- his prophetic guesstimates are supported by (1) dream and Fox News and who wouldn't bet their future on THAT - that it would seem only a retarded goldfish would take it seriously
I don't listen to all the FOX shows, but are there some programs giving out prophecy now? Somehow I don't think Rood is getting his rev' from FOX, but I get where you are coming from.
Or are you saying the true rev comes from CNN and Dan Blather?
I was wrong though. That guy's not a Prophet. He's an Apostle. Which makes much more sense. Here's the "detailed description", for free.
Is America about to be hit by a series of explosions and the largest earthquake of this generation? Will this provide the excuse to declare a presidential emergency, suspending the Constitution and excuse to attack Iran? Quoting a dream, a Congressman, a Foxnews report, two Prophets and 2 PC cpeakers, Stan gives 5 credible reasons a series of nuclear explosions may be the next 9/11 soon to hit from 10 to 24 cities.
But wait! That's not all! Pay now and you can hear this:
Stan will also give 5 credible reasons why an earthquake could be about to hit California.
I can give you 1 totally credible reason why Stan should go back to bed since saying California could be about to be hit by an earthquake is like saying O.J. Simpson just might be guilty or Minnesota might get snow this winter.
Anyhoo, tell me that site doesn't look like "The Psychic Network". All they need are some starry black-drops and swirly effects, and a 900 number. Get yer ho's and go's on the same call! Gawd's gotta a bib in the crib for y'all tonight!
No idea where Rude gets his cookies, though. Maybe someone with first hand insight and knowledge can speak to that and identify his cookie jar. Ol' Stan though - he's pullin' 'em out of his keister. He's got the spread for it - I'd say I've got 10 in 24 chances of being right about that too.
I don't listen to all the FOX shows, but are there some programs giving out prophecy now? Somehow I don't think Rood is getting his rev' from FOX, but I get where you are coming from.
Or are you saying the true rev comes from CNN and Dan Blather?
I suppose the better scare stuff is rooted in some actual news event. Plus it would be easier to extrapolate on the news than just write your own propheices from scratch.
It is rather sad that people are so desperate for something ... that they (we) got hooked.
Oh absolutely, rhino. Even in religious sects, definitely in religious sects. I'm a Christian, or consider myself one, a blend of Pauline and Gospel, by my own definition. Paul the man, the myth, the legend may have dressed like a Jew and even winced at the smell of pork but believed God had jammed the turnstile to redemption with that stone He rolled away, opening up the Temple to all. It's a free concert, people. Bacon and eggs for breakfast!
But it does feel and smell more biblically right on to don robe and cap, grab a Torah and say "Yeshua!". Gezhundhite! Basing a religious sect on 1,000's of years of whining has appeal. Which one among us hasn't felt like they've been wandering in the devil's parking lot too long, at least once? What we need is a Moses look alike to lead us to the Land of Easy Egress! (no Jews were harmed in the writing of this post - honest!)
The best of the old, the scariest of the new. Makes sense to me. Add a little Doomsday guidance and you've got it all.
Y2K - mortagage is due....bills...bills....Y2K - I see - devestation! All is lost! Money's worthless! Rioting! Drop it all - no! Give me some! You won't need it! Get ready!
Earthquakes - hmmm. I'm getting - I'm getting - wait. Wait - I see....people surfing...tanning, in...in - Arizona! California - write this down - California's going to have - an EARTHQUAKE!
Saw on the News tonight - wildfires....fires....smoke....yes- yes! there's going to be FIRES! There were already? See?! I'm right!!! Mark my words - there will be more! You can't have all that hot air in Sacramento and not expect some combustion!
First of all I don't know either Michael or Jamie so I'm not biased. I've been following this whole thing from the beginning and have tried to keep an open mind until the investigation was conducted and the findings were posted. This is a synopsis of what I understood to have happened from the information released to the public:
According to the investigation Michael was in the wrong because he never turned in receipts and there WERE unaccounted for funds. Seems to me that any adult with any kind of sense at all would know you are supposed to hand in receipts for monies spent and checks that were written and given to him when he was at conferences and teachings. It's not hard to figure out "intent" here!!
Another person here on the boards said something about the people who worked for Michael. Actually it was Jamie who initially bankrolled the whole thing and did so for a very long time. A corporation was formed and they were all employees of the Corporation with Jamie being the administrator. Jamie was/is responsible for and stuck with all the unpaid bills - not Michael. "A Rood Awakening" could not have functioned without Michael as the teacher or Jamie as the financial backer/administrator.
I personally don't think the panel of men had it in for Michael OR Jamie. I think they were unbiased going into it and strictly looked at the facts. Michael is the one who accused Jamie and staff of stealing money but when it was all said and done it was Michael that came up short, not the rest of the staff. All the monies and receipts were accounted for except for Michael's.
According to the the panel of men who did the investigation (Beit Din) Jamie was not in the wrong and didn't do anything illegal. They did say Jamie should have held Michael accountable and did not. But, according to them it was Michael who was in the wrong.
My personal judgment doesn't have anything to do with the money. It has to do with the way Michael treated the staff. To me that was what was more dispicable!!! Even if he did have something against Jamie personally (which doesn't condone his incompetency money wise) he sure didn't treat the others people right. Kinda Anti-Torah (in Micahel's language)!! The ONLY thing that is saving Michael's butt IS Jamie not wanting to take him to court - not because he is afraid of losing but because it says in scripture not to take it to an outside court.
I think if it did go that far that Michael could be brought up on charges. What better way to hide things - don't turn in receipts or checks intended for the Corp. Intentional or not - can't and won't get the same results - unaccounted for monies! The accounting books were given to an unbiased outside accountant and it was deemed that they would hold up in a court of law. According to the investigation Michael would not.
And why did Michael take thousands of dollars worth of checks made out to "A Rood Awakening" (not his personal monies but the Corporations) and return them to the people who sent them and requested that they remake the checks out to him and send them back to him. Thereby leaving Jamie and staff w/o funds to pay bills or get their paychecks? We know Michael knew they all had bills to pay and families to support!!
BUT then at the same time he took checks that were sent to the Corporation but made out in his name and cashed them and kept the money. How in the world does he justify his actions? This kind of behavior goes against everything Michael supposedly believes in and teaches. Talk about NOT loving your brothers and sisters!!! Words are cheap - action is everything. It sure doesn't make Michael look pretty!
I don't take Michael's OR Jamie's word for anything BUT I do trust the impartial panel of men who conducted the investigation and their findings. In the beginning both Michael and Jamie agreed to abide by the panels findings. Michael was more than willing to go along with them until they judged against him - then he dropped them like a hot potato! Jamie went along with all their requests and instructions, Michael did not.
And all this happened because of one man's ego and refusal to turn in receipts and checks and another man's misplaced trust and refusal to hold Michael accountable. It is very sad that this happened.
I THINK this is the gist of what happened! If I misunderstood information I received and said anything that is not accurate I apologize.
I know where to get a dog license, a drivers license, a contractors license, a massage therapists license, an electricians license and all sorts of other licenses but what state or city grants anyone a prophets license?
That's where the offshoots, if not der vey itself, however in a much more limited manner today, fill a much "needed" gap.
They don't offer the license, at least upon demand. But if one perseveres, it is attainable, with something to the odds of winning the lottery.
There's YEARS of "training".. classes, fellowships, various advances.. where one is issued a prophetic, not lcense, but "learners permit".
A person pays for the "priviledge" to learn how to prophecy on demand, in a carefully crafted , supervised "environment".
By the time you get "there" though.. there are no guarantees..
they did take the ministries off of the Corps seal didn't they?
After considering Artistic license, poetic license and dramatic license, which are colloquial terms used to denote the distortion and/ or complete ignorance of reality
I think I may be a little closer to understanding just what constitues a 'Licensed' prophet.
I spose as hammeroni said you have to be schooled in this, it cant come natural to become such a certifiable wackjob all on your own.
To me theyare like some weird sideshow act at a circus that is mildly humorous because of its complete absurdity
Its sort of unfathomable to me How on earth they get anybody to actually believe them, let alone send them money
Mr Hammeroni ... you are certifiable ... certifiably prophetic I mean ...
Maybe GSpot could issue a learners permit after 1000 posts, and a masters after 5000, and at 10,000 you get GS certified. You then have the cache to tell others where to go. :o
Like Dooj said, splinter groups do suck. :( It's just so sad to see folks taken advantage of yet again, even worse when it happens again and again and again.... and they stay with the stoopid splinter.
Fool me once shame on me; fool me twice shame on you... some folks just keep getting fooled.
Why pay for ordination? You can get ordained for free here. I did it a long time ago. I believe Goey, Oakspear and OM have also been ordained online.
Eeewww, yuck, Tonto!! Â There's real money in foreskins!!!! Â ha ha ha
That reminds me of the old Saturday Night Live skit of the Rabi performing a bris in the back seat of a luxury car, it was a spoof of a commercial about a car with such a smooth ride a jeweler could cut diamonds in the back seat flawlessly, does anyone remember that one?
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which one do you want first myseestorEx? ...I can ship some your way!
Rhino, thanks for taking the time to look that up... I stand corrected. But now I gotta worry about infinitives???
Heck, I've forgotten more about infinitives than I'll ever know... or something like that...
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Or are you saying the true rev comes from CNN and Dan Blather?
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Oh I skid way off Rude, rhino. Click on the link I posted and look at Mr. 9/11's licks.
I was wrong though. That guy's not a Prophet. He's an Apostle. Which makes much more sense. Here's the "detailed description", for free.
Is America about to be hit by a series of explosions and the largest earthquake of this generation? Will this provide the excuse to declare a presidential emergency, suspending the Constitution and excuse to attack Iran? Quoting a dream, a Congressman, a Foxnews report, two Prophets and 2 PC cpeakers, Stan gives 5 credible reasons a series of nuclear explosions may be the next 9/11 soon to hit from 10 to 24 cities.
But wait! That's not all! Pay now and you can hear this:
Stan will also give 5 credible reasons why an earthquake could be about to hit California.
I can give you 1 totally credible reason why Stan should go back to bed since saying California could be about to be hit by an earthquake is like saying O.J. Simpson just might be guilty or Minnesota might get snow this winter.
Anyhoo, tell me that site doesn't look like "The Psychic Network". All they need are some starry black-drops and swirly effects, and a 900 number. Get yer ho's and go's on the same call! Gawd's gotta a bib in the crib for y'all tonight!
No idea where Rude gets his cookies, though. Maybe someone with first hand insight and knowledge can speak to that and identify his cookie jar. Ol' Stan though - he's pullin' 'em out of his keister. He's got the spread for it - I'd say I've got 10 in 24 chances of being right about that too.
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The "TRUTH" comes from MSNBC and Keith Olbermann!

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I suppose the better scare stuff is rooted in some actual news event. Plus it would be easier to extrapolate on the news than just write your own propheices from scratch.
It is rather sad that people are so desperate for something ... that they (we) got hooked.
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Oh absolutely, rhino. Even in religious sects, definitely in religious sects. I'm a Christian, or consider myself one, a blend of Pauline and Gospel, by my own definition. Paul the man, the myth, the legend may have dressed like a Jew and even winced at the smell of pork but believed God had jammed the turnstile to redemption with that stone He rolled away, opening up the Temple to all. It's a free concert, people. Bacon and eggs for breakfast!
But it does feel and smell more biblically right on to don robe and cap, grab a Torah and say "Yeshua!". Gezhundhite! Basing a religious sect on 1,000's of years of whining has appeal. Which one among us hasn't felt like they've been wandering in the devil's parking lot too long, at least once? What we need is a Moses look alike to lead us to the Land of Easy Egress! (no Jews were harmed in the writing of this post - honest!)
The best of the old, the scariest of the new. Makes sense to me. Add a little Doomsday guidance and you've got it all.
Y2K - mortagage is due....bills...bills....Y2K - I see - devestation! All is lost! Money's worthless! Rioting! Drop it all - no! Give me some! You won't need it! Get ready!
Earthquakes - hmmm. I'm getting - I'm getting - wait. Wait - I see....people surfing...tanning, in...in - Arizona! California - write this down - California's going to have - an EARTHQUAKE!
Saw on the News tonight - wildfires....fires....smoke....yes- yes! there's going to be FIRES! There were already? See?! I'm right!!! Mark my words - there will be more! You can't have all that hot air in Sacramento and not expect some combustion!
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First of all I don't know either Michael or Jamie so I'm not biased. I've been following this whole thing from the beginning and have tried to keep an open mind until the investigation was conducted and the findings were posted. This is a synopsis of what I understood to have happened from the information released to the public:
According to the investigation Michael was in the wrong because he never turned in receipts and there WERE unaccounted for funds. Seems to me that any adult with any kind of sense at all would know you are supposed to hand in receipts for monies spent and checks that were written and given to him when he was at conferences and teachings. It's not hard to figure out "intent" here!!
Another person here on the boards said something about the people who worked for Michael. Actually it was Jamie who initially bankrolled the whole thing and did so for a very long time. A corporation was formed and they were all employees of the Corporation with Jamie being the administrator. Jamie was/is responsible for and stuck with all the unpaid bills - not Michael. "A Rood Awakening" could not have functioned without Michael as the teacher or Jamie as the financial backer/administrator.
I personally don't think the panel of men had it in for Michael OR Jamie. I think they were unbiased going into it and strictly looked at the facts. Michael is the one who accused Jamie and staff of stealing money but when it was all said and done it was Michael that came up short, not the rest of the staff. All the monies and receipts were accounted for except for Michael's.
According to the the panel of men who did the investigation (Beit Din) Jamie was not in the wrong and didn't do anything illegal. They did say Jamie should have held Michael accountable and did not. But, according to them it was Michael who was in the wrong.
My personal judgment doesn't have anything to do with the money. It has to do with the way Michael treated the staff. To me that was what was more dispicable!!! Even if he did have something against Jamie personally (which doesn't condone his incompetency money wise) he sure didn't treat the others people right. Kinda Anti-Torah (in Micahel's language)!! The ONLY thing that is saving Michael's butt IS Jamie not wanting to take him to court - not because he is afraid of losing but because it says in scripture not to take it to an outside court.
I think if it did go that far that Michael could be brought up on charges. What better way to hide things - don't turn in receipts or checks intended for the Corp. Intentional or not - can't and won't get the same results - unaccounted for monies! The accounting books were given to an unbiased outside accountant and it was deemed that they would hold up in a court of law. According to the investigation Michael would not.
And why did Michael take thousands of dollars worth of checks made out to "A Rood Awakening" (not his personal monies but the Corporations) and return them to the people who sent them and requested that they remake the checks out to him and send them back to him. Thereby leaving Jamie and staff w/o funds to pay bills or get their paychecks? We know Michael knew they all had bills to pay and families to support!!
BUT then at the same time he took checks that were sent to the Corporation but made out in his name and cashed them and kept the money. How in the world does he justify his actions? This kind of behavior goes against everything Michael supposedly believes in and teaches. Talk about NOT loving your brothers and sisters!!! Words are cheap - action is everything. It sure doesn't make Michael look pretty!
I don't take Michael's OR Jamie's word for anything BUT I do trust the impartial panel of men who conducted the investigation and their findings. In the beginning both Michael and Jamie agreed to abide by the panels findings. Michael was more than willing to go along with them until they judged against him - then he dropped them like a hot potato! Jamie went along with all their requests and instructions, Michael did not.
And all this happened because of one man's ego and refusal to turn in receipts and checks and another man's misplaced trust and refusal to hold Michael accountable. It is very sad that this happened.
I THINK this is the gist of what happened! If I misunderstood information I received and said anything that is not accurate I apologize.
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Splinter groups suck.
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That's where the offshoots, if not der vey itself, however in a much more limited manner today, fill a much "needed" gap.
They don't offer the license, at least upon demand. But if one perseveres, it is attainable, with something to the odds of winning the lottery.
There's YEARS of "training".. classes, fellowships, various advances.. where one is issued a prophetic, not lcense, but "learners permit".
A person pays for the "priviledge" to learn how to prophecy on demand, in a carefully crafted , supervised "environment".
By the time you get "there" though.. there are no guarantees..
they did take the ministries off of the Corps seal didn't they?
"naw, all this is so you can run a twig.."

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"the seeds of self-destruction are sown into all the "ministries" that share the "spiritual DNA" of the way international"
Worth repeating.
Worth considering.
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Ive been thinking more on the license.
After considering Artistic license, poetic license and dramatic license, which are colloquial terms used to denote the distortion and/ or complete ignorance of reality
I think I may be a little closer to understanding just what constitues a 'Licensed' prophet.
I spose as hammeroni said you have to be schooled in this, it cant come natural to become such a certifiable wackjob all on your own.
To me theyare like some weird sideshow act at a circus that is mildly humorous because of its complete absurdity
Its sort of unfathomable to me How on earth they get anybody to actually believe them, let alone send them money
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That's what we need! A Prophetic "certification" program!
Hmm. I think they used to have them in the old days, before a lot of public funding ran out.
You know.. a couple of 270 pound "nurses" named Bubba, a team of psychiatrists and loads of Thorazine..
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Mr Hammeroni ... you are certifiable ... certifiably prophetic I mean ...
Maybe GSpot could issue a learners permit after 1000 posts, and a masters after 5000, and at 10,000 you get GS certified. You then have the cache to tell others where to go. :o
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now I see
This where I'd go....
click here:
Did you notice it was only $19.95 to become a Reverend? Â Might be worth it?
Also only $222.50 for a triple PhD in Theology, Religeon & Divinity!!!!! Â Â
Maybe that's where old vic got his? Â You betcha!
Perhaps one could fit a certificat for Prophecy into one of the Psychic categories??
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BNIS, sure it's worth it! Look at this statement from the front page, lower right :
"As a point of passing, thousands of Ministers
have become enormously wealthy performing simple religious ceremonies".
Bris, anyone?
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Like Dooj said, splinter groups do suck. :( It's just so sad to see folks taken advantage of yet again, even worse when it happens again and again and again.... and they stay with the stoopid splinter.
Fool me once shame on me; fool me twice shame on you... some folks just keep getting fooled.
Why pay for ordination? You can get ordained for free here. I did it a long time ago. I believe Goey, Oakspear and OM have also been ordained online.
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The Squirrel too..
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Well, that explains this picture of you
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Have to start charging folks to kiss my ring though. They're wearing all the gold off..
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now I see
Eeewww, yuck, Tonto!! Â There's real money in foreskins!!!! Â ha ha ha
That reminds me of the old Saturday Night Live skit of the Rabi performing a bris in the back seat of a luxury car, it was a spoof of a commercial about a car with such a smooth ride a jeweler could cut diamonds in the back seat flawlessly, does anyone remember that one?
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Yes bnis, I remember that SNL skit...loved it!
Hey, from weddings to funerals, prophetic foretelling to foreskins...you can do it all after one quick "ordination".
Mr. Squirrel, I couldn't help but notice there's white wine, not red in that pic of you. What's up with that?
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Whoa! Good eyes, Tonto!
Where do you guys come up with this stuff? Instant Online Ordination? Almost feels sacreligious to capitalize!
I caught the "point of passing" blurb too~ and the plug about the title, Rev. I wonder how many cults this site spawns daily.
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Well cinderp, Slow Day At Work + Subject of Wine = tonto alert!
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Makes you wonder. It is rumored at least one white grape wine squirrel cult sprang from that site..
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