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y write


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I've been thinking about doing some writing and/or journaling and looking for the basic ideas and concepts that go into this kind of expression. Any real basics that anyone can provide, or more would be appreciated.

Found this software and have played a bit, but seem to be stumped on the 'mind to print' deal.


All but one program is free and very good imo.

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The vehicle that you use doesn't mean that much (ywrite, Word, Open Office, notepad, wordpad) The absolute toughest obstacle is staring straight on at that blank sheet of paper and communicating in some fashion. (I Call it the White Screen of Death)

You have to fearlessly TYPE. Don't be a critic, be a writer. Thoughts of the day, the song you hummed when you perceived your world.

Don't make words like "Diary" or "Journal" become personal monsters.

You will be amazed at how many things on your Procrastination List mysteriously getting done.

Keep it simple.

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Wow, Paw, you hit the nail on the head.

'white screen of death'


And thanks for more ideas Bramble.

Sometimes it's burning in me to write something. I can see it in my head but can't quite put it intelligible form. Sometimes I have dreams that are full length movies, they seem, and want to write them down.

I guess really the old paper and pencil is a good place to start as well.

Motivation is another aspect that haunts me. I need to be selfless and not for any reason but to put it down on a medium of some sort. So I can look at it, and not for any sort of money profit, but self exploring and expression really.

Edited by cman
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