It brings back fond memories of my childhood.. I lived in the capital city of WV. We would drive by the beautiful courhouse.. hippies dancing or doing something around the fountain.
Every once in a while, one would toss some soap in..
Ya know, that woulda been a good one. But at least I would make sure to use "Dove" or "Joy". Geez, could you imagine the mess? Cool! Although at the time, I would have looked at it as heresy, or somethin.
The worst thing I ever did as a prank was to put some baby large mouthed bass and a baby channel catfish in the aquarium at Emporia in the foyer of the eating hall (what was that called? Campus Center?). The bass and the cat became extremely voracious and began to devour all of the tropicals, much the delight of a bunch of the guys who were watching with glee the next morning after I did the deed. Yeah, I walked in and these guys (Jeff Prob sco, "Engine", Brian Mansf i ld), etc were like "rooting for the damned little predators! In fact, I was horrified because I hadn't expected that, and I pictured myself being called on the carpet by Richard T and being asked to confess, which I probably would have done. And then I would have been kicked out of the Corps or something. I can see it now, during breakfast: Richard T stands up with the microphone and asks; "Who put the bass and the catfish in the aquarium? I have a very good idea who did it because of his lust for fishing. I won't mention any names, but maybe you Jonny Lingo had better stand up right now and confess it to us all! You put those fish into that aquarium, didn't you Jonny?" And then I would have stood up and meekly said yes and then have groveled and begged to not be thrown out of the Corps with the argument that; "I didn't think they would eat the tropicals! I just thought it would be nice to have some indigenous species in th tank for all to enjoy! I just wasn't walking by the spirit! I missed it, I'm sorry....please....I'M SORRY....sob...forgive me....And then I'd be told that I would not be having any breakfast and to meet him in the Sonlight Room after breakfast, and "we'll talk about the fishing spirit that you have, won't we Jonny?"
However, it never came up, and that next morning at o' dark thirty, I snuck in with a net that I made at the shop with some panty hose a girl gave me, and fished the little devils out and put them back into the pond! Hah! Rev Steve L w der put me up to it, and so, at least I had him as a back up to blame, maybe. I probably wouldn't have ratted yhim out though. And, he thought the whole thing funny as hell, which, it really was...
There is a fountain outside the office building where I work. As a prank someone dumped in a bottle of soap. It looked pretty cool, like a big foamy bubble bath. But, the next day we all got a memo stating that such a prank was considered destruction of property since they had to take the fountain down and hose it all out to get the bubbles out of the system. They said they had re-directed some of the exterior cameras to pick up the fountain area and if it happened again the persons involved would lose their jobs.
Maybe someone might have thought about such a prank at HQ before my time, but certainly not during the Martindale years!! Remember, this is the era where you couldn't even add "splash" into the happy birthday song (a reference to the old tradition of throwing the birthday person into the pond). The era where fun, sponteneity and silliness were not allowed !!
Maybe someone might have thought about such a prank at HQ before my time, but certainly not during the Martindale years!! Remember, this is the era where you couldn't even add "splash" into the happy birthday song (a reference to the old tradition of throwing the birthday person into the pond). The era where fun, sponteneity and silliness were not allowed !!
I'm thinking that no one who had been at hq for more than a year under craig's regime ever even had the thought of doing such a thing. Fun wasn't just missing from our vocabulary - it was missing from our thoughts and our lives.
I will offer this tidbit of information.... putting green food coloring in the ice maker for St Patrick's Day is a bad idea.
My second or third year in Fellowlaborers, there was a guy who was a fan of Starsky and Hutch.
His daytime job was in "the big city".
One day, the two guys from the show were in town to make an appearance on the local news as a promo.
At dinner, that night, he stood at announcements to say he had met them and began to relive the event.
Everyone knew he was a jokester and clearly headed for some sort of funny punch-line but before he could deliver it, the limb leader cut him off and pumped him for verifiable proof. He had none, of course, because it was all part of a joke. The limb leader then proceeded to force him to apologize to all those present (50+) and submit himself to a public belittlement for deceiving "God's people".
The next day, he and his wife were conspicuously absent from morning fellowship.
They had been "tossed" from the program for his "lack of spiritual maturity".
They(TWI) might have been good at serving millet 50 different ways, but they didn't know "jack" about good old fashioned practical jokes.
Yup, it has. I cant remember which it was, ROA '93 or '94, I was working Burp Patrol and they doubled the Guard at night to make sure it didnt happen again. I pulled 4 all-nighters that week tucked between a tree and a bush. I had a veiw of the bridge, Mrs. W's house and the fountain. I was told t be "quieter than a mouse and more invisible than a debil spirit", seeing as godly people could always do one better than the Adversary,it had to be "available". The sad part is i was so eager to please at that time I didnt even see the idiocy of it. It was one of the worst weeks of my life, all because someone threw a bottle of Joy in the fountain and tossed a piece of cardboard on the ground near it that said: "Cleanliness is next to Godlines, thus saith the Lord"
There were about 7 people who were involved in watching out to be sure it didnt happen again and we were sworn to secrecy. I'll admit my mind was so screwed up I thought it was a horific thing to do(now i just laugh at myself for it), I was only involved with knowing because they needed someone to stand guard all night, I think i was the only non-corp involved in that diabolical attempt at keeping the fountain pure and undefiled. This was so all the godly believers( I always wondered about the ungodly ones, hmm) traveling in would not be distracted from hearing the impotant Word that the mog LCM had to share that week. What that Word was, I never knew, I was going blind in the night staring and jumping at shadows, or I was watching the insides of my eyelids during the day. AHHHHH the joys of ROA.
ps. Oh yeah that's the year my tent flooded the first night too. and they wouldnt let us use the dryers in founders hall till the next day, slept in a wet sleeping bag that night.
Edit: There was 1 other non-corp that I know involved, i forgot, he took my shift on the 2 nights I didnt work.
While in residence a few girls in twig were a tinsy winsy uptight. Walkin' by the law. The highlight of my day was to make them laugh. I use do the usual things. Like for supper one night the kitchen had served some kind of noodle dish. Of course, I grabbed one and put it in my hand and sneezed...then displayed the noodle. That got 'em goin'.
But the best was at breakfast. Since water was the only beverage served at meals. I developed the ability to put the glass to my lips and let the water dribble down my shirt. All spectators of this would look at me as if to say, "Oh Shxt! ! ! Did you know you are leaking? I left breakfast a many a morning with my shirt soaked.
This was probably the greatest thing to ever have happened at the fountain. LOLOLOL!!! Now Jonny if only we could get you to go back and put in a couple of catfish and maybe a bass or two life would be complete.
This was probably the greatest thing to ever have happened at the fountain. LOLOLOL!!! Now Jonny if only we could get you to go back and put in a couple of catfish and maybe a bass or two life would be complete.
Now why would you ruin "good" catfish. I was thinking more along the lines of 20 boxes of different color Jello would be nice, especially with all those purty lights they have.
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I can see rosie driving by..
sweat pouring down between her ears..
veins popping on her forehead..
"donna, when did I tell you to clean the fountain???!!!!"
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It brings back fond memories of my childhood.. I lived in the capital city of WV. We would drive by the beautiful courhouse.. hippies dancing or doing something around the fountain.
Every once in a while, one would toss some soap in..
"wooowwwwww, coooooooool..."
well, it kinda looked neat at night..
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J0nny Ling0
Ya know, that woulda been a good one. But at least I would make sure to use "Dove" or "Joy". Geez, could you imagine the mess? Cool! Although at the time, I would have looked at it as heresy, or somethin.
The worst thing I ever did as a prank was to put some baby large mouthed bass and a baby channel catfish in the aquarium at Emporia in the foyer of the eating hall (what was that called? Campus Center?). The bass and the cat became extremely voracious and began to devour all of the tropicals, much the delight of a bunch of the guys who were watching with glee the next morning after I did the deed. Yeah, I walked in and these guys (Jeff Prob sco, "Engine", Brian Mansf i ld), etc were like "rooting for the damned little predators! In fact, I was horrified because I hadn't expected that, and I pictured myself being called on the carpet by Richard T and being asked to confess, which I probably would have done. And then I would have been kicked out of the Corps or something. I can see it now, during breakfast: Richard T stands up with the microphone and asks; "Who put the bass and the catfish in the aquarium? I have a very good idea who did it because of his lust for fishing. I won't mention any names, but maybe you Jonny Lingo had better stand up right now and confess it to us all! You put those fish into that aquarium, didn't you Jonny?" And then I would have stood up and meekly said yes and then have groveled and begged to not be thrown out of the Corps with the argument that; "I didn't think they would eat the tropicals! I just thought it would be nice to have some indigenous species in th tank for all to enjoy! I just wasn't walking by the spirit! I missed it, I'm sorry....please....I'M SORRY....sob...forgive me....And then I'd be told that I would not be having any breakfast and to meet him in the Sonlight Room after breakfast, and "we'll talk about the fishing spirit that you have, won't we Jonny?"
However, it never came up, and that next morning at o' dark thirty, I snuck in with a net that I made at the shop with some panty hose a girl gave me, and fished the little devils out and put them back into the pond! Hah! Rev Steve L w der put me up to it, and so, at least I had him as a back up to blame, maybe. I probably wouldn't have ratted yhim out though. And, he thought the whole thing funny as hell, which, it really was...
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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Out There
Nice one Jonny - That is worthy of a hillbilly award!
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I can imagine Engine cheering the bass on.. he's another "good old boy.."
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So, no eye-witnesses of this sad event, or something equally as embarrassing? Oh well..
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There is a fountain outside the office building where I work. As a prank someone dumped in a bottle of soap. It looked pretty cool, like a big foamy bubble bath. But, the next day we all got a memo stating that such a prank was considered destruction of property since they had to take the fountain down and hose it all out to get the bubbles out of the system. They said they had re-directed some of the exterior cameras to pick up the fountain area and if it happened again the persons involved would lose their jobs.
Maybe someone might have thought about such a prank at HQ before my time, but certainly not during the Martindale years!! Remember, this is the era where you couldn't even add "splash" into the happy birthday song (a reference to the old tradition of throwing the birthday person into the pond). The era where fun, sponteneity and silliness were not allowed !!
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Yeppers! There's no FUN in the way! Just like there's no crying in baseball....
I'm thinking that no one who had been at hq for more than a year under craig's regime ever even had the thought of doing such a thing. Fun wasn't just missing from our vocabulary - it was missing from our thoughts and our lives.
I will offer this tidbit of information.... putting green food coloring in the ice maker for St Patrick's Day is a bad idea.
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ya know.. next st patricks..
maybe I'll put green beer in the ice cube trays..
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My second or third year in Fellowlaborers, there was a guy who was a fan of Starsky and Hutch.
His daytime job was in "the big city".
One day, the two guys from the show were in town to make an appearance on the local news as a promo.
At dinner, that night, he stood at announcements to say he had met them and began to relive the event.
Everyone knew he was a jokester and clearly headed for some sort of funny punch-line but before he could deliver it, the limb leader cut him off and pumped him for verifiable proof. He had none, of course, because it was all part of a joke. The limb leader then proceeded to force him to apologize to all those present (50+) and submit himself to a public belittlement for deceiving "God's people".
The next day, he and his wife were conspicuously absent from morning fellowship.
They had been "tossed" from the program for his "lack of spiritual maturity".
They(TWI) might have been good at serving millet 50 different ways, but they didn't know "jack" about good old fashioned practical jokes.
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Yup, it has. I cant remember which it was, ROA '93 or '94, I was working Burp Patrol and they doubled the Guard at night to make sure it didnt happen again. I pulled 4 all-nighters that week tucked between a tree and a bush. I had a veiw of the bridge, Mrs. W's house and the fountain. I was told t be "quieter than a mouse and more invisible than a debil spirit", seeing as godly people could always do one better than the Adversary,it had to be "available". The sad part is i was so eager to please at that time I didnt even see the idiocy of it. It was one of the worst weeks of my life, all because someone threw a bottle of Joy in the fountain and tossed a piece of cardboard on the ground near it that said: "Cleanliness is next to Godlines, thus saith the Lord"
There were about 7 people who were involved in watching out to be sure it didnt happen again and we were sworn to secrecy. I'll admit my mind was so screwed up I thought it was a horific thing to do(now i just laugh at myself for it), I was only involved with knowing because they needed someone to stand guard all night, I think i was the only non-corp involved in that diabolical attempt at keeping the fountain pure and undefiled. This was so all the godly believers( I always wondered about the ungodly ones, hmm) traveling in would not be distracted from hearing the impotant Word that the mog LCM had to share that week. What that Word was, I never knew, I was going blind in the night staring and jumping at shadows, or I was watching the insides of my eyelids during the day. AHHHHH the joys of ROA.
Edit: There was 1 other non-corp that I know involved, i forgot, he took my shift on the 2 nights I didnt work.
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While in residence a few girls in twig were a tinsy winsy uptight. Walkin' by the law. The highlight of my day was to make them laugh. I use do the usual things. Like for supper one night the kitchen had served some kind of noodle dish. Of course, I grabbed one and put it in my hand and sneezed...then displayed the noodle. That got 'em goin'.
But the best was at breakfast. Since water was the only beverage served at meals. I developed the ability to put the glass to my lips and let the water dribble down my shirt. All spectators of this would look at me as if to say, "Oh Shxt! ! ! Did you know you are leaking? I left breakfast a many a morning with my shirt soaked.
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J0nny Ling0
Aha! So, it did happen! "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"! (as Excathedra would say!)
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Out There
This was probably the greatest thing to ever have happened at the fountain. LOLOLOL!!! Now Jonny if only we could get you to go back and put in a couple of catfish and maybe a bass or two life would be complete.
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Now why would you ruin "good" catfish. I was thinking more along the lines of 20 boxes of different color Jello would be nice, especially with all those purty lights they have.
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So it DID happen.. I thought so..
And I was at both of those ROA's.. never heard a peep about it. I guess "bad news" doesn't travel ver fast in der vey..
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