A clue for john. The book of exdous chapter 22 verse 22-23. Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry all unto me, I surely hear their cry!
A clue for john. The book of exdous chapter 22 verse 22-23. Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry all unto me, I surely hear their cry!
They easily dismiss such scriptures by virtue of the phony dispensationalism to which they subscribe.
In other words, "It ain't written to us folks who are living in the Grace Administration."
I have an anagram for the man whos last name I will not mention (reminds of of Lord Valdemort). The Book of the I-ching by translated by Richard Wilhelm Page 393 Hexagram 2-K'un- the receptive. This happened over 57 years ago 40 miles of the coast of Italy and still happens today. A house that heaps good upon good is sure to have an abundance of blessings. A house that heaps evil upon evil is sure to have an abundance of ills. Where a servant murders his master, where a son murders his father. The causes do not lie bettween the morniing and the evening of one day. It took long time for things to go so far. It came about because things that should have been stopped. Where not stopped soon enough. It is said "where there is horafrost underfoot ice is not far off, this shows how far things go when things are allowed to run on"
Just so you know, I put the quotation marks around it to indicate those are not my words.
No problem waysider. I known it was not your quote, it is amazing these days all you have to do is google and other search engines on the web and what you can find. Like some lurkers who come here try to pretend they are somthing they are not!
Oompa Loompa doompadee doo. I've got another puzzle for you! (whose last name will not be spoken). The book of changes Hexagram, 1 Ch'ien
The Creative, page 383 D)12. "Arrogance means that one knows how to press foward, but not how to draw back. That one knows Existence but not annihlation, knows someting about winning, but nothing about losing. It is the holy man who understands how to press foward and how to draw back, who knows existence and annihlation as well without losing his true nature. The holy man alone can do this. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Oompa Oompa doompadee is you are wise you will listen to me. Page 510 I-ching of the book of changes. Hexagram 24 Innocence (the unexpected). The frim comes without and becomes the ruler within. Movement and strenght the frim is in the middle, finds correspondence. "great success throughr correctiveness". That is the will of heaven. "If someone is not as he should be, he has misfortune and is does not further him to undertake anything". When will the will of heaven does not protect one, can one do anything?
Another anagram for J.(littleman) This happen almost 6 years ago on the east coast of the united states when a love one was lost. On page 306-307 of the I-ching, Hexgram 60 Chien (Limitation). The authors of the book of changes knew what robbers were like. It is said if a man carries a burden on his back he becomes a target and nonetheless rides in a carriage he thereby encorages robbers to come near. Carrying a burden on the back is the bussiness of a common man. A carriage is the appurtence of a man of rank. Now when a common man uses the appurtance of a man of rank robber plot to take it away from him. If a man insolent towards those above him and those below him. Robbers plan to attack him. Carelessness in guarding things tempts thieves to steal. For that is an invation for robbers. What do you think of that?
Of course there are unanswered questions...that's because these hucksters are all scrambling to see how many "followers" they can recoup to provide them with a paycheck...they learned well from their father in the word...
They've just disappeared into oblivion, which is not a bad thing.
It's got to hurt, tho.
Recently STFI / CES has gotten rid of a number of staff including Blackburn, and is feeling a big financial pinch with more layoffs on the way. And with Lynn gone to do his own thing gathering what "followers" he can, it's the obvious division, the crisis will never go away, only they all will soon be conquered.
personally.. I'm glad that it is bigger than little old me..
it has to be, doesn't it?
Nahh! Sh** happens to everybody, in one form or another. ... Why should it be regarded as an 'all powerful, invisible man in the sky' as something that makes your life hell, hmmm? People do a fine enough job at doing that all by themselves.
Recently STFI / CES has gotten rid of a number of staff including Blackburn, and is feeling a big financial pinch with more layoffs on the way.
Tsk, tsk....get your facts straight, Trust. STFI/CES hasn't "gotten rid" of anyone. They did lay off two part-time employees (both teens), and three other young full-timers left for various reasons (school, life, etc). They most certainly did not "get rid" of Jeff Blackburn, and he did not leave for financial reasons (i.e.: because STF couldn't afford to pay him), or out of anger, etc, toward STF "Leadership." However, his reasons are his business, so I will say no more about it here. I will say that we had lunch the other day and were laughing as we imagined some of the idiotic stuff that would probably be said here as a result of his departure. Ironic, no?
Finally, there are no further layoffs on the way. However, if you have PROOF as to the contrary, please do present it. Otherwise, stick to the facts.
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HEY JEFF!..........HEY JOHN!.............WHAT'S UP?? It's been almost a year now since you guys posted a load of your information, a long letter from you, john, as well as a number of other lengthy l
Just so you know, I put the quotation marks around it to indicate those are not my words.
and they can't hear or see the steam-roller heading in their very very own direction.. I've seen it heading in mine.. but that is life, isn't it? I'm "lucky(?)".. heh. I've had the advanced notice
The lords of time destroyed them all, utterly.. except for one..
energy weapons were useless. the great vampires transmuted the energy to their advantage.
so Rassilon ordered the production of bow ships. This if fiction, in it's finest..
ships fitted to project rods or shafts of steel.. to destroy the hearts of the great vampires.. only in t his manner, could they be defeated..
this was the fictional battle.. so bloody, and so long, that the time lords abandoned battle forever..kinda like the war against terrorism..
I dunno..
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A clue for john. The book of exdous chapter 22 verse 22-23. Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry all unto me, I surely hear their cry!
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They easily dismiss such scriptures by virtue of the phony dispensationalism to which they subscribe.
In other words, "It ain't written to us folks who are living in the Grace Administration."
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I have an anagram for the man whos last name I will not mention (reminds of of Lord Valdemort). The Book of the I-ching by translated by Richard Wilhelm Page 393 Hexagram 2-K'un- the receptive. This happened over 57 years ago 40 miles of the coast of Italy and still happens today. A house that heaps good upon good is sure to have an abundance of blessings. A house that heaps evil upon evil is sure to have an abundance of ills. Where a servant murders his master, where a son murders his father. The causes do not lie bettween the morniing and the evening of one day. It took long time for things to go so far. It came about because things that should have been stopped. Where not stopped soon enough. It is said "where there is horafrost underfoot ice is not far off, this shows how far things go when things are allowed to run on"
By the way how is alexis?
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"It ain't written to us folks who are living in the Grace Administration."
Thanks waysider. I don't always agree with you but at least you think for yourself. I respect anyone who does.
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They easily dismiss such scriptures by virtue of the phony dispensationalism to which they subscribe.
In other words, "It ain't written to us folks who are living in the Grace Administration."
That is one of the biggest travesties they teach...shame on them
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Just so you know, I put the quotation marks around it to indicate those are not my words.
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Just so you know, I put the quotation marks around it to indicate those are not my words.
No problem waysider. I known it was not your quote, it is amazing these days all you have to do is google and other search engines on the web and what you can find. Like some lurkers who come here try to pretend they are somthing they are not!
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Oompa Loompa doompadee doo. I've got another puzzle for you! (whose last name will not be spoken). The book of changes Hexagram, 1 Ch'ien
The Creative, page 383 D)12. "Arrogance means that one knows how to press foward, but not how to draw back. That one knows Existence but not annihlation, knows someting about winning, but nothing about losing. It is the holy man who understands how to press foward and how to draw back, who knows existence and annihlation as well without losing his true nature. The holy man alone can do this. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
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Oompa Oompa doompadee is you are wise you will listen to me. Page 510 I-ching of the book of changes. Hexagram 24 Innocence (the unexpected). The frim comes without and becomes the ruler within. Movement and strenght the frim is in the middle, finds correspondence. "great success throughr correctiveness". That is the will of heaven. "If someone is not as he should be, he has misfortune and is does not further him to undertake anything". When will the will of heaven does not protect one, can one do anything?
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Another anagram for J.(littleman) This happen almost 6 years ago on the east coast of the united states when a love one was lost. On page 306-307 of the I-ching, Hexgram 60 Chien (Limitation). The authors of the book of changes knew what robbers were like. It is said if a man carries a burden on his back he becomes a target and nonetheless rides in a carriage he thereby encorages robbers to come near. Carrying a burden on the back is the bussiness of a common man. A carriage is the appurtence of a man of rank. Now when a common man uses the appurtance of a man of rank robber plot to take it away from him. If a man insolent towards those above him and those below him. Robbers plan to attack him. Carelessness in guarding things tempts thieves to steal. For that is an invation for robbers. What do you think of that?
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
I remember that battle- The Doctor
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Seems a lot of unanswered questions here..
so JB.. JL.. JS..
is the crisis *over*..
or is it just set on "simmer"..
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
got one in my Tardis, lol
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They've just disappeared into oblivion, which is not a bad thing.
It's got to hurt, tho.
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Of course there are unanswered questions...that's because these hucksters are all scrambling to see how many "followers" they can recoup to provide them with a paycheck...they learned well from their father in the word...
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Recently STFI / CES has gotten rid of a number of staff including Blackburn, and is feeling a big financial pinch with more layoffs on the way. And with Lynn gone to do his own thing gathering what "followers" he can, it's the obvious division, the crisis will never go away, only they all will soon be conquered.
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and they can't hear or see the steam-roller heading in their very very own direction..
I've seen it heading in mine.. but that is life, isn't it?
I'm "lucky(?)".. heh. I've had the advanced notice, or paid enough attention to it, to try to find a place to jump out of the way..
and even with that, there are no guarantees..
that was part of the agreement for this existence? If you can remember making it..
no guarantees..
we are destined to fix our own junk when it quits..
or die trying.. maybe its really time for a new appliance..
I'd say more, but..
so.. in all of this super competitiveness and competition..
did jl ever get da motorcoach of his dreams? tell me it isn't so..
figure.. he has to "win" about what.. 150-200 marketers to make it work..
maybe even more now..
the sad thing.. how many "partners" have they thrown away at this point..
now they are feeding on themselves..
and that is the "crisis".. they are devouring their very own selves..
maybe that's the weeping and gnashing of teeth the bible speaks of..
longing for better days.. and needing a toothpick to remove the remnant of a colleague from between one's teeth..
No guarantees. I don't expect it from anyone, or anything..
it is too much to ask, or demand of anyone..
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about the best I've come up with in hard situations, is to look the other individual(s) in the eye, any ask, "where do we go from here.."
if there is no *we*.. fine.
sorry about all of this..
my best friend suggested I have (at least a HINT) of asperger's ..
it was far worse when I was younger..
I can't (or I really can) imagine what it is like to try to connect with a rapidly disappearing group to agree and Blindly support me..
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to watch ones existence going down some kind of cosmic toilet.. I suppose the realization can be scary as hell..
but not to worry. *we* will eventually surface, somewhere..
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where is your faith, brother..
personally.. I'm glad that it is bigger than little old me..
it has to be, doesn't it?
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Nahh! Sh** happens to everybody, in one form or another. ... Why should it be regarded as an 'all powerful, invisible man in the sky' as something that makes your life hell, hmmm? People do a fine enough job at doing that all by themselves.
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Yep, such as painting themselves into a pathetic, insignificant corner of their particular moggiehood..
"once, I commanded THOUSANDS.."
and what a pathetic ending.. stiffi throws j.l. off the momentus lifeboat..
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Billy D
Tsk, tsk....get your facts straight, Trust. STFI/CES hasn't "gotten rid" of anyone. They did lay off two part-time employees (both teens), and three other young full-timers left for various reasons (school, life, etc). They most certainly did not "get rid" of Jeff Blackburn, and he did not leave for financial reasons (i.e.: because STF couldn't afford to pay him), or out of anger, etc, toward STF "Leadership." However, his reasons are his business, so I will say no more about it here. I will say that we had lunch the other day and were laughing as we imagined some of the idiotic stuff that would probably be said here as a result of his departure. Ironic, no?
Finally, there are no further layoffs on the way. However, if you have PROOF as to the contrary, please do present it. Otherwise, stick to the facts.
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