Before I write I must see what you believe? Ok lets look to see what you call truth.
Ok you say “All of our beliefs must be derived from what God's Word says.”
but what is the word of God a book put together with other books man has make up their mind was the word of God or every word spoken by the mouth of God
Wait a minute we have no original but only copies of what you call the word of God the bible is just a small part of God’s word even the books of Moses could of been first wrote in another language.
Moses went to school as Egyptian and I sure they did not teach him Hebrew so he could maybe one day be a Hebrew ruler.
Yes figure of speeches may be good but that just a small part to understanding truth the big part is having Christ teach us one on one.
Yes if you have preconceived ideals you will find them true in the bible but if you have the words come alive as the holy spirit teaches you it will not matter which translation you use or what book you read you will see truth all around you.
Yes context is good but look for the context of love first then the smaller ones will open up to your heart. You need no concordance just a desire to hear Christ teaching you with love.
Yes no private interpretation but that which the spirit guides you to see as you grow in the love of God.
Most people think they can understand spiritual words of old the milk of God’s word by fleshly tools of research but these are books that were wrote to get us to a place were we hear truth that no fleshly tool can show us.
The word of God is in natural, stars, and many books of old while I have read the bible over 1,000 times because it’s a small book that only takes 30 days to read it not about reading but about personal relationship with God and Christ.
Yes I am not a label whether it be your label or another man’s label.
Do you understand what it is to be born again before birth comes a seed must be planted “Christ in you hope of glory” and we must die with Christ in us so we can break out of this fleshly shell of dust to be like Christ.
Is your group not all so a domination which is under the laws of the land to be without tax.
Power comes by love not believing if you have spiritual fruit you have true power in heaven all other power is vain.
Trinity is not what some teach it is but it three agreeing as one family God the father line up with Christ the son with you the child all three with one focus.
Yes God wants you to prosper spiritually as a healthy child of spiritual seed growing until birth in the womb of God.
Now God will help you with fleshly wants but your need is to grow spiritually.
Yes do not hide your love of God but share with openly with all you come across.
Yes love all people no matter how their beliefs differ from your’s.
God wants us to love even the bullies who think they know more than you for one reason or another but the true is we all grow together when we just live love.
Yes I am one who conquerors the flesh that may miss lead me.
God is the only rule for building faith by living the words God speaks to you the bible is just milk but God gives meat by the gift of holy spirit.
I need not to be sold a DVD so you can do as Acts 8:20 “But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.” nor can it be sold God gives it away with his love.
Yes beware of people using God for personal riches to set their self on high so one day they can fall a great fall.
Yes only God and Christ have all the answers so pray about everything and do not trust any man but look for love of God first not fancy words.
To read the whole word of God you must even read the book that were not let in the bible by the church of that time.
So you read the bible a lot I have too but its not about reading but learning to walk in the love of God more each day.
Yes we can name people like E.W. Bullinger who Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille copy some from word for word. Now I do not hate Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille but he was a person who sold the work of others for earthly riches.
Yes Follower Christ not foolish money worshipers like Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille was.
Is Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille your God or is God your God. Are you part of the Way ministry cult or are you another new break off from that cult.
Learn the truth about a man before you make him your hero come to Grease Spot Café a board that shows the dark side of that cult a ministry that had great losers like Charles Mason in its early days from what I heard was wrote down .
Now I am not going to look up the quotes because I know Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille did wrong by turning the word of God into a money making business.
Watch that you do not do the same, thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
After high school Wierwille studied at Mission House College and the University of Chicago Divinity School. He then studied under some of the finest professors, including Richard and Rhinehold Niebuhr, at Princeton Theological Seminary.
In 1937 V. P. married Dorothea Kipp, a childhood friend who had just finished her nursing degree. "Dotsie" worked as a nurse while he finished his studies for his Master's Degree at Princeton. They eventually had five children.
I know Rick he was a WOW here in Kansas in 1975 despite the superhero website he is a pretty cool guy. I'm guessing it was a bad day attempt to sell his teaching DVD's.
I know Rick he was a WOW here in Kansas in 1975 despite the superhero website he is a pretty cool guy. I'm guessing it was a bad day attempt to sell his teaching DVD's.
... kinda makes MY infomercials look tame and low key.
Dude, that was funny. :)
Hey, I'm poking around the web looking for where and how this guy honors Christ. Can't seem to find it. Great page honoring that Wierwille guy, though.
Folks, Bumpy had a very strange experience on the GS website yesterday. I was checking out VP here on this thread, when my Mac computers FROZE! (fortunately I have another). I then had to shut it down with the off button, with VP STARING at me! The computer would NOT restart afterward! We tried rebooting it, asked for advise on the Mac websites, everything. Today, we took it to the Mac repair shop in Dijon.
The Hard Drive had Blown Up! Any Ideas...?? (I mean, If he had asked, I would have given him the donation!) :unsure:
Hey, I'm poking around the web looking for where and how this guy honors Christ. Can't seem to find it. Great page honoring that Wierwille guy, though.
I mentioned that to him in a response I sent through his website.
Now if I could get a smiley guy to do this and then this :unsure: with just a smidgen of this :blink: and then end it all with this <_< I would be rocking!
Rick Josey is merely presenting the same old message being preached in many chuches across America and on TV: Give your life to Jesus and he will prosper you: $$$, health, relationships, etc. It's a widely popular message in Americanized Christianity today because who wouldn't love to worship a God that is only out to bless you and make you prosperous? These false preachers never present the otherside of the coin - that is, that the true God is also out to test you - AND HE WILL! The true God tests his true worshippers to prove their love for Him. The story of Job is a prime example of that testing. When Job's life got hard and tough, where was Job's love for God?
TWI taught all the difficulty and trouble Job experienced was brought on him by the devil or that the devil is always bad and that God is always good. The reason TWI fell short doctrinally here is because many people in TWI believed (many still do) that any difficulty I or you experience in life has to be due to and is brought upon us by the devil. Any difficulty or trouble you are having is because YOU don't have enough believing (or you aren't applying enough biblical principles - tithing, etc) to ward off the devil - therefore you have a "HOLE" in that "Hedge of God's Protection" yada, yada, yada. These 'spiritual counselors' in TWI in reality became no better than Job's miserable comforters. The reason they must have a "spritual answer" for everything is to make themselves look "spiritual" in their eyes as well as the eyes of everybody else.
Maybe the real reason bad things happen to us is simply because, well, this isn't heaven yet - and all the "believing you put forth and the Godly principles you apply" isn't going to change that fact one iota. Heaven was made for comfort, the earth was made for testing - and the real reason for all the problems and difficulty we experience now is simply because this isn't heaven yet. Any other thoughts?
3."It's your own fault 'cause you didn't blah, blah, blah" is a crock---------check
Bad stuff happens because sometimes bad stuff just happens------check
Here's where it gets sticky.
I can't even count how many times I've heard the following section of scripture used to show that God does not tempt us.(also translated "try" us)
James 1:12-17
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to him that love him.
Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted neither tempteth he any man.:
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringth forth death.
Do not err, my beloved brethren
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Then, of course, you have the stuff about God being light (and no darkness) and "God is love" and the God tests us theory seems a bit thin.
But, I could be wrong about what these scriptures mean.
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The guy seems Waaaaaaay too obsessed with elevating Wierwille to a super hero level for me to even want to try to give him a "listen". Just my opinion.
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I commend the guy for putting together a website --- however, I did have to grab a box of crackers for the cheese!
LOL - What people do....superhero theme.....well, if he reaches one soul it will be worth it.
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I tried to get a password for their site but apparently "genuflect" was already taken.
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God first
I wrote him here my note
Beloved Rick Josey
God loves you my dear friend
Before I write I must see what you believe? Ok lets look to see what you call truth.
Ok you say “All of our beliefs must be derived from what God's Word says.”
but what is the word of God a book put together with other books man has make up their mind was the word of God or every word spoken by the mouth of God
Wait a minute we have no original but only copies of what you call the word of God the bible is just a small part of God’s word even the books of Moses could of been first wrote in another language.
Moses went to school as Egyptian and I sure they did not teach him Hebrew so he could maybe one day be a Hebrew ruler.
Yes figure of speeches may be good but that just a small part to understanding truth the big part is having Christ teach us one on one.
Yes if you have preconceived ideals you will find them true in the bible but if you have the words come alive as the holy spirit teaches you it will not matter which translation you use or what book you read you will see truth all around you.
Yes context is good but look for the context of love first then the smaller ones will open up to your heart. You need no concordance just a desire to hear Christ teaching you with love.
Yes no private interpretation but that which the spirit guides you to see as you grow in the love of God.
Most people think they can understand spiritual words of old the milk of God’s word by fleshly tools of research but these are books that were wrote to get us to a place were we hear truth that no fleshly tool can show us.
The word of God is in natural, stars, and many books of old while I have read the bible over 1,000 times because it’s a small book that only takes 30 days to read it not about reading but about personal relationship with God and Christ.
Yes I am not a label whether it be your label or another man’s label.
Do you understand what it is to be born again before birth comes a seed must be planted “Christ in you hope of glory” and we must die with Christ in us so we can break out of this fleshly shell of dust to be like Christ.
Is your group not all so a domination which is under the laws of the land to be without tax.
Power comes by love not believing if you have spiritual fruit you have true power in heaven all other power is vain.
Trinity is not what some teach it is but it three agreeing as one family God the father line up with Christ the son with you the child all three with one focus.
Yes God wants you to prosper spiritually as a healthy child of spiritual seed growing until birth in the womb of God.
Now God will help you with fleshly wants but your need is to grow spiritually.
Yes do not hide your love of God but share with openly with all you come across.
Yes love all people no matter how their beliefs differ from your’s.
God wants us to love even the bullies who think they know more than you for one reason or another but the true is we all grow together when we just live love.
Yes I am one who conquerors the flesh that may miss lead me.
God is the only rule for building faith by living the words God speaks to you the bible is just milk but God gives meat by the gift of holy spirit.
I need not to be sold a DVD so you can do as Acts 8:20 “But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.” nor can it be sold God gives it away with his love.
Yes beware of people using God for personal riches to set their self on high so one day they can fall a great fall.
Yes only God and Christ have all the answers so pray about everything and do not trust any man but look for love of God first not fancy words.
To read the whole word of God you must even read the book that were not let in the bible by the church of that time.
So you read the bible a lot I have too but its not about reading but learning to walk in the love of God more each day.
Yes we can name people like E.W. Bullinger who Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille copy some from word for word. Now I do not hate Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille but he was a person who sold the work of others for earthly riches.
Yes Follower Christ not foolish money worshipers like Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille was.
Is Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille your God or is God your God. Are you part of the Way ministry cult or are you another new break off from that cult.
Learn the truth about a man before you make him your hero come to Grease Spot Café a board that shows the dark side of that cult a ministry that had great losers like Charles Mason in its early days from what I heard was wrote down .
Now I am not going to look up the quotes because I know Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille did wrong by turning the word of God into a money making business.
Watch that you do not do the same, thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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George Aar
It keeps him off the streets I guess.
And, being as how the sales of aluminum siding have fallen off so precipitously, what else is he gonna do with his time?
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Good grief.
What a maroon.
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Dot Matrix
I did not know he got his degree from Princeton
Is that true?
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As it is written, it is TECHNICALLY true, but written DECEPTIVELY, so that the
most casual reader will draw an INCORRECT conclusion.
vpw did not study at Princeton University.
vpw got his Masters at Princeton Theological Seminary.
They are both located at Princeton, NJ, and are not connected with each other
in any significant way-other than location and name.
That having been said, Princeton Theological Seminary is a respectable
school of learning, and is worth placing on a list of accomplishments.
It's no "Pikes Peak", certainly. I forget which GSC'er has also attended it,
but you can find it with a search.
The way it's written, one might think vpw studied at Princeton Theological Seminary,
then went on to earn a Masters at Princeton University.
lcm used to make a point of making it sound like vpw studied at Princeton University,
by calling PTS "Princeton".
When I get some time, I'm going to have some fun and address the page's claims.
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Once again I am looking for the emoticon that shakes its head in disbelief and amazement. :blink: (Best I can do)
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... kinda makes MY infomercials look tame and low key.
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I know Rick he was a WOW here in Kansas in 1975 despite the superhero website he is a pretty cool guy. I'm guessing it was a bad day attempt to sell his teaching DVD's.
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Still, it's awfully wierd.
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No, thanks...
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I noticed he had an O'Reilly link down at the bottom of the page as I hurriedly scrolled down after reading the first paragraph.
I wonder how he would fare on the O'Reilly show spouting off this slushy mush?
Probably have to have 2 or 3 people carry him out after O'Reilly got through with him, lol.
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Blech that is truly appalling.
Too bad we can`t post links to jjuedes site and greasespot, maybe advertise karl`s book :)
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Nahh Smikeol, you and your 'infomercials' still take the cake. ... In a heartbeat.
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Dude, that was funny. :)
Hey, I'm poking around the web looking for where and how this guy honors Christ. Can't seem to find it. Great page honoring that Wierwille guy, though.
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Folks, Bumpy had a very strange experience on the GS website yesterday. I was checking out VP here on this thread, when my Mac computers FROZE! (fortunately I have another). I then had to shut it down with the off button, with VP STARING at me! The computer would NOT restart afterward! We tried rebooting it, asked for advise on the Mac websites, everything. Today, we took it to the Mac repair shop in Dijon.
The Hard Drive had Blown Up!
Any Ideas...?? (I mean, If he had asked, I would have given him the donation!) :unsure:
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I mentioned that to him in a response I sent through his website.
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Bumpy - LOL!!! That's a riot!
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That was good Bumpy!
Now if I could get a smiley guy to do this
and then this :unsure: with just a smidgen of this :blink: and then end it all with this <_< I would be rocking!
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What The Hey
Rick Josey is merely presenting the same old message being preached in many chuches across America and on TV: Give your life to Jesus and he will prosper you: $$$, health, relationships, etc. It's a widely popular message in Americanized Christianity today because who wouldn't love to worship a God that is only out to bless you and make you prosperous? These false preachers never present the otherside of the coin - that is, that the true God is also out to test you - AND HE WILL! The true God tests his true worshippers to prove their love for Him. The story of Job is a prime example of that testing. When Job's life got hard and tough, where was Job's love for God?
TWI taught all the difficulty and trouble Job experienced was brought on him by the devil or that the devil is always bad and that God is always good. The reason TWI fell short doctrinally here is because many people in TWI believed (many still do) that any difficulty I or you experience in life has to be due to and is brought upon us by the devil. Any difficulty or trouble you are having is because YOU don't have enough believing (or you aren't applying enough biblical principles - tithing, etc) to ward off the devil - therefore you have a "HOLE" in that "Hedge of God's Protection" yada, yada, yada. These 'spiritual counselors' in TWI in reality became no better than Job's miserable comforters. The reason they must have a "spritual answer" for everything is to make themselves look "spiritual" in their eyes as well as the eyes of everybody else.
Maybe the real reason bad things happen to us is simply because, well, this isn't heaven yet - and all the "believing you put forth and the Godly principles you apply" isn't going to change that fact one iota. Heaven was made for comfort, the earth was made for testing - and the real reason for all the problems and difficulty we experience now is simply because this isn't heaven yet. Any other thoughts?
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I'm with you on quite a bit of that, actually.
1. "Believing" is a crock---------check
2. "We must tithe" is a crock----check
3."It's your own fault 'cause you didn't blah, blah, blah" is a crock---------check
Bad stuff happens because sometimes bad stuff just happens------check
Here's where it gets sticky.
I can't even count how many times I've heard the following section of scripture used to show that God does not tempt us.(also translated "try" us)
James 1:12-17
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to him that love him.
Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted neither tempteth he any man.:
But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringth forth death.
Do not err, my beloved brethren
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Then, of course, you have the stuff about God being light (and no darkness) and "God is love" and the God tests us theory seems a bit thin.
But, I could be wrong about what these scriptures mean.
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The guy seems Waaaaaaay too obsessed with elevating Wierwille to a super hero level for me to even want to try to give him a "listen". Just my opinion.
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