"YOU happen to be one of the first ones I've engaged here that treated me in a condescending and discourteous fashion. Of course you don't see it that way, but if you were to take dan's suggestion and re-read my posts from the beginning"
Ok, did that.
"you (or others) might see where I just got tired of your arrogant and condescending tone in your responses to me. So I slapped you back."
(Although the length was what made it more useful, more clear, more logical.)
No surprise here. If I was permitted I could point out in PLAIN ENGLISH (you must not have learned it so I'll go slow for your benefit) how mistaken you are. Unfortunately, even in PLAIN ENGLISH I have my doubts that you're be able to see it. Just as you might not see how making such a comment is condescending and arrogant, but PLAIN ENGLISH must not be the language you speak.
hello everyone!........................larry.......your language, attitudes and behavior speak for themselves............and they depict a person full of rage who can throw a "hissy fit" at the drop of a hat....................imo....you have demonstrated some of the most self-serving and discourteous posting habits i have seen here at the greasespot!...............unless you get your way, on your terms within your time frame.......you seem incapable of calm, respectful dialogue with anyone who chooses not to agree with you...................this is not a common posting pattern of many other members here......
but, apparently it is a common posting habit of mr. moore.................i did a google search of "larry n moore".................very interesting what came across my computer screen!..............it seems larry, that you have inflicted yourself on many other forums with a similar posting pattern to the one you have displayed here!
your record speaks for itself.............in much the same way it does here at the greasespot cafe!!..............it seems your posting personality is "equally engaging" on many other sites as it has been here!............maybe you'll hurry to try to cover your tracks...........but, in the meantime, why don't those of you who "want larry back" do the same search i did and check out larry n moore on some of his other "dumping grounds"????.............you've been a member here since may of this year...............in that time, you have chosen to wear out your welcome instead of enjoying it................why not return to your many other sites, if the greasespot is so "unkind" or "unfair" to you...............why not spread your joy around where you've been before instead of "torturing" yourself here at the greasespot????
better yet, larry..............why not start your very own website, where you can be "the boss"???...........spend some time talking to yoursef the way you talk to others and see how you feel about yourself.............be your own moderator and fight with yourself..........turn your rage upon yourself and see how you react to it................maybe then you'll understand how you've treated the posters and moderators here at the spot..............maybe then you'll feel for yourself what it's like for the real world to have to deal with the real larry n moore!!...............maybe...............maybe not!.................................peace.
WOW! For someone that's obsessed with John Lynn (and CES) I'm amazed that you had enuf time on your hands to do this. How much time did you actually spend researching the history of Larry N Moore in bordieland? An hour. Two. Three.
Tell ya what -- why don't you tell me everywhere you've been and done in your past so I can return the favor for you. ;)
P.S. Dan I responded to your latest "missile", but you'll have to wait to see what I said. :)
P.S.S. rainbow!
P.S.S.S Have a great day Dan. I have to get ready for work.
They do have this or you could use this or you could just email me (to discuss my behavior) instead of trying to score some brownie points. Your choice. I always did find it odd that when I decided not to continue sharing my heart in your thread that you didn't bother to email me.
Larry, I suspect you may be the only person here who missed the irony in using
condescending and arrogant speech
to claim someone else is being condescending and arrogant.
I really recommend you review the previous situation, where you were determined to perceive
condescension and arrogance where none was offered,
and responded "in kind", which meant you responded to civil posts with uncivil replies.
Let me be sure I understand you correctly WW. Are you saying that what I'm saying here. . .
If I was permitted I could point out in PLAIN ENGLISH
(you must not have learned it so I'll go slow for your benefit) how mistaken you are. Unfortunately,
even in PLAIN ENGLISH I have my doubts that you're be able to see it.
Just as you might not see how making such a comment is condescending and arrogant, but
PLAIN ENGLISH must not be the language you speak.
. . . was speaking to you in an arrogant and condscending tone?
P.S. AnotherDan says: "Yes, Larry, that is a condescending tone. Extremely."
Your opinion is noted (and welcomed) Dan. Matter of fact I welcome anyone's opinion on it. What's that Bible verse say? "There is safety in the multitude of counselors." Or something like that. (Darn -- I'm really gonna have to brush up on my Bible reading -- I forget more the older I get). Nevertheless, Dan, I think I addressed a few comments your way and I'm puzzled why you chose to respond to this one (even though I thought I was addressing WordWolf) instead of the other posts sent your way. Oh well, lot's of things in life will remain a mystery -- I suppose.
P.S.S. Belle says: "Wanna complain? Put your money where your mouth is."
Good one Belle! I own and had operated a few boards. I never passed the "basket" for donations to support it for a very simple reason. People have the mistaken notion that when they give you their money they own you. NO THEY DON'T!!!! I find it ludicrous that you would even make such an argument. How much do you think I should give to buy my posting privileges back?
In my efforts to discern how well the moderators moderate I came upon the following topic. I decided to save it (for future reference) and in changing the format to copy it I discovered something very odd. Below is the converted format.
Have met some wonderful folks here, but no longer have any interest in participating in this forum with the new "guidelines" and the selective enforcement of the "no personal attacks" rule.
I will no longer be checking my private topics since I have found that they are not really private topics and are read by moderators as well as the person they are addressed to.
These new "guidelines" are giving me flashbacks to TWI. No thanks, don't need it.
Anyone that would like to reach me can email directly. Please put "GreaseSpot" in the subject line or I will delete it as junkmail.
I will be deleting my profile information in a few days so my email address will no longer be available.
Who is "Up Yers"? It is no other than Mary Cate. You have to wonder how her User ID was changed. Isn't it special how someone took it upon themselves to do that. :)
Larry just posted this.
I have just a few things to say.
If you have a problem with thinking that we are reading your PM's, then don't use them. Larry seems hellbent on making the management at GS look dishonest. The moderators do not have access to your PM's. As I have stated before, if we wanted to go through an awful lot of trouble and had the proper tools, we could get into your emails. If it is that big of a deal for any of you, then don't use PM's. Get an email address for someone that you want to contact.
User ID's can be changed by request.
I've worked very hard to make this a place that you can debate, discuss and share ideas and thoughts. I believe that it has been and continues to be a success.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at pawtucket@greasespotcafe.com
If you have a problem with thinking that we are reading your PM's, then don't use them. Larry seems hellbent on making the management at GS look dishonest. The moderators do not have access to your PM's. As I have stated before, if we wanted to go through an awful lot of trouble and had the proper tools, we could get into your emails. If it is that big of a deal for any of you, then don't use PM's. Get an email address for someone that you want to contact.
User ID's can be changed by request.
I've worked very hard to make this a place that you can debate, discuss and share ideas and thoughts. I believe that it has been and continues to be a success.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at pawtucket@greasespotcafe.com
Paw, you missed the point of what I posted above. It's not about PMs.
Now since you went public with it why not afford me the courtesy of going public in defense of myself. In a previous post I told you that you could do the honest thing and close this thread IF you have no intention of giving me the opportunity to respond to the attacks I've been subjected to in this thread. If I was allowed to post this whole thread might have turned out differently. I did NOT know who the moderators were prior to this topic -- other than Kit Sober and I believe it was Modcat.
If that is true (and it may very well be so) then why does Mary Cate only show up as Up Yers when you try to download the thread in a different format than the original?
If that is true (and it may very well be so) then why does Mary Cate only show up as Up Yers when you try to download the thread in a different format than the original?
Mary's display name was changed by Mary herself. And yes I checked the log files. And no, no moderator here would ever do such a thing. Otherwise, your display name might be quite different now.
I checked her profile and it doesn't reflect any change. Now you could put this to rest by producing evidence that Mary Cate requested an ID change. Of course if you don't save that in your logs I guess you can't, can you?
he's run through everyone else--so all he has left is the website itself (and our Paw).......he could always just go start his own since I have yet to see a contribution here-but then - who would stick around--unfortunately, I don't post a lot but do read a lot, and find his post always antagonistic..sorry Paw- not trying to attack personally, just giving my observation.
I am personally SICK and TIRED of people going after Pawtucket.
He has graciously invested his time and heart to make a place for us to gather and exchange information, hang out, heal etc.
In reciprocation for that, he has been ridiculed, slammed, attacked, challenged --- AND when he dares to make a decision, to protect his/our community he is questioned, protested and interrogated.
I had a disagreement with a woman who behind the scenes was hurting people. She was lying in her posts and seemed very harmful to me. We had it out and I was monitored. I think I should have been and it was okay. My temper, at the treatment of a number of people by her, flared.
So, when Paw makes a decision, I do not think it is fair to put him through he ll over it. He has his reasons. And once again Mr. Moore has proven that he disrupts and brings a toxic hurtful demeanor to Paw's community, IMO and perhaps the opinion of the majority of the clique. As Tonto had said in the past, it is not his OPINION it is his attitude. It is troll like, and goes beyond the boundaries of civil anger, IMO.
So, for ALL of you who go after PAWtucket because he has asked you to tone it down, be respectful, or reign in your anger -- Just do it. Geez, it is his board. If you want to compare it to TWI, which is a cheap and unfounded shot, feel free.
Paw has been very fair. I have seen people nearly spit on him and he still let them stay for a while, until they hung themselves. He is very fair and gives little interference. And for any of you who do NOT like the way he runs things, the Internet is wide open to start your own board.
I for one have had it. I am sick of the way he has been treated. Have I gotten mad at him? A couple times... But guess what? It is still his board.
And I am a guest.
Larry we keep saying good bye to you with all your flare and farewell -- why don't you just go?
I checked her profile and it doesn't reflect any change. Now you could put this to rest by producing evidence that Mary Cate requested an ID change. Of course if you don't save that in your logs I guess you can't, can you?
I am not showing you the logs to satisfy some conspiracy theory you may have.
Grow up.
Since you're acting like a 4 year old, you've also been given a time-out. See you tomorrow.
They do have this or you could use this or you could just email me (to discuss my behavior) instead of trying to score some brownie points. Your choice. I always did find it odd that when I decided not to continue sharing my heart in your thread that you didn't bother to email me.
Larry, I emailed you October 15. Here's what it said:
Hey, Larry.
How are you? Care to exchange a few emails?
I'm moving within 2 weeks... back to the Harrisburg, PA area. I own a house there, and it's been vacant a number of years, and has been badly vandalized. It's worth very little in the condition it's in, but I could make it worth something if I stay there a year, maybe, working on it during odd hours.
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pawtucket 6 posts
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He is rather remarkable, isn't he? :) I've learned a great deal from WW and really appreciate the time he spends here at the cafe.
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Larry N Moore
No surprise here. If I was permitted I could point out in PLAIN ENGLISH (you must not have learned it so I'll go slow for your benefit) how mistaken you are. Unfortunately, even in PLAIN ENGLISH I have my doubts that you're be able to see it. Just as you might not see how making such a comment is condescending and arrogant, but PLAIN ENGLISH must not be the language you speak.
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Larry N Moore
WOW! For someone that's obsessed with John Lynn (and CES) I'm amazed that you had enuf time on your hands to do this. How much time did you actually spend researching the history of Larry N Moore in bordieland? An hour. Two. Three.
Tell ya what -- why don't you tell me everywhere you've been and done in your past so I can return the favor for you. ;)
P.S. Dan I responded to your latest "missile", but you'll have to wait to see what I said. :)
P.S.S.S Have a great day Dan. I have to get ready for work.
Edited by Larry N MooreLink to comment
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I need an emoticon called ::throws-up-hands::
Dan <--- raising holy hands
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Larry N Moore
They do have this
or you could use this
or you could just email me (to discuss my behavior) instead of trying to score some brownie points. Your choice. I always did find it odd that when I decided not to continue sharing my heart in your thread that you didn't bother to email me.
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Larry, I suspect you may be the only person here who missed the irony in using
condescending and arrogant speech
to claim someone else is being condescending and arrogant.
I really recommend you review the previous situation, where you were determined to perceive
condescension and arrogance where none was offered,
and responded "in kind", which meant you responded to civil posts with uncivil replies.
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Larry N Moore
Let me be sure I understand you correctly WW. Are you saying that what I'm saying here. . .
. . . was speaking to you in an arrogant and condscending tone?
P.S. AnotherDan says: "Yes, Larry, that is a condescending tone. Extremely."
Your opinion is noted (and welcomed) Dan. Matter of fact I welcome anyone's opinion on it. What's that Bible verse say? "There is safety in the multitude of counselors." Or something like that. (Darn -- I'm really gonna have to brush up on my Bible reading -- I forget more the older I get). Nevertheless, Dan, I think I addressed a few comments your way and I'm puzzled why you chose to respond to this one (even though I thought I was addressing WordWolf) instead of the other posts sent your way. Oh well, lot's of things in life will remain a mystery -- I suppose.
P.S.S. Belle says: "Wanna complain? Put your money where your mouth is."
Good one Belle! I own and had operated a few boards. I never passed the "basket" for donations to support it for a very simple reason. People have the mistaken notion that when they give you their money they own you. NO THEY DON'T!!!! I find it ludicrous that you would even make such an argument. How much do you think I should give to buy my posting privileges back?
Edited by Larry N MooreLink to comment
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If you have something to tell me, please email from here on in pawtucket@greasespotcafe.com
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Yes, Larry, that is a condescending tone. Extremely.
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J0nny Ling0
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Larry just posted this.
I have just a few things to say.
If you have a problem with thinking that we are reading your PM's, then don't use them. Larry seems hellbent on making the management at GS look dishonest. The moderators do not have access to your PM's. As I have stated before, if we wanted to go through an awful lot of trouble and had the proper tools, we could get into your emails. If it is that big of a deal for any of you, then don't use PM's. Get an email address for someone that you want to contact.
User ID's can be changed by request.
I've worked very hard to make this a place that you can debate, discuss and share ideas and thoughts. I believe that it has been and continues to be a success.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at pawtucket@greasespotcafe.com
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Larry N Moore
Paw, you missed the point of what I posted above. It's not about PMs.
Now since you went public with it why not afford me the courtesy of going public in defense of myself. In a previous post I told you that you could do the honest thing and close this thread IF you have no intention of giving me the opportunity to respond to the attacks I've been subjected to in this thread. If I was allowed to post this whole thread might have turned out differently. I did NOT know who the moderators were prior to this topic -- other than Kit Sober and I believe it was Modcat.
Edited by Larry N MooreLink to comment
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Hey, Larry, come here a minute.................
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Larry N Moore
If that is true (and it may very well be so) then why does Mary Cate only show up as Up Yers when you try to download the thread in a different format than the original?
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Mary's display name was changed by Mary herself. And yes I checked the log files. And no, no moderator here would ever do such a thing. Otherwise, your display name might be quite different now.
Find something else to complain about.
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Larry N Moore
I checked her profile and it doesn't reflect any change. Now you could put this to rest by producing evidence that Mary Cate requested an ID change. Of course if you don't save that in your logs I guess you can't, can you?
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he's run through everyone else--so all he has left is the website itself (and our Paw).......he could always just go start his own since I have yet to see a contribution here-but then - who would stick around--unfortunately, I don't post a lot but do read a lot, and find his post always antagonistic..sorry Paw- not trying to attack personally, just giving my observation.
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Dot Matrix
I am personally SICK and TIRED of people going after Pawtucket.
He has graciously invested his time and heart to make a place for us to gather and exchange information, hang out, heal etc.
In reciprocation for that, he has been ridiculed, slammed, attacked, challenged --- AND when he dares to make a decision, to protect his/our community he is questioned, protested and interrogated.
I had a disagreement with a woman who behind the scenes was hurting people. She was lying in her posts and seemed very harmful to me. We had it out and I was monitored. I think I should have been and it was okay. My temper, at the treatment of a number of people by her, flared.
So, when Paw makes a decision, I do not think it is fair to put him through he ll over it. He has his reasons. And once again Mr. Moore has proven that he disrupts and brings a toxic hurtful demeanor to Paw's community, IMO and perhaps the opinion of the majority of the clique. As Tonto had said in the past, it is not his OPINION it is his attitude. It is troll like, and goes beyond the boundaries of civil anger, IMO.
So, for ALL of you who go after PAWtucket because he has asked you to tone it down, be respectful, or reign in your anger -- Just do it. Geez, it is his board. If you want to compare it to TWI, which is a cheap and unfounded shot, feel free.
Paw has been very fair. I have seen people nearly spit on him and he still let them stay for a while, until they hung themselves. He is very fair and gives little interference. And for any of you who do NOT like the way he runs things, the Internet is wide open to start your own board.
I for one have had it. I am sick of the way he has been treated. Have I gotten mad at him? A couple times... But guess what? It is still his board.
And I am a guest.
Larry we keep saying good bye to you with all your flare and farewell -- why don't you just go?
edited for clarity
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I am not showing you the logs to satisfy some conspiracy theory you may have.
Grow up.
Since you're acting like a 4 year old, you've also been given a time-out. See you tomorrow.
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That'll learn him.
Mean people suck.
Larry should go find another play ground if he doesn't like this one.
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Some folks just don't learn.
What I don't get is why he keeps coming back since we're obviously not his type. :blink:
Who wants to hang out with folks you don't like?
Dot, that was very nice and very well said. I've been scolded a few times meeeself.

I just pull up my big girl panties and try to play nicer.
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Tom Strange
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Dot Matrix
Thanks Belle
And I include all the mods with defense of Paw, they do a fine job.
-- you don't like it?
leave and don't let the door hit you in the backside on your way out.
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Larry, I emailed you October 15. Here's what it said:
You never responded. What's up?
Edited by GreasyTechRemoved phone number
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