I have a lot of very early memories some bad some good
one of turning the TV off on my dad at about two and getting spank
one on flying looking out the window very young before school when we travel in a plane
A fight with my sister and a hurt head
seeing a big fish in a truck before school years
many first grade memories the first day when a class mate said ".... on you" so I .... on him got in trouble for that had to sat on teacher lap some for that
asking a teacher to show on mad the place my dad was sent to in the army in about 1967 can not spell the place but I think you get it -- but she could not show me
getting sick when I dream of Jeanne was on and going to bed waking up in hos
the list is long but you got the ideal it seems like more bits and pieches open up each year to my understanding
but still not as good as the "Mock" to have a memories of his own birth but that is TV
I guess it's not surprising that someone's earliest memories might be bad. Anything associated with a strong emotion will be more memorable. It's also likely that you'd remember one of a few spankings than all the hugs. (Unless, of course, it worked the other way for you. :( Slightly off-topic, but when I was about 8 I had nightmares all the time -- about four different recurring ones. I still remember the one good dream I had then.)
I vaguely remember feeding ducks on Lake Michigan (or maybe the Chicago River) with my parents and maternal grandparents when I was about four or five. That's probably my earliest memory.
The earliest memory I have is of laying in a crib, and my mother - with both my feet in her left hand, holding my legs up while she spanked me, and I seem to remember her yelling (and most likely swearing) at me for wetting the bed. Something like that, pretty vague now. I do remember being in crib though, and being in diapers, so I was maybe three? Geeze, sounds like a scene from "Momma Dearest" or somesuch - HA!
And I remember being really impressed by the wind outside my bedroom window. All the autumn leaves blowing around the trees in our backyard. I might have been 4 or 5 then.
It is odd how awareness seems to just turn on at some point in life. I wonder how it really works?
And I remember being really impressed by the wind outside my bedroom window. All the autumn leaves blowing around the trees in our backyard. I might have been 4 or 5 then.
Well, George, then why didn't you become a weatherman like me?
Actually, though it wasnt my first, it wasnt too far away, something just liek that...before I knew better I thought the trees made the wind.
I remember at about 3 I went out to the back yard and thought someone had cut off Blackie's ear... I went screaming to my momma, turned out it was only turned up and laying back like a dogs ears sometimes do...
I remember laying on a wooden floor on many saturday afternoons (probably from about age 3 on) watching baseball games with my dad on the little B&W TV...
I remember busting my eyebrow open after falling in the tub (also about 3 or so) but don't remember how I did it, just that I had to go get sewn up...
I remember taking my big brother's bike (again about 3) and just getting on it and riding it out of the driveway and down the street, of course I didn't know how to make it stop but the juniper bush did...
I remember having crabapple wars but that could've been anytime up to when I was 5 and we moved from that house...
I guess a lot of them start at 3 or so, but I remember stuff from all through the years... amazingly... except for the ages of 16-20... hmm, I wonder why that is?
I remember the first apartment we lived in. I couldn't have been much older than 3. This aparment had a long hallway that lead to the door. It was dark but not scary. In that hall was my rocking horse, Silver. He was the kind of rocking horse that rocked on springs. I rode many miles down that hallway on ole Silver...
My dad would come home late (or at least it felt late) and every night I would run down that hallway to meet him. Every night he would greet me and many nights he would hand me a new Golden Book.
WOW I'll have to give this some thought can't say I ever considered what my first memory was, But I know I don't remember pulling the Christmas tree into my playpen but I have seen some pictorial proof of the deed. Personally I think it was staged or they photoshopped the that old Brownie picture.
I remember falling into a pool, I was very young (2 maybe?) It was one of those inground pools of the fifties and the family and cousins were all together and I was walking around and just sort of plopped in because I wasnt walking too good yet
I remember going down what seemed very slowly, or at least it seemed slowly, sort of like slow motion, and watching the tiles on the side of the pool passing by and the light and the blue from the water being alot different than anything I could remember. I could see the clouds above through the water too... It was really sort of cool!
It was just sort of an interesting different feeling floating down with great visuals, then all of a sudden a violent yank happened and the next thing I knew I was wet and cold and in my cousins arms bewildeered at what was happening on the side of the pool.. I was mad she yanked me out of that cool little wonderland and slapped her in the face...My mother said 'thats not nice she just saved you" then took me....and thanked my cousin, someone offered me a sip from their soft drink can... I think it was root beer.
after that its a blur for about a year or so until Beth Jenkins mother gave me a tuna fish sandwich that had pickels in it while Beth and I sat on her back steps--that was just too weird, I had never tasted a pickel before, let alone in tunafish and it woke me right up.
It is strange what you remember- my grandfather made us kids toys and there was a chinese checkerboard with colored marbles, I was playing with it on the floor (way too young to understand the game) when I noticed one of the pure white marbles had a little black ding in it that somehow mesmerized me (did someone step on it?) just as the grandfathers clock started to Gong.
I couldnt tell you anything else about that year but I remember that...
I remember going to the drive in movie with my dad and coming home with my mom .
Seriously, I couldn't tell you how old I was, but it was warm weather and I was in the yard with my mom and I could walk. We had this brass sprinkler that would water the yard in a circular shape and I remember having the thing in my hands and being mad at my mom because she wouldn't let me play with it or something and I was trying to get her wet by shaking it so that water residue would get on her clothes and skin.
I must've been pretty young because that would have been a spanking offence if my dad'd been there. Mom just laughed it off.
I was four years old, sitting on Penny, a beautiful copper colored horse, in the middle of a sudden hail storm in the mountains of Colorado. I was oblivious to the hail because I was so excited about going on the horse ride through the gorgeous woods. I did not want to get off the horse because of the hail and was trying to convince my parents and our hosts that it did not hurt and would quit soon so we could go.
On that vacation my cousins and I stayed on pallets in the lodge where there were mounted heads of every kind of animal we could imagine on the walls. It was cool and creepy at the same time.
We ate fish caught in the river near the property for dinner and I was really grossed out because they cooked them with the heads still on, so they had to cut the head off my fish.
Yeppers.... that was the first "clear" memory for me. We were visiting friends for a week up at their beautiful home and lodge in the Colorado mountains. Mama took about four hours of 8mm film of the birch trees, she thought they were the most beautiful trees she'd ever seen... and that's still a family joke brought up from time to time.
It all comes back now .......... I am in a room full of strangers........... we're all sitting waiting for something to happen........... the smell of patulli oil fills the room.........
Then suddenly the lights dim and a flickering light appears on the wall............. there is a tick tick tick sound coming from the back of the room.
A skinny black tie appears on the screen, with a man attached to it....
I hear a voice.......take your Bible and open to John 10:10............flash forward
....... I find myself typing on my keyboard today....... Spin Spin Spin by H.P. Lovecraft is playing on my computer speakers. Pretty pictures are exploding on the screen.............I am really hungry........... Lunch calls..............
Later I noticed the album contains another track Wayfaring Stranger...........Is that a clue?
I can remember when I was no older than 3 being in downtown Indianapolis with my mother, crying and holding onto her skirt, terrified I was going to get lost. She was laughing at me. I can also remember in about the same time frame, maybe a little later, the neighbor's black cat jumping on a window box in a front window and looking into the kitchen with big yellow eyes. Scared the daylights out of me. I can remember the sound of a branch scraping against the house that night, making me think the cat was coming to get me.
I can remember my tonsillectomy at age 5, the terrifying trip down the hall on a gurney, screaming for my parents, who were standing in the hall waving goodbye. I remember the nurses put me on another table, unwound a huge, thick leather belt and belted me to the table. They put something over my face and something came out of it that smelled funny. Afterward I had the mother of all sore throats and got to go to my grandmother's house for recuperation. I remember how sweet my grandmother was; she smelled like Noxema and the milk from her refrigerator tasted better than anything on earth.
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Tom Strange
hmmm... about three weeks ago in the Woodlands.
things are pretty fuzzy before that...
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God first
Beloved doojable
God loves you my dear friend
I have a lot of very early memories some bad some good
one of turning the TV off on my dad at about two and getting spank
one on flying looking out the window very young before school when we travel in a plane
A fight with my sister and a hurt head
seeing a big fish in a truck before school years
many first grade memories the first day when a class mate said ".... on you" so I .... on him got in trouble for that had to sat on teacher lap some for that
asking a teacher to show on mad the place my dad was sent to in the army in about 1967 can not spell the place but I think you get it -- but she could not show me
getting sick when I dream of Jeanne was on and going to bed waking up in hos
the list is long but you got the ideal it seems like more bits and pieches open up each year to my understanding
but still not as good as the "Mock" to have a memories of his own birth but that is TV
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I'd think that things have been fuzzy since your trip to the Woodlands...
Roy - my friend, I apologize if I helped to bring back bad memories.
Please forgive me.
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God first
Beloved doojable
God loves you my dear friend
nothing to apologize needed I love both good and bad memories
I love your subject
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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I guess it's not surprising that someone's earliest memories might be bad. Anything associated with a strong emotion will be more memorable. It's also likely that you'd remember one of a few spankings than all the hugs. (Unless, of course, it worked the other way for you. :( Slightly off-topic, but when I was about 8 I had nightmares all the time -- about four different recurring ones. I still remember the one good dream I had then.)
I vaguely remember feeding ducks on Lake Michigan (or maybe the Chicago River) with my parents and maternal grandparents when I was about four or five. That's probably my earliest memory.
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I was 3 years and 6 months to the day..
When I was 2 my grandmother got me a bear that my mom said I took
On my lil brithers birthday he was one year old and we went to another state, to visit my fathers old
army friends in a park. There was about 15-20 families there.
That day I lost my bear and cried what seemed like for ever.
I remember the park and the slide. I do not remember how I lost that
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My first memory is amazingly similar to yours.
When I was about 3, I "woke up" at the back screen door and saw my mother hanging clothes on the line.
It was like someone flipped a switch and the lights came on.
I can still see that moment in my mind like it was this morning.
I have memories of all sorts from that point on but nothing before that.
I don't know how to explain the sensation that came over me at that moment.
It was kinda like when you fall asleep on a bus or park bench and suddenly wake up with total awareness of your surroundings.
That's not real close to the sensation but it's the best description I can muster.
I remember very minute details of things that have happened to me, not just as a child.
I can remember casual conversations I had 40-45 years ago, including things that were said and what people were wearing.
It's a bit weird, actually, and sometimes I wonder if the people in those memories have the same recollection of those events.
I can still remember my first day at kindergarten(I was only 4) and how, when my mother came to "collect" me, I felt so sad that I had to go home.
This is an interesting subject.
I think I've heard it discussed before but I can't remember where or when.
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George Aar
The earliest memory I have is of laying in a crib, and my mother - with both my feet in her left hand, holding my legs up while she spanked me, and I seem to remember her yelling (and most likely swearing) at me for wetting the bed. Something like that, pretty vague now. I do remember being in crib though, and being in diapers, so I was maybe three? Geeze, sounds like a scene from "Momma Dearest" or somesuch - HA!
And I remember being really impressed by the wind outside my bedroom window. All the autumn leaves blowing around the trees in our backyard. I might have been 4 or 5 then.
It is odd how awareness seems to just turn on at some point in life. I wonder how it really works?
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Lifted Up
Well, George, then why didn't you become a weatherman like me?
Actually, though it wasnt my first, it wasnt too far away, something just liek that...before I knew better I thought the trees made the wind.
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Waysider, you precisely described my impressions of that first memory.
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Late 2 year or early 3 year old. My mom is holding me and I have an earache.
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Tom Strange
I remember at about 3 I went out to the back yard and thought someone had cut off Blackie's ear... I went screaming to my momma, turned out it was only turned up and laying back like a dogs ears sometimes do...
I remember laying on a wooden floor on many saturday afternoons (probably from about age 3 on) watching baseball games with my dad on the little B&W TV...
I remember busting my eyebrow open after falling in the tub (also about 3 or so) but don't remember how I did it, just that I had to go get sewn up...
I remember taking my big brother's bike (again about 3) and just getting on it and riding it out of the driveway and down the street, of course I didn't know how to make it stop but the juniper bush did...
I remember having crabapple wars but that could've been anytime up to when I was 5 and we moved from that house...
I guess a lot of them start at 3 or so, but I remember stuff from all through the years... amazingly... except for the ages of 16-20... hmm, I wonder why that is?
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I remember the first apartment we lived in. I couldn't have been much older than 3. This aparment had a long hallway that lead to the door. It was dark but not scary. In that hall was my rocking horse, Silver. He was the kind of rocking horse that rocked on springs. I rode many miles down that hallway on ole Silver...
My dad would come home late (or at least it felt late) and every night I would run down that hallway to meet him. Every night he would greet me and many nights he would hand me a new Golden Book.
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WOW I'll have to give this some thought can't say I ever considered what my first memory was, But I know I don't remember pulling the Christmas tree into my playpen but I have seen some pictorial proof of the deed. Personally I think it was staged or they photoshopped the that old Brownie picture.
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I remember falling into a pool, I was very young (2 maybe?) It was one of those inground pools of the fifties and the family and cousins were all together and I was walking around and just sort of plopped in because I wasnt walking too good yet
I remember going down what seemed very slowly, or at least it seemed slowly, sort of like slow motion, and watching the tiles on the side of the pool passing by and the light and the blue from the water being alot different than anything I could remember. I could see the clouds above through the water too... It was really sort of cool!
It was just sort of an interesting different feeling floating down with great visuals, then all of a sudden a violent yank happened and the next thing I knew I was wet and cold and in my cousins arms bewildeered at what was happening on the side of the pool.. I was mad she yanked me out of that cool little wonderland and slapped her in the face...My mother said 'thats not nice she just saved you" then took me....and thanked my cousin, someone offered me a sip from their soft drink can... I think it was root beer.
after that its a blur for about a year or so until Beth Jenkins mother gave me a tuna fish sandwich that had pickels in it while Beth and I sat on her back steps--that was just too weird, I had never tasted a pickel before, let alone in tunafish and it woke me right up.
It is strange what you remember- my grandfather made us kids toys and there was a chinese checkerboard with colored marbles, I was playing with it on the floor (way too young to understand the game) when I noticed one of the pure white marbles had a little black ding in it that somehow mesmerized me (did someone step on it?) just as the grandfathers clock started to Gong.
I couldnt tell you anything else about that year but I remember that...
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I remember going to the drive in movie with my dad and coming home with my mom
Seriously, I couldn't tell you how old I was, but it was warm weather and I was in the yard with my mom and I could walk. We had this brass sprinkler that would water the yard in a circular shape and I remember having the thing in my hands and being mad at my mom because she wouldn't let me play with it or something and I was trying to get her wet by shaking it so that water residue would get on her clothes and skin.
I must've been pretty young because that would have been a spanking offence if my dad'd been there. Mom just laughed it off.
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I was four years old, sitting on Penny, a beautiful copper colored horse, in the middle of a sudden hail storm in the mountains of Colorado. I was oblivious to the hail because I was so excited about going on the horse ride through the gorgeous woods. I did not want to get off the horse because of the hail and was trying to convince my parents and our hosts that it did not hurt and would quit soon so we could go.
On that vacation my cousins and I stayed on pallets in the lodge where there were mounted heads of every kind of animal we could imagine on the walls. It was cool and creepy at the same time.
We ate fish caught in the river near the property for dinner and I was really grossed out because they cooked them with the heads still on, so they had to cut the head off my fish.
Yeppers.... that was the first "clear" memory for me. We were visiting friends for a week up at their beautiful home and lodge in the Colorado mountains. Mama took about four hours of 8mm film of the birch trees, she thought they were the most beautiful trees she'd ever seen... and that's still a family joke brought up from time to time.
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It all comes back now .......... I am in a room full of strangers........... we're all sitting waiting for something to happen........... the smell of patulli oil fills the room.........
Then suddenly the lights dim and a flickering light appears on the wall............. there is a tick tick tick sound coming from the back of the room.
A skinny black tie appears on the screen, with a man attached to it....
I hear a voice.......take your Bible and open to John 10:10............flash forward
....... I find myself typing on my keyboard today....... Spin Spin Spin by H.P. Lovecraft is playing on my computer speakers. Pretty pictures are exploding on the screen.............I am really hungry........... Lunch calls..............
Later I noticed the album contains another track Wayfaring Stranger...........Is that a clue?
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Watered Garden
I can remember when I was no older than 3 being in downtown Indianapolis with my mother, crying and holding onto her skirt, terrified I was going to get lost. She was laughing at me. I can also remember in about the same time frame, maybe a little later, the neighbor's black cat jumping on a window box in a front window and looking into the kitchen with big yellow eyes. Scared the daylights out of me. I can remember the sound of a branch scraping against the house that night, making me think the cat was coming to get me.
I can remember my tonsillectomy at age 5, the terrifying trip down the hall on a gurney, screaming for my parents, who were standing in the hall waving goodbye. I remember the nurses put me on another table, unwound a huge, thick leather belt and belted me to the table. They put something over my face and something came out of it that smelled funny. Afterward I had the mother of all sore throats and got to go to my grandmother's house for recuperation. I remember how sweet my grandmother was; she smelled like Noxema and the milk from her refrigerator tasted better than anything on earth.
I can remember my mother teaching me to pray.
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