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Dark Glory -v- Light Glory

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Dark Glory -v- Light Glory


Here I sat ready and able to share in my words that which Christ has been working in my heart to see so that I can share it with you my dear friends.

First I must tell you a fact that you have all heard before God loves you as does his Beloved son the Christ and little me a man who heart is to live love the best he can.

From the title you can see that I will be talking about glory but did you know that there are three kinds of glory and each kind as a positive side and a negative side.

We will begin with the most basic of glory one can have which I will call growth glory which can be controlled some times by diet.

A dark glory of growth glory or negative side glory of growth glory would be like the color of skin if a person does not get enough Vitamin C in their diet but if a person skin is normal they have light glory of growth glory or the positive side of growth glory.

We can use all our five senses to get examples of light glory of growth glory or the positive side of growth glory in a person and doctors use these things to help them heal us from sickness alone with other test.

So number one glory is a fleshly glory of growth from the life of growth life when the dust of the body gets its needs meant the way God design it to work or just eating right and living right for the most part.

Now that you understand this part of glory we all control it by the way we live fleshly but lets move on to the second kind of glory the natural soul life glory which has a positive side and a negative side too.

The most easiest way to tell you about this glory is the way a young boy face seems to light up around a young girl he like a lot.

This lighten up of the face would be a example of light glory of natural soul life glory or the positive side natural soul life glory.

We can all so use all our five senses to get examples of light glory of natural soul life glory or the positive side natural soul life glory or dark glory of natural soul life glory or the negative side natural soul life glory.

So far these two glories are fleshly and we see there are things that control their outcome whether positive or negative, darkness or of light, good or bad.

But now lets talk about the third glory and the most powerful of them all spiritual glory the fruits of the spirit that come from the growth of fruit from using our spiritual powers are the light side of spiritual glory or the positive side of spiritual glory.

The dark side comes from only growing fleshly fruit or the negative side is only growing fleshly fruit by things like hate, control of others anything to build fleshly riches over spiritual riches.

I know this is just the basic and that there is more but we must begin to understand the basic before we can grow to the next staged in our spiritual walk.

I guess its time to stop and see how you receive that which is in my heart, thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

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