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I dream of


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God first

I dream of

wrote 11-15-2007

While I sat and write unto you telling you all that I have to share with you because of the Love God has for me and you as I hear the voice of Christ in me giving me each and every word I am about to write.

I dream of a great wind, I dream of a great sound, I dream of a great feeling, I dream of a great light, I dream of a great smell, I dream of a great tasted, and most of all I dream of a great love.

The great wind was the truth Christ shared with me has he taught me how to enjoy the love of life as I learn to love all things big and small.

The great sound I heard was the sound of victory has I won over my natural desires of me, me over us together as one great family of love because of what Christ taught me.

The great feeling was the joy I could feel from God loving me because I loved all things big and small as Christ taught me to do.

The great light is the path of love Christ is leading me to follower and point to others so we can all walk together in this love.

The great smell I smell is the smell of us working together in the great love Christ has lead us to go.

The great tasted is the tasted of each other’s holy kisses that we share with each other the way Christ has taught us to do.

But most of all is the great love itself the fruit that comes from walking, talking, sharing, helping, and given loving directions to the way to love one another as God loves us.

Thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

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God first

Holy Fire

God loves us all my dear friends I am adding a few ideals about the holy fire that sat on each at the day of Pentecost but first lets thank God for loving us.

This fire of holy spirit sits on us not to burn us with destruction but make a new temple while the old body temple is weak the new one is strong.

The fire of holy spirit does not block our paths like a fleshly fire but it leads us to a better path one of truth and love.

The fire of holy spirit’s smoke does not choke our breath but its sends a true message to all that witness it.

The fire of holy spirit spark’s that could make new fires just share the fruits of its labor.

The flames of the fire of holy spirit are not hot but they cool our hearts bring peace to all that witness its victory.

I am going to end here and see what you add thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

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