yes "God doesn't lie, people lie." but people all so do not get the whole picture or whole truth
I bet you asked why I say that because
1 Cor 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
if prophecy is only in part its like a picture of a house on paper -v- a 3D mold of a house of the same
both are art but in the picture on paper we only see part of the details
We taught Jesus Christ is the son of God but some teach Jesus Christ is God
what if and a big if both are right
What if Jesus Christ is God's son that grow into a God himself not the Creator but a God-kind like being like we are mankind
Christ is God-kind which is a spiritual being
Christ being like God but at the same time not God but the first to become a God-kind because God all ways was making God 0 before first
this kind of thinking trows a wrench in Way-teachings but why not think outside the box because we only prophecy in part so all written word is only part nothing is whole
I put the ideal that scriptures interpreting themselves in the dust and I reach up to Christ to teach me one on one now
its wild I will changed a believe I had then God by way of Christ his son shows me how to share it with others either by using the bible or just plain words
Do not worry God and most of us here understand its a growing thing like learning to walk
I am blessed that you came and join us here in the basement
roy, I think sometimes I forget to just go to the Word and re-read it. On Pentecost their tongues were understood. How cool that must have been. How often I forget to keep things simple. Thanks!
Me too! I think my view of the Bible was so warped at this point I didn't see much use in it. After listening to Roy and WW - it has really made me want to just shut everything I've ever learned off and just go and read up. I know I was taught so much junk in TWI with them mixing around verses to fit what they wanted them to say. It's just been nice - it's like looking at the same thing with a new perspective.
Nero, I'm very glad that you are "blessed and refreshed" as a result of the fellowship.(those are my words and not yours, but thats how you seem to me anyway) It would make me exceedingly glad if you continue to grow in knowledge on these things and have your heart settled in the truths you need to hold on to. Just give me a holler if you ever want to talk.
year2027, That's quite a lot once again. Once I can think of in the gospels (I don't know the reference right off hand) Jesus Christ reminded some that the scriptures called those to whom the scriptures came "gods." In heb1:8 God himself calls Jesus Christ, "god", and thats an old tesament quote. So it's clear to me that Jesus Christ as god is a valid consideration (it was for Thomas too: john 20:28) for all of us. I know that certain popular doctrines muddle the person of Jesus Christ up to much for me to hang with them right now, but I'm not against seeking fruitful fellowship with anyone. Personally I'm much more comfortable thinking about Jesus Christ in biblical terms like "god" than with nonbiblical terms like "big broham and the like" that were popular in the old days that seems to rob him of the awe and respect he's due.
I'm sorry if that last paragragh is off topic here, I'll stop now.
Found quite an INTERESTING scripture in Numbers this morning: (From The Message Bible):
Numbers 11:24-25:
"So Moses .... called together seventy of the leaders and had them stand around the Tent. God came down in a cloud and spoke to Moses and took some of the Spirit that was on him (Moses) and put it on the seventy leaders. When the Spirit rested on them they prophesied. But they didn't continue; it was a onetime event."
In the KJV it doesn't read like this, but Bullinger corroborates this paraphrase.
Can't help but wonder why it was only at the time they received the spirit that they could prophesy. The spirit didn't leave them....
Interesting, huh? Kind of like proof they had the spirit. Of course, they had visible proof of God in those days anyway, like the cloud by day and the fire by night. We don't get that nowadays. And, also no speaking on tongues. Just prophecy. And Joshua said the people knew they were prophesying (Spelling?)
JeffSjo - yes it takes time to think about it all my friend
irisheyes - lets begin with something I wrote years ago then I will try to put it in better words
Light of holy spirit
What it was like for Adam to have holy spirit.
Lets say Adam is a light bulb the ground wire is the earth and the hot wire is God’s spirit
The light was bright until Adam broke his hot wire to God spirit
Now man after that was a light bulb with no hot wire but when he stay under the spot light of God’s light shine on the light bulb and look like the light bulb was shining too.
But when he move away from the spot light of God he was in darkness.
Now when we get Christ us that light bulb hot is pull into Christ being a power plant in you which can never burn out.
Now this light bulb shines no matter what but he can put his self in a box so the world can not see the light shine.
Now all unbeliever light bulbs stay in the darkness unless some one brings them the light
of truth
ok now let me add to those old words
1. take a oil lamp fill it with fuel light it
2. the oil lamp shines bright
3. put a book over clear glass thing
4. wait
5. it smokes up while the glass turns black
6. the fire goes out
until you remove the book the oil lamp can not be relighted
other wise spirit to live needs to be able to feel God's love and give it back
now this gives you some ideal of what Adam did
but to understand spirit death we got to think about fleshly death and please only think about this part
1. take a healthly living body of soul life
2. put it in a bag so tight air can not get in or out
3. the body with out the abilty to breath in and out dies
4. what the cause
5. the unability to get to the flesh's world to get air
So once Adan jump in a box he close his self off from God's world
like the body die because it was cut off from the outside flesh world with air
spirit dies because it was cut off from the outside spiritual world of truth and love
just because a part of you die it does not mean you lose it
many people live with dead nerves in their body
Adam had a living growth life like plants - hair and etc
Adam had a living soul life - breath air life
Adam had a living spirit life until it died giving Adam a dead spirit - image of God
still three parts but until Christ came and recreated spiritual life by relighting it by not sining
Adam turn it off by sin
Christ turn it on by not sining
Now the glass part of the oil lamp can seemed to be lighted if a greater light bounces off its glass
The man on the stage if he wants to be seen as a lighted up person he must stray under the spot light
God uses his light to keep us safe until everything gets line up for our relighting
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
who is the him here?
Col 1:14-15 14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: 15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
so the him is Jesus Christ how can this be
God created the first earth and heaven
sin cause the second earth and heaven to come one part dying due to sin the other part cut off from the first
Christ is recreating the heaven and earth a act in movement
your words
it on the seventy leaders. When the Spirit rested on them they prophesied. But they didn't continue; it was a onetime event."
we just do not know of another one unless I am missing something
maybe some did after but not all
maybe they were afraid to enter the light again
there a lot of reasons
but just knowing they could means a lot they had faith too
one big thing is how big and how small is the word of God to us
is it only the books man put together or are there other books out there?
the big differ in things from old times to new times is
cleaning in one works outside in and the other inside out
things got better because there was hope
gifts of the spirit work from outside of the body to the inside in old times but now they work inside out
old the Light of God the Holy Spirit revealing Truth by love
New the Light of Christ planted in our hearts revealing Truth of God's love by love
changed came because a need of a changed was there and there was a promise of a coming changed
just because eyes are close it does not mean they do not see
when asleep less to changed our focus away from what we need to see
lets talk about faiths
in old times faith came by outward works of believing by trusting God loves us
in new times faith comes by inward works of believing by trusting Christ loved us who was sent by God
My head is too asleep to fully appreciate your post right now but I must take this opportunity to tell you again that you are such a gentle soul and I am proud to be able to read your inner thoughts.
Roy, just finished reading and like Kathy, will need to read again. But, I thought your examples were wonderful. Especially liked the light bulb and the ground and God. Awesome but simple. I also just read your post a few posts up. About Jesus being like God or becoming God or God like. Yes, there are many places it seems like that. How a trinity is squeezed out of all of that baffles me. The holy spirit a person? One of three people that make up God? I just don't see it. I do think there are valid scriptures that make it seems as if Jesus was around before he was born. I'm not saying he was, I don't know. But, on a "good" day, I could give them 2/3 of the trinity. But no where near 3 out of 3.
Have a good day, bro and thanks for all your time explaining! Who knows, I may have to footnote you in my book....
irisheyes - I glad you enjoy it and yes lets take things in slowly - yes trinity has got a bad name but I think it begin as a way to say God's spirit, Christ's spirit, and our spirit are of one kind all in one simple word - like three powers in some books (not the bible) for growth life, soul life, and spiritual life
as talking about trinity
1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
the word for are can be all so agree
agree G1526. eisi, i-see'; H3d pers. plur. pres. indic. of G1510; they are:--agree, are, be, dure, X is, were.
do the Father, the word, and the Holy Spirit agree has one - yes
as do the spirit, the water, and the blood agree has one - yes
just wanted to share this because we all Agree in God's word as one truth no matter who speaks it
when Christ walk by God's words he became a living example of God's words as we become a living example of God's words
the big differ in things from old times to new times is
cleaning in one works outside in and the other inside out
things got better because there was hope
gifts of the spirit work from outside of the body to the inside in old times but now they work inside out
old the Light of God the Holy Spirit revealing Truth by love
New the Light of Christ planted in our hearts revealing Truth of God's love by love
changed came because a need of a changed was there and there was a promise of a coming changed
just because eyes are close it does not mean they do not see
when asleep less to changed our focus away from what we need to see
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
Israel wanted a King to rule the land but our King was to bring us redemption through his life and thus each of us born of that promise could rule our actions and in so doing be a part of ruling the land in a godly fashion. Many, many have chosen not to do so and that was spoken of as well by God. And some refuse to believe Christ was the King because he didn't do what they wanted him to on this earth, which was not God's plan.
Once that holy spirit came and entered men who believed it was no longer necessary for such a show of power. Power then abode with each who became God's child. As you said Roy, it was then an inside job!
As those of old needed to see to believe we with spirit have that proof inside us, what more do we need to see but the results of that which we live and contribute to the human race. If that be good, awesome, if it be bad, our loss first then that of those who know us. And all the while God hurts for our poor choices I suspect.
And as you said just because the eyes are closed does not mean we don't see. I personally believe that we each know first where we fail way before another becomes aware of it. And closing our eyes and pretending we won't be impacted due it does not remove it from having been done.
I am certain I went places you were not meaning to go to because you had a specific goal and I just took the liberty of using your words to explore some.
I am certain I went places you were not meaning to go to because you had a specific goal and I just took the liberty of using your words to explore some.
yes you did go places I never dream of going but that the kind of things I love to see
because you showed me a part of the picture I may of never saw on my own
yes I know that some times I write with a focus but my goal is to learn some thing new
I believe we all have pieces of the puzzel in life from things that happen to us in real life
Kathy, an interesting side note: As far as I can tell, God only chose three kings on the Old Testament; Saul, David and Solomon. Kind of like three strikes and you're .................. out!
The rest of the kings were not God's choosing. After the first three, God decided to wait on Jesus.
I see it kind of like the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results! God is not insane--it's us.
It's certainly not difficult to see why there was a hunger for a king to right the wrongs, but the wrongs could never be righted by any man as king, they could only be righted by way of redemption brought on by the highest of Kings, our brother Jesus Christ.
And your comment about God not being insane reminded me of that joke about what if God made a stone too large to pick up, why he'd not make a stone too large to pick up, he's no dummy. <_<
I know this thread has come and gone, but it has caught my attention just the same. I have learned SO MUCH sisnce the way days, and as I look at the SIT occurences, my understanding has ... expanded (?)
Looking at Acts 2, the first thing I see is Israelites keeping an annual High Day - A Sabbath. When it says it was "fully come" , I don't think it means it was 3000 years in the making, I think it means the sun had come up. Biblically, the day starts at sundown. To God, the day starts at sundown (full dark) even today. So when the sun rose, they were smack dab in the middle of the day, literally.
There we thousands and thousands of Israelites coverged on the Holy City for this feast. It is a commandment to this day that it be observed by believers. (Yes, even Christians, and I can show you another time) All these people spoke different languages. Picture the U.N.
The miracle on this day was not that they "12" were speaking another language (I don't believe the were, by the way) but that they were UNDERSTOOD in the listener's language. "Do we not HEAR them speak in out tongue the wonderful works of God"?
The emphasis was not on the ones speaking, but the ones hearing.
Other place throughout Acts indicate the same thing - The emphisis is always on the ones hearing. Even when "the holy spirit fell on them as it did us in the beginning", the listeners heard in their own language. It doesn't say the speaker spoke another language. (Pretty slick, huh?)
Now, this is just me (we may not find out until The End) But, I believe the spoke their own language, every time, and the miracle was for the people that heard it. So, what are we doing when we SIT?
I have no idea.
There are more things in heaven and earth....
The Bible says we shall give an account of every (idle) word Matt 12:36
And Paul says Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?
He said if comes to them with tongues, if it is not with knowledge or revelation or prophecying....Wait a minute. I thought you don't know what you are saying when you speak in tongues, right? So, how could Paul speak in tongues with knowledge, or revelation...And the point he was making was to speak so everybody could understand.(in a common language) Even when he said:
Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.
The mphasis is not on him, but the hearer. I haven't got this all worked out, but to me, there is more scriptural evidence that tongues is a miracle for the hearer, than the speaker talking in a laguage they don't know.
On first glance I have to say I agree with WS, it seems very logical, and I'm nothing if not logical.
I guess I kinda worry when something fits with how I'd like to see it; i.e., MY beliefs. It seems like convenient justification, but in a few months our bible class will be studying Acts and I'll be able to give it some time and thought then. Right now, I'm in Exodus with the 10 commandments. Some neat stuff believe it or not....
Anyway, appreciated your input and will most definitely keep it forefront in my thinking for sure. THANKS!
Kathy, an interesting side note: As far as I can tell, God only chose three kings on the Old Testament; Saul, David and Solomon. Kind of like three strikes and you're .................. out!
The rest of the kings were not God's choosing. After the first three, God decided to wait on Jesus.
I see it kind of like the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results! God is not insane--it's us.
Hey Roy!
God didn't really want them to have any other king but Him in all reality, but they wanted to be like the nations around them, who had kings and so God gave them over to their own desires.
The miracle on this day was not that they "12" were speaking another language (I don't believe the were, by the way) but that they were UNDERSTOOD in the listener's language. "Do we not HEAR them speak in out tongue the wonderful works of God"?
I take the more traditional view that indeed they spoke in tongues, else why would Paul mention the ability at all if it wasn't siomnething that was being done by the believers? But what the Corinthians were doing were elevating the tongues to an unnatural degree and the focus of it being a blessing to the entire body was being obscured; and the focus was being put upon the individual believer for their own glory. However, at Pentecost, the OT prophecies spoke quite well in attestation that there would come a time when people would be speaking in unknown tongues. I have also heard it posited that the miracle was perhaps on both sides. To the speaker, they couldn't understand it, it was gibberish to their own ears, whereas even if you don't know a particular language, you can still make out that it is indeed a human language, even if you don't understand it; and for the hearer as well, because they were hearing this gibberish in their own languages. However, it really panned out on that day, we might just have to wait until the end when we can ask our Heavenly Father all about it.
And Paul says Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?
He said if comes to them with tongues, if it is not with knowledge or revelation or prophecying....Wait a minute. I thought you don't know what you are saying when you speak in tongues, right? So, how could Paul speak in tongues with knowledge, or revelation...And the point he was making was to speak so everybody could understand.(in a common language) Even when he said:
Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.
The mphasis is not on him, but the hearer. I haven't got this all worked out, but to me, there is more scriptural evidence that tongues is a miracle for the hearer, than the speaker talking in a laguage they don't know.
This was the immaturity of the Corinthian church and the fact that they were just running around SIT without any interpretation in their common language and so what would be the profit. Paul is simply reproving them for doing it this way and reminding them it is far better to be able to communicate in a known language unless you're going to bring forth the interpretation as well.
The word tongues in Corinthians means language. The word unknown is in italics, meaning it has been added by the translators.
The above statement - Baruch Ha Shem, Rachel Yishrael
Is you speaking in tongues to me - I don't speak that language, nor do I understand it.
But you do - apparently.
I speak English - With other languages (english, French or German - Whatever language they speak I suppose) will I speak to this people, and they still won't hear me, sayeth the LORD.
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God first
Beloved JeffSjo
God loves you my dear friend
yes "God doesn't lie, people lie." but people all so do not get the whole picture or whole truth
I bet you asked why I say that because
1 Cor 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
if prophecy is only in part its like a picture of a house on paper -v- a 3D mold of a house of the same
both are art but in the picture on paper we only see part of the details
We taught Jesus Christ is the son of God but some teach Jesus Christ is God
what if and a big if both are right
What if Jesus Christ is God's son that grow into a God himself not the Creator but a God-kind like being like we are mankind
Christ is God-kind which is a spiritual being
Christ being like God but at the same time not God but the first to become a God-kind because God all ways was making God 0 before first
this kind of thinking trows a wrench in Way-teachings but why not think outside the box because we only prophecy in part so all written word is only part nothing is whole
I put the ideal that scriptures interpreting themselves in the dust and I reach up to Christ to teach me one on one now
its wild I will changed a believe I had then God by way of Christ his son shows me how to share it with others either by using the bible or just plain words
Do not worry God and most of us here understand its a growing thing like learning to walk
I am blessed that you came and join us here in the basement
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Me too! I think my view of the Bible was so warped at this point I didn't see much use in it. After listening to Roy and WW - it has really made me want to just shut everything I've ever learned off and just go and read up. I know I was taught so much junk in TWI with them mixing around verses to fit what they wanted them to say. It's just been nice - it's like looking at the same thing with a new perspective.
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God first
Beloved Nero
God loves you my dear friend
I thank you and am sure WW does too
yes today those Way-cover glasses are gone
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Hi guys this is jeffsjo
Nero, I'm very glad that you are "blessed and refreshed" as a result of the fellowship.(those are my words and not yours, but thats how you seem to me anyway) It would make me exceedingly glad if you continue to grow in knowledge on these things and have your heart settled in the truths you need to hold on to. Just give me a holler if you ever want to talk.
year2027, That's quite a lot once again. Once I can think of in the gospels (I don't know the reference right off hand) Jesus Christ reminded some that the scriptures called those to whom the scriptures came "gods." In heb1:8 God himself calls Jesus Christ, "god", and thats an old tesament quote. So it's clear to me that Jesus Christ as god is a valid consideration (it was for Thomas too: john 20:28) for all of us. I know that certain popular doctrines muddle the person of Jesus Christ up to much for me to hang with them right now, but I'm not against seeking fruitful fellowship with anyone. Personally I'm much more comfortable thinking about Jesus Christ in biblical terms like "god" than with nonbiblical terms like "big broham and the like" that were popular in the old days that seems to rob him of the awe and respect he's due.
I'm sorry if that last paragragh is off topic here, I'll stop now.
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Found quite an INTERESTING scripture in Numbers this morning: (From The Message Bible):
Numbers 11:24-25:
"So Moses .... called together seventy of the leaders and had them stand around the Tent. God came down in a cloud and spoke to Moses and took some of the Spirit that was on him (Moses) and put it on the seventy leaders. When the Spirit rested on them they prophesied. But they didn't continue; it was a onetime event."
In the KJV it doesn't read like this, but Bullinger corroborates this paraphrase.
Can't help but wonder why it was only at the time they received the spirit that they could prophesy. The spirit didn't leave them....
Interesting, huh? Kind of like proof they had the spirit. Of course, they had visible proof of God in those days anyway, like the cloud by day and the fire by night. We don't get that nowadays. And, also no speaking on tongues. Just prophecy. And Joshua said the people knew they were prophesying (Spelling?)
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God first
Beloved JeffSjo and irisheyes
God loves you my dear friends
JeffSjo - yes it takes time to think about it all my friend
irisheyes - lets begin with something I wrote years ago then I will try to put it in better words
ok now let me add to those old words1. take a oil lamp fill it with fuel light it
2. the oil lamp shines bright
3. put a book over clear glass thing
4. wait
5. it smokes up while the glass turns black
6. the fire goes out
until you remove the book the oil lamp can not be relighted
other wise spirit to live needs to be able to feel God's love and give it back
now this gives you some ideal of what Adam did
but to understand spirit death we got to think about fleshly death and please only think about this part
1. take a healthly living body of soul life
2. put it in a bag so tight air can not get in or out
3. the body with out the abilty to breath in and out dies
4. what the cause
5. the unability to get to the flesh's world to get air
So once Adan jump in a box he close his self off from God's world
like the body die because it was cut off from the outside flesh world with air
spirit dies because it was cut off from the outside spiritual world of truth and love
just because a part of you die it does not mean you lose it
many people live with dead nerves in their body
Adam had a living growth life like plants - hair and etc
Adam had a living soul life - breath air life
Adam had a living spirit life until it died giving Adam a dead spirit - image of God
still three parts but until Christ came and recreated spiritual life by relighting it by not sining
Adam turn it off by sin
Christ turn it on by not sining
Now the glass part of the oil lamp can seemed to be lighted if a greater light bounces off its glass
The man on the stage if he wants to be seen as a lighted up person he must stray under the spot light
God uses his light to keep us safe until everything gets line up for our relighting
Col 1:16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
who is the him here?
Col 1:14-15 14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: 15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
so the him is Jesus Christ how can this be
God created the first earth and heaven
sin cause the second earth and heaven to come one part dying due to sin the other part cut off from the first
Christ is recreating the heaven and earth a act in movement
your words
we just do not know of another one unless I am missing something
maybe some did after but not all
maybe they were afraid to enter the light again
there a lot of reasons
but just knowing they could means a lot they had faith too
one big thing is how big and how small is the word of God to us
is it only the books man put together or are there other books out there?
the big differ in things from old times to new times is
cleaning in one works outside in and the other inside out
things got better because there was hope
gifts of the spirit work from outside of the body to the inside in old times but now they work inside out
old the Light of God the Holy Spirit revealing Truth by love
New the Light of Christ planted in our hearts revealing Truth of God's love by love
changed came because a need of a changed was there and there was a promise of a coming changed
just because eyes are close it does not mean they do not see
when asleep less to changed our focus away from what we need to see
lets talk about faiths
in old times faith came by outward works of believing by trusting God loves us
in new times faith comes by inward works of believing by trusting Christ loved us who was sent by God
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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My head is too asleep to fully appreciate your post right now but I must take this opportunity to tell you again that you are such a gentle soul and I am proud to be able to read your inner thoughts.
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Roy, just finished reading and like Kathy, will need to read again. But, I thought your examples were wonderful. Especially liked the light bulb and the ground and God. Awesome but simple. I also just read your post a few posts up. About Jesus being like God or becoming God or God like. Yes, there are many places it seems like that. How a trinity is squeezed out of all of that baffles me. The holy spirit a person? One of three people that make up God? I just don't see it. I do think there are valid scriptures that make it seems as if Jesus was around before he was born. I'm not saying he was, I don't know. But, on a "good" day, I could give them 2/3 of the trinity. But no where near 3 out of 3.
Have a good day, bro and thanks for all your time explaining! Who knows, I may have to footnote you in my book....
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God first
Beloved ChattyKathy and irisheyes
God loves you my dear friends
ChattyKathy - yes I can be long winded
irisheyes - I glad you enjoy it and yes lets take things in slowly - yes trinity has got a bad name but I think it begin as a way to say God's spirit, Christ's spirit, and our spirit are of one kind all in one simple word - like three powers in some books (not the bible) for growth life, soul life, and spiritual life
as talking about trinity
1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
the word for are can be all so agree
agree G1526. eisi, i-see'; H3d pers. plur. pres. indic. of G1510; they are:--agree, are, be, dure, X is, were.
do the Father, the word, and the Holy Spirit agree has one - yes
as do the spirit, the water, and the blood agree has one - yes
just wanted to share this because we all Agree in God's word as one truth no matter who speaks it
when Christ walk by God's words he became a living example of God's words as we become a living example of God's words
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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A quick note then back later......
You be as long winded as you want to be dear man!
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God first
Beloved Kathy
God loves you my dear friend
its all ways a blessing seeing you Kathy
life is to great to rush things and Patucket keeps this board up for us never ending so far just for us to fellowship with each other dear sister
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Israel wanted a King to rule the land but our King was to bring us redemption through his life and thus each of us born of that promise could rule our actions and in so doing be a part of ruling the land in a godly fashion. Many, many have chosen not to do so and that was spoken of as well by God. And some refuse to believe Christ was the King because he didn't do what they wanted him to on this earth, which was not God's plan.
Once that holy spirit came and entered men who believed it was no longer necessary for such a show of power. Power then abode with each who became God's child. As you said Roy, it was then an inside job!
As those of old needed to see to believe we with spirit have that proof inside us, what more do we need to see but the results of that which we live and contribute to the human race. If that be good, awesome, if it be bad, our loss first then that of those who know us. And all the while God hurts for our poor choices I suspect.
And as you said just because the eyes are closed does not mean we don't see. I personally believe that we each know first where we fail way before another becomes aware of it. And closing our eyes and pretending we won't be impacted due it does not remove it from having been done.
I am certain I went places you were not meaning to go to because you had a specific goal and I just took the liberty of using your words to explore some.
Thank you for your heart to give dear Roy.
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God first
Beloved Kathy
God loves you my dear friend
your welcome
yes you did go places I never dream of going but that the kind of things I love to see
because you showed me a part of the picture I may of never saw on my own
yes I know that some times I write with a focus but my goal is to learn some thing new
I believe we all have pieces of the puzzel in life from things that happen to us in real life
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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We could all learn about graciousness from you Roy.
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Kathy, an interesting side note: As far as I can tell, God only chose three kings on the Old Testament; Saul, David and Solomon. Kind of like three strikes and you're .................. out!
The rest of the kings were not God's choosing. After the first three, God decided to wait on Jesus.
I see it kind of like the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results! God is not insane--it's us.
Hey Roy!
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It's certainly not difficult to see why there was a hunger for a king to right the wrongs, but the wrongs could never be righted by any man as king, they could only be righted by way of redemption brought on by the highest of Kings, our brother Jesus Christ.
And your comment about God not being insane reminded me of that joke about what if God made a stone too large to pick up, why he'd not make a stone too large to pick up, he's no dummy. <_<
btw....nice to meet you irisheyes!
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Thanks, Kathy, back at ya!
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So what was this thread about anyway?

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I know this thread has come and gone, but it has caught my attention just the same. I have learned SO MUCH sisnce the way days, and as I look at the SIT occurences, my understanding has ... expanded (?)
Looking at Acts 2, the first thing I see is Israelites keeping an annual High Day - A Sabbath. When it says it was "fully come" , I don't think it means it was 3000 years in the making, I think it means the sun had come up. Biblically, the day starts at sundown. To God, the day starts at sundown (full dark) even today. So when the sun rose, they were smack dab in the middle of the day, literally.
There we thousands and thousands of Israelites coverged on the Holy City for this feast. It is a commandment to this day that it be observed by believers. (Yes, even Christians, and I can show you another time) All these people spoke different languages. Picture the U.N.
The miracle on this day was not that they "12" were speaking another language (I don't believe the were, by the way) but that they were UNDERSTOOD in the listener's language. "Do we not HEAR them speak in out tongue the wonderful works of God"?
The emphasis was not on the ones speaking, but the ones hearing.
Other place throughout Acts indicate the same thing - The emphisis is always on the ones hearing. Even when "the holy spirit fell on them as it did us in the beginning", the listeners heard in their own language. It doesn't say the speaker spoke another language. (Pretty slick, huh?)
Now, this is just me (we may not find out until The End) But, I believe the spoke their own language, every time, and the miracle was for the people that heard it. So, what are we doing when we SIT?
I have no idea.
There are more things in heaven and earth....
The Bible says we shall give an account of every (idle) word Matt 12:36
And Paul says Now, brethren, if I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit you, except I shall speak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine?
He said if comes to them with tongues, if it is not with knowledge or revelation or prophecying....Wait a minute. I thought you don't know what you are saying when you speak in tongues, right? So, how could Paul speak in tongues with knowledge, or revelation...And the point he was making was to speak so everybody could understand.(in a common language) Even when he said:
Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue.
The mphasis is not on him, but the hearer. I haven't got this all worked out, but to me, there is more scriptural evidence that tongues is a miracle for the hearer, than the speaker talking in a laguage they don't know.
That's my 2 cents.
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Hi Rachel
Don't know if I have welcomed you yet so here goes----
That is, indeed, an interesting approach to SIT and TIP.
I have heard this tossed around before but don't remember where or when.
Personally, I no longer have the motivation to do extensive studies of anything.
I will say this, when we spoke in tongues and interpreted (TIP), there was a certain amount of focus that befell us as individuals.
ie: "Look,Ma! I'm giving a message from/for God!" (The focus is on me)
If it happened the way you are suggesting, the focus is no longer on me or even the hearer, for that matter.
The focus would clearly be on God and what He is able to do.
From a logical standpoint, that does make more sense than having us be some kind of freak show.
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Hey Rachel--Welcome!!!
On first glance I have to say I agree with WS, it seems very logical, and I'm nothing if not logical.
I guess I kinda worry when something fits with how I'd like to see it; i.e., MY beliefs. It seems like convenient justification, but in a few months our bible class will be studying Acts and I'll be able to give it some time and thought then. Right now, I'm in Exodus with the 10 commandments. Some neat stuff believe it or not....
Anyway, appreciated your input and will most definitely keep it forefront in my thinking for sure. THANKS!
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God didn't really want them to have any other king but Him in all reality, but they wanted to be like the nations around them, who had kings and so God gave them over to their own desires.
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"Baruch Ha Shem, Rachel Yishrael"
The word tongues in Corinthians means language. The word unknown is in italics, meaning it has been added by the translators.
The above statement - Baruch Ha Shem, Rachel Yishrael
Is you speaking in tongues to me - I don't speak that language, nor do I understand it.
But you do - apparently.
I speak English - With other languages (english, French or German - Whatever language they speak I suppose) will I speak to this people, and they still won't hear me, sayeth the LORD.
Rachel Ysrael
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