I am glad you got delivered from Your former entanglements, however it occurred!!!Remember this! and again to the Grease Spot Café!!! Where We are All Happy to help you in Our Own unique ways! PM me if You need my help!Love you Triune, RainbowsGirl
I am glad you got delivered from Your former entanglements, however it occurred!!!
Love you Triune, RainbowsGirl
Thank you so much rainbow i really needed that. I am really going through some real tuf times now. I am not to proud to admit it. Thanks again for your words of encouragement.
Were you associated with The Way International at some point then? You sound like you're more peaceful now than you were before. If so... great.
Well after I had sat down with the Man in my GFs APT. talking about the 4 others Crucified, three Days in a row until 5 in the Morning, I wanted more. So he could not feed as fast as i needed for my hunger. He turned me on to a book by Rev. John d Hendricks titled "easy to believe" in this book he covered many topics. I took everything he said a s solid truth, but i tore that book up in just one week day and night study. I used the man next door to speak the Greek words to me, and answer questions I had. The Man was very smart is what VPW had taught him in WAY Core, and PFAL, and he had a degree, and knew VPW personally.
But I needed more FAST, he said to me "J.R. you are growing real fast and you have a hunger for the Word" so he begun to show me some of DRs works the first book from VPW he let me study was "Gods Magnified Word" WOW I really swallowed what it said hook line and sinker. with in the next Month I was wanting more I had studied GMW/ETB over and over and could quote it more than the Bible.
I took the teachings REV Hendricks serous, and ordered almost 'EVERY TEACHING CRF had to offer, I was Studying them day and night for months and used the man next door as a mentor. I really trusted the man and I thought that he was a God send. and we said many times "CHRISTIANS IN THE WORLD HAS GOT IT ALL WRONG" and they do not care about the 'accuracy in the word". Well that is just what cult thinking does to a person, "gets it all backwards" in reverse.
I thought that the world needed to hear more of this and it was our duty to teach this to the people. I was overseeing a Chapel at that time and allowed this man to become out teacher/song leader. Then I got us on a local TV station and we produced 3 years of what He had learned and I had learned, pushing a FALSE JESUS. GOSPEL, SPIRIT, and in turn produced FALSE BROTHERS
But at the time all this was going on I was digging myself in deeper and deeper i studded more of the Ways books "RtHST", i red orange books, green, gold, brown, red, ETC wow what a impact it all had. I went on to dig even deeper and wanted more, and soon the man next door could not feed me any more. And Hendricks ha ha he was a joke, I wrote him and we had 9 People from the Chapel that wanted to take his 'Advanced Class" Christian Research and Fellowship never even wrote us back. I even called them, "nothing". I said well I need FOOD DANG IT. Then the man next door after 12 Months comes off some meat "Jesus Christ Was Not God 1st Ed 1971 Danggggg mannnn this was my break through i was in now !!! I took that book out of his hands so fast and cut him real short, and went into my APT down the Street, and locked myself in for 4 Days and nights studying it thoroughly.
JCNG book was where i begun to see problems, but I would not fess up to it, because I had already taught the people in the Chapel, and TV that Jesus was not God and was just a Man like us but he had "divine revelation" and it could not be wrong because if Jesus was God "it would not fit", and it "had to fit Like a hand in a glove" i learned in VPW book. And later in a PFAL Class that was held by another local splinter group.
I began to attend CFF in Tipp City Ohio and John S. was too milky to feed me, and his daughter tought good but she could not do it either. But there was a man that could feed me 'Wane Clapp" now he got my attention and could feed me, but he was just repeating things I learned in VPWs/Hendricks books, and he did not speak a lot, so I just by passed all that and got a lot of his teachings.
I was exposed to the Max, and knew about Way teaching than most that had been in for decades. I do recall a woman that knew me for years told the Teacher "you better hope you are right MR because if you are not J.R will find out because I really believe God is with him, and you will regret it if you are wrong here RI*K." That statement came from one of the flock and I was terrified at it, it shook me bad for weeks and even months, she had all 7 of her kids attending the Chapel. I asked God to show me if I am wrong I will listen.
Then one day I was listening to a radio program at work in a laundry room fixing up a con op washer. The speakers was in the Ceiling and this Greek guy came on the wave and said these words 'I want to talk to you today about the tryune God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit" well I got so upset and said out loud "WELL HOW IN THE HADYS CAN HE BE A GREEK AND SPEAK GREEK RAISED A GREEK TEACH ME ABOUT A 3 HEADED FALSE GOD" So I took out my screwdriver and poked out every speaker in the place. But I still heard him in the Transistors in the radio, so i took out my hammer and busted it all to pieces. I said " NOW YOU GREEK YOU WILL NOT TEACH THIS IN THIS LAUNDRY ROOM TO THESE PEOPLE" HA HA take that you GREEK GEEK !!
As i left i was upset so much it showed, I ran into a Pastor of a Local big Church. He said to me Jay what is wrong are you upset about something ? I droped my tools and said "YES I AM VERY" he said why ?? I said have you ever heard of a man called DR. Z ?? OHHHH YESSSS J.R. he is a Elder in the Church universal, and is a Greek and is very wise in the scriptures. I said " IF HE IS SO WISE HOW IS HE TEACHING A 3 HEADED FALSE GOD??" THE Pastor said to me "Jay I am not for it but I will say that I never took the time to sat down and really study it , and I cannot go against him or the teaching because I never took the time to study it....HAVE YOU ??" I responded No not really he said to me "J.R. I think you owe it to you and them people in that Chapel to search it out, J.R. I love you man but I really think you have fallen into a trap" I said well I can say the same about you. His reply is what made me start to turn around he said " J.R. Act as if you are a Judge and you have a Plaintiff and a defendant and you MUST HEAR OUT BOTH SIDES IN THE COURT !!"
Well I found myself going back into VPWs books and looking he messed up the Godhead so bad. Every time VPW tried to delete the deity of Christ he Butchered the Greek, Gk grammar. He even gave two different meanings for the same Greek word in the same case. in the same book lol lol And when I looked at the other side of the case it was really interesting to me I never seen where VPW hit the word(s) translated LORD/lord "adoni" and YHWH" what a Joke this man was and I fell for it. wow
Do you know what sudo I am happy but sad I lost all my old friends, They will not even speak to me to this day. because i am a trinitarian in by belief system, and speak up when I hear error and they cannot accept challenge, they say oh yes but when the time comes they run away.
I admire the courage you displayed by breaking out of the "think like us" mold that TWI put us in.
There are many people who, even decades later. can not accept the fact that we were tricked.
Now, you and I may not necessarily reach the same conclusions regarding various doctrines. But, what's important, at least in my opinion, is that we arrive at them by our independent thinking, not because some cult insists we must all be uniform.
Thank you so much for saying that. The reason I thank you is the fact we all like to be lifted up, and when I hear you say that I try to place myself in your shoes. If I was in your shoes I would like to be thanked, and lifted us as well. I really thank you all here on GSC. GSC is a ministry with in every one of you working together as a whole. God bless you my friends.
waysider All this is all fine but if I speak to you in a way that come to you as anything other than speech that we can understand I will be looking into that mirror again and say to myself " YOU BLEW IT AGAIN"
Everyone on GSC I want to personally say to EA. and every one of you "Thank You" I do not want to make these posts to come across to you wrong in any WAY at all. I have had nothing but support from every one of you, you never one time took a swing at me (that I know of) he he . But I do say I know as well as a "Lot" of you we both do not agree in a lot of areas AT ALL!!
Should we not fellowship ?
Should we avoid the Subjects ?
Will we grow together if we hunger for it , discuss it, and we are meek to receive it ?
like i told you in chat (i think), a lot of this doesn't matter to me
the love of god and christ is what saves me
Grace and peace to you my Friend and I thank you so much for your uplifting words. I do want to say You are a very special person, and you are so right "
And you said it is such a way that my 17 YO Daughter can understand it.
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Dear Triune,
I am glad you got delivered from Your former entanglements, however it occurred!!!
Remember this!
again to the Grease Spot Café!!! Where We are All Happy to help you in Our Own unique ways! PM me if You need my help!
Love you Triune, RainbowsGirl
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Thank you so much rainbow i really needed that. I am really going through some real tuf times now. I am not to proud to admit it. Thanks again for your words of encouragement.
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Were you associated with The Way International at some point then? You sound like you're more peaceful now than you were before. If so... great.
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Well after I had sat down with the Man in my GFs APT. talking about the 4 others Crucified, three Days in a row until 5 in the Morning, I wanted more. So he could not feed as fast as i needed for my hunger. He turned me on to a book by Rev. John d Hendricks titled "easy to believe" in this book he covered many topics. I took everything he said a s solid truth, but i tore that book up in just one week day and night study. I used the man next door to speak the Greek words to me, and answer questions I had. The Man was very smart is what VPW had taught him in WAY Core, and PFAL, and he had a degree, and knew VPW personally.
But I needed more FAST, he said to me "J.R. you are growing real fast and you have a hunger for the Word" so he begun to show me some of DRs works the first book from VPW he let me study was "Gods Magnified Word" WOW I really swallowed what it said hook line and sinker. with in the next Month I was wanting more I had studied GMW/ETB over and over and could quote it more than the Bible.
I took the teachings REV Hendricks serous, and ordered almost 'EVERY TEACHING CRF had to offer, I was Studying them day and night for months and used the man next door as a mentor. I really trusted the man and I thought that he was a God send. and we said many times "CHRISTIANS IN THE WORLD HAS GOT IT ALL WRONG" and they do not care about the 'accuracy in the word". Well that is just what cult thinking does to a person, "gets it all backwards" in reverse.
I thought that the world needed to hear more of this and it was our duty to teach this to the people. I was overseeing a Chapel at that time and allowed this man to become out teacher/song leader. Then I got us on a local TV station and we produced 3 years of what He had learned and I had learned, pushing a FALSE JESUS. GOSPEL, SPIRIT, and in turn produced FALSE BROTHERS
But at the time all this was going on I was digging myself in deeper and deeper i studded more of the Ways books "RtHST", i red orange books, green, gold, brown, red, ETC wow what a impact it all had. I went on to dig even deeper and wanted more, and soon the man next door could not feed me any more. And Hendricks ha ha he was a joke, I wrote him and we had 9 People from the Chapel that wanted to take his 'Advanced Class" Christian Research and Fellowship never even wrote us back. I even called them, "nothing". I said well I need FOOD DANG IT. Then the man next door after 12 Months comes off some meat "Jesus Christ Was Not God 1st Ed 1971 Danggggg mannnn this was my break through i was in now !!! I took that book out of his hands so fast and cut him real short, and went into my APT down the Street, and locked myself in for 4 Days and nights studying it thoroughly.
JCNG book was where i begun to see problems, but I would not fess up to it, because I had already taught the people in the Chapel, and TV that Jesus was not God and was just a Man like us but he had "divine revelation" and it could not be wrong because if Jesus was God "it would not fit", and it "had to fit Like a hand in a glove" i learned in VPW book. And later in a PFAL Class that was held by another local splinter group.
I began to attend CFF in Tipp City Ohio and John S. was too milky to feed me, and his daughter tought good but she could not do it either. But there was a man that could feed me 'Wane Clapp" now he got my attention and could feed me, but he was just repeating things I learned in VPWs/Hendricks books, and he did not speak a lot, so I just by passed all that and got a lot of his teachings.
I was exposed to the Max, and knew about Way teaching than most that had been in for decades. I do recall a woman that knew me for years told the Teacher "you better hope you are right MR because if you are not J.R will find out because I really believe God is with him, and you will regret it if you are wrong here RI*K." That statement came from one of the flock and I was terrified at it, it shook me bad for weeks and even months, she had all 7 of her kids attending the Chapel. I asked God to show me if I am wrong I will listen.
Then one day I was listening to a radio program at work in a laundry room fixing up a con op washer. The speakers was in the Ceiling and this Greek guy came on the wave and said these words 'I want to talk to you today about the tryune God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit" well I got so upset and said out loud "WELL HOW IN THE HADYS CAN HE BE A GREEK AND SPEAK GREEK RAISED A GREEK TEACH ME ABOUT A 3 HEADED FALSE GOD" So I took out my screwdriver and poked out every speaker in the place. But I still heard him in the Transistors in the radio, so i took out my hammer and busted it all to pieces. I said " NOW YOU GREEK YOU WILL NOT TEACH THIS IN THIS LAUNDRY ROOM TO THESE PEOPLE" HA HA take that you GREEK GEEK !!
As i left i was upset so much it showed, I ran into a Pastor of a Local big Church. He said to me Jay what is wrong are you upset about something ? I droped my tools and said "YES I AM VERY" he said why ?? I said have you ever heard of a man called DR. Z ?? OHHHH YESSSS J.R. he is a Elder in the Church universal, and is a Greek and is very wise in the scriptures. I said " IF HE IS SO WISE HOW IS HE TEACHING A 3 HEADED FALSE GOD??" THE Pastor said to me "Jay I am not for it but I will say that I never took the time to sat down and really study it , and I cannot go against him or the teaching because I never took the time to study it....HAVE YOU ??" I responded No not really he said to me "J.R. I think you owe it to you and them people in that Chapel to search it out, J.R. I love you man but I really think you have fallen into a trap" I said well I can say the same about you. His reply is what made me start to turn around he said " J.R. Act as if you are a Judge and you have a Plaintiff and a defendant and you MUST HEAR OUT BOTH SIDES IN THE COURT !!"
Well I found myself going back into VPWs books and looking he messed up the Godhead so bad. Every time VPW tried to delete the deity of Christ he Butchered the Greek, Gk grammar. He even gave two different meanings for the same Greek word in the same case. in the same book lol lol And when I looked at the other side of the case it was really interesting to me I never seen where VPW hit the word(s) translated LORD/lord "adoni" and YHWH" what a Joke this man was and I fell for it. wow
Do you know what sudo I am happy but sad I lost all my old friends, They will not even speak to me to this day. because i am a trinitarian in by belief system, and speak up when I hear error and they cannot accept challenge, they say oh yes but when the time comes they run away.
It could be me and just to stupid to see it.
God Bless you suto
Edited by TRIUNE_GODLink to comment
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I admire the courage you displayed by breaking out of the "think like us" mold that TWI put us in.
There are many people who, even decades later. can not accept the fact that we were tricked.
Now, you and I may not necessarily reach the same conclusions regarding various doctrines. But, what's important, at least in my opinion, is that we arrive at them by our independent thinking, not because some cult insists we must all be uniform.
I'm looking forward to more of your insight.
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Thank you so much for saying that. The reason I thank you is the fact we all like to be lifted up, and when I hear you say that I try to place myself in your shoes. If I was in your shoes I would like to be thanked, and lifted us as well. I really thank you all here on GSC. GSC is a ministry with in every one of you working together as a whole. God bless you my friends.
waysider All this is all fine but if I speak to you in a way that come to you as anything other than speech that we can understand I will be looking into that mirror again and say to myself " YOU BLEW IT AGAIN"
Everyone on GSC I want to personally say to EA. and every one of you "Thank You" I do not want to make these posts to come across to you wrong in any WAY at all. I have had nothing but support from every one of you, you never one time took a swing at me (that I know of) he he . But I do say I know as well as a "Lot" of you we both do not agree in a lot of areas AT ALL!!
Should we not fellowship ?
Should we avoid the Subjects ?
Will we grow together if we hunger for it , discuss it, and we are meek to receive it ?
This is again just things I ask myself.
God bless
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oh thank you so much for your story
i think you're wonderful
like i told you in chat (i think), a lot of this doesn't matter to me
the love of god and christ is what saves me
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Grace and peace to you my Friend and I thank you so much for your uplifting words. I do want to say You are a very special person, and you are so right "
And you said it is such a way that my 17 YO Daughter can understand it.
Thank you so much God Bless
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