One thing you all have to remember is that the Dow is only 30 stocks.
There is so much more to investing than that.
Aquilla has been investing for us since "82, and we have done very well.
Last year we beat the market, because he spends a lot of time on research,and does not panic when things look down.
I guess what I am saying is a day, a week, or a month does not a market make!
Do your research, and trust your own self, knowing that God is our sufficiency. That is our philosophy.
Well everyone watches the DOW, and they are 30 BIG stocks ... but the S&P or even broader indexes pretty much track with each other. When you see the DOW rally some 600 points in a few hours, you have to wonder what is going on.
It is probably indicating a bear market, where you get these sharp fast rallies.
I also started around 1982, just did my IRA thing for some time ... but we were spoiled, because that was the start of one of the greatest bull runs in history. It sorta ended around 1999. It probably should have ended in 1992, but then you had the Clinton stock market bubble, and then the Bush real estate bubble ... now we have the weak dollar, and the unwinding of a lot of leverage and debt.
It is good to have a plan, and good not to panic. Bu it is also good to know stocks can go down or sideways for 20 years.
Africa was a trip, but how bad has the housing market in the good ol' USA become? The Euro hit 1.60 and has backed off a bit. Saw a couple of Americans today in Brittany but everyone knows the Euro is going to be too strong to support a lot of US travelers. Do you feel "recession" in your business, neighborhood?
The price of diesel is about Euro 1.5 a litre, or about 9 US dollars a gallon! Feel a little better now??
Africa was a trip, but how bad has the housing market in the good ol' USA become? The Euro hit 1.60 and has backed off a bit. Saw a couple of Americans today in Brittany but everyone knows the Euro is going to be too strong to support a lot of US travelers. Do you feel "recession" in your business, neighborhood?
The price of diesel is about Euro 1.5 a litre, or about 9 US dollars a gallon! Feel a little better now??
It's also interesting to watch institututional money and how they move in and out of the various markets. when there is a sharp decline and it's clear that the high rollers are leaving, it's time to leave also. Once, I had looked at a five year graph on Exxon and it seemed that when the high rollers were dumping their stocks, it causes others to leave too, and then when the prices fall, here comes the high rollers buying up the same stock that is now half of what they just sold it for, thereby making windfall profits by far and away and doubling their stock holdings.
I realize the economy might not be priority numero eins on the cult Richter scale, but as your glorious leaders prostrate themselves to Vallstreet and our OT friends... the Aaaraabs are smiling in the background as they buy up all those "financials" being sold off by DC politicos!
Oy Vey...such a deeeaal!! 2 for 1, I like it! Plus my Euro gets 1.54 today, who knows what tomorrow!
Maybe I have to come back to America and buy a farm, grab some cult religious material, hire some "babes" and start my new splinter group! I might even start recruiting a few of the greasers who might be susceptible to a some "new" biblical interpretations! Like the ones in the closet looking for gay verses!
But then again, the timing may not be quite yet... :)
Well, not yet, but I can't imagine it's too far off.
Anyone care to join me in a little collective hand-wringing over the state of the Bushisized economy?
His pals in the Oil Biz seem to be holding up rather well, though. Gosh, who'd a thunk?
Remember Clinton? He took the Nasdaq to 5100 or so ... a huge bubble ... Bush has done nothing to fix the easy money ways of the fed ... and presided over a huge real estate bubble.
But if Bush or Clinton had been responsible in monetary policy ... the DOW might be at 7500 ... so it is a little strange to lay it all on Bush. Bubbles eventually pop .. and this bubble has been building for a long time. We may get a much needed correction ...
The last real depression took place in the 1930s. The economy very nearly went over the edge again in the early ‘70s and again in the early ‘80s. Both times massive re-inflation of the currency papered the problems over (but at a cost). Meanwhile, most importantly, continuing technological innovation and increased savings (motivated by the fear of bad times) led to recovery. Since then we’ve had
25 years of
what Herman Kahn predicted would be “
The Long Boom
.. the boom was financed largely by debt, which made everybody feel and act much wealthier than they really were. It’s as though you borrowed a million dollars and spent it all on wine, song and high living. For a while, you’d have a high standard of living and perhaps have a lot of fun. But eventually, when you either paid the money back with interest or were forced into bankruptcy, your standard of living would take a painful drop. The U.S., in particular, has been living far above its means, burning up its own capital and trillions more borrowed from abroad.
And again ... do you really want to blame Bush and the oil companies for the price of oil? Why not blame Democrats for shutting out all new drilling ... wouldn't that make more sense?
In response to skyrocketing gas prices, liberals say, practically in unison, "We can't drill our way out of this crisis."
What does that mean? This is like telling a starving man, "You can't eat your way out of being hungry!" "You can't water your way out of drought!" "You can't sleep your way out of tiredness!" "You can't drink yourself out of dehydration!"
Seriously, what does it mean? Finding more oil isn't going to increase the supply of oil?
Obama says he is fine with oil prices going higher ... that is the left's solution for a long time ... make oil expensive to force alternatives.
Liberals complain that -- as B. Hussein Obama put it -- there's "no way that allowing offshore drilling would lower gas prices right now. At best you are looking at five years or more down the road."
This is as opposed to airplanes that run on woodchips, which should be up and running any moment now.
But simple lefty speak is easy ... market down ... blame Bush. Oil up ... blame Bush. It is simple to be on the left.
Well, yes the problem has been brewing for quite awhile now.
One can actually track the start of the decline to about 1980.
At that time we were still the largest creditor nation, the largest exporter of finished goods, the dollar was relatively strong, and we had wages that were still growing.
Fast forward 28 years and we're the largest IMPORTER of finished goods, the largest DEBTOR nation in the world, the dollar is anemic and wages have been stagnant or retreating for decades.
And despite your simplistic attempt to blow it all off as just "lefty" speech, I'm not proposing that this is a problem cause by the "left" or "right", as I don't find much to admire in either camp. I think the problem is with the basic ideas that have been adopted by those in power for the last few decades. The idea that the market is an invisible, benevolent god that will sort out all the inequities in the system, that government is inherently a bad idea, and some sort of anarchy - at least in the financial relm - is much to be preferred, and that "supply-side" economics is a good idea. I think the initiating of those concepts has brought about the financial ruin which I fear is lurking at our collective door.
But, yes, I do lay alot at the feet of Dubya. Like Hoover some eighty years ago now, he's been sitting on his hands, expecting everything to be just fine, (if we just shoot and bomb enough "bad" people).
Why haven't we been pushing for an electric car, for solar energy, coal gasification, cleaner coal technology, etc, with anywhere near the fervor that we've pursued discretionary wars with various and sundry middle-east countries?
And gee, now they're getting Big Oil back into Iraq. Isn't that a coincidence?
Well, yes the problem has been brewing for quite awhile now.
And despite your simplistic attempt to blow it all off as just "lefty" speech, I'm not proposing that this is a problem cause by the "left" or "right", as I don't find much to admire in either camp.
My point was about you blaming Bush ... not blowing off the whole problem as lefty speak ... Even without 9/11, it would have been very unpopular for Bush to do what made most economic sense ... plus the powers that be (perhaps beyond the party politics) seemed to have something else in mind for US.
I think the problem is with the basic ideas that have been adopted by those in power for the last few decades. The idea that the market is an invisible, benevolent god that will sort out all the inequities in the system, that government is inherently a bad idea, and some sort of anarchy - at least in the financial relm - is much to be preferred, and that "supply-side" economics is a good idea. I think the initiating of those concepts has brought about the financial ruin which I fear is lurking at our collective door.
I hardly see what has happened over the last 30 years as government leaving the markets alone. It is the fed's control of interest rates and money supply that has messed things up ... and turning our currency into a fiat currency ... no real backing.
If Reaganomics pulled us out of anything .. that genie never got put back in the bottle ... Markets have not been allowed to correct, that is how we got the bubbles ... government intervention.
The place where government HAS left the markets alone is where they should have been more involved ... regulation of banks or brokerages that were creating money out of thin air.
Of course we know our politicians are bought and paid for ... but they seem content to watch US go over a cliff ... it seems they are content to take their bribes from other countries ...
But, yes, I do lay alot at the feet of Dubya. Like Hoover some eighty years ago now, he's been sitting on his hands, expecting everything to be just fine, (if we just shoot and bomb enough "bad" people).
Why haven't we been pushing for an electric car, for solar energy, coal gasification, cleaner coal technology, etc, with anywhere near the fervor that we've pursued discretionary wars with various and sundry middle-east countries?
And gee, now they're getting Big Oil back into Iraq. Isn't that a coincidence?
Well, Greenspan said war to save our oil source would be important to the economy. Iraq has the third highest amount of reserves in the world i think.Who would you rather have there drilling?
We ARE pushing for the electric car and other alternatives, this has been a big deal for quite some time ... but tapping our own vast fossil fuel resources still makes more sense than just cutting ourselves off from the most competitive form of energy. Right now we are enriching our enemies around the globe ... but still no new drilling domestically ... that is the insanity that can laid at the feet of the Democrats.
So Rhino, given the present market conditions on Wall St., where do you suggest TWI invests for their future??
They should send it to ME to invest (for me) ...
But if they still have gold ... that looks pretty safe now, but they didn't make much on it for 20 years. And they have property.
I'm guessing they are still living off long term bonds somewhere ... if they piled them up in the early 80's .. they may be sitting pretty ... well, as pretty as old geezers can sit. But then all that government conspiracy stuff would have led them away from government securities ...
I have a clue...but I have just been accused of being a "TROLL" ,by a FORMER Cult Beauty Queen (CBQ) Rock Star! ...And a twi apologist!! sssssshhhh...don't tell Oldiesman or the guy with the wings!
So I will take the "5th" and Stand on My Rights as Guaranteed by the NRA!
(...and as most Americas can certainly testify... the IQ of Those High School Dropouts...oh my!)
Ha ... that would be a fitting investment for TWI ... it runs on water ... which is transformed by an "energy generator". It must be a nuclear powered energy generator. Suitcase nuke power plants ... that's what we need.
TWI ran on water ...well, they ran on the "believing" of people that believed in the water in the form of snow on the gas pumps. So that water generated millions ...
The water-powered car will be a GREAT boon to society as soon as congress gets off it's collective azz and repeals those stupid laws of thermodynamics (were they a dumb idea 'er what?)...
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well their is that war going on and retail sucks!
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One thing you all have to remember is that the Dow is only 30 stocks.
There is so much more to investing than that.
You have to decide your risk tolerance, and indeed, if you really want to buy individual stocks or mutual funds.
Also, think about the future, investing for the long run.
Aquilla has been investing for us since "82, and we have done very well.
Last year we beat the market, because he spends a lot of time on research,and does not panic when things look down.
Also, he does put his trust in God, and also pays attention to his own gut(and mine)when decisions need to be made.
I guess what I am saying is a day, a week, or a month does not a market make!
Do your research, and trust your own self, knowing that God is our sufficiency. That is our philosophy.
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Well everyone watches the DOW, and they are 30 BIG stocks ... but the S&P or even broader indexes pretty much track with each other. When you see the DOW rally some 600 points in a few hours, you have to wonder what is going on.
It is probably indicating a bear market, where you get these sharp fast rallies.
I also started around 1982, just did my IRA thing for some time ... but we were spoiled, because that was the start of one of the greatest bull runs in history. It sorta ended around 1999. It probably should have ended in 1992, but then you had the Clinton stock market bubble, and then the Bush real estate bubble ... now we have the weak dollar, and the unwinding of a lot of leverage and debt.
It is good to have a plan, and good not to panic. Bu it is also good to know stocks can go down or sideways for 20 years.
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Now where were we?
Africa was a trip, but how bad has the housing market in the good ol' USA become? The Euro hit 1.60 and has backed off a bit. Saw a couple of Americans today in Brittany but everyone knows the Euro is going to be too strong to support a lot of US travelers. Do you feel "recession" in your business, neighborhood?
The price of diesel is about Euro 1.5 a litre, or about 9 US dollars a gallon! Feel a little better now??
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It's also interesting to watch institututional money and how they move in and out of the various markets. when there is a sharp decline and it's clear that the high rollers are leaving, it's time to leave also. Once, I had looked at a five year graph on Exxon and it seemed that when the high rollers were dumping their stocks, it causes others to leave too, and then when the prices fall, here comes the high rollers buying up the same stock that is now half of what they just sold it for, thereby making windfall profits by far and away and doubling their stock holdings.
Edited by brideofjcLink to comment
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I realize the economy might not be priority numero eins on the cult Richter scale, but as your glorious leaders prostrate themselves to Vallstreet and our OT friends... the Aaaraabs are smiling in the background as they buy up all those "financials" being sold off by DC politicos!
...and remember, Oysters, increase SpermCount!
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Oy Vay, a NYC bus tour complete with financin, peanut butter cups and chips. Such a deeal!
Reading this stuff is just too weird!
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I just love these guys! :)
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How about this deal Bump...
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Oy Vey...such a deeeaal!! 2 for 1, I like it! Plus my Euro gets 1.54 today, who knows what tomorrow!
Maybe I have to come back to America and buy a farm, grab some cult religious material, hire some "babes" and start my new splinter group! I might even start recruiting a few of the greasers who might be susceptible to a some "new" biblical interpretations! Like the ones in the closet looking for gay verses!
But then again, the timing may not be quite yet... :)
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I forgot the link, but I think, the economy is prepared to sink? Bumpy von Fiinkelstein!
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George Aar
Dow hits 10,000!
(How's your 401k?)
Well, not yet, but I can't imagine it's too far off.
Anyone care to join me in a little collective hand-wringing over the state of the Bushisized economy?
His pals in the Oil Biz seem to be holding up rather well, though. Gosh, who'd a thunk?
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Remember Clinton? He took the Nasdaq to 5100 or so ... a huge bubble ... Bush has done nothing to fix the easy money ways of the fed ... and presided over a huge real estate bubble.
But if Bush or Clinton had been responsible in monetary policy ... the DOW might be at 7500 ... so it is a little strange to lay it all on Bush. Bubbles eventually pop .. and this bubble has been building for a long time. We may get a much needed correction ...
And again ... do you really want to blame Bush and the oil companies for the price of oil? Why not blame Democrats for shutting out all new drilling ... wouldn't that make more sense?
Obama says he is fine with oil prices going higher ... that is the left's solution for a long time ... make oil expensive to force alternatives.
But simple lefty speak is easy ... market down ... blame Bush. Oil up ... blame Bush. It is simple to be on the left.
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George Aar
Well, yes the problem has been brewing for quite awhile now.
One can actually track the start of the decline to about 1980.
At that time we were still the largest creditor nation, the largest exporter of finished goods, the dollar was relatively strong, and we had wages that were still growing.
Fast forward 28 years and we're the largest IMPORTER of finished goods, the largest DEBTOR nation in the world, the dollar is anemic and wages have been stagnant or retreating for decades.
And despite your simplistic attempt to blow it all off as just "lefty" speech, I'm not proposing that this is a problem cause by the "left" or "right", as I don't find much to admire in either camp. I think the problem is with the basic ideas that have been adopted by those in power for the last few decades. The idea that the market is an invisible, benevolent god that will sort out all the inequities in the system, that government is inherently a bad idea, and some sort of anarchy - at least in the financial relm - is much to be preferred, and that "supply-side" economics is a good idea. I think the initiating of those concepts has brought about the financial ruin which I fear is lurking at our collective door.
But, yes, I do lay alot at the feet of Dubya. Like Hoover some eighty years ago now, he's been sitting on his hands, expecting everything to be just fine, (if we just shoot and bomb enough "bad" people).
Why haven't we been pushing for an electric car, for solar energy, coal gasification, cleaner coal technology, etc, with anywhere near the fervor that we've pursued discretionary wars with various and sundry middle-east countries?
And gee, now they're getting Big Oil back into Iraq. Isn't that a coincidence?
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My point was about you blaming Bush ... not blowing off the whole problem as lefty speak ... Even without 9/11, it would have been very unpopular for Bush to do what made most economic sense ... plus the powers that be (perhaps beyond the party politics) seemed to have something else in mind for US.
I hardly see what has happened over the last 30 years as government leaving the markets alone. It is the fed's control of interest rates and money supply that has messed things up ... and turning our currency into a fiat currency ... no real backing.
If Reaganomics pulled us out of anything .. that genie never got put back in the bottle ... Markets have not been allowed to correct, that is how we got the bubbles ... government intervention.
The place where government HAS left the markets alone is where they should have been more involved ... regulation of banks or brokerages that were creating money out of thin air.
Of course we know our politicians are bought and paid for ... but they seem content to watch US go over a cliff ... it seems they are content to take their bribes from other countries ...
Well, Greenspan said war to save our oil source would be important to the economy. Iraq has the third highest amount of reserves in the world i think.Who would you rather have there drilling?
We ARE pushing for the electric car and other alternatives, this has been a big deal for quite some time ... but tapping our own vast fossil fuel resources still makes more sense than just cutting ourselves off from the most competitive form of energy. Right now we are enriching our enemies around the globe ... but still no new drilling domestically ... that is the insanity that can laid at the feet of the Democrats.
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So Rhino, given the present market conditions on Wall St., where do you suggest TWI invests for their future??
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They should send it to ME to invest (for me) ...
But if they still have gold ... that looks pretty safe now, but they didn't make much on it for 20 years. And they have property.
I'm guessing they are still living off long term bonds somewhere ... if they piled them up in the early 80's .. they may be sitting pretty ... well, as pretty as old geezers can sit. But then all that government conspiracy stuff would have led them away from government securities ...
Does anyone have a clue where they were invested?
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I have a clue...but I have just been accused of being a "TROLL" ,by a FORMER Cult Beauty Queen (CBQ) Rock Star!
...And a twi apologist!!
sssssshhhh...don't tell Oldiesman or the guy with the wings! 
So I will take the "5th" and Stand on My Rights as Guaranteed by the NRA!
(...and as most Americas can certainly testify... the IQ of Those High School Dropouts...oh my!)
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Here's part of the solution...
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Ha ... that would be a fitting investment for TWI ... it runs on water ... which is transformed by an "energy generator". It must be a nuclear powered energy generator.
Suitcase nuke power plants ... that's what we need.
TWI ran on water ...well, they ran on the "believing" of people that believed in the water in the form of snow on the gas pumps. So that water generated millions ...
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George Aar
The water-powered car will be a GREAT boon to society as soon as congress gets off it's collective azz and repeals those stupid laws of thermodynamics (were they a dumb idea 'er what?)...
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