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Kidney Stones


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Hi Kids!

The Masterherbalist here.

I saw where Paw was stricken by a kidney stone. So I thought I would give you my experience in treating this affliction.

A man that I worked with was overcome by the pain. He went to the doctor who gave him drugs to kill the pain and told him that if it didn't pass in a few days, that he should return to the doctor who would stick an instrument up the *** and this instrument would send electro-shock waves to smash the stone into pieces. The patient of course would still have to eliminate the fragments. I recommended that he find a health food store and find a formula which contained gravel root, marshamallow root, juniper berries.

Our neighbor recently was too overcome by the pain. She went to the doctor who gave her drugs to kill the pain and told her the same thing as above. I prepared for her a tea made of the above herbs (and a few others). I warned her that it tasted terrible, but to drink as much of the tea as she could stand. The next morning I prepared a second quart of the tea. Her husband came to the door in the am and said no more tea was necessary. She had passed the stone.

From my notes:

The Herbs in the Kidney/Bladder Formula and the Kidney/Bladder Tea have three major actions: Diuretic, Disinfectant and Dissolving. Herbs such as Uva Ursi Leaves, Juniper Berries, Corn Silk, Horsetail Herb, Parsley Leaf and Root, Carrot Tops, and others in the formula have been used for centuries as Diuretics (herbs that make you urinate more).

Even today, most of these herbs are listed in medical and chemistry books for this action. Some of these herbs, like Juniper Berries and Uva Ursi Leaves, contain phytochemicals like volatile oils that are also powerfully disinfectant and destroy bacteria that live in your Kidneys and Bladder and therefore are healing for Kidney and Bladder Infections.

Herbs like Hydrangea root and Gravel Root are famous for their ability to dissolve Kidney stones. So the Kidney and Bladder Flush, Kidney/Bladder Formula and idney/Bladder Tea make you urinate more, disinfect the Kidneys and Bladder and dissolve and flush out any sediment before it turns into rocks. And if you already have rocks, it starts breaking them down and dissolving them.

Kidney stones are on the increase (occurences are ten times as common today as were in the turn of the century) are becoming more common in men over 35. Most of the stones are calcium oxalate. Other stones are uric acid. What has changed over the turn of the century?

Diet, exercise, hydration drinks.

Hydrangea and gravel root are superb dissolvants. They "smooth" the rough edges of the stone. Marshmallow is soothing because it is mucilaginous.

The best water to drink is distilled water. It is plain H2O. It is a dissolvant. Our neighbors have lived on this ranch for generations and the common thread amungst them before the appearance of the Masterherbalist is that they drank the well water and all had kidney problems. Once I taught them about distilled water, they converted and have reversed their kidney issues.

Now, what else contributes? Dehydration. Soft drinks. Lack of vitamin A which is beneficial to the urinary tract and discourages the formation of stones. Sources vitamin A include alfalfa, cantaloupes, carrots, pumkin, sweet potatoes.

The medical books say that once you have "had" a kidney stone, you are likely to "have" more. The key here is to change the circumstances that caused this to begin with. Then, you can change the "odds".

Hope this information helps.

The Masterherbalist

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