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I think I was a lot of things before I regenerated into a squirrel..


I remember a few things.. I don't know how much of it the crowd here could take of it though..

some people think I'm nuts enough as it is, already..


I remember being a jellyfish.. a very very old one, and very large. I have impressions of being eaten and devoured as I travelled..

Probably quite a few regenerations before one that resembled a human.. I think that was a more recent development..


Who knows.. like everybody else, maybe I crawled up out of the primordial slime..


maybe they just can't remember..

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Weird as it may sound.. I've only "incarnated" into this life five times.. that I am aware of.

1. The Jellyfish. Don't ask me why.. :biglaugh:

2. I was one of the Penguins who dropped the egg.. the "lady" swore some kind of eternal vengeance.. :biglaugh:

3. I remember dying in some stupid war.. probably about 1912 or so.. the "glories' of war? Bullsheet.. :biglaugh:

4. Last one must have been short lived. I remember repairing old radios and stuff.. some kind of shyster..

5. Now..

all I know.. this is the last time..

OK.. It's my birthday.. somebody needs to humor me..



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one of them was "in between lives". I vividly remember standing before some kind of "committee"..

said something to the effect of "you'd BETTER get it right this time.. moron.."

probably after I dropped the egg..


Are people enjoying this, or am I telling just a tad more than they may wish to know?


Edited by Mr. Hammeroni
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Ham, the book is debated as whether it is canon or not. Silly squirel! :biglaugh: Besides, everyone knows I am the Real Doctor(#12), except my Tardis is now disguised as a Dodge Dynasty, which means the inside is smaller than the outside. Have seen most of Hartnell and some of Troughton, along with the rest up through Tennant's 3rd season. Actually thought VPW would have made an excellent Davros while LCM as Cyber-controller.

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Ham, the book is debated as whether it is canon or not. Silly squirel! :biglaugh:

Well, I thought it did a fair job of tying up loose ends and giving some continuity to the old and newer series. It did fill in a few gaps.. the Doctor's origin, how he managed to "steal" a time machine, plus the motivating factors.. who Susan was.. why the insides of the Tardis looked so different in the movie with dr. number eight.. of course it contradicted the master's claim that he observed the eye structure of the doc proved that he was half human..

As far as "canon" is concerned here, I don't think one can find something resembling "god beathed" accuracy or anything..


If one doesn't agree, one can get in one's Tardis, go back, and "persuade" the author to change it before he's written it, can't one..


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There is a lot to read. I have not finished yet. It does explain a lot of who doctor who was. The t.v series had evolved a lot since 1963. I recalled it was shown here in new york in 1979 with tom baker.Who by most count everyones favorite Doctor.Then is was shown on public broadcasting a few years later Then they shown shows from 1963 with william hartnell. I remember when I started seeing doctor no.1 I did not like the charecter at all. I remamber there were two movies in the 1960's with peter cushing

starring as the doctor based on the shows espically the daleks. It kind of funny though mr.hammroni you mentioned the outer limits. The one made in the 1960's. It shows not only how much the culture had changed but also how much science had evolved too. Terms like "regenarate" on dr.who was not used in the beginning whrn the series. I forgot the name of the show from the outer limits where one person copied himself the term "clone" was not used then but it is used now.

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I am the Master and I command that all of you continue this discussion :huh: :rolleyes: -_- <_< :unsure: :wacko: :blink: :ph34r: :confused:

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For those who liked John Simm as the new Master, I highly recommend watching his previous series, Life on Mars. Simm plays Sam Tyler, a cop in Manchester who gets in an accident and wakes up in 1973. He doesn't know if he's insane, in a coma, or actually thrown back in time, but it's like living on another planet. Only two seasons were filmed, of eight episodes each, but it's well worth watching. A follow-on series, Ashes to Ashes is set to debut next year on the BBC.

God bless!


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I remamber there were two movies in the 1960's with peter cushing

starring as the doctor based on the shows espically the daleks.

Yeah.. I saw that once. "Dr. who and the city of the Daleks".

For the life of me.. I don't know why they persued commercial success with the series.. once they actually had it in their hands..

Maybe the modern special effects would have ruined it. I think it was successful because it stood pretty much entirely on the story line, despite the low budget and lack of good special effects.

That's what I like about the e books. No special effects or junk at all to get in the way..

they can do things in the books that could never be duplicated on stage.

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I am the Master and I demand that this forum continue or else I will use my tissue compression gun on you all, making you you lifeless dolls. :angry: :ph34r: :evildenk::evilshades::CUSSING::realmad:

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