Why, VP did you not show us the ministry of B.G. and the mighty, mighty miracles he produced, in spite of some of his personal experiences and beliefs. Why? Why? Why not, VP?
To this day, there are multiple films and videos of Oral Roberts tent crusades (1947-1963) where hundreds of people were healed. It was done so many times, in these tent crusades, decent and in order. At times, instantaneous miracles of healing, people walking out of wheelchairs, the blind getting their sight back, demoms cast out, cripples walking. All there for us to see, visualize and experience to swell our confidence in God and his power.
Why, why, VP did you not show us these things that were available to us, for our learning, for us to see, with our eyes, to build us up and give us confidence to do the works of Christ?
Sure, Oral, B.G. had their faults, so did you.
They believed differently than you, so did Bullinger, Lamsa, and the bishop from India.
I think I have the answer, but it is too dreadful to even speak.
Others know......Please tell us.......
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Mister P-Mosh
I would say, "Flight attendant, get the pilot's gun, this man just yelled 'Jihad' and tried to light his shoe on fire!
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Probably wouldn`t say a word...just allow my middle finger express my sentiments towards him.
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How about "bless you" or "you're (barf) the best"?
"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
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a thing of beauty
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Personally approves the wine list.
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Go to he11! Oops, I guess you are on your way down there, aren't you...
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i have a parachute, but i'm not going to help YOU
sowwy if this has been said, haven't been reading
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Can you personally autograph that PFAL book that Jesus has in his hand?
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The Best? right....
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Dot Matrix
"i have a parachute, but i'm not going to help YOU"
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"Jesus I know, Paul I am familiar with, but who are you?"
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Golfie ------ amennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"Vic, A lot of us, about 100,000 PFAL grads, wish YOU WERE HALF THE MAN YOU LED US TO BELIEVE YOU WERE."
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LOL ex and Pmosh
ex that is what I was going to say.
"WOW, Pigs do fly....I believe!"
OK then...Who's your mommy?
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haha Doze, to funny
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