Or?... oar?...ore? ... whore? What kind of d'oeuvres do sharks eat? Do they go well with mojitos?
Everything or rather anything goes well with mojitos. In fact the more you drink the less picky you are about what you are eating. It's a good thing that Dooj feeds me so well when I come to visit or God only knows what I would have been eating recently. Although I got to tell you this little shark has never had whore with anything...that's just scary! :blink:
I am off to karate class and then the theatre. Some of the kids n I are in our towns production of *High School musical* They need teachers on stage and off. I even have a couple of lines!
Soooo....can I get your autograph without getting my tail kicked?
Rascal, you have a good friend with the shark lady...and she's a smart shark as well!
I don't know if she can cook, but judging by some of her dental features, she can take a big bite (our of life!)
On THAT we can agree Bump,
Ahhh...gee wiz...you guys and galls sure know how to make a shark blush!
Reporting me and not john certainly is not irrelevent to me...seems pretty low down, as a matter of fact
Well, unlike certain other members I have no qualms about informing the person that I reported their post instead of hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. I think in the U.S. we have the right to know who are accusers are.
Accuser? Don`t make me laugh.....You whine and snivel to the moderators about the person who`s pov you don`t like and ignore the repeated insults of the one who supports your pov.
If john was offended by my post them by all means, it was his place to report it. For you to do it because it served your purpose to get a poster you personally dislike into trouble is sneaky, low down and mean.
Accuser? Don`t make me laugh.....You whine and snivel to the moderators about the person who`s pov you don`t like and ignore the repeated insults of the one who supports your pov.
Au contraire! I don't have a problem dealing with people who make it their favorite past-time to insult and personally attack me. I prefer to handle it my own way but the rules state: In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
If you have a specific problem with a poster, settle it outside of the forum.
I assume that last sentence means to do so through one of two avenues 1. PM or Email the person or 2. report the abusive post. Since I can't do #1 I have no choice but to use #2.
If john was offended by my post them by all means, it was his place to report it.
Not true. The feature is available to any member who objects to an inflammatory or personal attack. It's the rules and I'm just trying to follow them.
For you to do it because it served your purpose to get a poster you personally dislike in trouble is sneaky, low down and mean.
You got yourself in trouble by posting the inflammatory comments. Don't blame me for bringing it to the moderator's attention.
I gave you WAY too much credit Larry.
Don't make ME laugh. I'm quite certain you never gave me any credit in the first place.
Rascal, anyone who has read these forums for a length of time knows how you have been stalked, and has had a glimpse into the character of the stalker.
I think such posters reveal themselves, and while they think they are defending the True word and man of God, they are actualy showing by their actions and attitudes how lacking that doctrine was in wisdom or kindness.
Larry, your actions no matter how you try to justify yourself are contemptible. You don`t give a damn one way or another what I said to john, it was just your opportunity to stir up trouble.
In your certainty, you are entirely mistaken.
I am done with your disruption and attempted distractions that appear to be for no other reason than the enormous chip on your shoulder.
Larry, your actions no matter how you try to justify yourself are contemptible.
Isn't it funny how we think alike.
You don`t give a damn one way or another what I said to john, it was just your opportunity to stir up trouble.
Is mind-reading another one of your Christian "fruits"?
In your certainty, you are entirely mistaken.
So say you but, I have it on a respected source that I'm not.
I am done with your disruption and attempted distractions that appear to be for no other reason than the enormous chip on your shoulder.
Is it safe to say then that you've gotten "over it"? I think I asked you the question pertaining to this earlier in this thread and you ignored it then. :)
OOOOOOOOOOOOH so now you have a respected source?? That right there is the most rediculous thing that you have said yet. How could you or anybody know anything more than what I personally have written in these forums?
What are you NOT mistaken about?? About me? my opinions of you?
Unlike you, I don`t GO behind peoples backs friend... What I have to say, I say here in front of everybody. See there is this thing called personal integrity...
The deep contempt that I currently hold for you was earned by nobody but yourself buddy.
Thanks Bramble, I don`t get it. I just don`t understand. I don`t understand the stalking, I don`t understand why my every statement has to be taken out of context and challenged, in an attempt to discredit no matter what the topic at hand.
I don`t understand why anyone who supposes themselves to be christian can think it is ok to behave this way...
I don`t know why I am so stupid that I keep falling for it, derailing thread after thread.
It drives me freakin nuts.
I am sorry. Larry and John you are on ignore and see if that helps me to stop being part of the problem..
I don`t know if this thread can be pulled out of the toilet or not.
I am truly sorry :(
Edited to add....Anger?? You haven`t seen anger from me, complete and utter contempt...yes, anger??? Not at all. Good bye Larry You aren`t worth my time or attention :)
I think that forgive and forget, get over it....is a ploy by people who are uncomfortable facing the realities of twi.
If one acknowledges the abuse and mistreatment, one must examine the validity of our belief system learned from abusive cruel people.
I believe that it is easier to brand the people coming forth with the accounts as liars or exaggerators or just unspiritual people that need to forgive and move on.
What is wierd is how that scriptures can be employed to seemingly enforce such meanness:(
Some people just like to stir up trouble, disagree, argue, debate etc. Best thing to do - don't even read their threads. Just jump right over the angst driven, disagreeable person, see them as invisible . Only respond to the people who have proven to you that they can engage in a legitimate adult conversation and who are mature enough to agree to disagree on subjects where they differ in opinions.
Makes me wonder if they are really one of "us". They are worth ignoring and they ruin the boards for everyone who does like to come here. Sometimes I wonder if they are plants just trying to shut GreaseSpot down by causing so much animosity that everyone quits coming here to read and post. An example: I was on the chat site the other night and there was a major argument going on. Two of them were so juvenile, sad, pathetic and ridiculous that everyone left the chat site. What's up with that??!!!
They can ruin it for the rest of us - IF WE LET THEM. If we don't engage in conversation with them then they have no one to argue with!!! And if we all quit conversing with them they won't have an audience.
It reminds me of leadership who would get you in a room and scream and accuse you for hours trying to rile you up and break you down. One of the nice things about this is they can't get us face-to-face - we CAN ignore them.
You can only engage in mature, adult conversations with people who are sane, rational, have sound minds, are functional on a social level, and can converse on an adult level and can play nice on the playground!
Some people just like to stir up trouble, disagree, argue, debate etc. Best thing to do - don't even read their threads. Just jump right over the angst driven, disagreeable person, see them as invisible . Only respond to the people who have proven to you that they can engage in a legitimate adult conversation and who are mature enough to agree to disagree on subjects where they differ in opinions.
Makes me wonder if they are really one of "us". They are worth ignoring and they ruin the boards for everyone who does like to come here. Sometimes I wonder if they are plants just trying to shut GreaseSpot down by causing so much animosity that everyone quits coming here to read and post. An example: I was on the chat site the other night and there was a major argument going on. Two of them were so juvenile, sad, pathetic and ridiculous that everyone left the chat site. What's up with that??!!!
They can ruin it for the rest of us - IF WE LET THEM. If we don't engage in conversation with them then they have no one to argue with!!! And if we all quit conversing with them they won't have an audience.
It reminds me of leadership who would get you in a room and scream and accuse you for hours trying to rile you up and break you down. One of the nice things about this is they can't get us face-to-face - we CAN ignore them.
You can only engage in mature, adult conversations with people who are sane, rational, have sound minds, are functional on a social level, and can converse on an adult level and can play nice on the playground!
Don't get mad, get even - ignore them!!!
Aren't you paying attention? She clearly stated she wasn't angry. Oh, so sorry to rain on your parade but, the last time I checked this place is not an MBA board. If you only want those participating here that won't "ruin it for the rest of" you then I suggest you make it a campaign cause to turn this board into a MBA board only.
Thanks Edi, thank you so much, I feel pretty damned foolish right now for falling into that.
Your illustration of being screamed at be leadership untill you break down really brings it home for me. I think that you also have a valid point concerning people that would come here for no other reason than to obstruct the good that is happening.
I am sorry that I played a part in making this sight argumentative and unpleasant.
Thanks Edi, thank you so much, I feel pretty damned foolish right now for falling into that.
Your illustration of being screamed at be leadership untill you break down really brings it home for me. I think that you also have a valid point concerning people that would come here for no other reason than to obstruct the good that is happening.
I am sorry that I played a part in making this sight argumentative and unpleasant.
You are more than welcome. Don't feel too foolish - people like that are really good at tripping people's triggers and sucking the life and energy out of people emotionally. In recovery we call them emotional vampires. When they can get a reactiion out of you (or whoever) that makes them feel powerful and in control. They get all excited and pleased when they can get someone to react to them like that.
They are like parasites - you have to feed them what they want to keep them alive. Cut off the food supply and they wither away. And no matter how reasonable you are, how much sense you make, how right you are, they always have an egotistical, smartmouth comeback. They are good at what they do. The best thing to do is not respond at all.
How they are is the nature of the beast, it's ungodly and shows a complete lack of spiritual maturity.
As far as being sorry - it's just a matter of learning what NOT to do with certain people. Here are some words of wisdom:
"Life is a theater - invite your audience carefully. Not everyone is holy enough and healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance.
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatable, arguementative, not going-anywhere relationships/friendships/fellowships! Observe the relationships around you.
Pay attention to: Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones give and which ones drain? Which ones encourage and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill? When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know and appreciate you and the gift that lies within you?
The more you seek God and the things of God - the more you seek quality. The more you seek not just the hand of God but the face of God - the more you seek people who are honorable. The more you seek growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the FRONT ROW and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.
You cannot change the people around you...but you can change the people you are around. Ask God for wisdom and discernment and choose wisely the people who you allow to sit in the front row of your life."
Another wise saying: "Never make a person a priority when they only make you an option". When they make you an option they are abusing and using you. When that happens don't make them a priority by responding to them.
Another wise saying: "You are the CEO of your life. Choose wisely." When he is getting you to react he is in control of your life and emotions. When you don't react you are in control of your life and emotions.
The "Boundaries" book and DVD is an excellent source of learning HOW to take control of your life. You can google it for information. They are life changing. It is the foundational class in my Recovery Program for abused women.
I really enjoy your posts and you are a very intelligent woman!
Good Post Edi, but don’t forget that the medium of the internet has presented us all with new realities of human interaction and behaviour. All of this “invisible” communication, allows for slick human interaction with immediate (emotional) consequences.
Those voices we hear may be far away but their effects hit us all at once. The brightness of the technology is only dimmed by the “actors” heart. I think it only changes when you meet the face behind the avatar at the barbque...n’est ce pas? :)
Edi, THAT was profound. I am going to ask my daughter to read your post, as she is dealing with issues with her boy friends creepy family.
Thanks for taking the time to share this insight and information, because these are issues I have been frustrated by for years.... I will look for the boundaries book immediately.
Edi is right; Rascal you should put me in the balcony...at least, for a good chunk of time, until you feel more confident. Dooj was right, BTW. Flesh and blood. How would I possibly know what you do at weenie roasts?
But seriously, I think you get yourself totally in defence mode when you read my posts for whatever reason. That's not good. Some of my acquaintances tell me, "But bro! Ya gotta protect your heart! Stay away from GSC! Those people only want to hurt your heart." You gotta protect yours, too.
I don't hate you; I disagree with you and I think you set yourself up for failure sometimes.
I think that forgive and forget, get over it....is a ploy by people who are uncomfortable facing the realities of twi.
I think you are right if it is used by someone telling others to do so. I see nothing wrong with those words if they are used by someone who is clearly talking about their own life only. The reason I put it that way relates to my earlier post on this thread. It was started just a few hours after a post by someone (whose father I knew in the corps) who, starting this other thread, did just that...but who has not been around GS enough to know the reaction that phrase can trigger.
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Or?... oar?...ore? ... whore? What kind of d'oeuvres do sharks eat? Do they go well with mojitos?
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Everything or rather anything goes well with mojitos. In fact the more you drink the less picky you are about what you are eating. It's a good thing that Dooj feeds me so well when I come to visit or God only knows what I would have been eating recently. Although I got to tell you this little shark has never had whore with anything...that's just scary! :blink:
Soooo....can I get your autograph without getting my tail kicked?Ahhh...gee wiz...you guys and galls sure know how to make a shark blush!
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Larry N Moore
Well, unlike certain other members I have no qualms about informing the person that I reported their post instead of hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. I think in the U.S. we have the right to know who are accusers are.
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Accuser? Don`t make me laugh.....You whine and snivel to the moderators about the person who`s pov you don`t like and ignore the repeated insults of the one who supports your pov.
If john was offended by my post them by all means, it was his place to report it. For you to do it because it served your purpose to get a poster you personally dislike into trouble is sneaky, low down and mean.
I gave you WAY too much credit Larry.
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Larry N Moore
Au contraire! I don't have a problem dealing with people who make it their favorite past-time to insult and personally attack me. I prefer to handle it my own way but the rules state: In that light, please be courteous to fellow posters. Disagree all you want, but respect the fact that someone else may feel as strongly about their ideas as you do about your own. Please don't make it personal. A lively discussions of ideas is both more polite and more relevant.
If you have a specific problem with a poster, settle it outside of the forum.
I assume that last sentence means to do so through one of two avenues 1. PM or Email the person or 2. report the abusive post. Since I can't do #1 I have no choice but to use #2.
Not true. The feature is available to any member who objects to an inflammatory or personal attack. It's the rules and I'm just trying to follow them.You got yourself in trouble by posting the inflammatory comments. Don't blame me for bringing it to the moderator's attention.
Don't make ME laugh. I'm quite certain you never gave me any credit in the first place.
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Rascal, anyone who has read these forums for a length of time knows how you have been stalked, and has had a glimpse into the character of the stalker.
I think such posters reveal themselves, and while they think they are defending the True word and man of God, they are actualy showing by their actions and attitudes how lacking that doctrine was in wisdom or kindness.
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Larry, your actions no matter how you try to justify yourself are contemptible. You don`t give a damn one way or another what I said to john, it was just your opportunity to stir up trouble.
In your certainty, you are entirely mistaken.
I am done with your disruption and attempted distractions that appear to be for no other reason than the enormous chip on your shoulder.
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Larry N Moore
Isn't it funny how we think alike.
Is mind-reading another one of your Christian "fruits"?So say you but, I have it on a respected source that I'm not.
Is it safe to say then that you've gotten "over it"? I think I asked you the question pertaining to this earlier in this thread and you ignored it then. :)
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OOOOOOOOOOOOH so now you have a respected source?? That right there is the most rediculous thing that you have said yet. How could you or anybody know anything more than what I personally have written in these forums?
What are you NOT mistaken about?? About me? my opinions of you?
Unlike you, I don`t GO behind peoples backs friend... What I have to say, I say here in front of everybody. See there is this thing called personal integrity...
The deep contempt that I currently hold for you was earned by nobody but yourself buddy.
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Thanks Bramble, I don`t get it. I just don`t understand. I don`t understand the stalking, I don`t understand why my every statement has to be taken out of context and challenged, in an attempt to discredit no matter what the topic at hand.
I don`t understand why anyone who supposes themselves to be christian can think it is ok to behave this way...
I don`t know why I am so stupid that I keep falling for it, derailing thread after thread.
It drives me freakin nuts.
I am sorry. Larry and John you are on ignore and see if that helps me to stop being part of the problem..
I don`t know if this thread can be pulled out of the toilet or not.
I am truly sorry :(
Edited to add....Anger?? You haven`t seen anger from me, complete and utter contempt...yes, anger??? Not at all. Good bye Larry You aren`t worth my time or attention :)
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I think that forgive and forget, get over it....is a ploy by people who are uncomfortable facing the realities of twi.
If one acknowledges the abuse and mistreatment, one must examine the validity of our belief system learned from abusive cruel people.
I believe that it is easier to brand the people coming forth with the accounts as liars or exaggerators or just unspiritual people that need to forgive and move on.
What is wierd is how that scriptures can be employed to seemingly enforce such meanness:(
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Some people just like to stir up trouble, disagree, argue, debate etc. Best thing to do - don't even read their threads. Just jump right over the angst driven, disagreeable person, see them as invisible
. Only respond to the people who have proven to you that they can engage in a legitimate adult conversation and who are mature enough to agree to disagree on subjects where they differ in opinions.
Makes me wonder if they are really one of "us". They are worth ignoring and they ruin the boards for everyone who does like to come here. Sometimes I wonder if they are plants just trying to shut GreaseSpot down by causing so much animosity that everyone quits coming here to read and post. An example: I was on the chat site the other night and there was a major argument going on. Two of them were so juvenile, sad, pathetic and ridiculous that everyone left the chat site. What's up with that??!!!
They can ruin it for the rest of us - IF WE LET THEM. If we don't engage in conversation with them then they have no one to argue with!!! And if we all quit conversing with them they won't have an audience.
It reminds me of leadership who would get you in a room and scream and accuse you for hours trying to rile you up and break you down. One of the nice things about this is they can't get us face-to-face - we CAN ignore them.
You can only engage in mature, adult conversations with people who are sane, rational, have sound minds, are functional on a social level, and can converse on an adult level and can play nice on the playground!
Don't get mad, get even - ignore them!!!
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Larry N Moore
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Thanks Edi, thank you so much, I feel pretty damned foolish right now for falling into that.
Your illustration of being screamed at be leadership untill you break down really brings it home for me. I think that you also have a valid point concerning people that would come here for no other reason than to obstruct the good that is happening.
I am sorry that I played a part in making this sight argumentative and unpleasant.
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Larry N Moore
Apology accepted.
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Man, I stay away for 2 days and all hell breaks loose.
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You are more than welcome. Don't feel too foolish - people like that are really good at tripping people's triggers and sucking the life and energy out of people emotionally. In recovery we call them emotional vampires. When they can get a reactiion out of you (or whoever) that makes them feel powerful and in control. They get all excited and pleased when they can get someone to react to them like that.
They are like parasites - you have to feed them what they want to keep them alive. Cut off the food supply and they wither away. And no matter how reasonable you are, how much sense you make, how right you are, they always have an egotistical, smartmouth comeback. They are good at what they do. The best thing to do is not respond at all.
How they are is the nature of the beast, it's ungodly and shows a complete lack of spiritual maturity.
As far as being sorry - it's just a matter of learning what NOT to do with certain people. Here are some words of wisdom:
"Life is a theater - invite your audience carefully. Not everyone is holy enough and healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance.
It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatable, arguementative, not going-anywhere relationships/friendships/fellowships! Observe the relationships around you.
Pay attention to: Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones give and which ones drain? Which ones encourage and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill? When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know and appreciate you and the gift that lies within you?
The more you seek God and the things of God - the more you seek quality. The more you seek not just the hand of God but the face of God - the more you seek people who are honorable. The more you seek growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the FRONT ROW and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.
You cannot change the people around you...but you can change the people you are around. Ask God for wisdom and discernment and choose wisely the people who you allow to sit in the front row of your life."
Another wise saying: "Never make a person a priority when they only make you an option". When they make you an option they are abusing and using you. When that happens don't make them a priority by responding to them.
Another wise saying: "You are the CEO of your life. Choose wisely." When he is getting you to react he is in control of your life and emotions. When you don't react you are in control of your life and emotions.
The "Boundaries" book and DVD is an excellent source of learning HOW to take control of your life. You can google it for information. They are life changing. It is the foundational class in my Recovery Program for abused women.
I really enjoy your posts and you are a very intelligent woman!
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Good Post Edi, but don’t forget that the medium of the internet has presented us all with new realities of human interaction and behaviour. All of this “invisible” communication, allows for slick human interaction with immediate (emotional) consequences.
Those voices we hear may be far away but their effects hit us all at once. The brightness of the technology is only dimmed by the “actors” heart. I think it only changes when you meet the face behind the avatar at the barbque...n’est ce pas? :)
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Tom Strange
I just have four words for you folks: he's just baiting you!
(you know who I'm talking about... and it's not the Bumpster in France)
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Amen to that Tom. Thanks.
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I thought The Bumpy-One was in Senegal.
Guess I was mistaken.
Oh well, I'll get over it.
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Not any more Tom, not ever again I hope.
Edi, THAT was profound. I am going to ask my daughter to read your post, as she is dealing with issues with her boy friends creepy family.
Thanks for taking the time to share this insight and information, because these are issues I have been frustrated by for years.... I will look for the boundaries book immediately.
Your opinion means a great deal to me. Thank you
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Edi is right; Rascal you should put me in the balcony...at least, for a good chunk of time, until you feel more confident. Dooj was right, BTW. Flesh and blood. How would I possibly know what you do at weenie roasts?
But seriously, I think you get yourself totally in defence mode when you read my posts for whatever reason. That's not good. Some of my acquaintances tell me, "But bro! Ya gotta protect your heart! Stay away from GSC! Those people only want to hurt your heart." You gotta protect yours, too.
I don't hate you; I disagree with you and I think you set yourself up for failure sometimes.
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Lifted Up
I think you are right if it is used by someone telling others to do so. I see nothing wrong with those words if they are used by someone who is clearly talking about their own life only. The reason I put it that way relates to my earlier post on this thread. It was started just a few hours after a post by someone (whose father I knew in the corps) who, starting this other thread, did just that...but who has not been around GS enough to know the reaction that phrase can trigger.
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