Oh I liked the peanut butter thingies. The truth is that those are the only two meals I remember clearly from that time. I must have blocked the rest out.
You got something with mayonaisse? Was it a "wish sandwich"? Did you wish there was some meat to go in that thing? I don't recall ever seeing a slice of deli meat ever. We got peanut butter sandwiches, those thingies, yogurt - which got auctioned off for sandwiches and thingies, or different flavors of yogurt - and...
...then there was the familia. <_<
Yes, I admit it I really loath mayo! Can't stand the stuff. So when it came on a sandwich I would immediately trade said sandwich for anything...even someones familia.
Oh and deli meat? What was deli meat? The only meat we ever saw was in that Chicken concoction, Rev. Fart was a vegetarian so we had to be as well.
Now when I got moved to Gunnison third block...that was a totally different story. Three of us ended up with food poisoning because of all the meat they served us the first day on campus. You just cant eat pork for three meals straight if you are a vegetarian. It will really mess you up! We ate meat with every meal...without exception. I think even the icecream was made from meat. You really had to search to find fresh fruit or fresh vegies.
Yes, I admit it I really loath mayo! Can't stand the stuff. So when it came on a sandwich I would immediately trade said sandwich for anything...even someones familia.
Oh and deli meat? What was deli meat? The only meat we ever saw was in that Chicken concoction, Rev. Fart was a vegetarian so we had to be as well.
Now when I got moved to Gunnison third block...that was a totally different story. Three of us ended up with food poisoning because of all the meat they served us the first day on campus. You just cant eat pork for three meals straight if you are a vegetarian. It will really mess you up! We ate meat with every meal...without exception. I think even the icecream was made from meat. You really had to search to find fresh fruit or fresh vegies.
I know...bitch, bitch, bitch...
Funny.. we had almost no meat at Gunnison. Maybe that's how they saved on food costs - send all the meat to one location and rotate the troups during the year - it will all even out in the end. ;)
BTW - I hate mayo as well. I just can't imagine how there were sandwiches with mayo and no meat...
Once out, looking back, it did seem like it was a spell. It was like walking out of a fog. Even if we didn't fully accept some of the bull, we seemed to hang around and "serve". It was sort of like playing a fantasy game ... the mal pac thing, commies attacking, or whatever it was, never seemed real, yet we "played" along, getting our millet and gear.
The same with MOGFOT ... there were certainly times when I thought vp had an inside track to God ... and there was certainly too much reverence ... but did I ever fully believe this was God's apostle ...? It was more a bewitching to follow along, a willingness to play along, like being in a fantasy game full time. All the surrounding friends and activities supported the illusion.
the corpse never really lived up to its billing ... it was just low budget make believe ... role playing. The promised magic never really happened ... no signs miracles and wonders, no great revelations ... but I stuck around in "the trance". Only the visions of what it was supposed to be were "real".
.....fantasy games.....never seemed real......"played along"......a spell......a bewitching to follow along
Maybe.........it was False Evidence Appearing Real
.....fantasy games.....never seemed real......"played along"......a spell......a bewitching to follow along
Maybe.........it was False Evidence Appearing Real
..................eeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk......FEAR !!
well, if there was fear, it was maybe fear of getting locked into a 40 hour/week job for the rest of my life ... I mean outside of twi, persuing a career ... that was scary to me and seemed like "slavery". twi was an alternative to do some noble peace corps like thing only better ... but at first it was just about the bible ...
I remember during hoho in my second year in res, getting with a couple also in res then ... we discussed shortcomings in the whole thing, and the conclusion was we should try to change it or get out. I think they tried a little harder at the change it thing ... I sorta just muddled along.
I'm sure everyone was different, but since it really was a pretty low budget fraud, it must have been more sorcery than real belief that this was God's "elite" program. I think it was fantasy where everyone played along, and some actually got lost in the fantasy. I mean many really believed the Bible, but that we were some sort of special chosen group ... not sure that was believed very deeply by most.
I did like the food OK, except they didn't serve enough. if you were really out there getting your aerobic points, you needed more calories, but maybe they wanted us weak. But it was probably more about saving pennies for vp's motorcoach or plane ...
Many of us did...albeit a bit later than we "thought". The real crime here...at least the eternal crime is the one that seperated God from his children. Yes I believe that VP was all the things that DWBH said and I also believe that he druged, raped and otherwise ruined a lot of lives mentally and physically, but the eternal crime is his crime against the household spiritually.
well seeing that term "household" and talk about what vp did to "the household spiritually" ... makes me wonder
I'd forgotten all that "we are God's household" talk, and we are in the kitchen ... to me that was just part of the scam. But I guess there are some that feel it was God's household ... it was maybe vp's household ... but we were more his servants than his family.
You have a point there, Rhino. Partitioning off the Body of Christ into, Family, Household, Clergy, MOGFODAT, (did that term start with LCM's "Rise and Expansion" class?) was certainly another form of elitism built into the system. Then of course there were the cop-outs, seed boys, rank unbelievers... on the downside of that ladder.
Oh and let's not forget the greasespots by midnight!
It's almost embarrassing to take a look at all this and say I believed it then.
When we went into the FWC we were told, "Oh, it's so wonderful! You will get to spend so much more time with your son than you do now, with both of you working:. Then the program starts. Guess what! We are BOTH STILL WORKING! We have to get up earlier than we did at home, gobble some inedible something for breakfast and our son, who is not a morning person, is hustled off to morning fellowship at the school bus stop. We are hustled off to this and that, me usually cleaning something, occasionally cleaning freshly gathered eggs (they did let us wear gloves for which I am eternally grateful). Nothing we do is right. My husband and I were on a canning crew for a while. Now two things we know about are proper food processing and canning tomatoes. But OH NO we suddenly don't know beans from barium. Of course you DO NOT throw out the rotten tomatoes, or cut out spots that are rotten, or remove leaves that are still attached or vines that are hanging there. We were permitted to wash them in ice cold water then into the pot they went. We made salsa without onions and without garlic, because Reverend Martindale, our wonderful Man of God, hates onions and garlic. That's tomato sauce folks. Come to think of it, I put onions and garlic in tomato sauce too.
Corps nights were mostly bytch sessions.
We almost never saw our son, but he made his presence known by stealing food from the Corps kitchen on the third floor, throwing eggs across Adam's Alley, stealing candy from peoples' rooms, and emptying his bladder into a sanitary product receptacle in the co-ed bathroom we all used. He was absolutely miserable, but couldn't talk to us about it because we were either working or exhausted. The 19th WC kids tried to rule his life, the staff beat the crap out of him every opportunity, and he felt totally abandoned. He told me once, "It was like you were the Jews and they were the Nazis."
It ruined our relationship with our child. It completely blew any trust we might have built up with him since we adopted him at age 8. I don't blame him one bit. My only excuse is that we had NO IDEA what was going on until he acted out so badly we were dropped from the Corps. No one came and told us he was having problems. He was 11 years old.
OF course we were so terrified ourselves, there wouldn't have been much to do.
Some day I would like to think WC and a few other people there would like to apologize for what they did to him.
well seeing that term "household" and talk about what vp did to "the household spiritually" ... makes me wonder
I'd forgotten all that "we are God's household" talk, and we are in the kitchen ... to me that was just part of the scam. But I guess there are some that feel it was God's household ... it was maybe vp's household ... but we were more his servants than his family.
When I used the term "household" I certainly did not mean it as it was used in "Way speak". I was referring to a more general term that would be all inclusive of anyone that was ever involved in the Way or that was affected by VP's erroneous teachings.
I still believe that we are the children of God and are also a member of His household. I dont really know how biblical that is, I never bothered looking as it just sounded logical that if God was the Father and we His children, wouldnt there be some sort of household? (I just dont remember and I could look it up now, but I really need to go and change a tire.) I certainly do not advocate that there are any other "levels" in the household other than Father, big Brother (JC not the bully down the street) and the rest of us children.
From what I saw in the ministry VP exploited that term (along with a bunch of others) to "prove" the elite status of several groups or people. It was kind of like his "Father in the Word" junk.
"It was like you were the Jews and they were the Nazis."
It ruined our relationship with our child. It completely blew any trust we might have built up with him since we adopted him at age 8. I don't blame him one bit. My only excuse is that we had NO IDEA what was going on until he acted out so badly we were dropped from the Corps. No one came and told us he was having problems. He was 11 years old.
OF course we were so terrified ourselves, there wouldn't have been much to do.
Some day I would like to think WC and a few other people there would like to apologize for what they did to him.
I never knew this was happening and it just makes me sick to think of the pain that many children and whole families endured. It was like you were being punished for reproducing. Sickening!
I do hope that you have managed to mend some of the bridges between you and your son.
My son told me that if a child touched a wall, they received a wallop with the omnipresent spoon. Good grief, we had to CLEAN the freakin' place every blessed day! That staircase that was wide and made of red oak was dusted and waxed at least once in every 24-hour period. The restrictions on children in FWC were unbelievable.
When we went into the FWC we were told, "Oh, it's so wonderful! You will get to spend so much more time with your son than you do now, with both of you working:. Then the program starts. Guess what! We are BOTH STILL WORKING!.........
We almost never saw our son......
It ruined our relationship with our child. It completely blew any trust we might have built up with him since we adopted him at age 8. I don't blame him one bit. My only excuse is that we had NO IDEA what was going on until he acted out so badly we were dropped from the Corps. No one came and told us he was having problems. He was 11 years old.
OF course we were so terrified ourselves, there wouldn't have been much to do.
Some day I would like to think WC and a few other people there would like to apologize for what they did to him.
WG........thanks for sharing.
Once again................TWISTED.
If it were some newbie coming to twig, then the communication channels flow constantly to "undershepherd" them and get them in the class. If it were a corps person, then confrontation......more confrontation......get other corps "leaders" involved........maybe write up a report or two. Then follow-up......progress reports......maybe go directly to the corps coordinator's office and not pass "go."
But a corps person's PRECIOUS child......?????........where's the vigilance? the oversight? the special attention? why are both corps parents working, running here, running there? Set-up this, string that......hardly any time for those parental concerns??? DUH?
I'm just amazed when I read these things that y'all made it through all that and came out as wonderful as you are. You all deserve congressional medals of honor, imo.
I can tell, for some of you, having incredible souls with awesome senses of humor helped ease the pain and abuse (although it wasn't recognized as such at the time). Maybe that's why I love it when you start reminiscing about the good stuff...you know, fig pep, familiar, borscht, flossing charts, "intimate encounters" on your 15 minute incremental schedules....
.....when you start reminiscing about the good stuff...you know, fig pep, familiar, borscht, flossing charts, "intimate encounters" on your 15 minute incremental schedules....
To me.......the worst breakfast of them all was wheat berries. It was awful.
Like something one would expect to receive.....if they were in a food line, in prison.
To me.......the worst breakfast of them all was wheat berries. It was awful.
I'm pretty sure wheat berries were some industrial wheat/rubber ball bearing type product, that some penny pinching soul discovered were also moderately edible.
Know how many times I made eggs or bacon or sausage or waffles?
Nope. It was always mush or wheat berries or oat grotes or familia.(sprinkled with wheat germ)
Now and then there was an apple in the mix and sometimes even a muffin or bagel.
And, on rare occasions, when we had visitors, we would make pancakes.
We did make something called "apple-icious" which was raw oatmeal(stone ground only) with cut up apples, flax seeds, walnuts and raisins, soaked over night in apple juice. (chilled in refrigerator all night)
Actually quite good, surprisingly.
HaHaHa--- One time(ok, maybe a couple times) I forgot to soak the wheat berries or oat grotes over night and set them on simmer before our morning fellowship and jog.
Waysider was in the wrong men's apartment. The one Mr. Garden headed almost never had familia and never had wheat berries, because Mr. Garden went to the grocery store and purchased eggs, potatoes, sausage and bacon, along with pancake mix, butter and syrup, and fixed breakfast so that he could have something really edible. One would think he would have received serious reproof and correction (which is instruction in righteousness) by the FLO coordinator, who lived in that particular house. But no, he liked real breakfast too!
When the apartment was cleaned between 3rd year graduation and the entrance of the hapless 5th year FLO, there was amazement at one kitchen cupboard, filled with gigantic bags of familia which Mr. Garden had thoughtfully left behind.
My household coordinators were on the legalistic side and we were not only commanded to eat the freakin' wheat berries but ENJOY :blink: them as they are provided for our health and nutrition.
Many's the time when my day began with a trip to the L&K for a real breakfast, even if some thoughtful, deeply concerned soul had added a few extra handfuls of flax seeds to the familia. It just wasn't the same as breakfast.
"Wheat berries are the unprocessed kernel complete with endosperm, bran and germ. All the nutrients that manufacturers remove from white bread are here, including fiber, folic acid, protein, B-complex vitamins and vitamin E."
Ours contained, and I don't know the measurements:
RAW steel cut oats.
sunflower seeds
dried dates
sesame seed
flax seed, frequently LOTS of flax seeds. The oil in flax seeds is good for smooth muscle, such as arteries, veins and heart, and also is A SURE FIRE ANTIDOTE FOR CONSTIPATION
nuts, sometimes pecans, or walnuts or almonds
sometimes coconut.
sometimes cinnamon
ALWAYS flax seeds
maybe dried apples once in a while
Don't forget to add extra flax seeds
It wasn't really all that bad. It was the monotony of having it for breakfast 10-12 mornings in a row. It was sometimes replaced by a bowl of wheat berries. I'm not sure if wheat berries are really wheat. They were to be soaked in ice water in the refrigerator overnight before serving. They could then be simmered in water on the stove in the morning while we prayed and jogged, then served warm, or, as my house leader decided, served fresh from the fridge, drained of their water but stilll icy and refreshing and served with milkl. They had no flavor at all and were the consistency of rubber bands.
I think mush was occasionally on the morning menu. Of course, the best way to make mush is to cook cornmeal in the appropriate amount of boiling water, pour into a pan, let chill overnight, then slice and fry in butter. But we ate ours straight from the pot. With a half stick of butter and some salt and pepper it was kinda like grits, but mushy.Other folks put sugar in theirs. and milk.
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Yes, I admit it I really loath mayo! Can't stand the stuff. So when it came on a sandwich I would immediately trade said sandwich for anything...even someones familia.
Oh and deli meat? What was deli meat? The only meat we ever saw was in that Chicken concoction, Rev. Fart was a vegetarian so we had to be as well.
Now when I got moved to Gunnison third block...that was a totally different story. Three of us ended up with food poisoning because of all the meat they served us the first day on campus. You just cant eat pork for three meals straight if you are a vegetarian. It will really mess you up! We ate meat with every meal...without exception. I think even the icecream was made from meat. You really had to search to find fresh fruit or fresh vegies.
I know...bitch, bitch, bitch...
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Funny.. we had almost no meat at Gunnison. Maybe that's how they saved on food costs - send all the meat to one location and rotate the troups during the year - it will all even out in the end. ;)
BTW - I hate mayo as well. I just can't imagine how there were sandwiches with mayo and no meat...
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Tom Strange
I actually grew to like the familia with fig pap... what does that say about me?
...not so with the borscht, I've still never eaten a beet.
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Maybe.........it was False Evidence Appearing Real
..................eeeekkkkkkkkkkkkk......FEAR !!
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well, if there was fear, it was maybe fear of getting locked into a 40 hour/week job for the rest of my life ... I mean outside of twi, persuing a career ... that was scary to me and seemed like "slavery". twi was an alternative to do some noble peace corps like thing only better ... but at first it was just about the bible ...
I remember during hoho in my second year in res, getting with a couple also in res then ... we discussed shortcomings in the whole thing, and the conclusion was we should try to change it or get out. I think they tried a little harder at the change it thing ... I sorta just muddled along.
I'm sure everyone was different, but since it really was a pretty low budget fraud, it must have been more sorcery than real belief that this was God's "elite" program. I think it was fantasy where everyone played along, and some actually got lost in the fantasy. I mean many really believed the Bible, but that we were some sort of special chosen group ... not sure that was believed very deeply by most.
I did like the food OK, except they didn't serve enough. if you were really out there getting your aerobic points, you needed more calories, but maybe they wanted us weak. But it was probably more about saving pennies for vp's motorcoach or plane ...
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I agree sista!
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well seeing that term "household" and talk about what vp did to "the household spiritually" ... makes me wonder
I'd forgotten all that "we are God's household" talk, and we are in the kitchen ... to me that was just part of the scam. But I guess there are some that feel it was God's household ... it was maybe vp's household ... but we were more his servants than his family.
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You have a point there, Rhino. Partitioning off the Body of Christ into, Family, Household, Clergy, MOGFODAT, (did that term start with LCM's "Rise and Expansion" class?) was certainly another form of elitism built into the system. Then of course there were the cop-outs, seed boys, rank unbelievers... on the downside of that ladder.
Oh and let's not forget the greasespots by midnight!
It's almost embarrassing to take a look at all this and say I believed it then.
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Watered Garden
When we went into the FWC we were told, "Oh, it's so wonderful! You will get to spend so much more time with your son than you do now, with both of you working:. Then the program starts. Guess what! We are BOTH STILL WORKING! We have to get up earlier than we did at home, gobble some inedible something for breakfast and our son, who is not a morning person, is hustled off to morning fellowship at the school bus stop. We are hustled off to this and that, me usually cleaning something, occasionally cleaning freshly gathered eggs (they did let us wear gloves for which I am eternally grateful). Nothing we do is right. My husband and I were on a canning crew for a while. Now two things we know about are proper food processing and canning tomatoes. But OH NO we suddenly don't know beans from barium. Of course you DO NOT throw out the rotten tomatoes, or cut out spots that are rotten, or remove leaves that are still attached or vines that are hanging there. We were permitted to wash them in ice cold water then into the pot they went. We made salsa without onions and without garlic, because Reverend Martindale, our wonderful Man of God, hates onions and garlic. That's tomato sauce folks. Come to think of it, I put onions and garlic in tomato sauce too.
Corps nights were mostly bytch sessions.
We almost never saw our son, but he made his presence known by stealing food from the Corps kitchen on the third floor, throwing eggs across Adam's Alley, stealing candy from peoples' rooms, and emptying his bladder into a sanitary product receptacle in the co-ed bathroom we all used. He was absolutely miserable, but couldn't talk to us about it because we were either working or exhausted. The 19th WC kids tried to rule his life, the staff beat the crap out of him every opportunity, and he felt totally abandoned. He told me once, "It was like you were the Jews and they were the Nazis."
It ruined our relationship with our child. It completely blew any trust we might have built up with him since we adopted him at age 8. I don't blame him one bit. My only excuse is that we had NO IDEA what was going on until he acted out so badly we were dropped from the Corps. No one came and told us he was having problems. He was 11 years old.
OF course we were so terrified ourselves, there wouldn't have been much to do.
Some day I would like to think WC and a few other people there would like to apologize for what they did to him.
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When I used the term "household" I certainly did not mean it as it was used in "Way speak". I was referring to a more general term that would be all inclusive of anyone that was ever involved in the Way or that was affected by VP's erroneous teachings.
I still believe that we are the children of God and are also a member of His household. I dont really know how biblical that is, I never bothered looking as it just sounded logical that if God was the Father and we His children, wouldnt there be some sort of household? (I just dont remember and I could look it up now, but I really need to go and change a tire.) I certainly do not advocate that there are any other "levels" in the household other than Father, big Brother (JC not the bully down the street) and the rest of us children.
From what I saw in the ministry VP exploited that term (along with a bunch of others) to "prove" the elite status of several groups or people. It was kind of like his "Father in the Word" junk.
I never knew this was happening and it just makes me sick to think of the pain that many children and whole families endured. It was like you were being punished for reproducing. Sickening!
I do hope that you have managed to mend some of the bridges between you and your son.
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Watered Garden
My son told me that if a child touched a wall, they received a wallop with the omnipresent spoon. Good grief, we had to CLEAN the freakin' place every blessed day! That staircase that was wide and made of red oak was dusted and waxed at least once in every 24-hour period. The restrictions on children in FWC were unbelievable.
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WG........thanks for sharing.
Once again................TWISTED.
If it were some newbie coming to twig, then the communication channels flow constantly to "undershepherd" them and get them in the class. If it were a corps person, then confrontation......more confrontation......get other corps "leaders" involved........maybe write up a report or two. Then follow-up......progress reports......maybe go directly to the corps coordinator's office and not pass "go."
But a corps person's PRECIOUS child......?????........where's the vigilance? the oversight? the special attention? why are both corps parents working, running here, running there? Set-up this, string that......hardly any time for those parental concerns??? DUH?
Corps "Training".............

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Ok, but look at the bright side-----
At least all that sacrifice made it possible for "Dr." Wierwille to buy a whole fleet of really cool motorcycles.
Heck, some believers even got "real blessed" when they accompanied him on a week long road trip.
Now really, doesn't knowing that just make it all worthwhile?
I'm just sayin'------
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Okay......I guess it's a fair trade-off.
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I'm just amazed when I read these things that y'all made it through all that and came out as wonderful as you are.
You all deserve congressional medals of honor, imo.
I can tell, for some of you, having incredible souls with awesome senses of humor helped ease the pain and abuse (although it wasn't recognized as such at the time). Maybe that's why I love it when you start reminiscing about the good stuff...you know, fig pep, familiar, borscht, flossing charts, "intimate encounters" on your 15 minute incremental schedules....
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To me.......the worst breakfast of them all was wheat berries. It was awful.
Like something one would expect to receive.....if they were in a food line, in prison.
Give me eggs and grits any day of the week.
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I'm pretty sure wheat berries were some industrial wheat/rubber ball bearing type product, that some penny pinching soul discovered were also moderately edible.
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I was on breakfast duty in FLO for two years.
Know how many times I made eggs or bacon or sausage or waffles?
Nope. It was always mush or wheat berries or oat grotes or familia.(sprinkled with wheat germ)
Now and then there was an apple in the mix and sometimes even a muffin or bagel.
And, on rare occasions, when we had visitors, we would make pancakes.
We did make something called "apple-icious" which was raw oatmeal(stone ground only) with cut up apples, flax seeds, walnuts and raisins, soaked over night in apple juice. (chilled in refrigerator all night)
Actually quite good, surprisingly.
HaHaHa--- One time(ok, maybe a couple times) I forgot to soak the wheat berries or oat grotes over night and set them on simmer before our morning fellowship and jog.
Please, Please, Please!! Don't try this at home!
Oops, sorry.
Didn't mean to get so off topic.
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Watered Garden
Waysider was in the wrong men's apartment. The one Mr. Garden headed almost never had familia and never had wheat berries, because Mr. Garden went to the grocery store and purchased eggs, potatoes, sausage and bacon, along with pancake mix, butter and syrup, and fixed breakfast so that he could have something really edible. One would think he would have received serious reproof and correction (which is instruction in righteousness) by the FLO coordinator, who lived in that particular house. But no, he liked real breakfast too!
When the apartment was cleaned between 3rd year graduation and the entrance of the hapless 5th year FLO, there was amazement at one kitchen cupboard, filled with gigantic bags of familia which Mr. Garden had thoughtfully left behind.
My household coordinators were on the legalistic side and we were not only commanded to eat the freakin' wheat berries but ENJOY :blink: them as they are provided for our health and nutrition.
Many's the time when my day began with a trip to the L&K for a real breakfast, even if some thoughtful, deeply concerned soul had added a few extra handfuls of flax seeds to the familia. It just wasn't the same as breakfast.
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A freaken MEN Belle, Y`all are wonderfull even in spite of the garbage inflicted :)
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What's familia? And what are wheat berries?
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Tom Strange
familia is the devil's granola...
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I can't find it easily online, which tells you something.
I think it's related to Muesli- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muesli
Here's one recipe:
o 1 1/2 cups rolled oats
o 1/2 cup rolled wheat
o 1/3 cup sunflower seeds
o 1/2 cup soy milk or rice milk powder
o 1/4 cup toasted wheat germ
o 1/4 cup diced, dried apples
o 1/4 cup diced, dried apricots
o 1/4 cup raisins
o 1/4 t salt
Stir ingredients together and serve with non-dairy milk or yoghurt.
Makes 4 cups.
1. Use different dried fruits. Familia is traditionally made with apples, but yours can be daringly different.
2. Traditional familia also contains almonds and hazelnuts.
3. Add chopped fresh fruit when you serve the cereal."
From what we've heard, the twi version was light on the fruit, but I may just have misunderstood.
Wheat berries are, apparently, unprocessed wheat.
(No berries in wheat berries.)
"Wheat berries are the unprocessed kernel complete with endosperm, bran and germ. All the nutrients that manufacturers remove from white bread are here, including fiber, folic acid, protein, B-complex vitamins and vitamin E."
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Watered Garden
Ours contained, and I don't know the measurements:
RAW steel cut oats.
sunflower seeds
dried dates
sesame seed
flax seed, frequently LOTS of flax seeds. The oil in flax seeds is good for smooth muscle, such as arteries, veins and heart, and also is A SURE FIRE ANTIDOTE FOR CONSTIPATION
nuts, sometimes pecans, or walnuts or almonds
sometimes coconut.
sometimes cinnamon
ALWAYS flax seeds
maybe dried apples once in a while
Don't forget to add extra flax seeds
It wasn't really all that bad. It was the monotony of having it for breakfast 10-12 mornings in a row. It was sometimes replaced by a bowl of wheat berries. I'm not sure if wheat berries are really wheat. They were to be soaked in ice water in the refrigerator overnight before serving. They could then be simmered in water on the stove in the morning while we prayed and jogged, then served warm, or, as my house leader decided, served fresh from the fridge, drained of their water but stilll icy and refreshing and served with milkl. They had no flavor at all and were the consistency of rubber bands.
I think mush was occasionally on the morning menu. Of course, the best way to make mush is to cook cornmeal in the appropriate amount of boiling water, pour into a pan, let chill overnight, then slice and fry in butter. But we ate ours straight from the pot. With a half stick of butter and some salt and pepper it was kinda like grits, but mushy.Other folks put sugar in theirs. and milk.
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