My opinion, for what it's worth, is that only a handful really have a calling to be the scholars, and the rest are called to love and help and comfort. .
I must admit that the stinker in me has derived some amusement over the past few years about Michael's wild claims of impending thermonuclear war and such, but then it's quite sobering to realize that people actually swallow this BS--apparently my friend included. Sad, sad, sad. Talk about out of the frying pan into the fire.
That's OK Linzee, "the stinker" in you still has a much sweeter scent than MR... as for the folks going for his wild claims, people just want something to cling to I guess... and with the proliferation of thermonuclear weapons and the disbursement of them to God knows where in the last few years anyone could make the claim that "we're all doomed"... of course, they've been doing it for years, since we were little kids and had to practice "duck and cover"...
hey you kwazy skwewwel!........there ain't much "good" to be said about "rabbi" michael rood!......and he don't need no "memphis mafia" around him, like elvis!......
Well, gotta admit, I have a good imagination..
but ya know.. if he has people working around him like he's the queen bee or something..
he's been successful convincing SOMEBODY he's something like "Elvis".
I try to imagine what was going through his and other offshoot leaders' minds when they decided to start their own "ministries". Did they really believe, in their "heart of hearts" that God called them to start these things or are they just afraid of work? IMNSHO, I think it's about easy money.
They took "work smarter, not harder" to mean it's ok to for them to be "smarter" by taking the cash of the "harder" workers. Just what it is about honest work that repulses these guys? If anyone should have to go out and with the sweat of his brow work for a living, it should be them. No tithes or "love offerings", no mulitlevel marketing, no smarmy sales positions, no get rich quick schemes...just honest work.
In my opinion, Craig has a better shot at true repentance than the Roods, Waynes, Earls, Johns, Vinces, Rosies, and the numerous others living off the backs of followers. I believe he's more likely, while standing there on isle 9 of that home improvement store, to have his "oh God what have I done...please forgive me" moment than the others. They're too busy counting the spoils, convincing themselves they deserve it.
Money for nothing (not to mention ego-stroking glory) and the chicks for free...
As always, there's essential information, critical to you if you're a Christian and which your very fate and future will depend on. FOR A GIFT. Concerned about catstrophic events in our own country, particularly you geezers on the Left Coast? Read all about it - FOR A GIFT.
Geez, it's Christmas everyday for these guys. I'd love to be their Mailbox.
But not to worry that this information isn't reliable - it's good, solid and credible information, the kind that's worth cash - if it is these same guys they're talking pinpoint accuracy, dead-on target busting apple splitting accuracy. Stuff that's right on the money, literally. How could anyone question it?
"Quoting a dream, a Congressman, a Foxnews report, two Prophets and 2 PC speakers , (he gives) 5 credible reasons a series of nuclear explosions ..........may be.............. the next 9/11 soon to hit from 10 to 24 cities. Also 5 credible reasons why an earthquake ...............could be................ about to hit California."
May be? Could be? No question in mind, if there's a dream and a Congressman involved. I'm good for a couple hundred bucks right there.
The Godfather said it best - "it's not personal, it's business. It's just business".
If these aren't the same P.C.'ers involved in this other deal, it was worth Googling and visiting that site. It made me feel so much smarter and saner by comparison. My IQ jumped 20 points.
Geez, where did all this personal prophecy stuff come from? Are people really that gullible?
You know, I never heard ANYONE ever prophesying that we were in a screwed up ministry, following an abusive sheister, and practicing idolatry durring all those years we were in Twi…how is it that all of a sudden, without missing a beat, there’s so many so called experts in prophecy then?  Rood and CES must be special, yeah… that’s right…that’s the ticket…
This is the part that I really love! If I were concerned about nuclear warfare, the LAST place I'd want to be is Israel!
StGeorge, you got that right! Â ha ha ha ha!!!! Â
I'd say go anywhere but Israel, it's sure to be first on the hit list, then USA, India, & Pakistan all tied for second, but that's another story, for another thread.
You know, I never heard ANYONE ever prophesying that we were in a screwed up ministry, following an abusive sheister, and practicing idolatry durring all those years we were in Twi…
HA ... yeah, our beloved ministers that were ordained with their personal prophesy ... if that was ever the inside track to God, how did they miss the revie to get the flock out of there?
Shouldn't a real ordination prophesy have been "this is all BS, turn around right now and drive home and never look back ... get a job, have some kids, tell everyone to stop giving money to these bozos. Thus saith the Lord ..."
I know where to get a dog license, a drivers license, a contractors license, a massage therapists license, an electricians license and all sorts of other licenses but what state or city grants anyone a prophets license?
I don't think the grammarians have been lurking lately rhino... but I'm thinking it should be "used to"
well I thought "used to", but for some reason "use to" seemed correct, though strange, tom.
but now, after reading this, I think "use to" may possibly be correct, but I'm not real clear on infinitives, unless it is like "to infinitive ... and beyond ..." like in Toy Story, more at my speed ...
We use the verb
in its past tense with an infinitive to indicate a past condition or habitual practice:
We used to live in that house.
Because the
is not pronounced in these constructions, people sometimes mistakenly leave it out when writing. Thus it is incorrect to write
We use to play tennis.
occurs with this form of
in negative statements and
in questions, the situation is reversed, and
use to
used to
) is correct:
You did not use to play on that team. Didn't she use to work for your company?
Thank God properly understanding God's will and the survival of the world is not depending on me to understand english language structure.
Maybe it was in the back of "Boy's Life" where they sold those minister licenses ... but Linda, we'll expect a full answer in the morning. But I like your insight on the prophecy club ... you tell people how it is going to be, then you club them into submission ...
Socks, I don't know. That link you gave says it's THE Prophecy Club. Is there only one. Or are they just THE one, as in the best one? Is the club to beat people over the head? Or are there many prophecy clubs, like baseball clubs? There's the American League of Prophets and the National League Prophets, and in one of them the head prophet (aka the pitcher) has to take his or her turn at bat and in the other one he or she doesn't? This is very confusing.
I'm so creeped out by the whole "personal prophecy" movement. I feel like shouting, "If God ALMIGHTY decides to give you prophecy, you'll get it, damn it, and if He doesn't, you're JUST MAKING IT UP! C'mon, people!"
Rhino & Tom: I'm off-duty in my role as grammar police. I just do that from 8-4:30 or so.
And MStar, your bug reminds me of that horrible Orkin (or that other big exterminator company) commercial a few years ago that made it look like there was a humongous cockroach walking on the inside of your TV screen. *shuddering* I couldn't stand that!!!
I know where to get a dog license, a drivers license, a contractors license, a massage therapists license, an electricians license and all sorts of other licenses but what state or city grants anyone a prophets license?
This is a good question, and while it may be somewhat of a derail I've started, I dunno maybe not. Money is, as usual, involved. Money always seems to go hand in hand whenever the information being offered is absolutely essential to your well being. I think of it as religious blackmail, but with a :)
Maybe it's THE P Club that's issuing the licenses Linda. They are THE Club, and apparently there's many, so many we need to know which one is THE Club to join. I wonder how much the processing and handling fees are? I'd assume any valid Prophetic License to Receive BS You Don't Need would be worth quite a bit.
Basically you're being made an offer you can't refuse, if you accept the premise, which in the one guy's case is stated so thinly - his prophetic guesstimates are supported by (1) dream and Fox News and who wouldn't bet their future on THAT - that it would seem only a retarded goldfish would take it seriously and yet, and yet, there he is, proud as a pin in a pigs asss, smiling like he's just won the lottery.
What this has to do with Rude, I dunno, nothing maybe. But even the reallyrude report has a ring around it - it immediately starts out with the statement "Most conflicts among brethren are caused by miscommunication and misunderstanding."
I would disagree with that, but if that's the premise they end up with much less "misunderstood-thisandthat" and a lot of "missTHISMoFo" in the information being presented. I gave it a quick read, but it appears they're making the case that Rude drew a line in the accounting records to try and hide his stuff and as a result any "proof" they offer is flawed. Convenient - that's the very period they state his own records are absent. So it's easy to see where it's going with that. They're saying he's lying and trying to cover up for his own activities.
Which goes to why I disagree with that big bold fat declararion they make at the outset. I don't think most conflicts among brethren are the result of miscommunication and misunderstanding. The average Joe and Jane disagree at times about any number of things both big and small and it just takes patience and often an acceptance to agree to disagree, if only for a time, and then to move on with a little love and knowing and trusting each other. (Which is obviously something you'd be hesitant to do with someone who's just spent all your "gifts" on gas masks and travel).
With these Big Ticket Mouthpieces for Gawd it's mostly because they're dishonest money sucking tics who won't give you the time of day if you don't give them a GIFT. First. That just always seems to go hand and hand with conflict.
But that's just my normal rant. Don't sue me. I could be wrong. Maybe they are misunderstood. Maybe they just need more money - I mean, more love.
I know he came here to do a several day seminar at the Prophecy Club church. The church goes by light of the world Christian Center but they host prophecy club events. All I know is that there is money there they keep building onto the place,so someone is buying what they are selling.
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How in the world the former Sally Rood found her wits about her and divorced the guy, I don't know... but I can't help but be glad she did.
I hope the daughters are all in touch with their mother at this point.
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Amen to that, sister.
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Tom Strange
That's OK Linzee, "the stinker" in you still has a much sweeter scent than MR... as for the folks going for his wild claims, people just want something to cling to I guess... and with the proliferation of thermonuclear weapons and the disbursement of them to God knows where in the last few years anyone could make the claim that "we're all doomed"... of course, they've been doing it for years, since we were little kids and had to practice "duck and cover"...
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Oh, Lordy!!
Forgot all about "duck and cover" and fall out shelters.
Let's see if I remember correctly.
Get under your desk and put your hands over your head.
Yup, that'll keep those nasty radiation bugs from gnawing on you.
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Well, gotta admit, I have a good imagination..
but ya know.. if he has people working around him like he's the queen bee or something..
he's been successful convincing SOMEBODY he's something like "Elvis".
madman or not.
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sounds like another group that's getting some attention here..
I wonder if rood is a momentus "grad"..
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Thanks for the scoop on Rood, DW.
I try to imagine what was going through his and other offshoot leaders' minds when they decided to start their own "ministries". Did they really believe, in their "heart of hearts" that God called them to start these things or are they just afraid of work? IMNSHO, I think it's about easy money.
They took "work smarter, not harder" to mean it's ok to for them to be "smarter" by taking the cash of the "harder" workers. Just what it is about honest work that repulses these guys? If anyone should have to go out and with the sweat of his brow work for a living, it should be them. No tithes or "love offerings", no mulitlevel marketing, no smarmy sales positions, no get rich quick schemes...just honest work.
In my opinion, Craig has a better shot at true repentance than the Roods, Waynes, Earls, Johns, Vinces, Rosies, and the numerous others living off the backs of followers. I believe he's more likely, while standing there on isle 9 of that home improvement store, to have his "oh God what have I done...please forgive me" moment than the others. They're too busy counting the spoils, convincing themselves they deserve it.
Money for nothing (not to mention ego-stroking glory) and the chicks for free...
(edited for one of perhaps many typos)...
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This is the part that I really love! If I were concerned about nuclear warfare, the LAST place I'd want to be is Israel!
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De-rail -
Is this the P.Club LZ? HERE?
As always, there's essential information, critical to you if you're a Christian and which your very fate and future will depend on. FOR A GIFT. Concerned about catstrophic events in our own country, particularly you geezers on the Left Coast? Read all about it - FOR A GIFT.
Geez, it's Christmas everyday for these guys. I'd love to be their Mailbox.
But not to worry that this information isn't reliable - it's good, solid and credible information, the kind that's worth cash - if it is these same guys they're talking pinpoint accuracy, dead-on target busting apple splitting accuracy. Stuff that's right on the money, literally. How could anyone question it?
"Quoting a dream, a Congressman, a Foxnews report, two Prophets and 2 PC speakers , (he gives) 5 credible reasons a series of nuclear explosions ..........may be.............. the next 9/11 soon to hit from 10 to 24 cities. Also 5 credible reasons why an earthquake ...............could be................ about to hit California."
May be? Could be? No question in mind, if there's a dream and a Congressman involved. I'm good for a couple hundred bucks right there.
The Godfather said it best - "it's not personal, it's business. It's just business".
If these aren't the same P.C.'ers involved in this other deal, it was worth Googling and visiting that site. It made me feel so much smarter and saner by comparison. My IQ jumped 20 points.
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now I see
Geez, where did all this personal prophecy stuff come from? Are people really that gullible?
You know, I never heard ANYONE ever prophesying that we were in a screwed up ministry, following an abusive sheister, and practicing idolatry durring all those years we were in Twi…how is it that all of a sudden, without missing a beat, there’s so many so called experts in prophecy then?  Rood and CES must be special, yeah… that’s right…that’s the ticket…
StGeorge, you got that right! Â ha ha ha ha!!!! Â
I'd say go anywhere but Israel, it's sure to be first on the hit list, then USA, India, & Pakistan all tied for second, but that's another story, for another thread.
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HA ... yeah, our beloved ministers that were ordained with their personal prophesy ... if that was ever the inside track to God, how did they miss the revie to get the flock out of there?
Shouldn't a real ordination prophesy have been "this is all BS, turn around right now and drive home and never look back ... get a job, have some kids, tell everyone to stop giving money to these bozos. Thus saith the Lord ..."
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Ain't THAT the truth! :blink:
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i'd love to be their mailbox ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i'm almost sure i read somewhere rood is also a product of momentus
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This from Socks' link
I know where to get a dog license, a drivers license, a contractors license, a massage therapists license, an electricians license and all sorts of other licenses but what state or city grants anyone a prophets license?
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Tom Strange
That's a good point mstar... ya know, for the small donation of $50 I'll send you one! ...priority mail even!
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Didn't they use to sell those in the back of comic books? Along with those sea monkeys?
(and is "use to" good english?
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Tom Strange
I don't think the grammarians have been lurking lately rhino... but I'm thinking it should be "used to"
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well I thought "used to", but for some reason "use to" seemed correct, though strange, tom.
but now, after reading this, I think "use to" may possibly be correct, but I'm not real clear on infinitives, unless it is like "to infinitive ... and beyond ..." like in Toy Story, more at my speed ...
Thank God properly understanding God's will and the survival of the world is not depending on me to understand english language structure.
Maybe it was in the back of "Boy's Life" where they sold those minister licenses ... but Linda, we'll expect a full answer in the morning. But I like your insight on the prophecy club ... you tell people how it is going to be, then you club them into submission ...
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Linda Z
Socks, I don't know. That link you gave says it's THE Prophecy Club. Is there only one. Or are they just THE one, as in the best one? Is the club to beat people over the head? Or are there many prophecy clubs, like baseball clubs? There's the American League of Prophets and the National League Prophets, and in one of them the head prophet (aka the pitcher) has to take his or her turn at bat and in the other one he or she doesn't? This is very confusing.
I'm so creeped out by the whole "personal prophecy" movement. I feel like shouting, "If God ALMIGHTY decides to give you prophecy, you'll get it, damn it, and if He doesn't, you're JUST MAKING IT UP! C'mon, people!"
Rhino & Tom: I'm off-duty in my role as grammar police. I just do that from 8-4:30 or so.
And MStar, your bug reminds me of that horrible Orkin (or that other big exterminator company) commercial a few years ago that made it look like there was a humongous cockroach walking on the inside of your TV screen. *shuddering* I couldn't stand that!!!
Exsie, the momentus connection would make sense.
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Yep.. "prophecy" and mometus got married in CES a couple of times. I don't think they are exactly monogomous or anything though..
same gods of old.. I hear they had "a good time" in quite a few venues..
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This is a good question, and while it may be somewhat of a derail I've started, I dunno maybe not. Money is, as usual, involved. Money always seems to go hand in hand whenever the information being offered is absolutely essential to your well being. I think of it as religious blackmail, but with a :)
Maybe it's THE P Club that's issuing the licenses Linda. They are THE Club, and apparently there's many, so many we need to know which one is THE Club to join. I wonder how much the processing and handling fees are? I'd assume any valid Prophetic License to Receive BS You Don't Need would be worth quite a bit.
Basically you're being made an offer you can't refuse, if you accept the premise, which in the one guy's case is stated so thinly - his prophetic guesstimates are supported by (1) dream and Fox News and who wouldn't bet their future on THAT - that it would seem only a retarded goldfish would take it seriously and yet, and yet, there he is, proud as a pin in a pigs asss, smiling like he's just won the lottery.
What this has to do with Rude, I dunno, nothing maybe. But even the reallyrude report has a ring around it - it immediately starts out with the statement "Most conflicts among brethren are caused by miscommunication and misunderstanding."
I would disagree with that, but if that's the premise they end up with much less "misunderstood-thisandthat" and a lot of "missTHISMoFo" in the information being presented. I gave it a quick read, but it appears they're making the case that Rude drew a line in the accounting records to try and hide his stuff and as a result any "proof" they offer is flawed. Convenient - that's the very period they state his own records are absent. So it's easy to see where it's going with that. They're saying he's lying and trying to cover up for his own activities.
Which goes to why I disagree with that big bold fat declararion they make at the outset. I don't think most conflicts among brethren are the result of miscommunication and misunderstanding. The average Joe and Jane disagree at times about any number of things both big and small and it just takes patience and often an acceptance to agree to disagree, if only for a time, and then to move on with a little love and knowing and trusting each other. (Which is obviously something you'd be hesitant to do with someone who's just spent all your "gifts" on gas masks and travel).
With these Big Ticket Mouthpieces for Gawd it's mostly because they're dishonest money sucking tics who won't give you the time of day if you don't give them a GIFT. First. That just always seems to go hand and hand with conflict.
But that's just my normal rant. Don't sue me. I could be wrong. Maybe they are misunderstood. Maybe they just need more money - I mean, more love.
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well i need more money and love, damn it
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"Where does one get a Prophet's License?"
Well now, seems like a TRUE prophet would know EXACTLY where to get one, no?
Hmmmmm. Maybe I'm confusing prophet with psychic.
Which makes me wonder why Miss Cleo didn't see it coming when the long arm of the law closed in on her.
Just rambling here.
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I know he came here to do a several day seminar at the Prophecy Club church. The church goes by light of the world Christian Center but they host prophecy club events. All I know is that there is money there they keep building onto the place,so someone is buying what they are selling.
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