Lots of animal lovers here, Nero! You're in very good company.
I am proudly owned by CH Bever Lea Foxhollow Vixen SE. She is a 14 lb. border terrier who keeps me in stitches figuratively and has been known to put herself into stitches, literally. She's the star of several short stories such as, "Vixen and the Snake", "Vixen and the Opossum" and "Vixen and the Feral Cat". Her latest, "Vixen and the Boar" is on our Keep Seminole Beautiful website.
Now, please explain where those great names for your pets come from!
Momoko, Kiley and Halifax's first names come from my favorite graphic novel "Peach Girl" - they were the main characters. The story has a sort of sentamental value because that book was the first thing my husband ever gave me.
Mrs. Momoko Fimbrethil: Momo from "Peach Girl" and Fimbrethil was the name of Treebeard's ent wife (Lord of the Rings). I was originally going to get a male OES and call him Fangorn - so I just named Momo after his wife instead.
Mr. Kiley Frisken: Kiley from "Peach Girl" and Frisken was a name I looked up. It means something like "small soldier with a read sword" or at least that's what I read. XP Plus... it sounded cute. If you've seen Salvador Dali's mustache - it is very long and curves up like a smile - so I gave Kiley his nickname hehe.
Mr. Toji Halifax. Toji is from "Peach Girl" and "Halifax" is the name my husband picked for him. It means "Holy Hair" which you would think when you see the amount he sheds hehe.
Weiss and Nero are named after my favorite characters in a game called "Dirge of Cerberus" - final fantasy. Nero the Sable and Weiss the Immaculate. Nero is a sable ferret so I named him after that character. Weiss is white so I named her after Weiss. She is also very clean. She enjoys bullying Nero around and forcing him to be her blanket/cushion. I also liked the name Nero anyway - it's so neat. And he was en emperor!
Trajan, I believe, got his name from the Roman Emperor since my cousin's honey bun is a Latin Teacher. When and if I get him, I'm definitely going to keep the name. I wrote a paper about his column once. =)
24 cats and kittens....down to just three dogs A harlequin great dane *xena* a rescued shepherd *mama dog* a mini rat terrier *winnie the pooche* *Rosey* the wonder but extremely vulgar cockatoo....a ferret...a huge snapping turtle named *fluffy* tanks full of various fish small water turtles...13 horses....a lepard skinned gecko ..a huge iguana...2 cockatiels...that`s all I can think of at the moment...lol
Bu tt ugly was adopted by my dear friend Judy. He is now known as petey. He had a terrible infestation of heartworms, and she paid a lot of money to have him treated and neutered. He lives inside, sleeps with his new Mom and is her dearest friend :)
We had to put poor kirby to sleep this week when she slipped a disk in her back. We lost Luke last spring to tick fever :(
Anyway, all of my little buddies are rescued animals. I volunteer for several rescues, so its kinda hard not to bring a few home with you, if you know what I mean...
My little buddies:
8 cats ( 5 females, 3 males)
2 dogs: a german shepherd & border collie
2 parrots ( a sun conure & a solomon eclectus)
3 bearded dragons
and a colony of about 8 feral cats that live on my deck & in the woods behind my house...
You should tell one of your stories about your burial gardens on here some time.
You have the biggest heart of any person I know and I just know you instill that respect and love for living souls in your beautiful children.
I would LOVE to see more pet photos. Tony, hope you get yours to upload. Two of my all time favorite pets were golden retriever/chow mix dogs from shelters: Duchess and Doobie. Awesome, awesome family members!!
I lost Doobie thanks to TWI "serious pet" doctrine. :( That will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER happen again!!!
Well, right now I have one 14-year-old Labrador retriever named Sophie - also known as "Sophie's Wicked Sweet" thanks to my cousin from Maine. Up until a few weeks ago, when he had to be put down secondary to a big nasty cancer in his belly, we had a 16-year-old red and white cocker spaniel, Maxx, registered as "Michael's Smart Maxwell."
We got Sophie as a six year old from some people who didn't want her any more. Their loss, our gain. Maxx was a tiny pup when we got him. He lived in several states before we came home to Ohio.
Next spring I want to get another dog, but ..... cocker spaniel or lab???????
My grandson and I have the name picked out already: If it's a girl dog she will be Sweet CarmenOhio. If a boy, Archie, for Archie Griffin.
My grandson is 4 years old and already a rabid Buckeye fan!
Oh, and I occasionally play host to the non-neutered, non-spayed cats from next door and their children. Does that count?
Well, right now I have one 14-year-old Labrador retriever named Sophie -
W.G., have you been successful in getting her to retrieve any Labradors?
we have two cats. I think the male will be named Socks.. he's black with white socks, white neck. The female is solid black. I've tried letting her name herself, but she's not talking.. probably gonna be Sam, short for Samantha..
Oh wow! Everyone has such cute pets! <3 I really love the pom white dove - so cute! :3 Maybe I'll figure out how to post pictures on here and post my pets - they are my babies! :D
I wish I'd had a pet German shepherd dog who was trained to bite butts!
Sophie was great at retrieving tennis balls until she got arthritis too bad. We moved to the country four years ago. The first year, our next door neighbor had a pond dug. When it filled, he stocked it with fish and put a bubbler thing in to aerate it. Now the aerator sits on the bottom of the pond and has a float attached so its location can be verified at all time (I guess the bubbles at the top weren't enough proof). The float looks exactly like a tennis ball. He says the entire contraption probably weighs 60-70 lb, and when he first installed it, Sophie swam to the float, grabbed it, and dragged it out TWICE. He had to tie it off a foot below the water surface. Neither one of us could believe she was that strong (it was about 10 feet underwater) until Mr. Garden caught her in the act.
He is, however, an extremely nice man and understands that labs have to swim and are bred to pull things out of the water, usually dead ducks or real tennis balls. So he tied it off down where she couldn't see it.
And no, she's never retrieved a labrador. We had that fixed!
AWESOME thread! I LOVE LOVE LOVE animals! Sometimes I think I love them more than people. I have 2 dogs. One is Pumpkin (aka Pumpkinator). He is a red cockerspaniel and is 7 years old. We adopted him from a cocker rescue in Southern California 2 years ago. He was our only dog for awhile because he demonstrated aggressive behavior at the Vet's office and other places toward other dogs.My other dog is Kallie, a border collie mix. She is 9 months old now. My co-worker's brother found her on the highway in the middle of the desert when she was barely 2 months old. He though she was a baby skunk. The car in front of him barely missed hitting her. He took her home hoping his mom would adopt her. She didn't want to adopt another dog as she just retired and recently had put down a long-time family pet. So my co-worker brought the picture to work, and the rest is history. She's my 2nd baby. Her main job is to torment Pumpkinator. She puts her paws on top of his head while she licks his eyes. He barks at her the whole time. :biglaugh:Here's the order of the picturesKallie as a babyKallie nowPumpkinator Close UpPumpkinator (King of the Couch)
Three cats live in this really nice house where they allow me to sleep as long as I feed them every morning before 5 am and keep the litter box clean and refill their water fountain (yes it is a real fountain) I am also generally required to share my meals and especially ice cream with her majesty Marishka the blue Burmese. The pretty white Burmese "Aroara" generally requires frequent and intense ear scratching and face petting but she is out on a poker run and I am beginning to wonder if she is going to come home.
The final furball that is inhabiting our shared home is Tucker John, the little half Burmese (Mommy Aroara had way too much catnip while out having a poker night with the "girls"). TJ has had a rough couple of months. He lost his siblings to distemper and he had to have his shots early. Consequently after surviving a mild form of the disease which nearly killed him he now has permanent nerve damage. His hind legs dont quite work as they should but he compensates by hopping like a bunny and climbing instead of jumping and he cant walk a straight line for anything. So we call him our little "handicapped kitty", meant in the gentlest and most loving way of course. TJ is our little gift from God, after losing so many babies we were very blessed to have been given this one to spoil and love.
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Lots of animal lovers here, Nero! You're in very good company.
I am proudly owned by CH Bever Lea Foxhollow Vixen SE. She is a 14 lb. border terrier who keeps me in stitches figuratively and has been known to put herself into stitches, literally. She's the star of several short stories such as, "Vixen and the Snake", "Vixen and the Opossum" and "Vixen and the Feral Cat". Her latest, "Vixen and the Boar" is on our Keep Seminole Beautiful website.
Now, please explain where those great names for your pets come from!
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Oh Belle! X3 Your doggy is such a cutie!
Momoko, Kiley and Halifax's first names come from my favorite graphic novel "Peach Girl" - they were the main characters. The story has a sort of sentamental value because that book was the first thing my husband ever gave me.
Mrs. Momoko Fimbrethil: Momo from "Peach Girl" and Fimbrethil was the name of Treebeard's ent wife (Lord of the Rings). I was originally going to get a male OES and call him Fangorn - so I just named Momo after his wife instead.
Mr. Kiley Frisken: Kiley from "Peach Girl" and Frisken was a name I looked up. It means something like "small soldier with a read sword" or at least that's what I read. XP Plus... it sounded cute. If you've seen Salvador Dali's mustache - it is very long and curves up like a smile - so I gave Kiley his nickname hehe.
Mr. Toji Halifax. Toji is from "Peach Girl" and "Halifax" is the name my husband picked for him. It means "Holy Hair" which you would think when you see the amount he sheds hehe.
Weiss and Nero are named after my favorite characters in a game called "Dirge of Cerberus" - final fantasy. Nero the Sable and Weiss the Immaculate. Nero is a sable ferret so I named him after that character. Weiss is white so I named her after Weiss. She is also very clean. She enjoys bullying Nero around and forcing him to be her blanket/cushion. I also liked the name Nero anyway - it's so neat. And he was en emperor!
Trajan, I believe, got his name from the Roman Emperor since my cousin's honey bun is a Latin Teacher. When and if I get him, I'm definitely going to keep the name. I wrote a paper about his column once. =)
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Should I do it??? Yeah I haven`t for a while :)
24 cats and kittens....down to just three dogs A harlequin great dane *xena* a rescued shepherd *mama dog* a mini rat terrier *winnie the pooche* *Rosey* the wonder but extremely vulgar cockatoo....a ferret...a huge snapping turtle named *fluffy* tanks full of various fish small water turtles...13 horses....a lepard skinned gecko ..a huge iguana...2 cockatiels...that`s all I can think of at the moment...lol
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Welcome welcome! lots of animal lovers here. Here's pics of me.. my kids... and our little Scottie laddie!!
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Dot Matrix
What happened to the little dog you called "butt ugly?"
Sudo and Suda-
Love your dogs
errr dog
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Two cats that came to us as kittens(sisters) from a family of feral cats that lived in the woods at a metro park.
For about the first two years, you couldn't even pick them up even though we kept them in the house.
Now, after ten years, you can't walk or sit anywhere without them clamoring for attention.
They still have their wild moments, though, and not a day goes by that they don't break into a full blown scuffle.
Also, a tortoise that has lived in a confined area of the backyard for almost 15 years.
He just hibernated, in the soft soil I provide, last week.
He won't dig his way back out until right around Easter,
I always thought the symbolism was kinda cool.
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I have 4 dogs---I will try to upload the pics.
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Bu tt ugly was adopted by my dear friend Judy. He is now known as petey. He had a terrible infestation of heartworms, and she paid a lot of money to have him treated and neutered. He lives inside, sleeps with his new Mom and is her dearest friend :)
We had to put poor kirby to sleep this week when she slipped a disk in her back. We lost Luke last spring to tick fever :(
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Tony Soprano
For some reason my pics won't upload!
I'll try this again...
Anyway, all of my little buddies are rescued animals. I volunteer for several rescues, so its kinda hard not to bring a few home with you, if you know what I mean...
My little buddies:
8 cats ( 5 females, 3 males)
2 dogs: a german shepherd & border collie
2 parrots ( a sun conure & a solomon eclectus)
3 bearded dragons
and a colony of about 8 feral cats that live on my deck & in the woods behind my house...
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You should tell one of your stories about your burial gardens on here some time.
You have the biggest heart of any person I know and I just know you instill that respect and love for living souls in your beautiful children.
I would LOVE to see more pet photos. Tony, hope you get yours to upload. Two of my all time favorite pets were golden retriever/chow mix dogs from shelters: Duchess and Doobie. Awesome, awesome family members!!
I lost Doobie thanks to TWI "serious pet" doctrine. :( That will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER happen again!!!
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My dog has one pet ...that would be me.
Lucca at the Hollywoof Party!
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Watered Garden
Well, right now I have one 14-year-old Labrador retriever named Sophie - also known as "Sophie's Wicked Sweet" thanks to my cousin from Maine. Up until a few weeks ago, when he had to be put down secondary to a big nasty cancer in his belly, we had a 16-year-old red and white cocker spaniel, Maxx, registered as "Michael's Smart Maxwell."
We got Sophie as a six year old from some people who didn't want her any more. Their loss, our gain. Maxx was a tiny pup when we got him. He lived in several states before we came home to Ohio.
Next spring I want to get another dog, but ..... cocker spaniel or lab???????
My grandson and I have the name picked out already: If it's a girl dog she will be Sweet CarmenOhio. If a boy, Archie, for Archie Griffin.
My grandson is 4 years old and already a rabid Buckeye fan!
Oh, and I occasionally play host to the non-neutered, non-spayed cats from next door and their children. Does that count?
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Hi, W.G.
I just had a wacky thought.(Like that's news or somethin')
Remember how, because pets were forbidden in Fellowlaborers, people used to get jade plants and cacti and keep them in their rooms?
"Come on, Jadey, time for your walk."
Or how about those sponge thingies that came in a plastic "egg" that you put in water and they "grew" overnight into a goldfish?
Oh yeah----They sold them at The Wayside Truck Stop.
I think they were a quarter or fifty cents.
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W.G., have you been successful in getting her to retrieve any Labradors?
we have two cats. I think the male will be named Socks.. he's black with white socks, white neck. The female is solid black. I've tried letting her name herself, but she's not talking.. probably gonna be Sam, short for Samantha..
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Oh wow! Everyone has such cute pets! <3 I really love the pom white dove - so cute! :3 Maybe I'll figure out how to post pictures on here and post my pets - they are my babies! :D
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Watered Garden
I wish I'd had a pet German shepherd dog who was trained to bite butts!
Sophie was great at retrieving tennis balls until she got arthritis too bad. We moved to the country four years ago. The first year, our next door neighbor had a pond dug. When it filled, he stocked it with fish and put a bubbler thing in to aerate it. Now the aerator sits on the bottom of the pond and has a float attached so its location can be verified at all time (I guess the bubbles at the top weren't enough proof). The float looks exactly like a tennis ball. He says the entire contraption probably weighs 60-70 lb, and when he first installed it, Sophie swam to the float, grabbed it, and dragged it out TWICE. He had to tie it off a foot below the water surface. Neither one of us could believe she was that strong (it was about 10 feet underwater) until Mr. Garden caught her in the act.
He is, however, an extremely nice man and understands that labs have to swim and are bred to pull things out of the water, usually dead ducks or real tennis balls. So he tied it off down where she couldn't see it.
And no, she's never retrieved a labrador. We had that fixed!
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AWESOME thread! I LOVE LOVE LOVE animals! Sometimes I think I love them more than people. I have 2 dogs. One is Pumpkin (aka Pumpkinator). He is a red cockerspaniel and is 7 years old. We adopted him from a cocker rescue in Southern California 2 years ago. He was our only dog for awhile because he demonstrated aggressive behavior at the Vet's office and other places toward other dogs.My other dog is Kallie, a border collie mix. She is 9 months old now. My co-worker's brother found her on the highway in the middle of the desert when she was barely 2 months old. He though she was a baby skunk. The car in front of him barely missed hitting her. He took her home hoping his mom would adopt her. She didn't want to adopt another dog as she just retired and recently had put down a long-time family pet. So my co-worker brought the picture to work, and the rest is history. She's my 2nd baby. Her main job is to torment Pumpkinator. She puts her paws on top of his head while she licks his eyes. He barks at her the whole time.
:biglaugh:Here's the order of the picturesKallie as a babyKallie nowPumpkinator Close UpPumpkinator (King of the Couch)

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Three cats live in this really nice house where they allow me to sleep as long as I feed them every morning before 5 am and keep the litter box clean and refill their water fountain (yes it is a real fountain) I am also generally required to share my meals and especially ice cream with her majesty Marishka the blue Burmese. The pretty white Burmese "Aroara" generally requires frequent and intense ear scratching and face petting but she is out on a poker run and I am beginning to wonder if she is going to come home.
The final furball that is inhabiting our shared home is Tucker John, the little half Burmese (Mommy Aroara had way too much catnip while out having a poker night with the "girls"). TJ has had a rough couple of months. He lost his siblings to distemper and he had to have his shots early. Consequently after surviving a mild form of the disease which nearly killed him he now has permanent nerve damage. His hind legs dont quite work as they should but he compensates by hopping like a bunny and climbing instead of jumping and he cant walk a straight line for anything. So we call him our little "handicapped kitty", meant in the gentlest and most loving way of course. TJ is our little gift from God, after losing so many babies we were very blessed to have been given this one to spoil and love.
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Here's the turtle.(Couldn't find the goldfish or seahorse.)
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My kids with our dog Crystal 1991-2006. She was a "mutt". The best there was!
(I hope you can see her, I have never added an attachment here before)
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Crystal is beautiful!! As are the kids, PTT!
Holy Carp, Batman!! Sophie is one strong dog, WG!! :o
TJ couldn't have been born into a better fam, Eyes!
Two of the best dogs I've ever had were Chow/Golden mixes:
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Here is only few of my Dogs. This is my family. We literally went to "THE DOGS" lol lol
Well i see there not showing up hummmm sorry.
We have sold down a lot now we had 27 this spring of 07.
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