TG, What purpose does this serve, other than revictimizing them in your own self important and self serving way? I realoly would like to know!!!
The reason is so I will not go over and over this again and again. Many people on here has asked me questions and this answers a lot of them at one time. But you did not get my emails so you did not know.
No and I still do not understand and if You want to be understood. Please be more clear as to your intent, as this is posted to the the whole forum and not a reply just to your e-mails!
Cman got mad at me for some reason, hummmm I am having problems as to understanding your question there rainbow. you all never give me a chance here you are all over me. am I that bad of a person ??
I take things personal to easy, and cmans post i should have not taken it personal, and i wished he did not get upset with me. and I am a falure at everything so i guess i failed here too. sorry for taking up your time.
Please have a cup of coffee and let us get to know you better
I just did not understand you intent of this thread and I was not trying to hurt You in anyway!!! I apologize if I did! I just wanted to help you if I can!
Could You Please explain to me who Rick Ross is and why the post are forbidden and for what reasons? I am just asking as I have never before heard of Him. That is what I did not understand.
No you did not hurt me i am torn already. I had friends and a Relatives at one time. I came in contact with this Way stuff it has destroyed it all !! My own Dad and Mother sister and all below them. It has all been over the Bible. I sat here day after day by myself (and wife) and say if i never met this Bible it would have never took place. But I need to look in a mirror and say there is the problem not the Bible. I still have faith that there is a God, but i am not sure if i have been forgiven. Really I am not. I often think I have been a tool for Satan all these last 12 years, and have never know Christ at any time.
Even my EX-WAY friends will not pick up there phone when i call anymore. My best friend died last year, and my own Dad beat me up last year and I was 38 YO, I could not hit my Dad. He is a Pastor of a Pentacostel Church who is very legal, and he has told me for 11 years I am going to hell, and going to burn, because "i do not LIVE IT" But I know better than this statement. This is why he beat me. I told him "we could never get to heaven by living it". But now i see what he was trying to say to me (but did not have the accurate words to say) and now i do wonder if I ever was a Christian.
As for Rick Ross he is a Anti Cult Leader. I posted almost 300-400 Hrs of work on his forums and he gave me his word as i was posting (doing all that work) "it is ok to teach on WAY thread" He and his staff lied to me. The thread was forbidden because the heat got turned up, and People of the EX-Way groups was really getting ....ed off. I was surfing the Web. and someone on this site reposted some of it on here. I was asked last night in the chat room to post it here at GS. Some people wanted to see it and never had the chance. I thought "I am not doing anything anyway why not" but i see it might just cause more problems. It was some of the research i found out as I was seeing that "THE WAY WAS A CULT" and using to go to Adults in the Chapel to get the "rightly divided word". I just never sat down and compiled it, as i did for Now I know why he has nothing on the WAY (they sue to much).
That is only but very little of it. But yes. I just hope you do not put me down because of it. I was learning there too. Seems like there is more critics than supporters lol lol. But I really was not trying to be arrogant, as I was accused of. I was just trying to share what I found that is all. If it appeared to come our arrogant it was not ment to be. Anyone that knows me will tell you I am totally reverse. I actually need some of that, I look down on myself more that up.
I don't judge and condemn other people that's GOD's place to handle these!
Your 2nd link won't work for me, so I still really don't know!
Maybe it doesn't matter anymore and maybe it should be left between You and GOD TG! I am sorry that You were hurt and suffered so many loses!
We all here have been badly hurt and have suffered as well ! Let's try to heal by sharing our Hearts, our Love, our knowledge and our Wisdom to strengthen and under-gird one another!
Well, TG, I'd like to add my welcome to Rainbowsgirl and others. Often people who come in here without "lurking" and reading for a long time get off on the wrong foot, because they don't understand the place. (Ask me how I know!) Maybe you've done a lot of reading already.
A wonderful way to start out is to post to the "My Story" thread. Some of the stuff you posted, above, is a great icebreaker... some of what you've been through and what you're dealing with now. I would not be surprised if you found some real wonderful friends here. You don't have to write your whole story at once.... just a short introductory thing... others will greet, ask questions, etc, and you can fill in with subsequent posts.
Something you've already said that struck a chord with me is about the altercation with your father. My father is not a believer, but I hit that same bump a while ago.... realizing that I was really not "living it," and, to be truthful, I realized that Jesus was NOT my lord (long story.... hey, it's YOUR thread!) -- not actively, anyway.
The ministry's teaching of "no condemnation" was badly, badly flawed. "No sin consciousness"! My God! When I sin, I WANT to be conscious of it! But it's a process.... when all these things come tumbling at you, you feel like you've lost your foundation (and you have!) and it's easy to get swept up with what Paul called "overmuch sorrow."
But not all you learned is wasted. God loved you, and He loves you. A beloved son, He corrects.
I hope you hang around and that some of the folks here will be a real blessing to you.
Love and peace,
Belle, the second link (on the other thread) does not work for me, either. I get a 404 not found.
TG explains that some of his posts were removed from Rick Ross's website.
I remembered some posts being removed after I found them pecking around one day. If you read just a few posts down on the thread that I started and linked to in my post above, one can see that, indeed, the posts were removed from Ross's site. WordWolf kindly used the Google "cache" option to pull up and post the "forbidden posts", which TG has said that were his and were the ones removed.
I'm not sure where the problem is... Maybe y'all did not actually read the thread? :unsure:
Thank You Belle and WW I read farther and will read it all!
I remember Rick Ross now. one of my "babes" M*nica St+rer was deprogammed by him! I still remember what a great and loving person that she was and how it broke my heart to lose her as a sister. But in retrospect, perhaps she was saved more hurt this way. Except it was still a vile act to be deprogrfammed and in the manner they used it was just plain evil! Money was the root of all His evil indeed!
TG explains that some of his posts were removed from Rick Ross's website.
I remembered some posts being removed after I found them pecking around one day. If you read just a few posts down on the thread that I started and linked to in my post above, one can see that, indeed, the posts were removed from Ross's site. WordWolf kindly used the Google "cache" option to pull up and post the "forbidden posts", which TG has said that were his and were the ones removed.
Technically, I posted SOME of them-about a page's worth.
I probably left out a lot.
I'm not sure where the problem is... Maybe y'all did not actually read the thread? :unsure:
Probably hadn't read it all yet, anyway.
They probably wanted to start with the link, then didn't think to scroll down and see if we'd discussed
wOw I really was shocked to come to this thread and see the responses, THANK YOU ALL !!
This last Day I have been thinking of how I ran into this site, and the wonder full words "rainbow and cman" has shared with me. as well. Now today I have some new people who has extended there arms out to me as well GOD BLESS EVERY ONE OF YOU !! I must say i am crying right now... I really thought there was no one that cared. I should have a pity party now lol lol. sheww now I got the tears out of the way.
I have read a lot of your stuff Wordwolf because me and you have a lot in common. "the word" i do go through things, but i have a hunger for Gods Word. but i tried many times just to forget it all. In fact I am trying to forget it now. But yesterday I reread some of them ART. you submitted on the "forbidden Posts" and it really hits home. I want to thank you personally for posting them for others to see. It is just another viewpoint, for someone to think about that is all.
Anotherdan: Thank you for sharing with me about the site. Thank you for your warm welcome as well. I hope we can become friends because (well here tears comes again) I sure could use a few !! because I have none, ooops s let me back up now I have a few now "rainbow and cman (yes cman)" and a few more that i am not thinking of. I should go to that forum and do as you thought would be a good start. GOD BLESS YOU DAN!!
Year2027 I want to thank you as well, for your support and welcome to GSC The reason I lasted so long is that I wrote a Ext. letter to Rick Ross about my intent, he agreed. But when the heat got turned up by EX-way groups he shut down the thread, after he told me it was "OK to teach on Way thread", I even went as far as, after 1/2 way through the thread, (I did not want to waste my time) and asked his board monters to look over my posts and make sure I was not Flaming or anything that was not abiding to there rules. They responded "oh you are fine looks good" "He lied" and "he cowered" he will lie again to cover his foot. He got scared, and his site should be avoided (just my thought I am upset with him).
A note to any this is my writing and I take full legal Respons. for all its content. GSC is not liable for any post I post in this thread or any post I post period.
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deleted cuz the post changed
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TG, What purpose does this serve, other than revictimizing them in your own self important and self serving way? I realoly would like to know!!!
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The reason is so I will not go over and over this again and again. Many people on here has asked me questions and this answers a lot of them at one time. But you did not get my emails so you did not know.
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No and I still do not understand and if You want to be understood. Please be more clear as to your intent, as this is posted to the the whole forum and not a reply just to your e-mails!
Please consider what Cman said in His post.
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Seems you need help triunegod, God is Love which includes forgiveness.
Are you holding this back for selfishness or just don't know?
These people who were hurt should know they have already been forgiven on the cross.
Including yourself.
But not to be used to do wrong but to be free to follow Christ.
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I too hope that You can go to GOD for His forgiveness and forgive yourself as well((((TG)))))!
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Cman got mad at me for some reason, hummmm I am having problems as to understanding your question there rainbow. you all never give me a chance here you are all over me. am I that bad of a person ??
I take things personal to easy, and cmans post i should have not taken it personal, and i wished he did not get upset with me. and I am a falure at everything so i guess i failed here too. sorry for taking up your time.
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I'm not upset with you, I just do what I need to do.
You switched the focus to me and RainbowsGirl.
Then back to saying 'am I that bad of a person'.
Neither me nor her nor you can help yourself.
Being selfless and getting the help you need will come from the Lord.
By way of people like us, initially, and usually.
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Please have a cup of coffee and let us get to know you better
I just did not understand you intent of this thread and I was not trying to hurt You in anyway!!! I apologize if I did! I just wanted to help you if I can!
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Dear TG,
Could You Please explain to me who Rick Ross is and why the post are forbidden and for what reasons? I am just asking as I have never before heard of Him. That is what I did not understand.
Thank You, RainbowsGirl
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I hope You come back, I was't trying to upset you or pick at what you said! Please, be well and blessed!
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No you did not hurt me i am torn already. I had friends and a Relatives at one time. I came in contact with this Way stuff it has destroyed it all !! My own Dad and Mother sister and all below them. It has all been over the Bible. I sat here day after day by myself (and wife) and say if i never met this Bible it would have never took place. But I need to look in a mirror and say there is the problem not the Bible. I still have faith that there is a God, but i am not sure if i have been forgiven. Really I am not. I often think I have been a tool for Satan all these last 12 years, and have never know Christ at any time.
Even my EX-WAY friends will not pick up there phone when i call anymore. My best friend died last year, and my own Dad beat me up last year and I was 38 YO, I could not hit my Dad. He is a Pastor of a Pentacostel Church who is very legal, and he has told me for 11 years I am going to hell, and going to burn, because "i do not LIVE IT" But I know better than this statement. This is why he beat me. I told him "we could never get to heaven by living it". But now i see what he was trying to say to me (but did not have the accurate words to say) and now i do wonder if I ever was a Christian.
As for Rick Ross he is a Anti Cult Leader. I posted almost 300-400 Hrs of work on his forums and he gave me his word as i was posting (doing all that work) "it is ok to teach on WAY thread" He and his staff lied to me. The thread was forbidden because the heat got turned up, and People of the EX-Way groups was really getting ....ed off. I was surfing the Web. and someone on this site reposted some of it on here. I was asked last night in the chat room to post it here at GS. Some people wanted to see it and never had the chance. I thought "I am not doing anything anyway why not" but i see it might just cause more problems. It was some of the research i found out as I was seeing that "THE WAY WAS A CULT" and using to go to Adults in the Chapel to get the "rightly divided word". I just never sat down and compiled it, as i did for Now I know why he has nothing on the WAY (they sue to much).
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Are these your forbidden posts?
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That is only but very little of it. But yes. I just hope you do not put me down because of it. I was learning there too. Seems like there is more critics than supporters lol lol. But I really was not trying to be arrogant, as I was accused of. I was just trying to share what I found that is all. If it appeared to come our arrogant it was not ment to be. Anyone that knows me will tell you I am totally reverse. I actually need some of that, I look down on myself more that up.
Edited by TRIUNE_GODLink to comment
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I don't judge and condemn other people that's GOD's place to handle these!
Your 2nd link won't work for me, so I still really don't know!
Maybe it doesn't matter anymore and maybe it should be left between You and GOD TG! I am sorry that You were hurt and suffered so many loses!
We all here have been badly hurt and have suffered as well
! Let's try to heal by sharing our Hearts, our Love, our knowledge and our Wisdom to strengthen and under-gird one another!
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Well, TG, I'd like to add my welcome to Rainbowsgirl and others. Often people who come in here without "lurking" and reading for a long time get off on the wrong foot, because they don't understand the place. (Ask me how I know!) Maybe you've done a lot of reading already.
A wonderful way to start out is to post to the "My Story" thread. Some of the stuff you posted, above, is a great icebreaker... some of what you've been through and what you're dealing with now. I would not be surprised if you found some real wonderful friends here. You don't have to write your whole story at once.... just a short introductory thing... others will greet, ask questions, etc, and you can fill in with subsequent posts.
Something you've already said that struck a chord with me is about the altercation with your father. My father is not a believer, but I hit that same bump a while ago.... realizing that I was really not "living it," and, to be truthful, I realized that Jesus was NOT my lord (long story.... hey, it's YOUR thread!) -- not actively, anyway.
The ministry's teaching of "no condemnation" was badly, badly flawed. "No sin consciousness"! My God! When I sin, I WANT to be conscious of it! But it's a process.... when all these things come tumbling at you, you feel like you've lost your foundation (and you have!) and it's easy to get swept up with what Paul called "overmuch sorrow."
But not all you learned is wasted. God loved you, and He loves you. A beloved son, He corrects.
I hope you hang around and that some of the folks here will be a real blessing to you.
Love and peace,
Belle, the second link (on the other thread) does not work for me, either. I get a 404 not found.
Edited by anotherDanLink to comment
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It worked when she posted it,
but apparently, when it got traffic coming from THIS site,
they deleted it.
That's why I revived some of the data and posted it directly further down the page.
That's what Belle thanked me for posting.
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TG explains that some of his posts were removed from Rick Ross's website.
I remembered some posts being removed after I found them pecking around one day. If you read just a few posts down on the thread that I started and linked to in my post above, one can see that, indeed, the posts were removed from Ross's site. WordWolf kindly used the Google "cache" option to pull up and post the "forbidden posts", which TG has said that were his and were the ones removed.
I'm not sure where the problem is... Maybe y'all did not actually read the thread? :unsure:
TG, here's a cheat sheet to the cafe:
Guide for New Arrivals to the Cafe
What is TWI?
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Thank You Belle and WW I read farther and will read it all!
I remember Rick Ross
now. one of my "babes" M*nica St+rer was deprogammed by him! I still remember what a great and loving person that she was and how it broke my heart to lose her as a sister. But in retrospect, perhaps she was saved more hurt this way. Except it was still a vile act to be deprogrfammed and in the manner they used it was just plain evil! Money was the root of all His evil indeed!
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Technically, I posted SOME of them-about a page's worth.
I probably left out a lot.
Probably hadn't read it all yet, anyway.
They probably wanted to start with the link, then didn't think to scroll down and see if we'd discussed
how it died later.
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Check this out Triune, what was the date?*/*
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Gosh Cman that was outstanding
, I have heard of The Wayback Machine Wow!
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God first
God loves you my dear friend
I tried posting there few years ago "Cult Education Forum" but I was banned fast and did not last long
So you were there 300-400 Hrs I was not there more 10-20 Hrs if I rember right
I posted there under the name year2027
good you got here
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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wOw I really was shocked to come to this thread and see the responses, THANK YOU ALL !!
This last Day I have been thinking of how I ran into this site, and the wonder full words "rainbow and cman" has shared with me. as well. Now today I have some new people who has extended there arms out to me as well GOD BLESS EVERY ONE OF YOU !! I must say i am crying right now... I really thought there was no one that cared. I should have a pity party now lol lol. sheww now I got the tears out of the way.
I have read a lot of your stuff Wordwolf because me and you have a lot in common. "the word" i do go through things, but i have a hunger for Gods Word. but i tried many times just to forget it all. In fact I am trying to forget it now. But yesterday I reread some of them ART. you submitted on the "forbidden Posts" and it really hits home. I want to thank you personally for posting them for others to see. It is just another viewpoint, for someone to think about that is all.
Anotherdan: Thank you for sharing with me about the site. Thank you for your warm welcome as well. I hope we can become friends because (well here tears comes again) I sure could use a few !! because I have none, ooops s let me back up now I have a few now "rainbow and cman (yes cman)" and a few more that i am not thinking of. I should go to that forum and do as you thought would be a good start. GOD BLESS YOU DAN!!
Year2027 I want to thank you as well, for your support and welcome to GSC The reason I lasted so long is that I wrote a Ext. letter to Rick Ross about my intent, he agreed. But when the heat got turned up by EX-way groups he shut down the thread, after he told me it was "OK to teach on Way thread", I even went as far as, after 1/2 way through the thread, (I did not want to waste my time) and asked his board monters to look over my posts and make sure I was not Flaming or anything that was not abiding to there rules. They responded "oh you are fine looks good" "He lied" and "he cowered" he will lie again to cover his foot. He got scared, and his site should be avoided (just my thought I am upset with him).
A note to any this is my writing and I take full legal Respons. for all its content. GSC is not liable for any post I post in this thread or any post I post period.
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